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Hat Yai And Yala Bombings Not A Long-Term Threat To Tourism: TAT


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On aspect no one has mentioned is that these attacks could be aimed at Malaysian tourists. Strict Moslems do not approve of those who tour for fun and hedonistic pleasures, they view such Moslems as apostates. It could be a warning.

Interesting point. Ask any person here which country sends the largest number of tourists to Thailand, and few people would answer correctly with Malaysia. Hard to pin a number, but am guessing a large percent of them are heading to the flesh pots along the border. This is taking hypocrisy to a level that bypasses even Thailand. Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......

Come to think of it, tourism may not be affected at all based upon this concept...... :-)

How do you know they're deeply devout Muslims . . . and were you aware that close to 50% of Malaysians are not Muslims?

It pays to not spout rubbish due to one's ignorance and bigotry. wai.gif Yes, you are quite right in talking about hypocrisy.

Edited by Sing_Sling
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On aspect no one has mentioned is that these attacks could be aimed at Malaysian tourists. Strict Moslems do not approve of those who tour for fun and hedonistic pleasures, they view such Moslems as apostates. It could be a warning.

Interesting point. Ask any person here which country sends the largest number of tourists to Thailand, and few people would answer correctly with Malaysia. Hard to pin a number, but am guessing a large percent of them are heading to the flesh pots along the border. This is taking hypocrisy to a level that bypasses even Thailand. Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......

Come to think of it, tourism may not be affected at all based upon this concept...... :-)

How do you know they're deeply devout Muslims . . . and were you aware that close to 50% of Malaysians are not Muslims?

It pays to not spout rubbish due to one's ignorance and bigotry. wai.gif Yes, you are quite right in talking about hypocrisy.

8% Indians, 20% Chinese, 70% Moslem Malays. In my ignorance, whilst living in Malaysia, I misguidedly noticed that Indians mainly saved up to visit Indian holy sites, the Chinese prefer Bangkok and Hong Kong, Malays prefer Penang, Langkawi and dare I say Hat Yai?

Bye the way, if you are wondering about the 2% it is mainly indigenous tribal people in Sabah and Sarawak, such as the Dyaks (who are Christians).

Your name suggest you are a Singaporean, perhaps you confuse Sing with Malaysia when you quote populations, might I suggest a quick visit to Johor Barhu, JB, just to bring you up to speed.

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As long as they add to TATs numbers they dont care.

On aspect no one has mentioned is that these attacks could be aimed at Malaysian tourists. Strict Moslems do not approve of those who tour for fun and hedonistic pleasures, they view such Moslems as apostates. It could be a warning.

Interesting point. Ask any person here which country sends the largest number of tourists to Thailand, and few people would answer correctly with Malaysia. Hard to pin a number, but am guessing a large percent of them are heading to the flesh pots along the border. This is taking hypocrisy to a level that bypasses even Thailand. Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......

Come to think of it, tourism may not be affected at all based upon this concept...... :-)

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On aspect no one has mentioned is that these attacks could be aimed at Malaysian tourists. Strict Moslems do not approve of those who tour for fun and hedonistic pleasures, they view such Moslems as apostates. It could be a warning.

Interesting point. Ask any person here which country sends the largest number of tourists to Thailand, and few people would answer correctly with Malaysia. Hard to pin a number, but am guessing a large percent of them are heading to the flesh pots along the border. This is taking hypocrisy to a level that bypasses even Thailand. Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......

Come to think of it, tourism may not be affected at all based upon this concept...... :-)

How do you know they're deeply devout Muslims . . . and were you aware that close to 50% of Malaysians are not Muslims?

It pays to not spout rubbish due to one's ignorance and bigotry. wai.gif Yes, you are quite right in talking about hypocrisy.

Have been accused of having odd view points, but never of spouting rubbish unlike you. Malaysia is actually 61.4 % Muslim, and if you have ever traveled there, it is pretty clear who is in charge. So what are you implying ? That the other 38.6 % , whom I assume to be mostly either Indians, ethnic Malays, or wealthy Chinese, are the ones visiting the brothels at the border ?? :-)

I have been to those border towns on the way to Malaysia, and stopped in the bars to see what it was like. To my amazement, the girls utterly ignored me to focus on the Malaysian men. Odd, as in Bangkok they keep telling me how handsome I am.....

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8% Indians, 20% Chinese, 70% Moslem Malays. In my ignorance, whilst living in Malaysia, I misguidedly noticed that Indians mainly saved up to visit Indian holy sites, the Chinese prefer Bangkok and Hong Kong, Malays prefer Penang, Langkawi and dare I say Hat Yai?

Bye the way, if you are wondering about the 2% it is mainly indigenous tribal people in Sabah and Sarawak, such as the Dyaks (who are Christians).

Your name suggest you are a Singaporean, perhaps you confuse Sing with Malaysia when you quote populations, might I suggest a quick visit to Johor Barhu, JB, just to bring you up to speed.

You do write some rubbish . . . and what's a Moslem?

Most statistics place the ethnic Malay percentage at between 55 to 65%


http://www.asiasentinel.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=214&Itemid=199 (A bit dated and the Malay pop has grown at a faster rate than others)

https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/my.html Still puts it at 50% Malays

2% Borneo-indigenous peoples? Seriously . . . for someone who has lived here you should know the difference between Sabahans and Sarawakians and the Orang Asli here in peninsular Malaysia.

Please do try again. Ah, and as your name implies you must be (simplistically so as to be on your level) be an insect.

I lived and worked in Singapore for six years, moved to Thailand and have now been in Malaysia working for four years

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On aspect no one has mentioned is that these attacks could be aimed at Malaysian tourists. Strict Moslems do not approve of those who tour for fun and hedonistic pleasures, they view such Moslems as apostates. It could be a warning.

Interesting point. Ask any person here which country sends the largest number of tourists to Thailand, and few people would answer correctly with Malaysia. Hard to pin a number, but am guessing a large percent of them are heading to the flesh pots along the border. This is taking hypocrisy to a level that bypasses even Thailand. Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......

Come to think of it, tourism may not be affected at all based upon this concept...... :-)

How do you know they're deeply devout Muslims . . . and were you aware that close to 50% of Malaysians are not Muslims?

It pays to not spout rubbish due to one's ignorance and bigotry. wai.gif Yes, you are quite right in talking about hypocrisy.

Have been accused of having odd view points, but never of spouting rubbish unlike you. Malaysia is actually 61.4 % Muslim, and if you have ever traveled there, it is pretty clear who is in charge. So what are you implying ? That the other 38.6 % , whom I assume to be mostly either Indians, ethnic Malays, or wealthy Chinese, are the ones visiting the brothels at the border ?? :-)

I have been to those border towns on the way to Malaysia, and stopped in the bars to see what it was like. To my amazement, the girls utterly ignored me to focus on the Malaysian men. Odd, as in Bangkok they keep telling me how handsome I am.....

61.4% . . . not a problem with that, though sources differ - see my quoted sources above.

I not only traveled to Malaysia, I have been living and working here for four years

I'm not sure if you noticed the words in your text that I highlighted/bolded . . . perhaps you can re-read the posts and then explain why you think Malaysians visiting Hat Yai are "Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......"

You leave no space for the possibility of the millions of Chinese or Indians doing the 'pounding' - hence, you are bigot and a hypocrite.

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The low rate of terrorist attacks should not scare away tourists logically. Its probably 100 000 times bigger chance of dying in the thai traffic than from a bomb in the McDonalds :).

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How I wish Shakespeare was here. There is a Muslim Buddhist dimension to this. Buddhists awarded 7.5 million baht compensation for red massacres in Bangkok. Muslims offered nothing for Tak Bai massacres and very little for other massacres. Only 400,000 baht given for the death of four Muslims coming home from prayer - shot by soldiers. I guess they don't feel a Muslim life is worth very much. Injustice begets violence. Obviously those in the Thai government would do well to read Shakespeare and take concrete measures to put a stop to the needless slaughter - It needs someone in government with intelligence. Real reconciliation for the deep South would go a long way to stopping innocents killed, maimed and receiving burns to 90% of their bodies. Bali revisited.

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

If this was Shakespeare's era, a number of nobles would point immediately to the middling birth of William Shakespeare (an actor, barely short of a whore), despite the fact that that betrays a shockingly elitist perspective. An eye for an eye. But 'methinks' you fail to understand the ultimate failure of that paradigm. If people are destined to seek revenge, that is all you will get. Revenge, revenge, kill, kill. This is the path of baboons in the Serengeti. Have some mind and try to appreciate a higher spiritual order than that of revenge. If you seek to defend Muslims who have a sense of honor ([not honor killings; more like coward killings], please provide some evidence of Islamic greatness and bravery because suicide bombings, modus operandi for moronic zealots, are a low-point for all religions in the world; the Ottoman Empire respected honor...that was a long time ago...perhaps that's why Iranian expatriates identify as Persians before Iranians). Wow. It's easy to see why humans have no claim to order. A bunch of angry chimpanzees fighting over a field of bananas.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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From Sing-sling

61.4% . . . not a problem with that, though sources differ - see my quoted sources above.

I not only traveled to Malaysia, I have been living and working here for four years

I'm not sure if you noticed the words in your text that I highlighted/bolded . . . perhaps you can re-read the posts and then explain why you think Malaysians visiting Hat Yai are "Deeply devout Muslims, heading up to the Thai border to pound young Thai girls, then head back to resume their devout behavior......"

You leave no space for the possibility of the millions of Chinese or Indians doing the 'pounding' - hence, you are bigot and a hypocrite.

Wow !!! I have really been wounded by that one..... My statement stands, as they alway do. Not sure what kind of life you lead, but I have spent time in those border entertainment places, and do not recall seeing any Indians or Chinese. Wait, does that make you a bigot , putting the massive sex trade upon Indians and the Chinese ??? Look at the simple facts and open your eyes. Malaysia sends the most tourists to Thailand, with a lot of those tourists involved in the sex trade at the border. Malaysia is majority Muslim. So use your brain for its purpose of deductive reasoning, and attempt to draw the correct conclusion. Regarding your emphasis on my usage of the phrase "deeply devout Muslims" , what are you implying ?? That Muslims in Malaysia are not devout ??? When I traveled throughout Malaysia, they sure looked devout to me. The exception being Borneo of course.

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8% Indians, 20% Chinese, 70% Moslem Malays. In my ignorance, whilst living in Malaysia, I misguidedly noticed that Indians mainly saved up to visit Indian holy sites, the Chinese prefer Bangkok and Hong Kong, Malays prefer Penang, Langkawi and dare I say Hat Yai?

Bye the way, if you are wondering about the 2% it is mainly indigenous tribal people in Sabah and Sarawak, such as the Dyaks (who are Christians).

Your name suggest you are a Singaporean, perhaps you confuse Sing with Malaysia when you quote populations, might I suggest a quick visit to Johor Barhu, JB, just to bring you up to speed.

You do write some rubbish . . . and what's a Moslem?

Most statistics place the ethnic Malay percentage at between 55 to 65%


http://www.asiasenti...=214&Itemid=199 (A bit dated and the Malay pop has grown at a faster rate than others)

https://www.cia.gov/...ok/geos/my.html Still puts it at 50% Malays

2% Borneo-indigenous peoples? Seriously . . . for someone who has lived here you should know the difference between Sabahans and Sarawakians and the Orang Asli here in peninsular Malaysia.

Please do try again. Ah, and as your name implies you must be (simplistically so as to be on your level) be an insect.

I lived and worked in Singapore for six years, moved to Thailand and have now been in Malaysia working for four years

Moslem, Muslim, one derives from an Anglicisation of the Turkish the other from Arabic. Both ultimately derive from Musselman.

I prefer to use Moslem partly because of my age and partly because it annoys the followers of Islam.


As to the rest of your comments, whatever you are, one thing is clear from the start, you are lacking in manners.

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Regarding your emphasis on my usage of the phrase "deeply devout Muslims" , what are you implying ?? That Muslims in Malaysia are not devout ??? When I traveled throughout Malaysia, they sure looked devout to me. The exception being Borneo of course.

When you traveled through Malaysia . . they looked devout to you? applaus.gif Well done then - can't beat that for deductive reasoning . . . which leads perfectly to your next sentence:

My statement stands, as they alway do.

applaus.gifapplaus.gif I'm sure they always do applaus.gifapplaus.gif

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As to the rest of your comments, whatever you are, one thing is clear from the start, you are lacking in manners.

Quite . . . as manners, as you perceive them to be, are more important than writing bulldust.

That's the crux of your discussion then? Back to Birmingham for you then. applaus.gif

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Firefly has cancelled its flights to Hatyai

Singaporeans and Malaysians were queuing back to home at Sadao border.

Should be interesting to see what is happening to Singaporean reservations for Songkran....

A large part of the tourists are regional people - and particularly Singaporeans-

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Bank of Thailand: Car Bomb in Hat Yai Slightly Impacts Tourism

BANGKOK: -- The Bank of Thailand accepted that the car bombing incident in Songkhla's Hat Yai District has hurt tourism.

However, it does not affect the overall country's image, while the value of the baht remains stable in line.

Bank of Thailand, or BOT, Deputy Governor Sorasit Soontornkes disclosed that yesterday morning, the BOT held a videoconference with their southern branch office to discuss about the impacts of the bombing incidents in many areas of the South.

The bank's southern branch office accepted that the unrest caused a slowdown in the tourism industry.

However, more details could not be disclosed, as it is too abrupt to analyze or draw any conclusions.

Nevertheless, officials are quickly assessing the impacts. Sorasit believes that the explosions have impacted tourism during Songkran Festival in the southern provinces, not the entire country.

Meanwhile, senior director for money market division at the Bank of Thailand Singchai Bunyayothin, said that the car bomb attacks in Songkhla’s Hat Yai district and Yala have not affected the financial market or the currency exchange rate.

He maintained that the baht's value remains stable in line with market mechanism of the region.


-- Tan Network 2012-04-04


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As to the rest of your comments, whatever you are, one thing is clear from the start, you are lacking in manners.

Quite . . . as manners, as you perceive them to be, are more important than writing bulldust.

That's the crux of your discussion then? Back to Birmingham for you then. applaus.gif

As is clear from your reply to others as well as me, it seems clear that your style of debate is to make abusive comments. You may think with your clapping hands that you have won your case, in reality it simply means you are not worth arguing with.

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As to the rest of your comments, whatever you are, one thing is clear from the start, you are lacking in manners.

Quite . . . as manners, as you perceive them to be, are more important than writing bulldust.

That's the crux of your discussion then? Back to Birmingham for you then. applaus.gif

As is clear from your reply to others as well as me, it seems clear that your style of debate is to make abusive comments. You may think with your clapping hands that you have won your case, in reality it simply means you are not worth arguing with.

So you think this is arguing? Hardly. It is a discussion, a debate possibly. You wrote something that was quite ridiculous and were pulled up on it. Your reply is to state that I have no manners. Abusive comments to what? To nonsensical dribble emanating from you.

The bank's southern branch office accepted that the unrest caused a slowdown in the tourism industry.

However, more details could not be disclosed, as it is too abrupt to analyze or draw any conclusions.

Yes, one wouldn't wish to draw any conclusions about scores dead an countless wounded, tourists flocking to airports and borders to get out . . . Conclusions just wouldn't do. A 'Slowdown' . . . yes, quite right

Edited by Sing_Sling
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This is your first post vis-a-vis the discussion and your facts are wrong - quite simply wrong. Your percentages are way out and you confuse the peninsular orang asli with Sabahans and Sarawakians.

You snidely comment that I am Singaporean and are ever so helpful in suggesting that I hoof it to JB to set my mind right . . .

8% Indians, 20% Chinese, 70% Moslem Malays. In my ignorance, whilst living in Malaysia, I misguidedly noticed that Indians mainly saved up to visit Indian holy sites, the Chinese prefer Bangkok and Hong Kong, Malays prefer Penang, Langkawi and dare I say Hat Yai?

Bye the way, if you are wondering about the 2% it is mainly indigenous tribal people in Sabah and Sarawak, such as the Dyaks (who are Christians).

Your name suggest you are a Singaporean, perhaps you confuse Sing with Malaysia when you quote populations, might I suggest a quick visit to Johor Barhu, JB, just to bring you up to speed.

Then you suggest that I have no manners based on my response to your rude and condescending post - well, you try to be condescending but fail. Perhaps you don't know what a debate is. Did you not have debating teams at your local comprehensive?

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This is your first post vis-a-vis the discussion and your facts are wrong - quite simply wrong. Your percentages are way out and you confuse the peninsular orang asli with Sabahans and Sarawakians.

You snidely comment that I am Singaporean and are ever so helpful in suggesting that I hoof it to JB to set my mind right . . .

8% Indians, 20% Chinese, 70% Moslem Malays. In my ignorance, whilst living in Malaysia, I misguidedly noticed that Indians mainly saved up to visit Indian holy sites, the Chinese prefer Bangkok and Hong Kong, Malays prefer Penang, Langkawi and dare I say Hat Yai?

Bye the way, if you are wondering about the 2% it is mainly indigenous tribal people in Sabah and Sarawak, such as the Dyaks (who are Christians).

Your name suggest you are a Singaporean, perhaps you confuse Sing with Malaysia when you quote populations, might I suggest a quick visit to Johor Barhu, JB, just to bring you up to speed.

Then you suggest that I have no manners based on my response to your rude and condescending post - well, you try to be condescending but fail. Perhaps you don't know what a debate is. Did you not have debating teams at your local comprehensive?

Well, well, I seem to have struck a nerve, perhaps I am not the first person to comment on your "debating" style. Even your attempts at insult fall flat, I do not come from Birmingham, neither did I go to a comprehensive, in fact in my day they did not even exist.

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And yet . . . like moths to a flame . . .

Well, well, I seem to have struck a nerve, perhaps I am not the first person to comment on your "debating" style. Even your attempts at insult fall flat, I do not come from Birmingham, neither did I go to a comprehensive, in fact in my day they did not even exist.

No, not a nerve at all and why would you consider being from Birmingham or going to a comprehensive an insult?

That's quite disingenuous of you . . .

So, anything to say on topic? Try something sensible this time

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And yet . . . like moths to a flame . . .

Well, well, I seem to have struck a nerve, perhaps I am not the first person to comment on your "debating" style. Even your attempts at insult fall flat, I do not come from Birmingham, neither did I go to a comprehensive, in fact in my day they did not even exist.

No, not a nerve at all and why would you consider being from Birmingham or going to a comprehensive an insult?

That's quite disingenuous of you . . .

So, anything to say on topic? Try something sensible this time

Any chance you two could swing your handbags somewhere else? Try messaging each other rather than squabbling in public. Please.wai.gif

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Whilst accepting that the BOT has a damage limitation exercise to perform here the cold facts are that muslim terrorism is a big turn off for most tourists.

I would add military terrorism as well . . . neither is good for tourism and trying to minimise it is ridiculous, as much as the TOT and BoT would like to think it useful

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Whilst accepting that the BOT has a damage limitation exercise to perform here the cold facts are that muslim terrorism is a big turn off for most tourists.

Between the 2 Bali bombings in 2002 and 2005 and the attack on the Australian embassy in Jakarta in 2004, the total deaths were some 232 of whom 168 were non-Indonesian and mainly Australian.

Yet Australian tourist numbers to Bali continue to grow and over 800,000 visited in 2011. That's more than double the number pre-2002. After each Bali event international tourism fell the following year but by 2004 and 2007 respectively were higher than the pre-bombing levels. Seems like terror attacks only have a 12 month impact.

It would be interesting to run the numbers on in-bound tourism to the UK and London in particular during the IRA bombing campaign (especially after they twigged that a bomb in London was worth 20 in Ulster in terms of coverage and publicity).

For instance the Harrods bombing in 1983 that killed 6 including an American tourist. In total the IRA murdered 125 people in mainland Britain during their campaign and injured more than 2000 in some 500 separate attacks. The impact on tourism......

If indeed the New Year's eve bombings in Bangkok in 2006 were the work of southern insurgents, it seems they haven't bothered since, which is either due to a complete lack of imagination or due to the fact that this is a very localized, regional conflict. If they can drive a car loaded with a device into Lee Gardens in Hat Yai, what's to stop them doing the same in one of the top hotels in Bangkok?

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Whilst accepting that the BOT has a damage limitation exercise to perform here the cold facts are that muslim terrorism is a big turn off for most tourists.

The mainland Chinese will run for the hills away from issues like this, probably many Koreans will take the same decision too.

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Whilst accepting that the BOT has a damage limitation exercise to perform here the cold facts are that muslim terrorism is a big turn off for most tourists.

Between the 2 Bali bombings in 2002 and 2005 and the attack on the Australian embassy in Jakarta in 2004, the total deaths were some 232 of whom 168 were non-Indonesian and mainly Australian.

Yet Australian tourist numbers to Bali continue to grow and over 800,000 visited in 2011. That's more than double the number pre-2002. After each Bali event international tourism fell the following year but by 2004 and 2007 respectively were higher than the pre-bombing levels. Seems like terror attacks only have a 12 month impact.

It would be interesting to run the numbers on in-bound tourism to the UK and London in particular during the IRA bombing campaign (especially after they twigged that a bomb in London was worth 20 in Ulster in terms of coverage and publicity).

For instance the Harrods bombing in 1983 that killed 6 including an American tourist. In total the IRA murdered 125 people in mainland Britain during their campaign and injured more than 2000 in some 500 separate attacks. The impact on tourism......

If indeed the New Year's eve bombings in Bangkok in 2006 were the work of southern insurgents, it seems they haven't bothered since, which is either due to a complete lack of imagination or due to the fact that this is a very localized, regional conflict. If they can drive a car loaded with a device into Lee Gardens in Hat Yai, what's to stop them doing the same in one of the top hotels in Bangkok?

Comparing the effects on the British tourism numbers isn't really apples with apples, plus it wasn't a time of the "war on terror".

I once walked past a bomb that went off two hours later in Tottenham Court Road, it was a very very unnerving experience. However, the concept of "expat" areas is an anathema to the UK, and whilst London has its tourist attractions, in those days, the IRA wasn't particularly interested in blowing up tourists because it would have included a lot of Americans, and to cut a long political story short, they didn't want to go there.

So, as to why they haven't yet bombed Bangkok, I don't know why, would they be able to do it? Of course they can. Just look at the bomb making factory a month or so ago. The security system here maybe able to find out what is going on, but the police are largely inept. They aren't set up to handle this kind of stuff at all. I have little or no doubt that it is a matter of time before something goes off in the Big Mango, Pattaya or Phuket.

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