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Contraceptive Injections And Implants


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I am conducting research into contraceptive options available in Thailand. I want to try and offer my girlfriend some options as our relationship of over a year now is going well and I want to avoid any supprises before we have both finished studying and are financially secure.

I have read the birth control pill topic and am considering that. But I am also aware of the implants and injections. Are these available in thailand? How much do they cost and can anyone reccomend a good clinic or hospital?

I think that an option that doesn't depend on daily medicine is better as my girlfriends sleeping, study and work patters are very irregular and changes week to week. So this would make it difficult I think for her to get into a daily routine of taking the pill.

She also suffers from very strong and painful periods and I am hoping to find an option that reduces this also as I know most medicated contraceptive options do.

I am leaning towards an implant that lasts 3 years the most. My sister had that and had no serious side effects. What is the typical menstural cycle from an implant?

The only other thing I am considering is could it be best to test her on the pill initially to see what possible side effects she gets. Then use this information to determin the best implant or injection option (determined by a doctor)? Also how long is it usually advised to wait before other contraceptive methods can be stopped or used less (condoms) after one of the above methods has started. I guess a month but is anymore time needed?

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Injection.(Deprovera, I think its called) .and its done free in Thailand...last 3 months and no or very slight period. Mrs Soutpeel been using it for years with no problem, however every 12 months or so come off it to get the system back to normal

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I used to be on Deprovera and it made me gain loads of weight (12kg if I remember correctly) it all started piling on unexpectedly 2 months or so after being on it. When I came off it, I lost 11kg in the space of 4 months after not being on it.

I have the implant and I find it brilliant. I get the odd period every now and then but nothing major and my period pains are no more (thankfully!) I definitely know you can get this in Thailand as I looked up getting a replacement for when my 3 years is up. I'm not sure it is free though.

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As she has painful periods, IUD is out.

Implants can be gotten either free or minimal cost at any government hospital assuming your gf is Thai. They last up to 5 years...and it is not necessary to go off them every year or so as one poster suggested. Menstruation will typically become less heavy and may even stop altogether in some women, may also have some occasional spotting or irregulality none of which is in any way dangerous.

However as once implanted it takes a minor surgical procedure to get them out it would be wise to first try a shorter term method that contains the same drug. The injectrable contraceptives are the exact same thing. A woman who tolerates the injection s will be fine with the implant. Some women who had side effecst with the injection also tolerate implants as the implant releases the drug in small steady amounts whereas with the injection there is an initial high blood level that then declines. Especially women whose side effects were limited to the period right after each injection, may find they do OK with the implant.

There are also some brands of pill dose that contain the same drug, these are called "progestin only pills" or POP. I don't offhand remember the brand names in Thailand but any pharmacist should be able to advise. It will have only the drug levonorgestrel in it and nothing else whereas most pills have 2 ingrediants. A month trial of this would be a good way of seeing if she tolerates the drug and if so, implant will likely suit.

Local government hospital or health center can provide her with detailed info on all these methods.

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Its important to remember just because one woman doesnt have side effects doesn't mean that another won't. My siter had the injection and had terrible side effects that she was forced to live with until it wore off, one reason to consider implants over injections, if there are bad side effects the implant can be taken out.

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Taking the implants out is a surgical procedure and not always a smooth one. Minor surgery granted but still not so simple.For which reason providers will often refuse to put in implants unless they are convinced the woman is going to reatin them, and will not infrequently putr up an argument if removal is requested in say under a year. Government docs especially because it is an expensive method if not used for multiple years.

The severity of side effect described above with injections is rare although it does happen.

If worried about intolerable effects from the injection then take pills for a month. Be sure to use condoms for at least the first 2 weeks, longer if she is not 100% reliable in taking them as the progestin only pills have a higher failure rate than combined pills do. But it is an excellent way to find out if one can tolerate levonorgestrel.

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