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No, I Did Not: Fugitive Ex-Premier Thaksin


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I keep seeing people post in here about Thaksin being one of the elites. It's my understanding that the "elites" hate his guts and consider him a johnny come lately.

Thaksin's interests represent a split in the Thai ruling class. They were happy to accommodate him in his early period, but he spotted what he thought was a fundamental fault line and weakness in the existing establishment and thought that he could go for broke and capture total state power. Those who refer to 'elites' are just meally-mouthing class politics of which they are not only scared but wish to camouflage.

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Thanks Rubl I will have a wet week....... but in the UK....sad.png ...I arrive back home after the festivities

Have a good one......take care

Just had a quick look. Most of the UK seems in for a similar spell of wetness as the Netherlands. My mother told me it's about 9C and drizzling back home near Arnhem. At least here in Bangkok it's 37C or so in daytime. Even with icewater who cares to get wet smile.png

Edited by rubl
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The whole Southern insurgency thing is complex and beyond meaningfull, superficial commentary here, but use of it for making silly little political points in the above article is noted. Everything from shouting out in bold heading the 'fugitive' terminology,hoping to project felonious innuendo onto a political adversary, and using 1/3 of the article to reverentially quote a political leader with truly culpable baggage that would be congruent with the 'fugitive' moniker, demonstrates subtle intent perhaps not noticeable to many.

Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

What else need be said?

umm, He or his proxy keeps winning elections?

And that's the elephant in the corner of the room which just will not go away. Sooner or later everyone is going to have to accept that.

Edited by JAG
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I keep seeing people post in here about Thaksin being one of the elites. It's my understanding that the "elites" hate his guts and consider him a johnny come lately.

The elite PM seems to like him as well as the rest of the red elites.
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The whole Southern insurgency thing is complex and beyond meaningfull, superficial commentary here, but use of it for making silly little political points in the above article is noted. Everything from shouting out in bold heading the 'fugitive' terminology,hoping to project felonious innuendo onto a political adversary, and using 1/3 of the article to reverentially quote a political leader with truly culpable baggage that would be congruent with the 'fugitive' moniker, demonstrates subtle intent perhaps not noticeable to many.

Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

What else need be said?

umm, He or his proxy keeps winning elections?

And that's the elephant in the corner of the room which just will not go away. Sooner or later everyone is going to have to accept that.

Having a well financed political machine that wins elections, but by hook or crook,

is not the same as abiding by the laws of the land, being a moral person,

and working for ALL the people interests, rather than only your own cliques.

Boss Tweed ran Tammany Hall as his political fiefdom and won elections for decades,

but no one can maintain he was moral, law abiding or good for New York's populace.


Winning elections is not the sole benchmark of political office.

Edited by animatic
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The whole Southern insurgency thing is complex and beyond meaningfull, superficial commentary here, but use of it for making silly little political points in the above article is noted. Everything from shouting out in bold heading the 'fugitive' terminology,hoping to project felonious innuendo onto a political adversary, and using 1/3 of the article to reverentially quote a political leader with truly culpable baggage that would be congruent with the 'fugitive' moniker, demonstrates subtle intent perhaps not noticeable to many.

Fact - He is indeed a known fugitive from the Thai Justice System

Fact - He is a known liar

What else need be said?

umm, He or his proxy keeps winning elections?

And that's the elephant in the corner of the room which just will not go away. Sooner or later everyone is going to have to accept that.

Having a well financed political machine that wins elections, but by hook or crook,

is not the same as abiding by the laws of the land, being a moral person,

and working for ALL the people interests, rather than only your own cliques.

Boss Tweed ran Tammany Hall as his political fiefdom and won elections for decades,

but no one can maintain he was moral, law abiding or good for New York's populace.


Winning elections is not the sole benchmark of political office.

Nor is winning a high profile trial by jury ,it all depends of how much dough you have to spend on high flying lawyers , IMHO OJ Simpson being found innocent on the murder rap proved that!!. Edited by Colin Yai
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And you choose to castigate only one man.......you follow the crowd, ride on the band wagon, like to be one of the boys, have difficulty being original, then dislke being connected to the gang you run with........just my "attitude reading" you understand..........

You don't get suckered by april fools too do you?

Hello Pot.

No I don't, but I think you may.

Ooops wrong....on both counts....you see I have been known to accept that Abhisit was placed in a difficult position, even suggest perhaps he was not solely responsible for some of the decisions actions and results attibuted to him...........I'm afraid many of you guys fall a long way short in the benefit of doubt department...but that is just me

April fool.......only in family games as a child......never suckered in adulthood.....as far as I recall

"even suggest perhaps he was not solely responsible for some of the decisions actions and results attibuted to him."

Mighty astute of you when one considers he had to please 40 Thaksin trained supporters.

Try had no choice it was either that or step down.

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Did Thaksin meet with MODERATE separatist leaders,

likely by offering money to meet? Possibly.

Did he meet actual insurgents or hardcore militants? Not at all likely.

The true hardcores would be happy to blow him up with no quarter given.

Or better yet ransom his ass for the cause and international status as islamic players.

And if he did meet with the disparate separatist moderates,

then he no doubt made the true insurgents angry and wanting to show up,

and embarass both the moderate factions and the man they hate.

If he actually did do so, it is a blindingly bad read of the situation, and his powers,

No doubt it played into the hardcores hands with Yala and Hatyai likely

taking the hit to show up Thaksin's family government.

His recent comment was that all the damage caused in the south while in office

was because others mislead him! What a total crock. The main reason he

doesn't get accurate info is because he fires people who don't tell him

what he wants to hear.

Probably another ego-driven hubris moment for Thaksin,

thinking he can ingratiate himself with the people by

stopping the insurgency by the force of his magnificent personality,

and/or cash.

Another monument to personal stupidity in pursuit of more face and power.

Edited by animatic
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Former Legal Adviser to Thaksin: Thaksin Did Not Meet PULO Leaders

BANGKOK: -- A Songkhla MP confirmed that fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has held talks with southern insurgent leaders, while the former legal adviser to Thaksin denied the talks between the two, even though Thaksin has traveled to Malaysia.

Noppadon Pattama, a former legal adviser to fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, insisted that Thaksin did not meet with leaders of the Pattani United Liberation Organization, or PULO, even though he has traveled to Malaysia.

He further denied the issue of Thaksin's appointment as a government adviser, and said that he personally believes that the rumors are aimed to create political chaos.

Noppadon further said that Thaksin and Defense Minister Air Chief Marshal Sukampol Suwannathat have confirmed with the Hong Kong News that Thaksin did not meet with the PULO leaders.

He also asked the Democrat to show evidence and pictures of the talks if the they confirmed that the talks do exist.

Meanwhile, Democrat Songkhla MP Thaworn Senneam said that Thaksin has claimed that he has been appointed as a government adviser and asked Malaysian leaders for a meeting with insurgent leaders, and that this issue is linked to what Thaksin has mentioned before.


-- Tan Network 2012-04-10


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Thaksin met with PULO leader: Thaworn

The Nation

BANGKOK:-- Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra met with a PULO leader in Kuala Lumpur despite his denial, Democrat MP Thaworn Senneam said on Tuesday.

"My concern about Thaksin-PULO talks is it happened without any consultations with security agencies," he said.

Thaworn said he understood Thaksin had initiated the talks via the arrangements done by the Malaysian authorities.

He said unlike Thaksin, he had held talks with the southern insurgents with the acknowledgement of the security authorities, including the commanding general of the 4th Army Region.

He said he was worrying that Thaksin's approach to the talks might have caused confusion among security authorities.

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama dismissed the allegation about the talks, saying although Thaksin was in Kuala Lumpur last month, he did not meet with the PULO leader.

Noppadon said he suspected the Democrats were trying to discredit the government by spreading a fabricated story.

He challenged the Democrats to prove the talks had taken place.

Earlier Thaksin gave an interview in Hong Kong denying his talks with the PULO leader.

The alleged talks, if happened, took place at a five-star hotel on March 14, according to reliable sources in Thailand and Malaysia.


-- The Nation 2012-04-10

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Thaksin met with PULO leader: Thaworn

The Nation

BANGKOK:-- Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra met with a PULO leader in Kuala Lumpur despite his denial, Democrat MP Thaworn Senneam said on Tuesday.

"My concern about Thaksin-PULO talks is it happened without any consultations with security agencies," he said.

Thaworn said he understood Thaksin had initiated the talks via the arrangements done by the Malaysian authorities.

He said unlike Thaksin, he had held talks with the southern insurgents with the acknowledgement of the security authorities, including the commanding general of the 4th Army Region.

He said he was worrying that Thaksin's approach to the talks might have caused confusion among security authorities.

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama dismissed the allegation about the talks, saying although Thaksin was in Kuala Lumpur last month, he did not meet with the PULO leader.

Noppadon said he suspected the Democrats were trying to discredit the government by spreading a fabricated story.

He challenged the Democrats to prove the talks had taken place.

Earlier Thaksin gave an interview in Hong Kong denying his talks with the PULO leader.

The alleged talks, if happened, took place at a five-star hotel on March 14, according to reliable sources in Thailand and Malaysia.


-- The Nation 2012-04-10

The Nation finally stands up for its beliefs, well maybe. I can imagine the "lines" to their solicitors were red hot.

The alleged talks, if happened, took place at a five-star hotel on March 14, according to reliable sources in Thailand and Malaysia.

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Just wondering, did k. Noppadon as k. Thaksin's frequent legal representative already file a defamation case or even threatened to do so ? If not, why not ?

Likewise, if the democrats are so sure he's lying why haven't they produced the evidence to prove it. Abhisit is a man of his word, isn't he?

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Just wondering, did k. Noppadon as k. Thaksin's frequent legal representative already file a defamation case or even threatened to do so ? If not, why not ?

Likewise, if the democrats are so sure he's lying why haven't they produced the evidence to prove it. Abhisit is a man of his word, isn't he?

I wrote a (few) days ago, that I expect more details AFTER the Songkhran holiday period.

BTW it's not like the Dem's are sure k. Thaksin is lying, it was a Dem's who first mentioned that k. Thaksin had a talk. Over the last days after vehement denials of (who would have thought) the Pheu Thai led government, more details seem to come up.

And of course the usual suspects trying to obfuscate.

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How can one of the richest men in SE Asia call himself unemployed! Do i sense an attempt at self pity to get us weeping at his plight? Never was the expression so appropriate: you make your own bed then you have to sleep in it!

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How can one of the richest men in SE Asia call himself unemployed! Do i sense an attempt at self pity to get us weeping at his plight? Never was the expression so appropriate: you make your own bed then you have to sleep in it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bangkok's Insurgency Blunder

Pacifying rebels is harder when you appoint a peace negotiator they hate

Violence has re-erupted in Thailand's restive southern provinces. Suspected Muslim insurgents on March 31 staged the most deadly coordinated attacks in years, killing 14 people and injuring 340 others with car bombs that targeted shoppers and a high-rise hotel frequented by foreign tourists.

This is a tragedy for the victims, and also a slap at Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, whose government had seemed to be on track to finally pacify the region.

Clearly Bangkok's program isn't working and it's time for a rethink.



Wall Street Journal - April 24, 2012

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