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I imagine like anything there's a long list of reasons and most have been mentioned, but here goes my opinion:

People come here for a holiday then retire here etc and have nothing to do all day so end up drinking in bars.

It's too hot to do much during the day if you don't work so unless you want to sit in front of the TV or go shopping you go to a bar.

A lot of the above soon become addicted.

Again for the above mentioned either before moving here or after moving here they get addicted to having their ego stroked by a pretty young girl at the bars and keep going back.

Many are already alcoholics from back home and their stories will confirm this. Many about how their wife left them because blah, blah, blah when you know it's because they were alcoholics or in the pub every night.

Again with the already alcoholics before coming, many come for the women because no women back home are interested in being with an alcoholic they come here for the women who are with them for the money, until it runs out.

Then there's the fantasists who always seem to be drunk and have bored everyone stupid with the fantasies back home they come and stay here for new people to listen.

Then there's people who come here and open a bar that doesn't work out but want the beer and women livestyle and just stay in bars all day.

Then there is the now alcoholic genuine ex forces who are drinking due to the horrific things they saw in wars and are either still tormented by it or have become addicted to the alcohol.

Then you've got guys who have retired and want to relax and enjoy their retirement and do so over a beer in sensible amounts and aren't addicted.

Also people who just want a beer after work and to socialise.

As for the Brits which I'm one of pubs have been a big part of social life in Britain and communities have revolved around them especially small towns or villages where there can be nothing anything else to do unless you find a hobby at home. Especially in winter when it's cold and dark by 4 in the afternoon before you get home from work.

Most people in Britain though only go once a week or even once a month, but the media will like to portray Brits as drunks to sell newspapers and tv programs. We do have a section of people in the UK who never plan to work and want to live on the dole all their lives and just socialise in the pub and again this will get over hyped by the media. Most countries have the same problem, but in other countries without a welfare state the same kind of people have to find other ways to fund in. Thailand has a section of the con artists, beggars, the pretend blind beggars, the girls without a kid or not sending money home to the family, but are ..... just to fund their party lifestyle.

Pubs are supposedly going bust everyday in the UK so it's hardly a thriving business with the whole country in the pub every night.

When you're young in the UK social life does revolve around pubs and clubs but for most it's just at the weekend, but again the media like potraying the youth as all alcoholics gettting drunk every night to sell papers with 'Broken Britain' to idiots.

Let's face it a large percentage of the locals here are permanently drunk on whisky all day long. No matter which country drunk farang comes from the numbers are nothing compared to the Thais.

Very sensible post, after reading it i need a beersleep.png

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Of course there are no statistics,of particular Expat Country members that drink excessively in Thailand,whether from boredom,Alcholism,Social drinking,or whatever reasons.

Below is a link to a WHO league table of Alchoholic Consumption, Country by Country,interestingly enough,one can, not only be wrong about generalising about a particular Country,but also about ones own Country!


I don't drink alcohol

Me neither. I only drink beer.

I am surprised Germany has been mentioned only once in this topic (by Transam, thanks). Beer is part of German culture. McDonalds serves beer in Germany, otherwise they wouldn't survive. The Germsn army serves beer to their soldiers during lunch (at least they used to, in Bavaria), and Goethe was full of praise for the healthy drink.


The Pub in the UK is part of the social makeup of the community. People go there on the way home from work and mingle with other people. Fathers and Sons pop down for a pint before Sunday dinner. The 'local' is a meeting point and integral part of the community.

I am not from the UK but working around Asia has introduced me to this concept and I LOVE IT. I have met many wonderful friends over the last 12 years that I continue to be involved with. Intelligent and articulate people. Try having a decent conversation in an Oz or NZ pub. All the hobbies I have end up with like minded people socialising in....the pub!

I can understand that people get frustrated when the bars are closed for 3 days because during the time they have off work to socialise and relax over a pint, they can do nothing except wander around a shopping centre or stay in the condo.

It has nothing to do with going out and getting blind drunk every day....

And that is what regular drinkers miss the most,the Pub Culture,which can't be replicated in Thailand,you either know what a local Pub is, in the UK,or you have no concept of it,and think the Bars in Thailand are the same. Never in a million years,a poor sustitute at best. Its only natural that when you lose your local, by coming to Thailand,that a replacement is sought out,hence spending long periods in Bars,that never quite measure up to "a real Local"


Of course there are no statistics,of particular Expat Country members that drink excessively in Thailand,whether from boredom,Alcholism,Social drinking,or whatever reasons.

Below is a link to a WHO league table of Alchoholic Consumption, Country by Country,interestingly enough,one can, not only be wrong about generalising about a particular Country,but also about ones own Country!


I still so the Netherlands below the UK. But this statistic says nothing about binge drinking or how alcohol is perceived in a certain culture. But im sorry you feel that remarks like that are flaming. I never meant it that way and many others thankfully agreed.


Not sure it's so much the drinking as it is 'going to bars', which of course is a lot more fun in Thailand than just about anywhere else.

Then once in a bar, you consume a beverage. If I didn't drink I would still go to bars. And if I'm not in a bar then I don't drink.

Anyway, I don't think drinking is an 'obsession' on this forum. If anything topics like these always bring out the folks ranting against alcohol, using the opportunity to explain why they're so much better than everyone else. rolleyes.gif

But im much better as others.angry.png . I haven't had any alcohol for 3 months.. probably wont for an other 3 and then who knows. I could drink half a bottle of vodka b4. Just decided that alcohol does not suit my needs now. (weight loss)

Oh! I see.

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I lived in the UK for about 10 years and was amazed to find that alcohol flowed freely at social gatherings...I am from California and if there was any alcohol at all it was usually a small plastic cup of white wine with the biscuits and cheese as no one wanted to be associated with 'drinking'...and the middle class in the UK is more uptight than in California where everyone supposedly 'hangs loose'...

like Vincent said to Jules in the film Pulp Fiction I was surprised to find a full bar available at our local art house cinema in Derby...that would never happen in California...but then there is the drunken hooligan aspect at football matches in the UK that would never happen in the US...but in the US armed riot police would be all over them...


Of course there are no statistics,of particular Expat Country members that drink excessively in Thailand,whether from boredom,Alcholism,Social drinking,or whatever reasons.

Below is a link to a WHO league table of Alchoholic Consumption, Country by Country,interestingly enough,one can, not only be wrong about generalising about a particular Country,but also about ones own Country!


I still so the Netherlands below the UK. But this statistic says nothing about binge drinking or how alcohol is perceived in a certain culture. But im sorry you feel that remarks like that are flaming. I never meant it that way and many others thankfully agreed.

Only just below the UK ,and neither Countries,or several others,above, have anything to be proud of either!

Well of course the WHO would be hard pressed to come up with all the facts and figures,especially "binge drinking",which by it's very nature,is a secretive pastime,which would need to be honestly declared by the abuser.

But perhaps some other member could come up with,more in depth figures?


I don't think that Robb was having a go at the Brits specifically, but just stating what he see's. I am British and proud of it, culture and all and yes that does include the pub culture. The thing is that when I was young British men mostly drank beer and the beer in Britain at that time was much weaker than that on the Continent. I think that the binge drinking culture is relatively new and certainly now a part of my generations upbringing. We Brits drink as a matter of course for social and business reasons. I don't think that I ever missed an early evening drink following a hard day at work. The other thing was that if you needed any work doing there was always someone in the Pub that could do it, so a great meeting point.

The Asians will be the next number 1 in the world ranking with drinks like Lao Khaow and the Chinese Pijo not to mention the Japanese Saki. All very strong and mind bending drinks.

Correct! many a problem,or answer to one, has been resolved over a pint or two,in the convivial atmosphere of ones local.


Here we go again.. please read the whole topic. I made it clear many times it was not intended as a flame. Please read the whole topic. Its a constructive topic. If i want to flame the Brits there are other easier ways to do it.

I see nothing wrong with the topic and I have also noticed that British people seems to be somewhat obsessed with alcohol compared to other nationalities. This is not a flame, just an observation. There are plenty of drunks in every country, but IMO, in general, Brits seem to glorify alcohol more than other cultures.

Pure Conjecture!

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I lived in the UK for about 10 years and was amazed to find that alcohol flowed freely at social gatherings...I am from California and if there was any alcohol at all it was usually a small plastic cup of white wine with the biscuits and cheese as no one wanted to be associated with 'drinking'...and the middle class in the UK is more uptight than in California where everyone supposedly 'hangs loose'...

like Vincent said to Jules in the film Pulp Fiction I was surprised to find a full bar available at our local art house cinema in Derby...that would never happen in California...but then there is the drunken hooligan aspect at football matches in the UK that would never happen in the US...but in the US armed riot police would be all over them...

Maybe you should send over some of your "US armed riot police then" or show us,how to clean up the streets overnight,like in your Country....??

I am wondering are foreigners here more prone to drink then in their home countries.

I can be considered a domestic expert in these matters.

I'm medical retired and thus on a life-long vacation.

Sitting and drinking beer while watching naked woman is also one of few things i can do with my messed up back.

I can't remember cost of beer back in ice ridden hell, but it is several times more than here,

and it also taste sweeter here for some reason


Arthurwait posted a pretty good synopsis of some causes of excess drinking.

I might disagree somewhat of his view of drinking in bars with working girls.

they get addicted to having their ego stroked by a pretty young girl at the bars and keep going back.

But that is a moot point. It has nothing to do with getting their egos stroked, and more to do with having the company of attractive women rather than miserable women on PMS.

Boredom has a lot to do with people who drink too much. They don't have other interests to look forward to.

I the Bristish case there many people who don't have homes suitable for entertaining, so everyone goes to the local pub to socialize. What do they serve in pubs? Yah, right, booze. The longer you stay in the pub the more you drink... unless you are in a Thai pub where you can play pool or flirt with a pretty girl.

In middle and upper class North America the people have larger homes more suitable for entertaining. There is less motive to binge drinking, unless you are already a drunk.

I've had a few friends in Canada who ruined their lives by smoking and excessive drinking. Most of these guys got bored with married life after a while and had no other interests to occupy their lives. They were party animals when they were younger and they slowly turned into alcoholics with nothing new to excite them.

I won't repeat all of the points that Arthurwait brought up but for every ying there is a yang..

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Of course there are no statistics,of particular Expat Country members that drink excessively in Thailand,whether from boredom,Alcholism,Social drinking,or whatever reasons.

Below is a link to a WHO league table of Alchoholic Consumption, Country by Country,interestingly enough,one can, not only be wrong about generalising about a particular Country,but also about ones own Country!


I still so the Netherlands below the UK. But this statistic says nothing about binge drinking or how alcohol is perceived in a certain culture. But im sorry you feel that remarks like that are flaming. I never meant it that way and many others thankfully agreed.

Only just below the UK ,and neither Countries,or several others,above, have anything to be proud of either!

Well of course the WHO would be hard pressed to come up with all the facts and figures,especially "binge drinking",which by it's very nature,is a secretive pastime,which would need to be honestly declared by the abuser.

But perhaps some other member could come up with,more in depth figures?

I don't want to make this into a pissing match between the UK and Holland but i think 30% is not a little bit. For me it was always clear that Eastern European countries had more of a alcohol problem then others. Seen a few documentaries about that, they say it has something to do with the long winter.

I was also saying that this was what i have seen here that was before i even went looking for figures. Like i said and like tutsiwarrior remarked the in the UK alcohol seems to be much more glorified and part of everyday life.

It was not that i did not see many Dutch drunks (im sure there are and i have been drunk too) but its more how it is perceived. More like a badge of honor in the UK. (i could be wrong here but that is how i saw it) In the Netherlands its also glorified but usually only by young teens.

For the record that does not reflect to everyone from the UK, we are talking averages here. (just a reminder for the sensitive people around). About the English Hooligans i can only say they have Dutch counterparts.. nothing to be proud about would be good if they were all gone. They are a great example of low class idiots.


"An other explanation is that the majority of posters here is English and they just are a bit more obsessed by drinking then where i am from. For those who did not know im from the Netherlands. That just might be it because i never seen people who let a drink rule their life as much as the people here."

"This is a serious question not a flame"!

I would have totally disagree with you there, I dont find the Brits more are obsessed with alcohol than many other nationalities!

I have seen as much alcoholism in the Netherlands as I have in GB to be frank, as well as Sweden etc etc.

To place your statement at the Englishman's door I find inflammatory tbh. and again more very broad generalisations.

Much like saying all Dutch are all druggies!

Agreed. I see more pissed up Scandies swinging at each other here on Phuket than any other group and have yet to come across a sober Dane. I don't know which part of the Netherlands you come from but I have Dutch friends in Amsterdam who have beer delivered along with their morning milk! That even took my breath away huh.png

Milk? I agree, that would take my breath away too.


I see nothing wrong with the topic and I have also noticed that British people seems to be somewhat obsessed with alcohol compared to other nationalities. This is not a flame, just an observation. There are plenty of drunks in every country, but IMO, in general, Brits seem to glorify alcohol more than other cultures.

My observation is that if you find yourself in a strange country and you don't really know where to go for a good time you just follow the Brits. They're always right on the money when it comes to watering holes.drunk.gif

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Just think the OP has to get out more then he will see his fellow country men out there as fond of a beer as the rest of us. I guess the Dutch only make Heineken for export

Sure we export the bad quality.. Amstel is much better. Im sure there are Dutch out there drinking too. We are not saints that is for sure. I was talking law of averages here but the English seem a bit sensitive.

How about grolsch! Nobody here seems to know it, i tried before. I am sensitive about grolsch..


Not sure it's so much the drinking as it is 'going to bars', which of course is a lot more fun in Thailand than just about anywhere else.

Then once in a bar, you consume a beverage. If I didn't drink I would still go to bars. And if I'm not in a bar then I don't drink.

Anyway, I don't think drinking is an 'obsession' on this forum. If anything topics like these always bring out the folks ranting against alcohol, using the opportunity to explain why they're so much better than everyone else. rolleyes.gif

But im much better as others.angry.png . I haven't had any alcohol for 3 months.. probably wont for an other 3 and then who knows. I could drink half a bottle of vodka b4. Just decided that alcohol does not suit my needs now. (weight loss)

Old habits never die.

Old Habits Never Die


"An other explanation is that the majority of posters here is English and they just are a bit more obsessed by drinking then where i am from. For those who did not know im from the Netherlands. That just might be it because i never seen people who let a drink rule their life as much as the people here."

"This is a serious question not a flame"!

I would have totally disagree with you there, I dont find the Brits more are obsessed with alcohol than many other nationalities!

I have seen as much alcoholism in the Netherlands as I have in GB to be frank, as well as Sweden etc etc.

To place your statement at the Englishman's door I find inflammatory tbh. and again more very broad generalisations.

Much like saying all Dutch are all druggies!

Agreed. I see more pissed up Scandies swinging at each other here on Phuket than any other group and have yet to come across a sober Dane. I don't know which part of the Netherlands you come from but I have Dutch friends in Amsterdam who have beer delivered along with their morning milk! That even took my breath away huh.png

Kinda depends if they consume the beer in the morning or if its just a delivery service. I worked in Amsterdam for 5 years i lived 40km above it. So then you know the area. But seems i'm not alone in my observation of the Brits. I do agree about Scandinavians too but that is because alcohol is so expensive there.


Just think the OP has to get out more then he will see his fellow country men out there as fond of a beer as the rest of us. I guess the Dutch only make Heineken for export

Sure we export the bad quality.. Amstel is much better. Im sure there are Dutch out there drinking too. We are not saints that is for sure. I was talking law of averages here but the English seem a bit sensitive.

How about grolsch! Nobody here seems to know it, i tried before. I am sensitive about grolsch..

I liked Grolsch its a good beer, but im sure most countries (except Thailand) have good beers.


folks haveta think about alcoholism and I am a drunk by anyone's definition...half boddle of vodka per day? get outta here, lets talk about 2 boddles and drinking at home...I don't like being around other drunks and I hate bars...and I can't walk half the time so it becomes difficult to go to the market to look at the wimmin fer entertainment...but I stay at home and play with the kids, read and sleep, etc...

gives you a whole new way of lookin' at the world...too bad I'm not Jack Kerouac or a Nobel laureate in literature as then I would have an excuse...

I used to drink 2+ bottles a day and understand other things you say. One thing I couldn't imagine though is looking after kids. I was in no way safe to do that.

I haven't had a drink now for over a decade.

Do you enjoy drinking?

enjoy drinking? well, if one doesn't continue then there is withdrawal which is not pleasant...but I manage at least 2-3 dry days in any 2 week period...

there are at least 2 capable women in my house at any time and they look after the collective family child minding duties...I just play with the kids as that helps them later to get to bed and asleep at a reasonable hour and reduces the burden on the ladies...alcoholism may be a solitary activity in my case but you use the available resources when ye got 'em...the kids release a tremendous amount of energy during the day (a good sign) and are usually dead to the world at 10pm to about 8am...with good nutrition very positive, I would say...

Dude, this need to be sorted. You may think it doesn't - but it does. If you want to enjoy life I'd recommend the following. Check into a hospital and dry out. Tell the doctor you want to withdraw from alcohol. It's no big problem. After three days go an AA meeting. Listen to what people have to say. Start working the steps. If you fail rinse and repeat. Try to do it today.

Playing with and teaching children as they develop is something we should do sober, dude.


folks haveta think about alcoholism and I am a drunk by anyone's definition...half boddle of vodka per day? get outta here, lets talk about 2 boddles and drinking at home...I don't like being around other drunks and I hate bars...and I can't walk half the time so it becomes difficult to go to the market to look at the wimmin fer entertainment...but I stay at home and play with the kids, read and sleep, etc...

gives you a whole new way of lookin' at the world...too bad I'm not Jack Kerouac or a Nobel laureate in literature as then I would have an excuse...

I used to drink 2+ bottles a day and understand other things you say. One thing I couldn't imagine though is looking after kids. I was in no way safe to do that.

I haven't had a drink now for over a decade.

Do you enjoy drinking?

Good mentioning you need to create a distraction or maybe a duty for yourself to be able to leave the bottle in the first place. I had a very difficult divorce but the parting with the bottle seems to be a lot more difficult! :-)


folks haveta think about alcoholism and I am a drunk by anyone's definition...half boddle of vodka per day? get outta here, lets talk about 2 boddles and drinking at home...I don't like being around other drunks and I hate bars...and I can't walk half the time so it becomes difficult to go to the market to look at the wimmin fer entertainment...but I stay at home and play with the kids, read and sleep, etc...

gives you a whole new way of lookin' at the world...too bad I'm not Jack Kerouac or a Nobel laureate in literature as then I would have an excuse...

I used to drink 2+ bottles a day and understand other things you say. One thing I couldn't imagine though is looking after kids. I was in no way safe to do that.

I haven't had a drink now for over a decade.

Do you enjoy drinking?

Good mentioning you need to create a distraction or maybe a duty for yourself to be able to leave the bottle in the first place. I had a very difficult divorce but the parting with the bottle seems to be a lot more difficult! :-)

Some people can stop easier with it like others. For me i just flip over a switch and then don't drink. But then again im not one of those guys that enjoys the bar scene. I think it would look funny if you order a soda there. So i better not go.


I think it would look funny if you order a soda there. So i better not go.

Every now and then I like to go to a Go-Go bar and usually drink soda-water with no hassles from the girls or staff. I am not a big drinker and do not need the extra calories for something that I do not enjoy that much.

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