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Exiled Thaksin Inches Closer To Return To Thailand


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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk with minimum wage increase admittedly at least in theory - if it means fewer jobs. For his mistakes residing over killings this is repugnant and evil. Condoning death should not be allowed. Whether a peasant democracy works remains to be seen. The heart of voters is in the right place - let's hope it is so with the politicians. And also how can a North and North East majority represent the South of Thailand?

Edited by heiwa
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It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane.

:o OMG.... are there still people out there that believe that horse manure???? :o

On 3 Mar 2001, a Thai 737-400 was destroyed by fire on the apron at Bangkok Airport. Only the crew were on board at the time, one of whom was killed in the incident.

Early investigations were distracted by the fact that the country's Prime Minister was due to board the aircraft just 30mins after the explosion occurred. Naturally, early theories were of an assassination attempt, but investigators have since found evidence of an explosion in the empty centre fuel tank.

In 1990, 737-300 EI-BZG, operated by Philippine Airlines also suffered a centre fuel tank explosion. In 1996, the very high profile TWA 800, a 747-100 mid-air explosion which has been determined to have originated in an empty centre fuel tank.

The common factor in all three accidents was that the aircraft had empty center fuel tanks. However even an empty tank has some unusable fuel which in the heat will evaporate and create an explosive mixture with the oxygen in the air.

These incidents, have sparked (sic) debate about fuel tank inerting. This is universally considered to be the safest way forward.

Boeing have risen to the challenge and have developed a Nitrogen Generation System to inert the 737NG centre fuel tank.

Below is a compilation of news reports and official statements on this incident describing the event and how the investigation unfolded.

Continues for those apparently unaware of the BS "assassination":



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Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

No, but I do recall that the subsequent investigation of the fire by the US's NTSB & FBI found no evidence of a bomb, and eventually concluded that fuel-fumes in the aircraft's empty centre wing tank had exploded, the FAA & Boeing eventually issued guidelines that aircraft with empty tanks should not run their air-con for too long, due to the risk.

Similar accidents had also occurred with a Phillipine Airlines B737 and a TWA B747.

Of course Thaksin had initially jumped to the conclusion, that he was being targeted personally, however this turned out merely to be normal paranoia. cool.png

Edit to add : sorry, hadn't seen that this point had already been corrected by other posters as well, perhaps Heiwa will shortly accept his mistake, on this point ?

Edited by Ricardo
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Yes, I think Albert jumped the gun when he attempted to dismiss the article as some blog entry by some clueless hack.


Whatever, but it does show up your post about your version of the story that had Kwanchai blaming the Laos Government for not telling the red shirts the itinerary and switching the arrival airport. Thats two sources now with the truth of what happened, not your embellishment of it.

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This guy is hailed as a hero because he has put food on the table for the poor rural folk

Nonsense, they were perfectly capable of doing that before he was born.

He is hailed as a hero by some because of his big promises, hopefully they will wake up from this pack of lies soon.

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Yes, I think Albert jumped the gun when he attempted to dismiss the article as some blog entry by some clueless hack.


Whatever, but it does show up your post about your version of the story that had Kwanchai blaming the Laos Government for not telling the red shirts the itinerary and switching the arrival airport. Thats two sources now with the truth of what happened, not your embellishment of it.


Edited by Buchholz
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His chief aide, Kwanchai Praipana, a radio deejay who commands Thaksin's vast network of northeastern red shirts and led bloody confrontations with the army in 2009 and 2010, insists Thaksin has officially retired.

"If Thaksin returns it won't be as prime minister," he told Reuters on Tuesday, dressed in red bath towel at his radio station in Udon Thani

blink.png is that all he wears at his radio station?


Well it is a radio not a TV stationcoffee1.gif

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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

It is a appropriate statement that I would expect to hear from Calgaryll

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'Death threat' report disrupts Thaksin's Laos arrival

VIENTIANE: -- Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra was given special protection when he arrived in the capital of Laos yesterday, amid rumours of an assassination threat against him, according to people close to the former leader.

Seems a bit manufactured to allow for cancellation of events when Thaksin finds out that only a handful of people turn up, not the tens of thousands he has been told will be in attendance. Thaksin is obviously happy in Dubai, he's putting a bit of weight on I see.

In the other papers coverage, Thaksin thanked the Lao government for the added security as he states that he has been able to survive four previous assassination attempts through a combination of good luck and wearing a protective amulet.


Everyone's luck runs out sometime; and since when did an Amulet stop a high velocity bullet?

About as effective aas his three day trip to visit 99 Wats Just before he was sentenced.

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For the literate among us the reference to Thaksin inching closer summons up Yeats' great poem the Second Coming;

Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it

Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

I have often thought of the following lines when considering the Thai political crisis

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity.

As for the comments on this thread many betray a staggering naivety.Thaksin's return will be in the context of a deal hammered out with the unelected elites parts of which are already in place.The only mysterious element is the extent to which Thaksin's arrogance will upset or delay the deal.Odd really as he is by a huge margin the most popular and charismatic Thai politician so time really is on his side.Perhaps like so many Thais he lacks that vital instinct of enlightened self interest - which sometimes requires a tactical if temporary retreat.

"As for the comments on this thread many betray a staggering naivety." I see it more as stubborn tunnel vision.

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The tycoon arrived on his personal jet in the Lao capital Vientiane...

I'm sorry sir the cabin is full, you'll have to climb on top and hold on tight!

Good to see the champion of the poor downtrodden masses and scurge of the amarts leads by example.


It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time. How did you expect the guest speaker to make his way to the location? Do you know what the flight schedules are from his departure point? The use of a private aircraft also meant that he would not have to enter Thai airspace or use Bangkok as a transit Hub. I do not think the time is right for his return, although, you apparently think it is.

Personally I think it is. He could then show respect for the laws of Thailand a country he claims to love.

What is your reason for thinking now is not a good time

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This joker seems oblivious to the fact that he is driving a knife straight through this country's heart and in turn has the ability to bring it down on its knees. All because of his ego and cowardice in facing the music. He also has a death wish the way he is currently conducting himself. He would do good to just come back home and take his medicine in the monkey house.

The joker? Are you referring to Sonthi the coup maker?


I wonder if he is referring to the crimanal (convicted).

His illigal actions were the cause of the coup.

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Western thinking - black and white, good and bad. And so it goes..... The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup. He certainly did err; tax laws to his advantage, Tak Bai, drug war and Somchai etc. Makes religion rather defunct when people kill like that. Would prefer to take my chances with an atheist. However, it is rather monumental for a country like this to have democracy in this region of this world and that is due to Taksin and his red shirt followers. Perhaps the need for change needed a man like Taksin. Will have to monitor the performance of incumbent government to see if the change was for the better.

Western thinking black and white........a bit like ying and yang you mean?

Honestly Heiwa, have you re read your post? The gentle, Buddhist Land of Smiles to be ruled by (in your words) someone who is corrupt, a murderer and an atheist!

Surely nobody in Thailand wants that.

Edited by bigbamboo
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It's in the OP regarding Udon Thani.

Are you aware it is possible to travel from Udon Thani to Vientianne in a relatively short amount of time such that a reporter could have easily been to both places within a couple of hours?



Yes, i am aware that Udon Thani is approx. 100km away. Excluding the border crossing and any pile ups on the highway it is about a 2 to 2.5 hr drive. Most reporters filing a story will do so from the locale where they are reporting as it adds credibility. However, if you want to believe that the blogger spent about 4+ hours to get to the venue, then spent several hours on location and then zipped bak to Udon Thani to post on his blog at Reuters, go for it.


Edited by soundman
Please refer to each other by online nics, thank-you.
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From my wondering through my local part of the northern chiang mai countryside it seems most who once dreamed of better things are now seriously pissed off with the government- high prices to buy everything but lower prices when they are selling their vegetables sad.png

Only the most brainwashed or financially dependant are still visibly red shirt.

In the self proclaimed "red villages" just as many yellow flags are flying.

But the yellow flags might be for the King??? Not the Democrats or Sondhi???


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Personally I think it is. He could then show respect for the laws of Thailand a country he claims to love.

What is your reason for thinking now is not a good time

Emotions are still running high. If he returned, it would be on the basis of an amnesty and I don't think that would be a wise decision at this time. There could be mob protests. Even if he did return and was by some strange set of events held under house arrest, he would become a martyr and people would fight for his release. I don't think civil disorder is needed right now.

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He is not in self-exile....he is a fugitive....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

Which is why he is in self exile!

If he were a fugitive, there would be law enforcement authorities chasing him.

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Personally I think it is. He could then show respect for the laws of Thailand a country he claims to love.

What is your reason for thinking now is not a good time

Emotions are still running high. If he returned, it would be on the basis of an amnesty and I don't think that would be a wise decision at this time. There could be mob protests. Even if he did return and was by some strange set of events held under house arrest, he would become a martyr and people would fight for his release. I don't think civil disorder is needed right now.

Agree. This isn't Burma and Thaksin is certainly no Ang Sang Suu Kyi.

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Yes, I think Albert jumped the gun when he attempted to dismiss the article as some blog entry by some clueless hack.


Whatever, but it does show up your post about your version of the story that had Kwanchai blaming the Laos Government for not telling the red shirts the itinerary and switching the arrival airport. Thats two sources now with the truth of what happened, not your embellishment of it.


intheclub.gif for the desperation to win a lost point.

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He is not in self-exile....he is a fugitive....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

Which is why he is in self exile!

If he were a fugitive, there would be law enforcement authorities chasing him.

Those would be the same law enforcement authorities that now tell us lying in court is not perjury? Not to be confused with those who refuse to attempt to collect certain taxes.

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This joker seems oblivious to the fact that he is driving a knife straight through this country's heart and in turn has the ability to bring it down on its knees. All because of his ego and cowardice in facing the music. He also has a death wish the way he is currently conducting himself. He would do good to just come back home and take his medicine in the monkey house.

The joker? Are you referring to Sonthi the coup maker?


I wonder if he is referring to the crimanal (convicted).

His illigal actions were the cause of the coup.

His actions weren't illegal until after the coup.

And the coup was legal?

Edited by unanimosity
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It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

Assasination is not restricted to a Thai on the back of a motor bike driving past while you shop at 711

It only needs a trained marksman with a long range scope rifle and all is over

And there are plenty ready to take on this task for the right fee.

So as this has not happened so far I would assume those with money do not really want this to happen

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Yes, I think Albert jumped the gun when he attempted to dismiss the article as some blog entry by some clueless hack.


Whatever, but it does show up your post about your version of the story that had Kwanchai blaming the Laos Government for not telling the red shirts the itinerary and switching the arrival airport. Thats two sources now with the truth of what happened, not your embellishment of it.


intheclub.gif for the desperation to win a lost point.

Oh keep up animatic, it was I who supplied the true link to the OP story. I'm not interested in buchholzs tiff with GK.

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It's in the OP regarding Udon Thani.

Are you aware it is possible to travel from Udon Thani to Vientianne in a relatively short amount of time such that a reporter could have easily been to both places within a couple of hours?


Yes, i am aware that Udon Thani is approx. 100km away. Excluding the border crossing and any pile ups on the highway it is about a 2 to 2.5 hr drive. Most reporters filing a story will do so from the locale where they are reporting as it adds credibility. However, if you want to believe that the blogger spent about 4+ hours to get to the venue, then spent several hours on location and then zipped bak to Udon Thani to post on his blog at Reuters, go for it.

Having made the trip in less than 2 hours, I would say it takes about 2 hours.

Anyway, going way back to post #59, where does the author of the article, Reuters employee Amy LeFevre, fit in with your still-ongoing blog remarks and time/placement of the authors?


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He is not in self-exile....he is a fugitive....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

Which is why he is in self exile!

If he were a fugitive, there would be law enforcement authorities chasing him.

Those would be the same law enforcement authorities that now tell us lying in court is not perjury? Not to be confused with those who refuse to attempt to collect certain taxes.

As I have said many times these are the same judges that you and yours were proclaiming to be above sin when caught on video discussing the democrat dissolution case and how to get their siblings through civil service entrance exams during the abhisit years and now we have a Yingluck government, suddenly they are not virtuous? That is convenient.

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"He pleads innocence and insists he wants to stay out of the limelight and has no political ambitions."

And he wants me to believe that is why he invited the (utterly unpolitical) red shirts for a private meeting in his Vientiane holidays?

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