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Exiled Thaksin Inches Closer To Return To Thailand


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Well, everyday is a school day, the collective noun for a group of reporters is a 'scrum'. I quite like that.

Anyway maybe this is how the reds made their numbers up, and is Thaksin really there or is it one of these blighters! All wearing Thaksin masks, how quaint! Something tells me some dull entrepreneur is going to be left with a lot of Thaksin masks! Will you be buying some CalgaryII?


It's all a cunning plan for when Thaksin finally gets back to Thailand. As the police move in thousands of his supporters will don the masks and as one will cry out.........................

I am Thaksin Shinawatra!

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From my wondering through my local part of the northern chiang mai countryside it seems most who once dreamed of better things are now seriously pissed off with the government- high prices to buy everything but lower prices when they are selling their vegetables sad.png

Only the most brainwashed or financially dependant are still visibly red shirt.

In the self proclaimed "red villages" just as many yellow flags are flying.

I thought all the "yellow shirt" supporters were in fear of their lives in "Red Shirt villages"?

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Taksin - the world has not see a hero like this in a long time. They should roll out the red carpet in Nong Khai. Of course he was not without faults but these faults are largely tolerated in Thailand. Again and again the majority North East and North majority of Thailand were granted election victories through democracy only for these votes to mean nothing due to coups supported by the Yellow Brigade dictatorship supporters. The only way to get these voting rights enforced was to protest. And in doing this they were attacked by the army. The army perpetrated the violence, not the reds, the army were the thugs for the elite yellow brigade. Tell it like it is. It astounds me how Westerners have lost the capacity to think. There is no need to be deluded. In many countries in the world the army is paid to kill the poor by the rich (think of Chile) when the peasants demand better standards of living through the electoral systems. This is what is known as dictatorship - Mussolini, Hitler and the Yellow Brigade. The Yellows resorted to a style of totaltarian dictatorship by supporting the loss of the majority's voting rights and by supporting murderous coups. <snip> Or is it just that Westerners politically correct bubble they live in no longer allows the brain to say things how they really are anymore - one must say what is palatable and nice rather than face the truth. Reconciliation? What a joke. The Yellows clearly perverted the course of voting rights through support of murderous coups for their preferred form of government - facist dictatorship. Well done heroic lion heart Reds for standing up to the Kow Tow elite, showing that your birth was equal to all, like the French did in the French revolution. Thailand is the greatest because Thai people have heart. Thailand sees injustice and does something about. They protest AND ARE ALLOWED TO PROTEST because they stood up to the army and did not move. They have the heart of lions whereas in the West we no longer have the right to protest injustices - we have chosen to live in dictatorship - to accept anything the elite finance bankers get up to - we are even giving them big bonuses again. The people of Western democracies when their morally bankrupt leaders crush them through bank collapses - the indifference of the people in Western nations is astounding. The great Red victory could never happen in Cambodia, Laos or Burma or the allegedly civilised West.

I think I will go and throw up now. Edited by craigt3365
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Speaking for myself, I know the difference.

I can't speak for the reporter, although you seem to want to portray that somehow you know more about the situation than the Reuters journalist reporting from Udon Thani does.


Thank you for confirming that Mr. Petty was not in Vientiane,Laos, but instead was in Udon Thani, Thailand..


It's in the OP regarding Udon Thani.

Are you aware it is possible to travel from Udon Thani to Vientianne in a relatively short amount of time such that a reporter could have easily been to both places within a couple of hours?


It's academic anyway - the piece was written by Amy Sawitta Lefevre of Reuters as I've said before


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It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.
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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

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This joker seems oblivious to the fact that he is driving a knife straight through this country's heart and in turn has the ability to bring it down on its knees. All because of his ego and cowardice in facing the music. He also has a death wish the way he is currently conducting himself. He would do good to just come back home and take his medicine in the monkey house.

The joker? Are you referring to Sonthi the coup maker?


Sothi the PTP parties leader in the reconsiliation talks?

No, still wrong The PTP Leader is Yongyuth Wichaidit and nobody is supposed to know who led the last Army Coup giggle.gif .

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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

Some of the most corrupt Roman emperors were the greatest. The Western way is to think in absolute terms black/white and good/bad. It is better to look at the sum total of deeds and then judge his life. He most certainly did err. One must look at the big picture and see what he and his red shirt supporters achieved. A real democracy immune from coups but not without great loss of life. Sadly the rich elite (Yellow dictatorship brigade) do not hand social equality and rights on a silver platter. History has shown this again and again. Only time will tell if the incumbent government delivers a better society as sadly so many revolutions end up with people living with lower standards of living in contrast to what was promised. Fairer wealth distribution should be the aim. Better lives and enough food on the table for families. Seems like the elite were taking to much of the pie which was why this revolution came about. But if we compare it to Laos, Cambodia or Burma Thailand was light years ahead before Taksin. Edited by heiwa
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Speaking for myself, I know the difference.

I can't speak for the reporter, although you seem to want to portray that somehow you know more about the situation than the Reuters journalist reporting from Udon Thani does.


Thank you for confirming that Mr. Petty was not in Vientiane,Laos, but instead was in Udon Thani, Thailand..

Seems the appropriate place to be to comment on Kwanchai wearing a bath towel to his Udon Thani radio station. Odds are, a better position to comment on said attire than your (remote?) supposition, unless of course you are more intimate with Kwanchai's undergarments than I would normally assume.

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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

Some of the most corrupt Roman emperors were the greatest. The Western way is to think in absolute terms black/white and good/bad. It is better to look at the sum total of deeds and then judge his life. He most certainly did err. One must look at the big picture and see what he and his red shirt supporters achieved. A real democracy immune from coups but not with great loss of life. Sadly the rich elite (Yellow dictatorship brigade) do not hand social equality and rights on a silver platter. History has shown this again and again. Only time will tell if the incumbent government delivers a better society as sadly so many revolutions end up with people living with lower standards of living in contrast to what was promised.

I will happily judge the sum total of Thaksin's deeds the moment he is pronounced dead - can't be soon enough. It would be a shame for you if he did a Bradman, went in for one last dig and lost his 100 average.

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Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane.

I recall something to do with a fire on a plane he was to board and i recall the whole episode being full of inconclusive evidence about what it was and who was behind it. Perhaps you know otherwise?

Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated.

I don't doubt some would like to see him assassinated - families of all those who lost innocent loved ones in his war on drugs i'm sure could be forgiven for having those types of thoughts - but were he my hero of the people, as he clearly is yours, i would feel a little disappointed in his inability to muster the courage, what with all his personal security, to travel in a more down-to-earth manner befitting of his claim to be at one with the down-trodden.

He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

He dismantled democracy when he was in power, starting with his assets declaration nonsense, and in the end got kicked out by a coup. In a properly functioning democracy in which having popularity at the polls still doesn't allow you to break the law, he would have been kicked out too, just by more sophisticated means, such as impeachment.

If he really is your hero, i suggest touching bases with member cagaryll. You and he have much gushing to share.

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Sadly Thailand's end to a long legacy of coups to crush democracies and subsequent dictatorships had to be paid in blood. 100 lives for decades of barbaric dictatorships to end and people secretly going missing. Do you want to live your life like a dog on your knees or live like a man? The reds chose to live like men. They will forever be remembered as lion hearted heroes. Hats of to them. Not for the faint of hearted - that' s for sure.

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If he were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as this selfish egotistical maniac cares only for his money and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

Let's have a look at your statement in an alternative context shall we?

If some foreign guests were assassination or dropped down dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I am sure that in the long term it would save lives in this country, as these selfish egotistical maniacs care only for theirmoney and power and will doing anything to aggrandise both.

What do you think of the slight change in your statement? Do you think it is appropriate?

I think your pathetic attempt to twist the post is bizzarre. It's a fact that failing to bring Thaksin to justice has already cost many lives. Anyone who can't see that is just flat out stupid.

Some of the most corrupt Roman emperors were the greatest. The Western way is to think in absolute terms black/white and good/bad. It is better to look at the sum total of deeds and then judge his life. He most certainly did err. One must look at the big picture and see what he and his red shirt supporters achieved. A real democracy immune from coups but not without great loss of life. Sadly the rich elite (Yellow dictatorship brigade) do not hand social equality and rights on a silver platter. History has shown this again and again. Only time will tell if the incumbent government delivers a better society as sadly so many revolutions end up with people living with lower standards of living in contrast to what was promised. Fairer wealth distribution should be the aim. Better lives and enough food on the table for families. Seems like the elite were taking to much of the pie which was why this revolution came about. But if we compare it to Laos, Cambodia or Burma Thailand was light years ahead before Taksin.

I love these history guys that try and make every thing perfect for everybody.

I'm all up for either leaving or getting rid of him. If the Big T comes back I will voluntarily leave. For me I like to see him..................................................................................

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He is not in self-exile....he is a fugitive....he can come back to Thailand any time he wishes

and hopefully go to jail because that is where he belongs ... and a Thai court has said so.....

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Western thinking - black and white, good and bad. And so it goes..... The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup. He certainly did err; tax laws to his advantage, Tak Bai, drug war and Somchai etc. Makes religion rather defunct when people kill like that. Would prefer to take my chances with an atheist. However, it is rather monumental for a country like this to have democracy in this region of this world and that is due to Taksin and his red shirt followers. Perhaps the need for change needed a man like Taksin. Will have to monitor the performance of incumbent government to see if the change was for the better.

Edited by heiwa
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Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane.

I recall something to do with a fire on a plane he was to board and i recall the whole episode being full of inconclusive evidence about what it was and who was behind it. Perhaps you know otherwise?

Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated.

I don't doubt some would like to see him assassinated - families of all those who lost innocent loved ones in his war on drugs i'm sure could be forgiven for having those types of thoughts - but were he my hero of the people, as he clearly is yours, i would feel a little disappointed in his inability to muster the courage, what with all his personal security, to travel in a more down-to-earth manner befitting of his claim to be at one with the down-trodden.

He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

He dismantled democracy when he was in power, starting with his assets declaration nonsense, and in the end got kicked out by a coup. In a properly functioning democracy in which having popularity at the polls still doesn't allow you to break the law, he would have been kicked out too, just by more sophisticated means, such as impeachment.

If he really is your hero, i suggest touching bases with member cagaryll. You and he have much gushing to share.

Sir, I personally think that I have never seen anything that resembles a democracy here. Now with the short time I have been here, 25 years, I have followed coups, bribes with centimenter of the polling station, killing students in the streets, to the PM cooking on TV. But never a democracy. You sent the best you ever had away for this Person. Now sign up and live with it. You took the bribe money. Chuan diid noit have any bribe money. He even drove his own car, a Toyota to work to ensure that everybody got their piece. Now all the pieces are his, THE BIG T

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The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup.

And as PM he should not have been corrupt and abused his power.....he got all that he deserves except the prison sentance which still, although I have to say it's unlikely, may happen....

Edited by KKK
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The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup.

And as PM he should not have been corrupt and abused his power.....he got all that he deserves except the prison sentance which still, although I have to say it's unlikely, may happen....

Indeed. And as far as voters not having their voting rights rendered meaningless, this is precisely what happens in working Western democracies when politicians are tried and found guilty, and when politicians are impeached.

Heiwa, do you think Western democracies, to avoid ever rendering voting rights meaningless, should not allow politicians to be tried, and should do away with impeachment?

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For many reds he will aways be a hero for what they did for them even if they would be disgusted with Tak Bai.

This is exactly the mentality isn't it. Don't care about how other people may have been affected, don't care about the general good of the country, just care about "what do i get out of this?"

And no, red shirts aren't the only ones, they are just the loudest ones right now, with the "me,me,me".

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The fact of the matter is even if you don't like Taksin those who voted for "his party" again and again should not have had their voting rights rendered meaningless. This should have not have resorted to a coup.

And as PM he should not have been corrupt and abused his power.....he got all that he deserves except the prison sentance which still, although I have to say it's unlikely, may happen....

Indeed. And as far as voters not having their voting rights rendered meaningless, this is precisely what happens in working Western democracies when politicians are tried and found guilty, and when politicians are impeached.

Heiwa, do you think Western democracies, to avoid ever rendering voting rights meaningless, should not allow politicians to be tried, and should do away with impeachment?

My God man do you really think Western leaders are doing what their elected majority want them to do. London has become Londinstan. Changing financial laws to cause collapse. Western world is only allegedly civilised. I guess in conclusion the law of the jungle applies anywhere we are and DEMOCRACY IS A FICTION. Ever heard of the 1%. On your reasoning every government in the world would have to be impeached. In summary the Thais understand the world is a savage world fighting over money. Westerners delude themselves that it is not. We pretend our governments are not corrupt while they are more realistic in knowing that their governments are corrupt. Look in USA and Europe the police being paid to beat the crap out of protestors in the name of the rich wall street guys who fleeced everyone. Oh - but we are all angels in the West and have perfect democracies. Spare us the holier than thou attitude. Edited by heiwa
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Speaking for myself, I know the difference.

I can't speak for the reporter, although you seem to want to portray that somehow you know more about the situation than the Reuters journalist reporting from Udon Thani does.


Thank you for confirming that Mr. Petty was not in Vientiane,Laos, but instead was in Udon Thani, Thailand..


It's in the OP regarding Udon Thani.

Are you aware it is possible to travel from Udon Thani to Vientianne in a relatively short amount of time such that a reporter could have easily been to both places within a couple of hours?

It's academic anyway - the piece was written by Amy Sawitta Lefevre of Reuters as I've said before

Yes, I think Albert jumped the gun when he attempted to dismiss the article as some blog entry by some clueless hack.


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Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane.

I recall something to do with a fire on a plane he was to board and i recall the whole episode being full of inconclusive evidence about what it was and who was behind it. Perhaps you know otherwise?

Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated.

I don't doubt some would like to see him assassinated - families of all those who lost innocent loved ones in his war on drugs i'm sure could be forgiven for having those types of thoughts - but were he my hero of the people, as he clearly is yours, i would feel a little disappointed in his inability to muster the courage, what with all his personal security, to travel in a more down-to-earth manner befitting of his claim to be at one with the down-trodden.

He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

He dismantled democracy when he was in power, starting with his assets declaration nonsense, and in the end got kicked out by a coup. In a properly functioning democracy in which having popularity at the polls still doesn't allow you to break the law, he would have been kicked out too, just by more sophisticated means, such as impeachment.

If he really is your hero, i suggest touching bases with member cagaryll. You and he have much gushing to share.

Statistically speaking, 9 out of 10 people think there's nothing wrong with pack rape, despite the vehement objection of the 1. From a democratic perspective it should be allowed if not compulsory. Which is a pretty good argument for having an independent police and judiciary, and even an army when normal methods fail.

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it was only a 2-year jail term. if he's such a great guy, why didn't he just serve it? he would be out now and probably PM again. its not like a hiso billionaire would suffer in jail. they'd put him in the warden's mansion if he even stepped foot in the prison. it would probably have been commuted to house arrest.

the whole thing screams pu$$y, regardless of your political opinions..

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My God man do you really think Western leaders are doing what their elected majority want them to do. London has become Londinstan. Changing financial laws to cause collapse. Western world is only allegedly civilised. I guess in conclusion the law of the jungle applies anywhere we are and DEMOCRACY IS A FICTION. Ever heard of the 1%. On your reasoning every government in the world would have to be impeached. In summary the Thais understand the world is a savage world fighting over money. Westerners delude themselves that it is not. We pretend our governments are not corrupt while they are more realistic in knowing that their governments are corrupt. Look in USA and Europe the police being paid to beat the crap out of protestors in the name of the rich wall street guys who fleeced everyone. Oh - but we are all angels in the West and have perfect democracies. Spare us the holier than thou attitude.

Total nonsense. Compare what Thaksin got up to in his time in office, with what leaders of other nations with properly functioning democracies at that time got up to. There is no comparison.

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It is not unusual for important people to use a private aircraft when they have to attend a meeting at specific time.

It is also not unusual that people will notice and comment on the contradiction, when the "important person" travelling in a luxurious manner is the same person making the claim of being at one with the poor. Of course those blinded by adoration, may fail to see any contradiction.

Do you recall the assassination attempt when his plane was bombed before he boarded the plane. Of course he has a private jet - there are some elite yellow brigade mussolini dictatorship types who would love to see him assassinated. He and his supporters brought democrcacy to Thailand thorugh the electoral system by standing up to the army and its coups. This guy will go down in history as one of the worlds greatest heroes in modern history.

His plane was not bombed, if you are referring to the incident on 3 Mar 2001. In this case, it was an explosion in the empty centre fuel tank. Within days, the police generals had said that they were aware of who the culprit was, and that he would be apprehended very soon.

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European democracy was only ever an experiment in crowd-control.

Ultimately it is and always was boiled-down to 'functional meritocracy' where you earn your bread and eat it. That is the best we can hope for globally.

The problem in many 'developing' countries is that you earn your bread and then its taken away from you. That is in essence the problem with having a convicted outlaw Thief (the capital T is well-earned here) put back into the parliamentary hot-seat, people can not be certain that common basic meritocracy still applies & that their labors will yield fruit for them & their families or just for the head-bandit & his family.

Edited by Yunla
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