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Earth Hour - Farang Tight Wad Style

Phuket electrician

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I reuse rubber bands used to secure plastic bags of food products. I haven't bought a bag of rubber bands in 20 years.........must be why I feel so rich!

When I pop into 7-11 for an afternoon ice-cream treat, I tell the clerk to skip the plastic bag. More often than not, I have to politely leave it on the counter.

If the light up ahead is red, I'm coasting in.....and I don't give a hoot (or a honk) if the person behind me is annoyed.

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I try to save water and electricity by having my morning shower with my girl friend and her two lovely sisters. We all get to soap each other's bodies. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes longer than expected.

I stopped taking shower at all, saves electric and water and I have a lot more time for sleeping as no females are distracting me.

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Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

like another plastic bag vicar?

I don't know what a priouses is but I do drive a Toyota Prius. 4.6 litres per 100 kms, that's why smile.png Oh, I also have another car but that's less economical at 11.2 litres per 100 km.

The battery on these things cause more polution being made than any car on the planet ,total and utter waste of 1.3 million,for a small saloon . a normal car would have set you back half a million less ,makes 4.6 literes to 100 kms look expensive when you look at it that way ,and the batteries dont last that long and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

but if it makes you feel good , enjoy.biggrin.png

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Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

like another plastic bag vicar?

I don't know what a priouses is but I do drive a Toyota Prius. 4.6 litres per 100 kms, that's why smile.png Oh, I also have another car but that's less economical at 11.2 litres per 100 km.

The battery on these things cause more polution being made than any car on the planet ,total and utter waste of 1.3 million,for a small saloon . a normal car would have set you back half a million less ,makes 4.6 literes to 100 kms look expensive when you look at it that way ,and the batteries dont last that long and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

but if it makes you feel good , enjoy.biggrin.png

I don't care about pollution or being green, just plain economics coupled with practicality.

At (currently) 43 baht per litre (Benzine 91), I would be spending Bht 206,400 pa based on 40,000 km pa and at 12 l/100km. In the Prius, I would be spending Bht 79,120, a saving of Bht 127,280. In five years, I would have recouped on the premium that I paid.

During those five years, I would at least have the practically of a hatchback (not sedan), really useful as I don't own a pick up.

Regarding batteries, I have yet to come across a Prius owner who's had to pay to replace the battery (don't take it from me, this is information gathered from a dedicated Prius forum, not sponsored by Toyota).

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So here goes, recycle plastic 1.5L bottles, you know sprite, coke etc fill them with water from a 25l ltr white bottle 10 baht if you’re lucky or 12 baht if they see you coming. Keep these recycled bottles in the fridge or the freezer. The fridge has to do less work once they are cooled and you can use the frozen ones for the customary cooler in the boot of the car, put them back in the freezer when your done.

Do not do this with PET or PETE if you are concerned for your safety. Especially freezing or heating them releases carcinogens.

Does anybody know <deleted> this guy is talking about? Edited by Phuket electrician
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Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

like another plastic bag vicar?

I don't know what a priouses is but I do drive a Toyota Prius. 4.6 litres per 100 kms, that's why smile.png Oh, I also have another car but that's less economical at 11.2 litres per 100 km.

The battery on these things cause more polution being made than any car on the planet ,total and utter waste of 1.3 million,for a small saloon . a normal car would have set you back half a million less ,makes 4.6 literes to 100 kms look expensive when you look at it that way ,and the batteries dont last that long and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

but if it makes you feel good , enjoy.biggrin.png

I don't care about pollution or being green, just plain economics coupled with practicality.

At (currently) 43 baht per litre (Benzine 91), I would be spending Bht 206,400 pa based on 40,000 km pa and at 12 l/100km. In the Prius, I would be spending Bht 79,120, a saving of Bht 127,280. In five years, I would have recouped on the premium that I paid.

During those five years, I would at least have the practically of a hatchback (not sedan), really useful as I don't own a pick up.

Regarding batteries, I have yet to come across a Prius owner who's had to pay to replace the battery (don't take it from me, this is information gathered from a dedicated Prius forum, not sponsored by Toyota).

Do you have any idea where the resources/componants for a Prius come from? What country - labour regulations, enviromental impact? I am not a green - far from it, the publicised 'Earth Hour' is a joke, here in Phuket the street lighting is adequate but pathetic - controlled by photocells, they are inefficient, blaze away when it is light enough to see perfectly well. Do you have any figures, any informd opinion - anything? Just retoric? Do you have any informating for us, insight, constructive ideas, labour saving hints, humourous story? Wit, sarcasim, surrealism - anything but secondhand information - something from your own experience, something original? With respect we have seen it 'heard' it, done it - what we all want to know is what you are able to contribute - nobody believes a Toyoto Prius is the way forward when hydrogen is the clear answer. Take good care, and have a good night. Edited by Phuket electrician
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So here goes, recycle plastic 1.5L bottles, you know sprite, coke etc fill them with water from a 25l ltr white bottle 10 baht if you’re lucky or 12 baht if they see you coming. Keep these recycled bottles in the fridge or the freezer. The fridge has to do less work once they are cooled and you can use the frozen ones for the customary cooler in the boot of the car, put them back in the freezer when your done.

Do not do this with PET or PETE if you are concerned for your safety. Especially freezing or heating them releases carcinogens.

Does anybody know <deleted> this guy is talking about?

Something to do with getting cancer from them, but it is a hoax.


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"I have to baby sit my 2 boys while the missus has her ‘me-time’ ‘shopping for-shit’ to fill our house with overpriced pointless crap from 'western- style' retail outlets here in Phuket."

Sad statement .... since when was being a parent called baby sitting?

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Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

like another plastic bag vicar?

I don't know what a priouses is but I do drive a Toyota Prius. 4.6 litres per 100 kms, that's why smile.png Oh, I also have another car but that's less economical at 11.2 litres per 100 km.

The battery on these things cause more polution being made than any car on the planet ,total and utter waste of 1.3 million,for a small saloon . a normal car would have set you back half a million less ,makes 4.6 literes to 100 kms look expensive when you look at it that way ,and the batteries dont last that long and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

but if it makes you feel good , enjoy.biggrin.png

I don't care about pollution or being green, just plain economics coupled with practicality.

At (currently) 43 baht per litre (Benzine 91), I would be spending Bht 206,400 pa based on 40,000 km pa and at 12 l/100km. In the Prius, I would be spending Bht 79,120, a saving of Bht 127,280. In five years, I would have recouped on the premium that I paid.

During those five years, I would at least have the practically of a hatchback (not sedan), really useful as I don't own a pick up.

Regarding batteries, I have yet to come across a Prius owner who's had to pay to replace the battery (don't take it from me, this is information gathered from a dedicated Prius forum, not sponsored by Toyota).

I would be ashamed to be seen in a Prius - it is like announcing you have a small penis! 3 litres is a minimum to prove your manhood!

Edited by Dekchaimong
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"I have to baby sit my 2 boys while the missus has her ‘me-time’ ‘shopping for-shit’ to fill our house with overpriced pointless crap from 'western- style' retail outlets here in Phuket."

Sad statement .... since when was being a parent called baby sitting?

Have you recently had a "humour bypass" at your local hospital?

Edited by Dekchaimong
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Avoid expensive cleaning product, you're paying for the fancy marketing anyway - and make your own - use white vinegar to clean windows and glass table tops. Wash tiled floors, kitchen counters and all that stuff that seems to attract an infinite amount of filth with diluted vim in a spray bottle.

There are many other combinations that I can't think of right now, my head hurts too much and the house is so filthy I am off the library mainly because I haven't got a pot to piss in. I am philanthropic by nature and support a variety of Thai girlfriends all of which seem to be having unfortunate bad luck with livestock, family illness in immediate need of expensive medical treatment, broken tractors, lost or stolen iphones’, motorbikes, unwanted pregnancy, STD’s and on and on it goes.

I am eating Salt and pepper soup until the next pension check arrives. Keep it clean and think green - Stay happy.

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Top tip for this week end, treat yourself to a DIY spa experience like no other. You'll look good, sleep like a baby, save electricity, water, shower gel, lose weight farang tight wad style and have the body of an adonis in no time at all.

Whenever you feel hunger pangs put on your swimmers and head off to your local beach for a relaxing 8-10 km swim with the fishes. This endeavour of delight should take between 2-5 hours depending on these and many other unknown variables. Dodge the jet skis 1 hour speed boat propellers ditto, timeshare salespeople 30 mins, ping pong show 20 mins, Nepalese tailors 10 mins and underground casino (secret location) unlimited et al head off back home to your love nest for a well earned snooze, you will have little choice in this as you'll be too shagged / traumatised for little else.

During the delights of your slumber you body will exfoliate from the sun, sea and sand, oil, life threatening flesh wounds, faeces you have picked up leaving you as fresh as a daisy.

Get a good eight hours shut-eye.

There is one caveat to guarantee success with this 5* experience you will need to persevere with this daily for 8-12 months before your stomach shrinks sufficiently to feel-full at the sight of Sadao bean, never mind you'll like Brad Pitt did in Snatch, ripped and ready to rock roll.

Take one cup of water and heat until tepid add salt and pepper to taste, drop in a Sadao bean - garnish with a pube(s) (optional).

Did I mention, set a reminded on your phone – or tell a friend to prompt you when 90 day reporting comes around. You’ll be so obsessive and delusional you’re bound to forget. Happy days.

Earth Hour - tight wad farang style.

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Top Tip of the Day!!!!!!

When going to the toilet always remember to pull your pants down first, it saves a lot of washing afterwards which is jolly bad for the planet.

The side effects are squelching about for the rest of the day and the smell, you might also attract the local dogs ( cannine)who might want to pay you visit, regularly

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What's all the fuss about ? We just throw all the veg-matter into the plastic bag burning pit and after the rain we got tomata , potata and onionseplata

Dude we are looking for original humour we can all enjoy - we know Earth Hour is a token - pointless ignorant jesture - the point of the post is a poke at sanook Farang tight wad style - we all know it - you go to the bar - you don't have sufficient dough to get pissed but you're not ready for home yet - what do you do - sponge.

Any contribution in this vein is welcome - it is lighthearted with a view to highlight the ignorance we all suffer from, the human condition, what ever subject it may be - I am as stuipd as a frog with no croak. Keep smiling it is only life for a limited period of time. Enjoy yourself and those around you, we are living the life others procrastinate and dream about.


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Earth hour the biggest joke ive ever heard, oh sorry i forgot man made global warming and god, in that order

Not the point is it - there is ignorance everwhere - even an idiot is open to constructive dialogue.

But it is because really if u want to save the planet ( and I think us not being here at all would be so much better) Then you'd better sell your car/bike, stop flying, get your electric disconnected and go back to living in a cave, and yes Im serious. oh or hang on we could turn the lights off for an hour??? what do you think the power stations will cut output for 1 hour??? Does it mean we get an extra hour before the -planet dies later?

Re cycle -plastic, humph we shouldnt be producing it to start with, your'e in Thailand wrap it in a banana leaf.

All pointless Thais couldnt care less and 99% of the Asian developing countries ditto along with the U.S etc etc

the little that we do really has no affect on the planet as a whole. what you do affects YOU more than anything. i think there was an old thread that talks about the things people do to save money in thailand.

I try to save water and electricity by having my morning shower with my girl friend and her two lovely sisters. We all get to soap each other's bodies. Unfortunately, it sometimes takes longer than expected.

this technique, while logical, may eventually cause resentment between some of the parties involved. you must make sure each person gets equal soap time.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from TV android app.

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It is important when drnking not to forget to open the mouth at the correct moment, its called syncronization, if one fails to do this right you end up with a wet chin and shirt. This most wasteful of rare resources like beer, especially real ales, so I suggest you all go and practise now with an empty vessel and when you thing you mastered the art try it with liquid, quick tip, dont turn the head at the last minute ( to look at birds or if someone calls you) as this can also end up with a disaster! Spit spot!!!

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Is it advisable at this time of year to go out in sowester, full oilskins and welly's? I have gone for the bright yellow all over with pink wellingtons, is this the best way to show solidarity with the Thais whilst preserving a dryish body. I am under the impression that the kit will be able to withstand up to 10 multiple hits at the same time. The bonus is that there is enough room inside to take a packed lunch, cool box with supplies of beer, the issue of most concern is the relieving of bodily excess cells, I checked the wellingtons and they seem to be able to hold about 2 pints in each boot, has anyone any experience they can help me with?

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It is important when drnking not to forget to open the mouth at the correct moment, its called syncronization, if one fails to do this right you end up with a wet chin and shirt. This most wasteful of rare resources like beer, especially real ales, so I suggest you all go and practise now with an empty vessel and when you thing you mastered the art try it with liquid, quick tip, dont turn the head at the last minute ( to look at birds or if someone calls you) as this can also end up with a disaster! Spit spot!!!

Beer? Nah. Save yourself a few bob & get on the meths.

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"I have to baby sit my 2 boys while the missus has her ‘me-time’ ‘shopping for-shit’ to fill our house with overpriced pointless crap from 'western- style' retail outlets here in Phuket."

Sad statement .... since when was being a parent called baby sitting?

Have you recently had a "humour bypass" at your local hospital?

Well said. I thought it was a cracker of an opening!

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Road kill in Thailand does not involve rabbits or deer....all we have are dogs, cats and humans.

Much the same as the UK; can't remember ever seeing a deer on the road - dead or alive, and rabbits still are ridden with myxomatosis but they taste much the same as cats, I'm told. Hedgehogs on the other hand make great crisps. Edited by pastitche
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Road kill in Thailand does not involve rabbits or deer....all we have are dogs, cats and humans.

Much the same as the UK; can't remember ever seeing a deer on the road - dead or alive, and rabbits still are ridden with myxomatosis but they taste much the same as cats, I'm told. Hedgehogs on the other hand make great crisps.

The common hedgehog make an excellent adhoc slipper, the chance of finding a pair in comparative levels of decay are quite remote yet perfect for a one legged p'head that's suffered the indignity of a mislaid shoe. Not for the fasion victim or lilly livered lefty however. There's just no pleasing those fickle fussy fkers. Edited by Phuket electrician
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Road kill in Thailand does not involve rabbits or deer....all we have are dogs, cats and humans.

Much the same as the UK; can't remember ever seeing a deer on the road - dead or alive, and rabbits still are ridden with myxomatosis but they taste much the same as cats, I'm told. Hedgehogs on the other hand make great crisps.

There are rabbits in Thailand, but they daren't show their faces in populated areas as they'll be shot and eaten

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Road kill in Thailand does not involve rabbits or deer....all we have are dogs, cats and humans.

Much the same as the UK; can't remember ever seeing a deer on the road - dead or alive, and rabbits still are ridden with myxomatosis but they taste much the same as cats, I'm told. Hedgehogs on the other hand make great crisps.

There are rabbits in Thailand, but they daren't show their faces in populated areas as they'll be shot and eaten

THere reputed to be a lot rabbits in Parliament, of course, I could not possible comment on that!
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I find the talk of hedghog faloured crisps rather distasteful and having buit in tooth picks makes it sound a rather dangerous snack to try and devour! At this time of year I would have thought we should be seeing Buddha Crisps or Monk flavour, I think the local business wizards are missing a trick here!

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