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If your neighbor’s dogs continually crap in front of your house is it OK for you to crap in front of theirs?

If the neighbor’s dogs chase you while you are riding your bike, is it OK to chase them with a cattle prod, pepper spray or something similar?

Does anybody know where one can buy either a cattle prod or pepper spray in Chiang Mai? :o

Now don’t get me wrong I love dogs, hel_l I’m sure I was one in a former life. But I think there should be consequences for a dog’s actions, either for the dog or the owner.

I guess I am just venting because I am tired of shoveling shit and running (riding actually) from dogs. Anybody else have this problem? If so, what was your solution?

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My neighbours dogs drive me insane. :o They make so much noise, day and night. The street outside is mined with dog doo and i cant remember the amount of times i have stepped in something.

To add insult to injury, they used to crawl through the gaps in my gate to spread their foul waste on my driveway and occassionally steal a pair of sandals. In the end we had to buy a new gate to keep them out.

I love dogs too but in my darker moments i often lie in bed plotting their untimely demise. They are quite reluctant to get out of the way of my car, so one of these days i might just pretend i didn't see them and just carry on driving. (To all the animal lovers out there, I won't, but I really really want to).

Their owner is actually a nice Thai lady. I think she knows how pissed off everyone in the neighbourhood is with her dogs but i get the feeling they are like her unruly children and she doesn't know what to do about them.

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Try a camping supplies vendor for the spray.

Not cheap for a tiny container. :o

Chilli powder mixed with water in a large aperture water pistol may be an alternative.

A well aimed (at the rump) slingshot for the barker's nests. :D (slingshotsdotcom)

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If a dog chases you while you are driving a motorbike or riding a bike the best thing to do is to not run --they just think you are playing. Best thing to do is stop abruptly, shout and throw a rock at them. If they seem like they are trying to bite you while running alongside then the best thing to do is stop and kick them as hard as possible.

My neighbors dog used to do this to me but stopped after the first time I threw a rock at him from the motorbike :o

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Chilli powder mixed with water in a large aperture water pistol may be an alternative.


good Idea I will have to try that.

If a dog chases you while you are driving a motorbike or riding a bike the best thing to do is to not run --they just think you are playing. Best thing to do is stop abruptly, shout and throw a rock at them. If they seem like they are trying to bite you while running alongside then the best thing to do is stop and kick them as hard as possible.

My neighbors dog used to do this to me but stopped after the first time I threw a rock at him from the motorbike :D

Yes you are right a dog does often percieve a person running to be playing( the old predator prey instinct is still there).

However when I am on my bicycle the last thing I want to do is play with a dog.

I have noticed that when I am peddling 40+kph very few dogs even bother, problem with the neighbors dogs is when I pass them I moving slowly as I am either just starting or finishing my ride.

My goal is to discourage the chase all together......have not hit them with rocks yet but next time I pass them I will be armed.

tom yung goong perhaps you can take comfort in the fact that you are not enduring the dog doo mine field alone

:D .......It did not work for me but you might have better luck :o

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when I walk my mar sarm car I have to take a stick to discourage other dogs from scaring her , but a stick is well understood by them .

I have often thought about putting a little holster on my bicycle to mount a stick or mount one of those extendable baton on the bike.

I met a bloke who used to ride with a clear fibreglass wand - he said they would not see it whipping though the air , but one whack elicted a satisfactory squeal and a hurried retreat.

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