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Why Did You Come To Live Here?


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I am glad you have found a place where racism and homophobia are tolerated. If you ever tire of Thailand, you can always move to Tennessee or Alabama, in the USA. Slightly more impoverished than Thailand, but at least you don't have to worry about Muslim insurgencies, as Sharia Law has already been banned there.

What the heck are you responding to?

Agree with most of what you wrote. The exception is the above. Maybe you should've said "Thai women make farang women that I could get look like MEN".

For sure, the last time I was in London (3 years ago), there were hordes of high quality totty in the bars, the clubs and the restaurants and guess what? . . . there were hordes of normal guys having relationships with them.

Not for me. The quality of farang women I'd be willing to sleep with is now in the very very top .01% like looks-like-a-supermodel-without-makeup quality. *AND* of course she's got to be willing to service my every need without me having to go to hardly any effort to make her happy.

And even though my standards keep going up and up with Thai girls over the years, I still reckon at least 1% of them fit the bill, and somehow I keep meeting a different Miss Right several times a year.

So that means you're not getting any tail, right?

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While I am not usually one to defend the USA, to be fair, it is not like anyone is going to come and collect that debt, the debt is slightly more realistic than the nonexistant money that they 'borrowed'. At the end of the day, at least the USA has the capability of being self sufficient,

Actually Raoul that is not the problem.....Your right none will come to collect because they will never need to.

When a country like the USA goes bankrupt they do not throw up their hands & say sorry we cannot pay.

No they are the worlds reserve currency so that gives them an advantage...If you want to call it that....

Instead like you said they will print that which does not exist. But many folks think that is fine no problem....Wrong

Big Problem

You see folks who worked hard all their lives & saved for rainy days retirement etc...These folks are robbed without ever losing a dollar.

Because every time they increase, double, etc. the money supply they devalue the dollars that already existed worth. They in essence have diluted it.

Basically they are getting off the hook by paying their creditors in devalued dollars.

Well I guess that is also partly the creditors fault as they lent money...or more exactly sold goods on credit & also bought the debt via treasury notes.

Yet they knew full well this customer was drunk & continued to extend credit so....So be it...They lose as they get re-paid in devalued dollars. Their fault too due to their own greed by knowingly selling/extending credit to a bad risk....Then again none can consume like the USA so perhaps China/Japan figures...even now... it was worth it?

But now back to Joe citizen who spent their life living within their means & saving for rainy days & retirements...What about them?

Now the goal post has been moved to twice...at least...the distance it was once set at. Because their savings now buy half of what it could before the printing went into hyper-drive.

As for your comments about GOP creating class warfare...........step away from the kool-aide bowl.

None of that amounts to a hill of beans in the big picture.Politicians on both side would like you to think you have a choice & if we just tax this or that group all is fine...

Sorry it is not & they cannot even pay the interest on the debt anymore.America is in a controlled crash this will not end well for anyone.

The spending of that which they do not have will eventually cause collapse once again of yet another Fiat Currency....Like all that came before.

Why don't you change your avatar to I hate America so we can skip your tirades in every post no matter how far removed from an appropriate I hate America post.

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No, now I am being ironic. However, to keep this topical, I will state that my sole reason for coming here was kanom, especially the dry rice cakes with the sugar trails.

You have a picture? I am curios smile.png

I'll try to find one for you.... here we go, Kanom Nang Let. They're the best reason for coming here.


The last thing I would come to Thailand for is desserts or kanom - the Thais are crap at desserts.

Just pop over to Cambodia and you will quickly see how unimaginative the Thais are.

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There are opportunities for aging Western men. They exist because these men were lucky enough to have won the birth lottery and were born in the West and not in Thailand. That is funny about these topics, imho.

How you know it's lottery?

Many religion Birth is reasoned on past life and actions.

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There are opportunities for aging Western men. They exist because these men were lucky enough to have won the birth lottery and were born in the West and not in Thailand. That is funny about these topics, imho.

How you know it's lottery?

Many religion Birth is reasoned on past life and actions.

Good joke

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Why don't you change your avatar to I hate America so we can skip your tirades in every post no matter how far removed from an appropriate I hate America post.

Boy you have got that 180 degrees wrong

After all what is America if now We The People?

Sorry I did not mean to litter your topic & was responding to Raoul's mention of the debt basically being a non-starter.

I will ask that it be removed

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This topic has wandered OFF topic in more than several ways, but are tied together very loosely.

There is the rant against various nations economies which affect us all. All I can add to that is many people do not understand debt and interest rates. A country can SUPPOSEDLY be in debt, but only because of original interest rates of repayment. It's like the Thai who buys a motorcycle on time, but at interest rates of 20% or more. They make minimum payments for 2 or 3 years and then can't continue for whatever reason. The bike company comes along and repossesses the scooter. The purchaser has actually paid more than the original price but no longer has bike. In effect, what they've done is rent the scooter and the Honda shop still retains possession.

The USA is a long way from being bankrupt. They are still the richest country in the world. And, once the world's economy turns around the USA will be back close to where it was before. Canada is tied to the USA because it's the USA's greatest trading partner and Canada still has a vast source of natural resources. Australia is in a similar position to Canada.

Japan and most of Europe don't not have the natural resources of North America and rely on their own technology for income. With the exception of China, the rest of Asia, including Thailand do not have a lot of natural resources, and they rely on their low income population to fill ine gaps. If Thais were paid similar wages to what North Americans are paid they would be in dire straits.

This loosely relates to the original topic of why the westerners come to live in Thailand. We just get a bigger bang for our buck in a reasonably safe country. Yes, there are legitimate complaint of lost income from pension plans that haven't kept pace with the world's economy. But that has happened everywhere. Look at the problems in Greece and Ireland... and all the unrest in Syria and other countries in the middle east.

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It's all about the food for me..

I don't have to get in my car, drive to the supermarket, walk down aisles full of fat depressed people, load my trolley up with expensive tasteless unhealthy food, take it home, cook it, dine on the afore mentioned filth, and then complete the whole miserable process by washing up.

I simply walk 10 yards in any direction as soon as I feel hungry, and buy some delicious local cuisine for a £1.

God bless you Thailand!

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This topic has wandered OFF topic in more than several ways, but are tied together very loosely.

Any reply more than Y/N or I agree/disagree would be off topic. There would be no point having a forum if everything was effectively put to a simple poll.

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I got here by going around the bush. I worked for a large US company for 22 years. They sold the factory and I was unemployed. I went to work for another US company and that company also sold the factory. I was offered a job with an Australian company who had plans for a joint venture in Thailand. After 3 months in Australia the factory in Thailand started construction and in 1991 I made the move here.

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And even though my standards keep going up and up with Thai girls over the years, I still reckon at least 1% of them fit the bill, and somehow I keep meeting a different Miss Right several times a year.

...and then he wakes up.

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At those times when we might be p!ssed off with Thailand, this a good post to remind us why we left our home countries.

I am sad for you and your wife, and hope she is simply humouring you about your phobia. Please learn to get out and get dirty more often, you'll live a longer and happier life.

The sadness of course is that they are necessary. Violence like that is fortunately confined to one narrow type of vocational school here, and is seasonal. Back home in the US it's normal in the big cities.

Recent estimates are that over 25% of deaths while under treatment in the west is due to mistakes by the doctor or other hospital staff. There might be more "accountability" though malpractice torts in the US, but that's also had extremely negative consequences.

Better to realize you win some you lose some, enjoy as much as you can and accept it when the tables turn - don't overvalue your own life, we're all insignificant ants here for but a short stay anyway.

Yep. No time to miss anyone or anything because you are alive. We cant take the physical attachments, and we cannot take the mental attachments with us either.

There are opportunities for aging Western men. They exist because these men were lucky enough to have won the birth lottery and were born in the West and not in Thailand. That is funny about these topics, imho.

Thais already live in paradise. Western countries tore down their paradise and put up parking lots.

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Thais already live in paradise. Western countries tore down their paradise and put up parking lots.

You ever been to Canada? Or Colorado? Or Oregon? Should I go on?

No I'm already feeling cold.

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Thais already live in paradise. Western countries tore down their paradise and put up parking lots.

You ever been to Canada? Or Colorado? Or Oregon? Should I go on?

No I'm already feeling cold.

You do know there are parts of Canada with a sub-Mediterranean climate.

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Thais already live in paradise. Western countries tore down their paradise and put up parking lots.

You ever been to Canada? Or Colorado? Or Oregon? Should I go on?

No I'm already feeling cold.

You do know there are parts of Canada with a sub-Mediterranean climate.

Are you asking me or telling me?

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You're telling me something you believe I already know? Umm, ok then. I'm sure there must be some logic to why you would do that if i already knew it. Perhaps you would explain it to us?

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You're telling me something you believe I already know? Umm, ok then. I'm sure there must be some logic to why you would do that if i already knew it. Perhaps you would explain it to us?

Didn't know you were an us. But OK. It is not cold all over Canada so no reason you have to start feeling cold.

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You're telling me something you believe I already know? Umm, ok then. I'm sure there must be some logic to why you would do that if i already knew it. Perhaps you would explain it to us?

Didn't know you were an us. But OK. It is not cold all over Canada so no reason you have to start feeling cold.

You didn't know I was an us. I didn't know you assumed I was the only person reading this thread. 'Us' refers to everyone reading this who is also wondering why you would tell me something you also assumed I already knew, as it is illogical to say the least.

Anyway, I find 'sub-Mediterranean' to be chilly at the best of times, let alone when its a term used to describe a 'seasonal' weather pattern in a small part of a big country known worldwide for its cold climate. So contrary to what you would try and tell me I would feel, the examples you provided have me feeling cold already, and quite relieved they are as far away as they are.

Edited by Kananga
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You're telling me something you believe I already know? Umm, ok then. I'm sure there must be some logic to why you would do that if i already knew it. Perhaps you would explain it to us?

Didn't know you were an us. But OK. It is not cold all over Canada so no reason you have to start feeling cold.

You didn't know I was an us. I didn't know you assumed I was the only person reading this thread. 'We' refers to everyone reading this who is also wondering why you would tell me something you also assumed I already knew, as it is illogical to say the least.

Anyway, I find 'sub-Mediterranean' to be chilly at the best of times, let alone when its a term used to describe a 'seasonal' weather pattern in a small part of a big country known worldwide for its cold climate. So contrary to what you would try and tell me I would feel, the examples you provided have me feeling cold already, and quite relieved they are as far away as they are.

Wow , glad that's over. You do know that they have palm trees there too?

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You're telling me something you believe I already know? Umm, ok then. I'm sure there must be some logic to why you would do that if i already knew it. Perhaps you would explain it to us?

Didn't know you were an us. But OK. It is not cold all over Canada so no reason you have to start feeling cold.

You didn't know I was an us. I didn't know you assumed I was the only person reading this thread. 'We' refers to everyone reading this who is also wondering why you would tell me something you also assumed I already knew, as it is illogical to say the least.

Anyway, I find 'sub-Mediterranean' to be chilly at the best of times, let alone when its a term used to describe a 'seasonal' weather pattern in a small part of a big country known worldwide for its cold climate. So contrary to what you would try and tell me I would feel, the examples you provided have me feeling cold already, and quite relieved they are as far away as they are.

Wow , glad that's over. You do know that they have palm trees there too?

So you assumed I knew there was a sub Mediterranean climate in small parts of Canada (and bizarrely felt the need to tell me what I already knew), yet you now need reassurance on whether I know if they have palm trees in this small part of Canada?

The cracks are starting to show... Here's a suggestion. Go to bed.

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Dear Kananga,

Trying to goad me into anger or attacking me instead of the subject is called flaming. I have no idea what you are on about.

You made a post a long time ago that when you thought of Canada, Oregon or Colorado you felt cold. We were discussing paradise. That would be a fair statement if I mentioned Colorado alone as it is cold 8 out of 12 months. But Parts of Canada and Oregon are quite temperate all year long due to the Japanese current. For some reason this upset you.

I would imagine you have never visited the West coast of Canada or Oregon and as such are ignorant of the climates in both of those locations. Sorry for your lack of travel but your ignorance is hardly my fault. If you wish to engage me further drop the flaming semantics.

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Dear Kananga,

Trying to goad me into anger or attacking me instead of the subject is called flaming. I have no idea what you are on about.

You made a post a long time ago that when you thought of Canada, Oregon or Colorado you felt cold. We were discussing paradise. That would be a fair statement if I mentioned Colorado alone as it is cold 8 out of 12 months. But Parts of Canada and Oregon are quite temperate all year long due to the Japanese current. For some reason this upset you.

I would imagine you have never visited the West coast of Canada or Oregon and as such are ignorant of the climates in both of those locations. Sorry for your lack of travel but your ignorance is hardly my fault. If you wish to engage me further drop the flaming semantics.

LOL. I believe it was you that engaged me initially by telling me something I apparently already knew? I just found it strange that you would tell me something that you thought I already knew. But lets not let that get in the way of the truth. Anyway, to put your latest round of flaming semantics towards me to bed (accusing me of lack of travel, ignorance etc) I have been to Vancouver several times, and also Portland. Both were very cold and rainy. Did you know the coldest recorded temperature in the state of Oregon is -45c?

If you now think that my mentioning that these places you mentioned as bveing cold was an attempt to goad or anger you into an argument then you need to stop being oversensitive. And if you honestly thought i was flaming you then surely the correct response would have been to ignore me. But you didn't. You took a reasonable comment the wrong way and got defensive. This is called being oversensitive.

So lets get a few things straight in case you feel the need to go running to the moderators.

I mentioned that thinking about places like Canada and Colorado make me feel cold. They are all temperate climes with grate swathes of Canada actually being inside the arctic circle and Colorado is known for its skiing. It is not beyond the comprehension of a 10 year old to associate these places with cold weather. Especially when you live in Thailand. There was no flaming involved, they are cold places, especially compared to Thailand and far far removed from my interpretation of paradise.

You did not upset me and there is nothing in any of my replies to suggest this. I wondered why you would tell me something you thought I already knew, I personally believe you meant to ask me a question but didn't want to admit that you used the wrong punctuation. Again this is merely my opinion which I believe I am entitled to. Please feel free to correct me if I was wrong with this assumption.

Your accusations towards me of not being well travelled and ignorant are the very examples of flaming semantics you have tried to accuse me of.

So in summary. You engaged me because I associate those cold places with cold weather. Tried to ask me a smart arse question but failed to get your punctuation right and dug yourself in a whole and resorted to calling me ignorant among other things. Oh the irony.

I hope that now you can see exactly what happened you will now put this to bed. I still associate Canada with being cold, you have not changed anything. I doubt you would have convinced anyone else either.

I dont mind conversing with you but it would be helpful if you would admit it when you use the wrong punctuation and didnt try and accuse me of flaming you when I have done nothing of the sort. Also I do not deserve to be told I am ignorant due to lack of travel. There is no basis for these insults.

So please in future dont insult me, dont try and be antagonistic over whether places such as Canada are cold or not. Its cold. Canada is cold. You know this as well as anyone. If you are still going to argue about it then please dont try and turn it round to make out I am flaming you. People here for the most part are not stupid, its pretty easy to see what you have attempted here.

If you dont want me to communicate or comment on any of your posts then thats absolutely fine with me, just say so. But if you are going to be a big boy about it then please stop being oversensitive and accept other people have a differing opinion which they are entitled to just as much as you are with yours, and also try to see comments in the spirit they were intended and not automatically as 'flaming semantics' as you call them.

Bye for now...

Edited by Kananga
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Dear Kananga,

Trying to goad me into anger or attacking me instead of the subject is called flaming. I have no idea what you are on about.

You made a post a long time ago that when you thought of Canada, Oregon or Colorado you felt cold. We were discussing paradise. That would be a fair statement if I mentioned Colorado alone as it is cold 8 out of 12 months. But Parts of Canada and Oregon are quite temperate all year long due to the Japanese current. For some reason this upset you.

I would imagine you have never visited the West coast of Canada or Oregon and as such are ignorant of the climates in both of those locations. Sorry for your lack of travel but your ignorance is hardly my fault. If you wish to engage me further drop the flaming semantics.

LOL. I believe it was you that engaged me initially by telling me something I apparently already knew? I just found it strange that you would tell me something that you thought I already knew. But lets not let that get in the way of the truth. Anyway, to put your latest round of flaming semantics towards me to bed (accusing me of lack of travel, ignorance etc) I have been to Vancouver several times, and also Portland. Both were very cold and rainy. Did you know the coldest recorded temperature in the state of Oregon is -45c?

If you now think that my mentioning that these places you mentioned as bveing cold was an attempt to goad or anger you into an argument then you need to stop being oversensitive. And if you honestly thought i was flaming you then surely the correct response would have been to ignore me. But you didn't. You took a reasonable comment the wrong way and got defensive. This is called being oversensitive.

So lets get a few things straight in case you feel the need to go running to the moderators.

I mentioned that thinking about places like Canada and Colorado make me feel cold. They are all temperate climes with grate swathes of Canada actually being inside the arctic circle and Colorado is known for its skiing. It is not beyond the comprehension of a 10 year old to associate these places with cold weather. Especially when you live in Thailand. There was no flaming involved, they are cold places, especially compared to Thailand and far far removed from my interpretation of paradise.

You did not upset me and there is nothing in any of my replies to suggest this. I wondered why you would tell me something you thought I already knew, I personally believe you meant to ask me a question but didn't want to admit that you used the wrong punctuation. Again this is merely my opinion which I believe I am entitled to. Please feel free to correct me if I was wrong with this assumption.

Your accusations towards me of not being well travelled and ignorant are the very examples of flaming semantics you have tried to accuse me of.

So in summary. You engaged me because I associate those cold places with cold weather. Tried to ask me a smart arse question but failed to get your punctuation right and dug yourself in a whole and resorted to calling me ignorant among other things. Oh the irony.

I hope that now you can see exactly what happened you will now put this to bed. I still associate Canada with being cold, you have not changed anything. I doubt you would have convinced anyone else either.

I dont mind conversing with you but it would be helpful if you would admit it when you use the wrong punctuation and didnt try and accuse me of flaming you when I have done nothing of the sort. Also I do not deserve to be told I am ignorant due to lack of travel. There is no basis for these insults.

So please in future dont insult me, dont try and be antagonistic over whether places such as Canada are cold or not. Its cold. Canada is cold. You know this as well as anyone. If you are still going to argue about it then please dont try and turn it round to make out I am flaming you. People here for the most part are not stupid, its pretty easy to see what you have attempted here.

If you dont want me to communicate or comment on any of your posts then thats absolutely fine with me, just say so. But if you are going to be a big boy about it then please stop being oversensitive and accept other people have a differing opinion which they are entitled to just as much as you are with yours, and also try to see comments in the spirit they were intended and not automatically as 'flaming semantics' as you call them.

Bye for now...

Temps Portland OR and Victoria BC (Portland first) by month, 32 degrees is freezing. It does not snow at 32 or if it does it melts at 32 degrees. OK here we go: Jan. Portland 45°Victoria 42. Feb. 51°46 Mar 56° 50, April 60° 56, May 67°61, June 74°65, July 78° 68, Aug. 80° 57, Sept 74°65 Oct. 64° 57 Nov. 52° 45 Dec. 45° 45.

Now tell me Thai Visa ers. Are those temps pretty close to paradise? You don't need AC and rarely need heat. Snow capped mountain ranges are visible from both cities both winter and summer. Both cities are green all year long. Fishing, and hunting abound as do water sports and entertainment I have lived in both cities and to be honest have never been cold in either one nor have I been hot. The climate is very close to my perfect. Hawaii may be a bit better for temps but it is very expensive and an island and I don't like small islands.

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Dear Kananga,

Trying to goad me into anger or attacking me instead of the subject is called flaming. I have no idea what you are on about.

You made a post a long time ago that when you thought of Canada, Oregon or Colorado you felt cold. We were discussing paradise. That would be a fair statement if I mentioned Colorado alone as it is cold 8 out of 12 months. But Parts of Canada and Oregon are quite temperate all year long due to the Japanese current. For some reason this upset you.

I would imagine you have never visited the West coast of Canada or Oregon and as such are ignorant of the climates in both of those locations. Sorry for your lack of travel but your ignorance is hardly my fault. If you wish to engage me further drop the flaming semantics.

LOL. I believe it was you that engaged me initially by telling me something I apparently already knew? I just found it strange that you would tell me something that you thought I already knew. But lets not let that get in the way of the truth. Anyway, to put your latest round of flaming semantics towards me to bed (accusing me of lack of travel, ignorance etc) I have been to Vancouver several times, and also Portland. Both were very cold and rainy. Did you know the coldest recorded temperature in the state of Oregon is -45c?

If you now think that my mentioning that these places you mentioned as bveing cold was an attempt to goad or anger you into an argument then you need to stop being oversensitive. And if you honestly thought i was flaming you then surely the correct response would have been to ignore me. But you didn't. You took a reasonable comment the wrong way and got defensive. This is called being oversensitive.

So lets get a few things straight in case you feel the need to go running to the moderators.

I mentioned that thinking about places like Canada and Colorado make me feel cold. They are all temperate climes with grate swathes of Canada actually being inside the arctic circle and Colorado is known for its skiing. It is not beyond the comprehension of a 10 year old to associate these places with cold weather. Especially when you live in Thailand. There was no flaming involved, they are cold places, especially compared to Thailand and far far removed from my interpretation of paradise.

You did not upset me and there is nothing in any of my replies to suggest this. I wondered why you would tell me something you thought I already knew, I personally believe you meant to ask me a question but didn't want to admit that you used the wrong punctuation. Again this is merely my opinion which I believe I am entitled to. Please feel free to correct me if I was wrong with this assumption.

Your accusations towards me of not being well travelled and ignorant are the very examples of flaming semantics you have tried to accuse me of.

So in summary. You engaged me because I associate those cold places with cold weather. Tried to ask me a smart arse question but failed to get your punctuation right and dug yourself in a whole and resorted to calling me ignorant among other things. Oh the irony.

I hope that now you can see exactly what happened you will now put this to bed. I still associate Canada with being cold, you have not changed anything. I doubt you would have convinced anyone else either.

I dont mind conversing with you but it would be helpful if you would admit it when you use the wrong punctuation and didnt try and accuse me of flaming you when I have done nothing of the sort. Also I do not deserve to be told I am ignorant due to lack of travel. There is no basis for these insults.

So please in future dont insult me, dont try and be antagonistic over whether places such as Canada are cold or not. Its cold. Canada is cold. You know this as well as anyone. If you are still going to argue about it then please dont try and turn it round to make out I am flaming you. People here for the most part are not stupid, its pretty easy to see what you have attempted here.

If you dont want me to communicate or comment on any of your posts then thats absolutely fine with me, just say so. But if you are going to be a big boy about it then please stop being oversensitive and accept other people have a differing opinion which they are entitled to just as much as you are with yours, and also try to see comments in the spirit they were intended and not automatically as 'flaming semantics' as you call them.

Bye for now...

Temps Portland OR and Victoria BC (Portland first) by month, 32 degrees is freezing. It does not snow at 32 or if it does it melts at 32 degrees. OK here we go: Jan. Portland 45°Victoria 42. Feb. 51°46 Mar 56° 50, April 60° 56, May 67°61, June 74°65, July 78° 68, Aug. 80° 57, Sept 74°65 Oct. 64° 57 Nov. 52° 45 Dec. 45° 45.

Now tell me Thai Visa ers. Are those temps pretty close to paradise? You don't need AC and rarely need heat. Snow capped mountain ranges are visible from both cities both winter and summer. Both cities are green all year long. Fishing, and hunting abound as do water sports and entertainment I have lived in both cities and to be honest have never been cold in either one nor have I been hot. The climate is very close to my perfect. Hawaii may be a bit better for temps but it is very expensive and an island and I don't like small islands.

I have to agree with Kerryk on this I Lived in Victoria for 20 years and sailed and raced boats all year round . The weather was warm enough to allow this. I also had a place in Courtney on the Island,it was 5 minutes from a ski hill,kept a sailboat there for it is one of the best cruising areas in the world,plus I had 5 golf courses all within a 10 minute drive from my house. It also has the best salmon fishing in the world. Courtney is mid Island and does get snow on the mountains.

A small fireplace is all you need on the coldest day. I should also add the temperature is well suited to outdoor exercise and is easy to stay fit.It truly is the best place to live in the world for these things but Thailand has the world beat hands down with pretty pleasant women. Which is what brings most men here.

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