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PM Yingluck's Human Errors Not Important: Spokesman


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Malaysia is next door, how could she not know? As for texting during a royal funeral while she is representing the government, unbelievable. She seems to act more like a high school gal than a PM of Thailand. Why didn't the guy next to her smack her and tell her to behave?

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I guess she's in good company (said very sarcastically). After all, there are long lists of George Bush's verbal screw ups. And we all know what a great leader he was..........NOT

Comrade Obummer is no slouch in the gaffe department himself http://politicalhumo...bama-quotes.htm

True enough everyone makes mistakes -- sometimes bad ones... and in public. It's how they go about recovering from these mistakes/misquotes that makes the difference. In Obama's case, he calls the offended official and apologizes... or holds a Beer Summit between the affected parties. In Yingluck's case, she ignores it, says "it's no big deal", has her spokesperson say "it's no big deal" for her, or sends her bulldog (insert name of favorite PTP politcal bully here _______) after them.

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Malaysia is next door, how could she not know? As for texting during a royal funeral while she is representing the government, unbelievable. She seems to act more like a high school gal than a PM of Thailand. Why didn't the guy next to her smack her and tell her to behave?

Malaysia is next door to the Southern provinces.

Malaysia not next door to Thailand proper.

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Malaysia is next door, how could she not know? As for texting during a royal funeral while she is representing the government, unbelievable. She seems to act more like a high school gal than a PM of Thailand. Why didn't the guy next to her smack her and tell her to behave?

Malaysia is next door to the Southern provinces.

Malaysia not next door to Thailand proper.

I'll alert the President of Canada and the Prime Minister of Mexico.huh.png
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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

Thailand does not have a terrorist problem, we are friends with everyone. I'm sure I read that somewhere.

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

Why would anyone send her any alerts? She is only a parrott controlled from the PM headquarters in Dubai.

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

I think claiming that she doesn't have any aides available to answer the phone, has to be the biggest cop out. Ironically, they are talking about keeping mobile networks under thai control for national security. Hope no one nicks her phone. Wonder what her password is for her mail?

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident.

So that she can do what? yell 'duck'

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I think claiming that she doesn't have any aides available to answer the phone, has to be the biggest cop out. Ironically, they are talking about keeping mobile networks under thai control for national security. Hope no one nicks her phone. Wonder what her password is for her mail?

I guess President Obama has the same problem with his Blackberry as does the PM of Canada.

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maybe the title should have been......PM Yingluck Not Important: Spokesman ......

I think Thailand is the first country to have a bimbo as its leader.

Actually, I'm pretty sure Canada beat Thailand to that one.

On June 25, 1993, Kim Campbell became Canada's Prime minister and proved to be an undeniable bimbo. To the Canadian public's credit, they quickly saw what a horrible mistake they had made and her reign of ineptitude only lasted a little over 4 months, which is probably as short a term as one could serve before officially being removed from office with a parliamentary vote of non-confidence.

I don't think anybody should be surprised at Yingluck's constant parade of screw-ups. We all know that with virtually no experience in life suitable for running country, if she had run for office with any last name other than Shiniwatra, she would have been invisible in the results, probably getting about 0.0001% of the votes. Did anybody really expect anything other than the terribly amateurish attempt at politics we've seen from her? Big brother can (and very likely does) dictate all government policy to her, but there's nothing he can do about her tripping over her tongue or her lack of social skills.

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I think claiming that she doesn't have any aides available to answer the phone, has to be the biggest cop out. Ironically, they are talking about keeping mobile networks under thai control for national security. Hope no one nicks her phone. Wonder what her password is for her mail?

I guess President Obama has the same problem with his Blackberry as does the PM of Canada.

Um no, as far as I heard they had to give Obama a special high security device to prevent snooping. I wonder if AIS has anywhere near the same capability? It would probably be an achievement to have the entire PM's office using official versions of MS Office, let alone having secure mobile phones. I would suggest that having the PM walking around with a personal unencrypted phone is quite a security risk.

She could leave it here or there, like in a hotel room or something. Not likely that she would ever leave it in the Parliament building though.


Edited by Thai at Heart
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I think claiming that she doesn't have any aides available to answer the phone, has to be the biggest cop out. Ironically, they are talking about keeping mobile networks under thai control for national security. Hope no one nicks her phone. Wonder what her password is for her mail?

I guess President Obama has the same problem with his Blackberry as does the PM of Canada.

Um no, as far as I heard they had to give Obama a special high security device to prevent snooping. I wonder if AIS has anywhere near the same capability? It would probably be an achievement to have the entire PM's office using official versions of MS Office, let alone having secure mobile phones. I would suggest that having the PM walking around with a personal unencrypted phone is quite a security risk.

She could leave it here or there, like in a hotel room or something. Not likely that she would ever leave it in the Parliament building though.


She would have to go to the Parliamant building first. No worries about that.
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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

She has a whole PMs Office of people to support her.

If the call/message/whatever was vital to the nation then yes she should be informed by some of the minions from her office via an earpiece.

For a funeral of this Royal importance NO-ONE out there should be even carrying a mobile phone from the lowliest private to the top generals and certainly not the Prime Minister.

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The head of any government - even one who is recognised as a clone - cannot afford to be gaffe prone, especially when those gaffes are major. And use of a mobile phone at ANY funeral, never mind a royal one, is not simply a gaffe, much less a trivial one; it demonstrates extremely poor judgement. It might in this instance, dare I say, border on Lese Majeste.

And being more concerned with substance than petty issues would serve this government well . . .

Edited by JohnAllan
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Anyone comparing Senator Clinton texting during a memorial service with the Thai PM (although being a parrott) texting during a Thai Royal funeral does not understand anything about our country.

Did you watch the Chakri day ceremonies last week? I saw some things that if I were to mention would violate forum policy and get me some trouble.

I was unaware that you were a Thai citizen. Congratulations.

My response was to put an event into context. As none of you are aware of what the contents of the SMS were, it is not your place to comment on whether or not it was appropriate. Although it looks bad, keep in mind that being PM is a 24/7/365 job.

And again, I suggest you go look at some of videos from Chakri day.

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The head of any government - even one who is recognised as a clone - cannot afford to be gaffe prone, especially when those gaffes are major. And use of a mobile phone at ANY funeral, never mind a royal one, is not simply a gaffe, much less a trivial one; it demonstrates extremely poor judgement. It might in this instance, dare I say, border on Lese Majeste.

And being more concerned with substance than petty issues would serve this government well . . .

Ahh another ignorant comment this time suggesting LM. As you are unaware of the SMS content it is you that have committed a grave offense by alleging a wrongful act when there is no such evidence of a wrongful act.

BTW, I don't know if you are aware, but the PM was just awarded another Royal honour.

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I'm surprised she's wearing the correct colour for the funeral.

But let's just overcome err... welcome her with open arms.

It is the uniform of the PM. BTW she was just awarded another Royal Honour; the Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand. The insignia, which includes crown and star-shaped decorations and a blue sash with white and red strips at its edges, was created by the order of King Rama V in 1869 for conferring on members of the royal family, state officials, Thai people and foreigners for their contributions to the public.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Miss Yingluck will go down in Thai history as the pretty face with no substance. She will be remembered as Taksins puppet. This is common knowledge; no one in Thailand can keep a secret anyway.

It was never supposed to be a secret, it's the whole reason she was elected.

Malaysia is next door to the Southern provinces.

Malaysia not next door to Thailand proper.

<deleted>? Only "pak glang" is "Thailand proper"? Bizarre. . .

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

What a crock. She screwed up, to the extent regular Thai people would consider it major, she should apologize, even if she had simply forgotten to turn off her phone.

And of course it's unimportant in the grand scheme of things, just as she is as an individual.

I don't hear anyone on any side claiming otherwise.

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

I think claiming that she doesn't have any aides available to answer the phone, has to be the biggest cop out. Ironically, they are talking about keeping mobile networks under thai control for national security. Hope no one nicks her phone. Wonder what her password is for her mail?

The guys who did this probably know

PM Yingluck's Twitter Account Hacked!


Edited by Buchholz
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