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How Schengen Visa Company'S Works In Thailand In Detail?

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After talking with many people about big problems to apply schengen visa I try to find answers with this topic how it can be possible what many people told me , that the chance that a visa company that charge a lot makes the change higher to get visa then without!?help of this visa ltds that make many advertising in the song tails with the text we can make schengen visa for everybody bar girls etc here in Pattaya!

A Swiss man told me last week he try to make 2 times for a Thai woman a schengen visa and both time was rejected!

After the 3. Attempted paying 800 swissfrank for a visa company he got the schengen visa very quickly with out any problems!

So it seems to be a very good bis ness , !

If you ask that schengen visa company's in Thailand,how high must be the income of a Thai woman or the saving without the need of a guarantee of another person no one give me a clear answer my embassy told me generally we want a home stay adress and need the garantee from another person!

Did some visa company's also garantee under there own name if someone pay enough money?

And the last question if visa Cannot apply and rejected payes the visa company some of the fees back?

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No visa agent can guarantee a visa. The applicant either meets the requirements or they don't. However, a good agent will be able to advise on what is required to make the application more likely to succeed.

Visa agents cannot influence the decision of the embassy. Anyone who tells that they can is lying.

Some visa companies do offer a 'no visa, no fee' service; but read the small print carefully before handing over any money. Even if this is genuine, and some are, you will only get the agent's fee back, not the visa fee which is kept by the embassy concerned.

You may find Visa agents, read this before using one of interest.

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Visa agents are a joke. Do it yourself.

Every country that is a member of the Schenegen Agreement has a website with clear instructions on how to applY. follow the instructions and you wont go wrong. Dont waste your money on companies as they are basically pen pushers ----- do it yourself

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I got one for the gf to go to Switzerland and it was easy, though she did have a UK visitor visa already. I included some scanned copies of my docs, passport and payslip and a letter promising to pay for everything and to ensure she didn't overstay. Now I realise how easy these things are when you give them wat they want to see, I would never pay an agent.

Unfortunately I stuffed up question 31 where they ask for the last day in the Schengen zone by saying her last day in Switzerland, not the UK. So now she has a nice multiple entry Schengen visa valid for only 5 days in May.

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We have never used an agent but if you are unsure about filling in an application (especially a first one!) a good agent will know how to phrase things in an ECO friendly manner and will point out weaknesses that need to be addressed for the best chance of success.

If you do your basic research carefully (this site has all you need to know) then an agent should rarely be necessary. If you don't have the time/energy or an application is complicated then you may feel it is better to get support from someone more experienced.

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