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I Am Never Going Back.....

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I only just looked at the date on the thing. PC wotsits can really irritate the crap out of me. 

Same here, I started reading and thought , who is this PC prick...... then I saw the date.

The bastard doesn't even live in SEA, has no idea of life here either.....

His vehement attacks on 2 members were uncalled for........

Oh well, he vanished at the end of August, maybe he got lost :D

Entertaining though :o

I was always happy being married to my farang wife, until we divorced. I thought it poor form to "Play up" on business trips - its the trust thing, and I would not have liked her doing that. But we divorced etc etc.

Now a few years later, I am married to a Thai lady. The dynamics of the relationship are different, and to me I enjoy the difference.

No matter what ever happens, I am never going back to a farang woman.

What are other people's opinions who have partnered both a Thai lady and a Farang Lady?

never been married :D

but had long term relationships with mexican, brazilian, aussie, indonesian and now with a thai gal :o

must say, rolling through short-timers, that asian gals are the best and the most loyal, just take care of your atm and you're okay :D


Well your definitely a lucky ducky. Just watch out for Friday the 13th. It is soon coming up chaps. In case you do have a chain saw, make sure it is completely disassembled and scrambled sunny side up. No one will know the difference.


I was always happy being married to my farang wife, until we divorced. I thought it poor form to "Play up" on business trips - its the trust thing, and I would not have liked her doing that. But we divorced etc etc.

Now a few years later, I am married to a Thai lady. The dynamics of the relationship are different, and to me I enjoy the difference.

No matter what ever happens, I am never going back to a farang woman.

What are other people's opinions who have partnered both a Thai lady and a Farang Lady?

You are not the first and you wont be the last.

  • 3 weeks later...
Marrying my Thai wife was the smartest and best move I ever made in my life

    Lady Falangs - NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!  Dont get me started  :o

Thai ladies are far from perfect and are very good actresses.

Saying that, mine ain't too bad :D .

Marrying my Thai wife was the smartest and best move I ever made in my life

     Lady Falangs - NEVER EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!  Dont get me started  :o

Thai ladies are far from perfect and are very good actresses.

Saying that, mine ain't too bad :D .

ALL ladies are far from perfect and are very good actresses. :D

Nail on the head, Rav'...nail on the head.


Interesting this thread should crop up after so long, as I was thinking about starting a poll about my dilemma but that's another story and I might start it later.

My girl is an ex hooker. Standard doctrine would have you believe that marrying an ex-BG is a big mistake, that's why I worry day and night about her motive etc etc and antics away from me. She has/is proving me wrong at every turn, the absolute opposite of my previous TGF who robbed me, insulted me, cheated goodness only knows how many times, physically damaged me, etc etc etc.... whereas my current TGF is the most tranquil woman ever, treats me like a King (even though I often don't deserve it) scrubbs my skids, feeds me the most exquisite food with her limited experience as a conventional partner, loves me unconditionally, does not spend frivolously, trusts me, smiles at me when I wake up, makes my coffee just how I like it, even hands me the first cigarette of the day (including lighter) with my caffeine fix, makes love to me unselfishly, is forgiving when a kick her in my sleep when having one of my regular bad dreams...

I keep getting 'Does not compute' error messages in my brain. She shouldn't be this good. It doesn't add up. What have I missed here? :o

D80 said;
And I guess I don't know women as well as others here may do (well, I'm only a woman myself, what do I know, eh? ). But I don't think the thing ALL women have in common is to be envied by other women...

Well, D80, I'll go out on a limb here and say that I do know women as well as others (and perhaps a little better) since I am one too. And I agree with you. I think the one thing women have in common around the world is that men will never understand us. They think they do, but of course, until you can be a woman, live life as one, you can't really understand one. And guys, just cause your wife or gf tells you one thing doesn't mean she isn't telling her friends something entirely different! And yes, we do talk about you! Not as much as you think but enough :D

just as well, as woman also don't understand man, and man understand other man! :D

just don't be wussy, be cocky and funny and above all, show her from time to time...who's the boss :o

I only just looked at the date on the thing. PC wotsits can really irritate the crap out of me. 

Same here, I started reading and thought , who is this PC prick...... then I saw the date.

The bastard doesn't even live in SEA, has no idea of life here either.....

His vehement attacks on 2 members were uncalled for........

Oh well, he vanished at the end of August, maybe he got lost :D

Entertaining though :D

I'm still here :o

If you would have read my posts you would see that I lived in Japan for a few years and now spend half my time in the US/Thailand when work permits.

I have a very good understanding of life in SEA and life in general, something that is severely lacking in some of the posters who live in their own personal wonderland funded by farang dollars in a poor country.

I can't beleive this thread made a comeback after so long. I still stick by everything I said (although I shouldn't have come off so angry) and I think D80 was all the backup I needed.

Merry Christmas folks :D


First off I am a white male...I was engaged to a farang girl for 3 years, married to a farang for 3 years and married to a country Thai girl for 3 years.....Gee, that 3 year hurdle is hard to get over :o . Currently dating a Bangkok Thai girl.

The guy who recommends country girls.....dont bet on it mate.....Country girls more now than ever have seen what a rich farang can give them as against a not so rich farang. And they know what they want. Some will lie and cheat you.

LBFM is a derogatory term.....you may say it in jest to a girl you are close to or friends with, but you wouldnt walk into a 7/11 and say it to the girl behind the counter...would you ??? LBFM is a term best left to bar talk.

To the guy whose wife fed him in the restaurant, you were sucking what in ???...the farang ladies werent envious, more than likely they were horrified.

The earlier comments in this thread were IMHO.....lacking respect and maturity. I used to joke about trading my ex in when she reached 36 for 2x 18yo's....but it was a joke....I would suggest that some of the tongue in cheek remarks made here, were done so to create a reaction.

To the guy who asked about communication, My ex spoke virtually no english and I no Thai when we met. We made do with a lot of sign language and some basic language books.....I then went and learnt Thai as it was easier for me to do that then for her to learn English in Thailand, Our conversations were good because she knew the limit of my Thai knowledge and kept within it, teaching me new words as we went along. However my current GF knows I have Thai knowledge, and constantly speaks out of my range or too fast....

My farang fiancee was hard working and clean living, My farang wife was lazy going to fat...after she left I found all the candy/sweet/lolly wrappers stuffed down the side of the lounge suite/sofa....My Thai wife never cleaned, in her home that was Nong Sao's job....although she did cook and quite well. My current and last girlfriend are both hard workers and take pride in their houses and themselves.

My current girlfriend is also good at taking care of me in all ways......The point here is to show that whether Thai or farang makes little difference. A person is who and what they are by the way they have been brought up, not by their nationality.....

My 20 bahts worth.. :D:D

I only just looked at the date on the thing. PC wotsits can really irritate the crap out of me. 

Same here, I started reading and thought , who is this PC prick...... then I saw the date.

The bastard doesn't even live in SEA, has no idea of life here either.....

His vehement attacks on 2 members were uncalled for........

Oh well, he vanished at the end of August, maybe he got lost :D

Entertaining though :D

I'm still here :o

If you would have read my posts you would see that I lived in Japan for a few years and now spend half my time in the US/Thailand when work permits.

I have a very good understanding of life in SEA and life in general, something that is severely lacking in some of the posters who live in their own personal wonderland funded by farang dollars in a poor country.

I can't beleive this thread made a comeback after so long. I still stick by everything I said (although I shouldn't have come off so angry) and I think D80 was all the backup I needed.

Merry Christmas folks :D

As long as you're happy. Thats all that matters.


What a delightful thread, cannot believe I missed this one! Boon Mee, you up to your usual <deleted> eh :D What a derogatory term to use, LBFM is the lowest form of bar talk in the PI, and I suppose in keeping with your intelligence level! It is also used in Thailand, funnily enough you hear it from Septics, especially old war monger septics who can't seem to get past defeat back in the late 60's! :D

It is not however 100% racist, the LB part could be construed as racist although you would need to be pretty anal about it.

Boon Mee Your limited and generalised view of other non Thai Asian women is laughable. I too have dated Singaporean, malaysian, Hong Kong, Japanese, Filipino, aswell as Thai, and overall I trust Thai women much much less than any other. I have met exceptional women from all the above categories, and am with one now, who is not Thai. I believe how you act and portray yourself has alot to do with the type of woman you end up with, which explains your bad luck with all the other Asian nationalities!! :D

The troll who married his 19 yr old farm girl, good luck matey! wish I had a buck for every guy in OZ like you I have met, whos missus was busy doing the dirty with one and all unbeknownst to him! You live your little fantasy world, the rest of us will stick with reality thankyou! :o


im lucky enough to have had girlfriends back in britain (knew no better), came to Thailand to live and work for the adventure of it all. Lucky enough to meet a great girl. I have stopped myseld cold in my travel tracks. Never felt so loved and i have ever felt so happy to show what i think.

long live me and her.

Would she let you go out when you like wherever you like? Would she peel your mangoes and cut them up for you when you feel like a snack? Would she de bone the fish and give you the nice meaty parts? Would she get the brush out and scrub your joggers when they are dirty? She does this because she loves me and I appreciate it so much. Even after 14 years I think I am so lucky to be married to her.
You are. You lucky bastard :o
But this is not all about beauty it's about the way they love you and treat you, something farang women can learn a lot about.

So true...a bit of respect goes a long way !

As a drinker well that's another story but here in OZ you have to queue for your drinks and then be served a by a lazy bitch who thinks you are taking away her spare relax time, rarely smiles or says thank you.

I think you're dead wrong about that one...well you do have to que but I am stunned by how good the service is when I go home...and if you take your Thai smile home with you, you may even be able to chat to the bar girl (different kind !) without getting your face slapped !


Hey, where the ###### are the white women? they're normally quick to jump in and do battle.

I'm surprised that none has retaliated with, "once we go black, we never return to whitey", or "once we've had a Latin dong, there's just no going back to boring old, limpy-wimpy whitey."

Come on gals, you're normally much braver than this; I've seen one of you tackle and blast several dudes in a recent thread.

There's just no way to deny it; Thai gals reign supreme!!! God bless them!

Hey, where the ###### are the white women?  they're normally quick to jump in and do battle.

I'm surprised that none has retaliated with, "once we go black, we never return to whitey", or "once we've had a Latin dong, there's just no going back to boring old, limpy-wimpy whitey."

Come on gals, you're normally much braver than this; I've seen one of you tackle and blast several dudes in a recent thread.

There's just no way to deny it; Thai gals reign supreme!!!  God bless them!

The're out enjoying themselves. It is Xmas eve after all.


Got to say am with Mig on this one, it dosen't matter about nationality, although my girl is Thai, she is a pain in the arse sometimes but aren't they all? As for looks I prefer Asian women to any other but thats just my taste, each to their own in it.

Got to say am with Mig on this one, it dosen't matter about nationality, although my girl is Thai, she is a pain in the arse sometimes but aren't they all? As for looks I prefer Asian women to any other but thats just my taste, each to their own in it.

You said it mate. Each to their own. If thats you in your avatar then i gotta say this to your gf. Each to their own! :D:D:o


Jock, where did you get the photo, do you know her, thats her holding onto me, third photo down, I told her not to show that pic to anyone, shows me in a bad light.


I would agree in general re: the comments on western (farang) women. I likely would not take one for a gift. I mostly refer to American, who are probably the worst of the lot, starting with an <deleted> Very Much Attitude which they have polished very well. They would do well to have a checklist of all the reasons why you are not good enough for them or why you may only be qualified to take them shopping (for Rolex and BMW's of course). In my opinion most of them are disgusting, materialistic, insincere, arrogant, fat, sloppy, and untrustworthy and that's just for starters. I am glad I am fortunate enough to have other choices and options available to me, other poor land bound slobs in USA generally do not.

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