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Does Your Tgf Like Lamb

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Like all Aussies and Kiwi's we love our Lamb, be it a nice joint roasted, or in a vindaloo, the late night kebab, or the humble shoulder chop.

Unfortunately my TGF doesn't share the same passion for this gift from the gods. She says it stinks!

I thought F'ing hell, have you smelt that slop that goes in your som tam.

Then she says, go take shower, after \I have eaten the hell, cause it makes me stink too... passifier.gif

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in the Middle East I introduced the wife to lamb shwarma and she liked it well enough...she liked the chicken as well...in the ME it was usually goat meat but close enough to mutton...

(in Manama tutsi waited in a small food stall drinking a coke as a heavy set, sweating arab man emerged from the back with a huge mutton shwarma on a skewer...he smiled and I smiled as he wiped his brow and I said: 'that looks mighty good!...'...a coup of confidence for east-west relations...)

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I am one Aussie who never eats "lamb" or mutton. I grew up on the sheep farm when wool was a major export and lamb was what you survived on when the wool cheaque money ran out. Because i never eat beef my gf does not eat it much although she says she does not mind it. In a lamb penang there will not be much of the flavours or qualities that some of the other posters have mentioned.

In Australia, many of the Thai restaurants have substituted lamb instead of beef now ,a reflection of how Thais and other Buddhists moving away from beef (in line with the Hindu concept of the cow being mother) and perhaps as a nod to the muslim preference to mutton. This is just my observations .

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2001 was our 1st trip back to Aus, as a couple, and of coarse the 1st thing I did was some grocery shopping, in particular, a nice leg of lamb. Whilst cooking this piece of succulent offering TW complained that the PORK was off ---- <deleted> ----.

11 years later she is becoming acclimatised to the magnificent aroma but still will not eat it.

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2001 was our 1st trip back to Aus, as a couple, and of coarse the 1st thing I did was some grocery shopping, in particular, a nice leg of lamb. Whilst cooking this piece of succulent offering TW complained that the PORK was off ---- <deleted> ----.

11 years later she is becoming acclimatised to the magnificent aroma but still will not eat it.

They all think pork in oz is off.

I got mine eating lamb, but it is taking years to slowly wean her off well done...

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I actually also like Hogget and Mutton as well.

When i was a child my grandmother used to cook a large full leg of Mutton.

And it could be smelt from far away.

For those who don't know, Mutton is seldom sold here any more.

Mutton is actually Sheep, whereas Lamb is... well Lamb. Hogget sits in between in age.

And has a great flavour. although tougher of course.

Mutton has a very distinct smell, as does Hogget to a lesser degree.

Both require long slow cooking.

I also love Goat, there is a Fijian Indian, who does a spicy goat curry cooked on the bone to die for near me.

the longer it sits after he cooks it, the better it is.

I hope one day she will enjoy Lamb, and not make me take a shower for just eating it, because it make me stink...apparently licklips.gif

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Biggest mistake I ever made introducing my ex to lamb.

First time I bought it and she cooked it for me she brought the plate through with her face all screwed up at how much it stank and then she watched me it with the same look of disgust and disbelief we have when we first see the Thais eat insects.

I was making ecstatic yum yum noises as I ate it and she looked at me like a dog eating its poop.

Then I made the mistake of forcing her to try a bit.


She loved it! She wanted it at every meal after that. My grocery bills tripled as she bought lamb every time. Every restaurant we went to she wanted the lamb, which was usually the most expensive thing on the menu.

So let your Thai GF wallow in ignorance as to how wonderful lamb is. Your bank account will thank you!

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in most places in Thailand the 'lamb' is actually goat meat which has a strong smell if not marinated properly...the shwarma chefs in the Middle East have got it down...I'd be interested to see what they do in the south as malay cooking has a lot to do with lamb/goat...in Indonesia most satay that you get is goat meat...goats are easier to keep than sheep as they eat tin cans, garbage and etc...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine loves it...was a big fan of doing Lamb Chops on the BBQ in Oz when we could afford it. Does a really good roast but we only have it once every 2-3 months given the cost of a decent leg out here. Loves the Londoners Lamb Shanks. Always complains about the cost of poor quality chops here too.

In short, an aficionado

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Nope, won't touch it. Won't eat beef either. She did try beef ONCE when no other Thais were around several years ago, but hasn't done it again. Won't even try lamb or goat once. Doesn't have a problem with me eating either though.

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