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In my experience, relevant information pertaining to your particular situation is more helpful than trying to get as much information as possible. Maybe that is just me, though.coffee1.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those with visa issues don’t forget, today is the first saturday of the month and the good immigration people from Mae Sai will be camped out at Central Plaza for your convenience.

They seem to enjoy a day away from the office as much as we enjoy having them in town for the day. A good deal for everyone.smile.pngthumbsup.gif

  • 4 months later...

Very nice of the immigration dept to offer this service but if they are going to do it they should do it properly, after all it is only once a month!

My buddy that I'm visiting went to do his 90day report last Saturday morning about 10.30am but there was quite a long queue so he asked what time they were there until, he was told 4pm. He went back again at 3.40pm but it had already closed, there were three immigration officers still there though just standing around so he asked them if he could do his 90day report and they told him to go to Mae Sai on Monday. One of them was the one that told him they finished at 4pm so he pointed out the time and that there was still 20mins until 4pm but the guy told him he was late!!! They didn't apologise or offer to help at all and wouldn't accept that they closed too early, they just told him (and another woman who came at 3.45pm) that they were late.


I heard second hand that this was the last time at Central and that they will be opening an Immigration office in CR sometime soon? Not from the horses mouth but FYI. Hopefully someone can confirm one way or another.

  • 4 weeks later...

Though not definitive, I was told yesterday in Mae Sai, they will most likely continue the monthly mobile office at Central Plaza for the time being. Next date being Jan 5th.


They may be there till 4pm but they have to pack up their computers and balance their books and reports before they leave at 4pm. Your friend was there earlier and if he had done as others he would have been served. Hope he enjoyed the trip to MaeSai.

  • 1 month later...

I attended today for my 90 day reporting. First time at Cenral. I got there at about 1015 and the initial line was a little long. It appeared to me that a lot of people have not done their photocoping before they arrived. When I finally got to the front of the line I was immediatley directed to get a number and wait for the 90 day peorting desk. There was no wait and I was out very quickly. I looked later and the initial line had disappeared and everyone was waiting at the 90 day reporting desk. They had 3 officers dedicated to 90 day reporting.

Moral of the story have your photocopying completed before you arrive.

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