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Internet Dating Or Goings To Bars.....?


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I'm not sure where NEP actually is. However, every time I hear someone say sent from Android I get pictures of a creature from out of space. You know, the ones that come with scary movies.

Everyone gets perceptions depending on where you visit. If you followed me on my more recent trips you would think Thais all lived in Teak wood shacks in the hills close to some river in north west Thailand. My son who is a cabinet maker by trade would drool over some of those teak wood planks.

Somehow I don't believe you here Ian - on my first visit to Thailand Nana was the first place I was taken!

I'm well aware of Nana Plaza. I just didn't know what the "E" meant. Unfortunately, Nana Plaza and the nearby Soi Cowboy are just empty shells of what they were in the 1990s. And, after they jacked up their prices to ridiculous rates, most of the punters moved on to Pattaya. Pattaya seems to be following the same route, as did Phuket. I don't know where the NEW "hot spot" will eventually take over.

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I would steer clear of the internet,whilst enjoying a few beers in a quiet bar,one with internet access,myself and

few other guys were asked questions,by these working girls, in reference to conversations they were having on chat pages

with so called single men, looking for love,for a laugh we humoured the girls with a few responses until this one old man

started getting fresh on his keyboard,then fun factor was replaced with a feeling of dread.

So be careful,you could well be chatting to random guys in a Thai bar via Thai girls...

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if you got the time dating sites are good, if you do not have the time to go through the 2-3 date stuff then bar route is better.

end resuly in my experience has always been th esame just one takes a litttle longer. Date sites are god if you want to travel and have lady waitng for you when you get there as a come with extra's tour guide.

if long term relationship i would never get in long term relationship with a bar girl. just the thought of what they have done before would put me off. I would not marry a hooker at home so why marry one here.

as an Ex Smuian who went back recently for a visit i would consider elsewhere.

web site yeah not bar girls if they do not have a degree and no pictures of them getting the degree forget it. usually work pictures on the profile, as in office or hotel reception what ever. lots of hookers on there but easlily detected.

Edited by marstons
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Thanks Ian. Will do some research on Ao Nang in Krabi.

Am not planning on falling in Love... but who knows!!

There are numerous Karaoke bars in Krabi (Town) with some rather decent looking young Thai women... Quite easy to pick up a Newbie!

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Thanks Ian. Will do some research on Ao Nang in Krabi.

Am not planning on falling in Love... but who knows!!

I hope you have a good time here. Check out the internet sites, bars, discos etc. Just remember that things are different here, so be careful. Similarly, for retirement - have a good luck around, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, the Islands etc. Make sure you pick the one that will suit you - we're all different so depends on what you like. There are lots of scams in Asia, far more than in the West so do take the trouble to check things out carefully. Good luck - fellow Midlander.

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Do online dating - in bars and discos 90% will be working girls or gold diggers - respectable Thai girls either don't go to such places or only in groups and are not easily approachable.

On some occasions, girls are out to "get a falang", just to try. Can be the case in Bangkok with university girls going in herds to discos. Happened to me one time, memorable night. Just after the highest moment of the night, the girl laughed loud and exclaimed "Po farang!!!"


That being said, p4p in Thailand is not the same as back home. Some of the working girls make very sweet and good companions, Just remember to keep your wits.

Or forget any advice and just use every occasion to go out, and you shall find what you seek.

<flame removed> 100% of the girls in bars are working girls thats where they work for christ sake

where do you get the 90% from are the other 10% there to study religion

You are flat out wrong. It shows how little you know about Thailand. I know at least 15 women who work in bars in the supposed raunchy part of Chiang Mai that DO NOT go with customers. And, it is men like you that give Thailand a bad name for treating all women like hookers.

You are flat out wrong. Thai females who actively looking to approach foreigners, do it with one intention in mind, get connected with a man who has money.

Some of them do it more explicitly, the ones you call prostitutes, others do it less explicitly, but still, for the same reason.

And of course there are shades of gray in between, but love and money is a VERY strong reason for the thai female to look for a foreign male.

Everyone who believes otherwise, are disillusioned.

You think ladies in any other country are different?? The moderating influence here, and in other Asian countires, is "foreign".

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I met my beautiful Thai wife on a pen pal site. This was a free international site, not a dating service, people just looking for pen pals around the world. About 90% of the women I corresponded with, after about 3 email exchanges, had a dad who needed an operation, or a brother needing tuition. I dumped them like a sack of rocks.

The wonderful lady who ended up becoming my wife never discussed or asked for money, had no photos of her partying or chugging, loves her family, etc. You can pick up on clues like this to see her inner nature. We've been together 6 years & just had our 4th anniversary.

It all depends what you are looking for -- a "good time", a real relationship, etc. This dictates what you are willing to put into it, and the degree of game-playing you are willing to engage in. I'm at that point in life that I'm not into games. The great thing about the pen pal site is that there are many people who are not looking for romance, they just want correspondants from around the world (I know many readers will be skeptical about this, but there are people out there with innocent intentions.) Good Thai girls like this are hard for farang to come across since you will find them neither at bars nor at online dating sites.

Edited by USNret
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I met my wife in Buriram bus station 6 yrs later all is well we work hard together in our business and live a normal life.

Bars are for short time fun, internet dating would be a lottery although also probably fun so short time do the bars etc. When you have learned the ropes IE been fleeced a few times hopefully not for too much. You will be street wise enough to travel and see that Thailand is a normal place with normal people. Bars and bargirls although nice account for a small percentage of the women here.

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You are flat out wrong. Thai females who actively looking to approach foreigners, do it with one intention in mind, get connected with a man who has money.

Some of them do it more explicitly, the ones you call prostitutes, others do it less explicitly, but still, for the same reason.

And of course there are shades of gray in between, but love and money is a VERY strong reason for the thai female to look for a foreign male.

Everyone who believes otherwise, are disillusioned.

Bars and clubs in tourist areas are no doubt full of hookers, but local places are not, in the main.

You don't really think every girl that goes to clubs in Thailand is a hooker ? You think all the kids at university who go clubbing every week are hookers/ gold diggers ?

No, but you fail to see the most important thing here. We are not thais.

Almost all regular thai would NEVER, I repeat, NEVER go to the clubs where we foreigners hang out.

The girls who actively seek these places out, are there to meet a foreigner. And the number one reason why they do that IS MONEY.

The local clubs/ bars/ restaurant- bars everywhere away from tourist areas are full of financially independant girls after men of their own age and only men their own age.

Yes, but these financially independent thai girls will never, or extremely seldom, go with a foreigner.

The guys I read about who says they never go to Nana, and only pick up "normal" girls, through dating sites, or in the shopping mall, they also fail to understand that regular thai girls DO NOT go out with a foreigner, and even less, they do NOT sleep with the total stranger on the third date.

It just shows how totally clueless some people are.

All thai females that dates foreign men are doing it with MONEY in mind, does it mean that they cant feel love as well, of course not, but MONEY is important to them.

Everyone else, stop fooling yourselves.

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What girl isn't into love and money?

But its amusing to see how many foreign men who constantly tries to justify their own thai partner saying, the girl did not take him for the money at all, and only cause he was handsome and kind, lol

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I use to plan my trips out approximately 2 months in advance by going to various internet dating sites (mostly thailovelinks, but this was about six years ago so there are many more out there now), scanning potentials based upon the criteria I desired, and then email and establish relationships (friendships) with a few women in each city I was to visit. During the down time (there wasn't much) I would frequent bars mainly to meet other westerners who had been living in each location for a while to get their feedback about the town and surrounding areas.

I would meet the women along with their entourage (almost always accompanied by family members, sometimes too many to count, or at least with a friend or five) at the hotel lobby where I was staying. Invariably i'd end up taking the group out to lunch/dinner while getting to know the one I was there to meet.

In short, I had a good time doing this - spending about 2 months or so traveling to different parts of Thailand. I eventually found one that fit the bill and settled down.

Regarding the age comments, I started coming to Thailand in my early 50s and very much wish I had started at least 10 years earlier - maybe late 30's to early 40s. I would have spent more time getting to know the 'lay of the land' (so to speak) rather than being focused on finding "the one".

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Most Thai women are seeking money AKA stability, as women do in the West. I found the difference to be that many Thai women are often unappreciated by the Thai men who have been raised to believe that by virtue of being male they are superior. This is less apparent with Western men who clearly appreciate Thai women more. It is nice to be finally treated with respect by a member of the opposite sex. So Western men have an advantage because of our attitude. Furthermore, as previously stated, older men usually are more likely to have stability and REALLY TRULY appreciate a much younger attractive Thai woman's attention/affection. So the women are seeking stability, and the men are seeking companionship.

No problem, except when the women are of the type that calculates "Why not have more than one?" while feigning undying love and loyalty. Or when the men communicate the same "I'll take care of you and your family forever, so help me God", and then continue the exploration. These behaviors are what diminish the chances for success for those who are seeking stability. So, one must be careful out there, and enjoy.

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Frankly if you cannot speak Thai you would do better in the Philippines.

If you read the OP you will discover he is looking to find an attractive single female who is not a prostitute.

He has not been able to do so in the UK because, “In the UK, the bar scene is totally finished for finding women and has been for some time.”

He doesn't speak Thai.

You gotta ask yourself, Is he a nut case? I don't think so. He must know that decent women in Thailand who speak English, and are available to tourists are like finding a needle in a haystack.

So your point about Philippines is accurate. But don't expect him to take your advice. He is a Brit.

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Frankly if you cannot speak Thai you would do better in the Philippines.

If you read the OP you will discover he is looking to find an attractive single female who is not a prostitute.

He has not been able to do so in the UK because, “In the UK, the bar scene is totally finished for finding women and has been for some time.”

He doesn't speak Thai.

You gotta ask yourself, Is he a nut case? I don't think so. He must know that decent women in Thailand who speak English, and are available to tourists are like finding a needle in a haystack.

So your point about Philippines is accurate. But don't expect him to take your advice. He is a Brit.

Can't see what the OP's language skills has anything to do with this? He just want to meet a woman and get laid. I vote for the bar scene as it will just take him a half hour (or less) to fulfill his quest.

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Frankly if you cannot speak Thai you would do better in the Philippines.

If you read the OP you will discover he is looking to find an attractive single female who is not a prostitute.

He has not been able to do so in the UK because, “In the UK, the bar scene is totally finished for finding women and has been for some time.”

He doesn't speak Thai.

You gotta ask yourself, Is he a nut case? I don't think so. He must know that decent women in Thailand who speak English, and are available to tourists are like finding a needle in a haystack.

So your point about Philippines is accurate. But don't expect him to take your advice. He is a Brit.

Can't see what the OP's language skills has anything to do with this? He just want to meet a woman and get laid. I vote for the bar scene as it will just take him a half hour (or less) to fulfill his quest.

Forget your glasses? He says he does not want P4P!

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So many old studs on TV, truly amazing!signthaivisa.gif

True. It's where we go to spend the final portion of our lives enjoying ourselves before we can no longer function as a man. Anybody who thinks we have the same options in Europe, Australia or North America has rocks in their heads. The topic reminds me of the jerry Lee Lewis song.. "39 and holding" We get to play act what we enjoyed 40 to 50 years before.

I'm just surprised that more frustrated old farts in the western world haven't joined us.

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Frankly if you cannot speak Thai you would do better in the Philippines.

If you read the OP you will discover he is looking to find an attractive single female who is not a prostitute.

He has not been able to do so in the UK because, “In the UK, the bar scene is totally finished for finding women and has been for some time.”

He doesn't speak Thai.

You gotta ask yourself, Is he a nut case? I don't think so. He must know that decent women in Thailand who speak English, and are available to tourists are like finding a needle in a haystack.

So your point about Philippines is accurate. But don't expect him to take your advice. He is a Brit.

Can't see what the OP's language skills has anything to do with this? He just want to meet a woman and get laid. I vote for the bar scene as it will just take him a half hour (or less) to fulfill his quest.

Forget your glasses? He says he does not want P4P!

You missed this part (post # 17) " I think I will use both the Internet and the bars and generally just have some fun."

Edited by Semper
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What girl isn't into love and money?

But its amusing to see how many foreign men who constantly tries to justify their own thai partner saying, the girl did not take him for the money at all, and only cause he was handsome and kind, lol

you've written some thought provoking (or some would say at least provocative) posts which spawns the debate of, how many of these girls that weren't out looking for money from a foreigner are accepting it as it does seem to be the fall back position for many a westerner over here.

want a night out with the lads, throw some money at gf/wife. feel the relationship slipping, throw some money at it, met the girl of your dreams but she's indifferent, try to buy her favour, then head to TV and bitch about how your wife/gf has changed and just sees you as an atm.

of course many girls are fooling themselves when they say they would rather have love, affection, romance and/or attention however most of us (yes me included) are too lazy/selfish to attempt such on a regular basis and so default to something shiny.

how many people would turn down free money in lieu of respect love, affection, romance and/or attention if they felt it's all starting to slip away or going to end in tears for whatever reason anyway!

for the OP (on topic rules) - you can get dates from girls in the McDonald's drive thru window, it really isn't that hard to meet "regular white/blue collar" Thai girls the hardest part is telling them apart from the hookers/gold-diggers/con-women ... and don't let anyone tell you they've been here long enough to instinctively know because as men we have an innate ability to lie to ourselves therefore knowing the difference often isn't even half the battle.

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You missed this part (post # 17) " I think I will use both the Internet and the bars and generally just have some fun."

doesn't mean he wants to pay for that fun!! It isn't unknown to have fun with a woman that you don't have to pay for ...... directly (O_*)

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If you read the OP ...

good grief man, what a weird and freakish idea - surely its much better to formulate your reply on the heading title and worry about the details if ever someone points it out!!

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So many old studs on TV, truly amazing!signthaivisa.gif

True. It's where we go to spend the final portion of our lives enjoying ourselves before we can no longer function as a man. Anybody who thinks we have the same options in Europe, Australia or North America has rocks in their heads. The topic reminds me of the jerry Lee Lewis song.. "39 and holding" We get to play act what we enjoyed 40 to 50 years before.

I'm just surprised that more frustrated old farts in the western world haven't joined us.

Very true, there are many of us (too many) old farts here. Some of us have settled down and accepted our decrepit position, others brag like schoolboys, which is a bit of a joke for aOAP. Whatever.

The OP wanted to know about"pulling women", if that is his objective then I feel sorry for him.

The good news is that in the LOS he will not need to "pull" any women, just allow them to pull( the wool) over his eyes.

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You missed this part (post # 17) " I think I will use both the Internet and the bars and generally just have some fun."

doesn't mean he wants to pay for that fun!! It isn't unknown to have fun with a woman that you don't have to pay for ...... directly (O_*)

What he wants has nothing to do with reality. He will pay. tongue.png

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You missed this part (post # 17) " I think I will use both the Internet and the bars and generally just have some fun."

doesn't mean he wants to pay for that fun!! It isn't unknown to have fun with a woman that you don't have to pay for ...... directly (O_*)

What he wants has nothing to do with reality. He will pay. tongue.png

Goes without saying but for some real non reality he should try some Pattaya lady boys!

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