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what's special? you can get priority services anywhere paying money!

Only if you are Scottish, or from South London.....jap.gif

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OK as long as they don't 'slow down' ordinary applications to make it more attractive!

A money making exercise and not needed for most as visit visas are usually processed fairly promptly anyway!

A priority postal ILR would be a good idea for those unable to use the in person application route!


A few years after visas were first introduced, someone realised it was an easy way for a government to make money, the British government has been a bit slow up till now. They should study the way the Thais run the visa scam, start charging for re-entry permits.


Legalised tea money to make things happen quickly.

My pal paid priority service to cut the waiting down to legalize his marriage in Thailand.

More tea vicar. Dont mind if I do thanks. Do you have any friends that require a nice cuppa also.


Basically a bribe to get you to the front of the queue. What a sad little country the UK has become.....

Basically a bribe to get you to the front of the queue. What a sad little country the UK has become.....

UK charges the same prices for entry to visitor attraction's & services, express service; like first class travel alway's incurs a premium.


Basically a bribe to get you to the front of the queue. What a sad little country the UK has become.....

Couldn't agree more with you!


Equal chances????

Getting access to the UK isn't some democratic right, just as it isn't for any other country. If people are willing and able to pay for better service they are more likely to be genuine tourists and their paid for "upgrade", facilitated by the most up-to-date technology, is detracting nothing from the service to the rest.


The only way i can see this as a good thing is when extra employees are added and financed from and responsible for those priority applications. That way your not putting the people who use the normal route at a disadvantage.

If its still the same amount of employees then this is nothing more as a money making schema and the more people that use it the slower it will become and the more the normal way will be slowed down.

British Employees come in numbers, not amounts. The OP seems to suggest that there is enhanced technology. In a modern society not all enhanced service is dependent on enhanced numbers of staff.


So it's the same price as the Australian Tourist Visa now, 3000 baht. Australia has no fast track and Visa's are normally completed within 5 days (unless problems).

So the UK visa's must be cheap? It's not bad, as long as it is a premium service and not a head of the line service (thus degrading the quality of the normal application process, which then is unfair).

To say otherwise means, you believe those with more money have more inherent right to better service at the expense of others. Not cool.

Maybe I just want to spend the money on other things? Many people WITH money like that too. If you need it fast, sure...but if you can wait the few extra days, why not....money can go elsewhere.


In the words of John Lennon, - "Give Peace A Chance".

If indeed the UK is extending their good will to Thailand, - let us see if Thailand will also be so generous.

Interesting subject.

They're not extending their good will, just their hand when they ask for your money.


A few years after visas were first introduced, someone realised it was an easy way for a government to make money, the British government has been a bit slow up till now. They should study the way the Thais run the visa scam, start charging for re-entry permits.

On the other hand I only have to pay 1,900 Baht for a one year extention in Thailand, and because I prefer to go down the income route, need to pay the UK Embassy 2,250 Baht for a locally employed officer to produce a simple letter.



VisasPlus has depressed me sad.png

How do I now get a short holiday visa for my girlfriend. She has never been out of Thailand before. We just want to take a few weeks with my family in UK. Any clues?

Simple answer is you can't, unless you are happy to pay a bribe, but then that was at the embassy in bangkok, now it's an agency so they might be harder to bribe but it's always worth a shot


So it's the same price as the Australian Tourist Visa now, 3000 baht. Australia has no fast track and Visa's are normally completed within 5 days (unless problems).

That's just the price of the premium service, the visa application itself cost, from, another 3,800 Baht.



I see settlement visa's are not included in the priority service, you pay £810 for a settlement visa and it takes them 4 weeks or longer. I see that the UKBA are having 15 public holidays this year in Bangkok, if they want to speed things up, maybe they should be working on Thai public holidaysmad.gif


Agree fast track is a money making exercise but the question is who gets the money ?

As a business from the UK that has invested in Thailand for the past 7 years the more relaxed relationship the better. Hopefully a free trade agreement may come of it similar to Australia making business easier in these trouble times. After all we all want to work except those fortunate to have retired in Thailand.

I also agree that it is not in the interest of all applicants but lets face facts, everything in any country revolves around money.

For those that are crying about what the UK and Thailand is doing they should try contacting their own countries officials and making a complaint, the more that do it the better for all.

In many cases companies offering services to help with visa applications are ripping people off. I have no problem with multi-entry visa applications for my customers who travel to Thailand to do business. It only costs the fee at the UK embassy without any additional costs. How is it possible for a company offering services to obtain a visa for someone without underhanded dealings if that person could not have not obtained a visa any other way.


Bloody useless and financial motivated as usual for UK embassy. Say if someone is in need to travel urgently for the funeral for instance.

3000 THB addition and waiting 3 days, the deceased would turn into ashes by the time the visa granted! if they can make it happen in one day with that money then worth a bribe!

I dont know whether thing has changed but even US embassy is very picky with grating their visa, they return the fee and do not rob you blind like UK does.


A few years after visas were first introduced, someone realised it was an easy way for a government to make money, the British government has been a bit slow up till now. They should study the way the Thais run the visa scam, start charging for re-entry permits.

On the other hand I only have to pay 1,900 Baht for a one year extention in Thailand, and because I prefer to go down the income route, need to pay the UK Embassy 2,250 Baht for a locally employed officer to produce a simple letter.

I prefer the 800 kBaht option, I object to paying for a simple letter. Same with passports, my next one will be free.


I would expect many other countries are being offered the same deal because of the Olympics and not just because many Thais want to go to England. I also doubt the claim of "94 per cent of all UK visitor visa applications filed in Thailand last year were successful," as I know of many refusals for UK visitor visas


what's special? you can get priority services anywhere paying money!

I think the UK Border Agency is now run buy the same twot in charge of Ryan Air, charge for everything!

Or Air(bloody)asia?


In the words of John Lennon, - "Give Peace A Chance".

If indeed the UK is extending their good will to Thailand, - let us see if Thailand will also be so generous.

Interesting subject.

It already is isn't it? UK Citizens don't need a visa to visit Thailand and my last 2 Cat B- non visas were issued in 24 hours by the Thai Consulate in Hull

Agree with that. Pre VFS service us Farangs had to stand outside the good old embassy in wireless road while our loved ones had to go inside alone and make the application. I remeber the extremely surly Thai man who was employed as a guard inside who used to throw his weight around preventing us english citizens from entering what is sovereign british territory

Not complaining just remeniscing.

Anyway, back to the point. As long as you give them a courtesy call to notify them you would like to visit, then the Cardiff consulate process a visa in approx 5 minutes. The staff are extremely courteous and very friendly and always have a smile ( more than i can say for either the embassy or VFS service in Bangkok ). Like Hull they also provide a 24 hour turnaround for postal applications that are correctly completed.

Now, when either VFS or the embassy show that sort of service, then they can shout about it, until then best keep quiet.


what would happen if everyone paid the 3,000 baht for the priority service, how do they all get to the front of the queue?

there is a "super priority service" provided for this case, it only costs you 6,000 baht

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More evidence that visas is a business, rather than a service to all customers. Now, "ordinary" customers" will have to wait even longer for their visas, by going to the back of the queue behind rich and/or business applicants. It would have been more "customer friendly" if the Embassy, or the Phuket Gazette had given details of the certain criteria needed to be able to apply as a priority customer. The bottom line basically is, if you have never traveled before, go to the bottom of the queue.

One thing I don't see mentioned in the newspaper report is that although the new priority service costs 3,000 Baht, if the Embassy is unable to process your visa within the published service standard ( 3 days ), sorry, no refund. They "aim to turn around the applications within 3 working days " ! Well, that's a licence to print money ! That's almost as bad as " no visa, no fee".

I also doubt if the number of visitors going to the UK to attend the Olympics will make much difference to queue times in Thailand. Genuine visitors to the Olympics will be dealt with quickly. The others will probably be asked one question - " Do you have a ticket ? No ? Sorry."

The way I read it is you must still have the same qualifications to enter GB but for a price we can except or refuse you faster.

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All this from a country where its citizens in Thailand have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for a new passport.


PLease, no more posts from Brits moaning about Thai scams..Difference between the UK and here is that the UK gov legitamises robbery.

Well, they were the who made their empire thru slavery and drugs.

PS. I'm English, so no abuse for being anti-brit.


So, how about this for an idea ? The Embassy keeps telling us that the number of applications for visit visas in Thailand is rising every year. and is now about 50,000 a year or more. Of that 50,000 the Embassy issues around 94%, which by my calculation is around 47,000. So, all of this effort is to refuse just 3,000 visa a year to visitors. All of those ECOs, all that support staff, all that cost, is to refuse 3,000 visas a year. Well, why not remove the visa requirement ? Let the immigration officer in UK decide if a passenger can enter or not, just as they do with Malaysians and Singaporeans. At least that immigration officer will get to interview the passenger, which an ECO apparently doesn't have time to do. Plus, what a saving on the cost of the visa operation in Thailand ! I have just saved the British government a fortune ! Or have I cost the British government 47,000 visit visa fees ( from obviously genuine visitors ), which I work out at around 3, 666,000 GBP a year ? Am I being cynical ?


I will say this...

I have lived here in Thailand for six years now.

I will also say I have been with my Thai girlfriend for the same time.... we are a couple...

Three years ago my dad aged 90, was diagnosed with bowell cancer, I wanted her to meet him before he passed away.

Many applications and cost later My country said no..... no reason ... just no....

My girlfriend has family , children here, I am more than able to take of her as was stated in my application...I live here in Thai I want to come back.............. They refused her.... Thank you England....

He died 2 years ago.

I am still with my girlfriend.

Hard to explain why she was not allowed to meet my dad.

I regret ever having been born there.........


good Idea but not enough - I think the UK seriously underestimates the possibilities of trade with Thailand - in fact they really need to get the finger out and make some more serious concessions to Thai people especially to encourage trade, otherwise thy will be loosing out on S.E. asia over the next decade or so.


You all complain about Thailand not being fair to us farangs.

But when a government extends a courtesy to Thailand out of good will, - still negative comments.

Sure the UK has the olympics, - but they still have to ensure that who they bring in has some baht. Thus 3,000 baht. So what? Thailand does that. So, what is this crap.

I think that the Thai Government will appreciate this gesture.

And to the man that said - "what has this has to do with peace"? You kidding? Better always for a start towards that.

To offer fast track visas to Thai's is a good thing. Stop complaining people. That is what I mean by peace.

Someone has to start. If the UK Government has done that. Good.

Preman, a couple of points for you to consider. The UK government is not offering Thais anything. There has always been a "premium" service for certain groups of people - business people ( people the UK government see as "important " stakeholders, British Council referred students, airline personnel, etc, etc ). Ordinary visa applicants have always been excluded from this premium service. Now, some are included in the "new " priority service, but all are going to have to pay, including those who were previously given free priority. So what has the UK government actually done for Thai visa applicants, apart from charge them for what was a free service ?

Most of the year a visit visa application is processed in around 5 working days. Now, you are offered a service for a priority visa for 3,000 THB, but without any guarantee that it will be issued within the hoped-for 3 working days. It's smoke and mirrors, that's all.

Well said from someone experienced in this field.

Unless you were from a Third World why would you want to visit the UK,except to watch soccer?

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