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Thaksin Holding Thailand Hostage: Abhisit


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Look at the large picture in retrospect,

Thakskin was good for Thailand, the coup was not good for Thailand,

I think there is some truth here. Most Thais love him so that should be enough. Majority rules.
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Is it just me? or has any other Members,noticed an abundance of novices,with no idea of Thai Politics,and spouting nonsense,on this and other threads at the moment?

Hmm, quite strange,the depth of feeling they put into their political posts!

I am here!! Don't ignore me

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Look at the large picture in retrospect,

Thakskin was good for Thailand, the coup was not good for Thailand,

I think there is some truth here. Most Thais love him so that should be enough. Majority rules.

If only most Thais would love ... ... ... (finish sentence according to your views)

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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

Edited by KireB
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Look at the large picture in retrospect,

Thakskin was good for Thailand, the coup was not good for Thailand,

I think there is some truth here. Most Thais love him so that should be enough. Majority rules.

The only farang that believe Thaksin was good for Thailand are those mourning the days of 70 baht to the 1 GBP or dollar equivalent. 70 baht to the pound = bad for Thailand.

how241 can you tell me how you conclude that most Thais love Thaksin and then suggest a reason or two why they do so?

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Thaksin is holding Thailand hostage ?

yeah, right... First of all, how is Thailand being held hostage? A ludicrous statement itself.

... rest removed

When a criminal on the run still dictates what his clone sister's government and his "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" party need to do, with govenment and cabinet members trying to push through reconciliation 'our way', dialogue is no longer necessary, I think you might be justified to say this megalanomaniac holds the country at ransom and as hostage.

As Frenchman this should remind you of Empereur Napoleon escaping from Elba on the 26th of February 1815 and being welcomed on French soil with "Vive L'Empereur!". Lasted only 100 days if I remember correctly. Less than 1000 killed and wounded for every single day, but then as G'kid said 'you can't make on omelet without cracking a few eggs' bah.gif

Edited by rubl
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i love it when i hear people talk here about thaksin goverment to be legit in the present and in the past i hear the word democracy but i guess lots of thai are ignorent to what the meaning of a democracy is. If it was not Taksin buying his vote in the past he never would have bin in power in the first place .That we all know to be the real truth that buying votes in thailand is a every election day practice.So why be supriced that you get a military coup if you play with people fundimental rights.

i love it when i hear people talk here about thaksin goverment to be legit in the present and in the past i hear the word democracy but i guess lots of thai are ignorent to what the meaning of a democracy is. If it was not Taksin buying his vote in the past he never would have bin in power in the first place .That we all know to be the real truth that buying votes in thailand is a every election day practice.So why be supriced that you get a military coup if you play with people fundimental rights.

id rather have coup than Taksin any day They might well be greedy and corrupt but taksin is simply in another division for corruption and could well if allowed be another Mugabwie Hitler or Pol pot or rest. Sad to say Thailand is simply not ready or educated enough for democracy and to put power into the hands of a single megalomaniac far to risky.

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10 green bottles and if one green bottle should accidently fall there'll be:

"Abhisit said all political troubles had Thaksin as the root cause because society had to sustain the collateral damage stemmed from efforts to solve Thaksin's legal wrangling."

"Thaksin regime?" Give me a break.

In the courts and concerning not the electorate right mate.

Cake and eat it or cake box and eat cake box and eat it (if it ever existed).

Only the Nation there to go on for that story like the fake story about the defects at Swampy airport also highlighted by the Nation.

Thaksin's lawyers banged up for 6 months without charge. (Never charged).

and then struck off by lawyers council of thailand (affiliated to PAD).

1% failure rate measured at airport in fact.

British Airways (world's largest airline, thought airport was very good).

Airport opening postponed for 1 year until after coup.

Second runway due to have been opened by now.

This is their way.

All I want to say is this to anyone out there bewildered by what you read here that 2 years ago:

I read that there was a redshirt gathering to occur in Silom and posters on here trolled and scoffed that redshirts would all be drunk and unpopular.causing trouble.

Living there as I did in the afluent part of town that it is I went to visit and saw a large number of people, not one beer can amongst about 6-700 people listening intently to public speeches and making way for Pat pong tourists going about their business.

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Look at the large picture in retrospect,

Thakskin was good for Thailand, the coup was not good for Thailand,

I think there is some truth here. Most Thais love him so that should be enough. Majority rules.

Yeh,that's what Adolp said

"Adolp" never said anything of the sort, nor did "Adolp" ever win a majority in an open election.

Democracy is precisely that, a majority rule. Check other countries and you won't find any other minority ruled democracy except maybe Thailand where elected gov'ts keep getting sidelined.

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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

PTP and all Thaksin supporters missed it. Or pretending the offer wasen´t made.

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Thaksin is holding Thailand hostage ?

yeah, right... First of all, how is Thailand being held hostage? A ludicrous statement itself.

... rest removed

When a criminal on the run still dictates what his clone sister's government and his "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" party need to do, with govenment and cabinet members trying to push through reconciliation 'our way', dialogue is no longer necessary, I think you might be justified to say this megalanomaniac holds the country at ransom and as hostage.

As Frenchman this should remind you of Empereur Napoleon escaping from Elba on the 26th of February 1815 and being welcomed on French soil with "Vive L'Empereur!". Lasted only 100 days if I remember correctly. Less than 1000 killed and wounded for every single day, but then as G'kid said 'you can't make on omelet without cracking a few eggs' bah.gif

oh, so I see.

The current gov't is elected, and so from the viewpoint of Abhisit, that is holding Thailand hostage...

I match your bah.gif and raise you a bah.gifbah.gifwhistling.gifcoffee1.gifwai.gif

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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

Let's see the two of them give up their amnesty after they have been investigated, tried and found guilty.

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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

One question have about the offer from Abhisit and Suthep made last week is did they actually offer to exclude

themselves from any immunity offered under the State Of Emergency decree??

If this is the case then yes thi was a serious offer otherwise just hot air.

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Thaksin is holding Thailand hostage ?

yeah, right... First of all, how is Thailand being held hostage? A ludicrous statement itself.

... rest removed

When a criminal on the run still dictates what his clone sister's government and his "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" party need to do, with govenment and cabinet members trying to push through reconciliation 'our way', dialogue is no longer necessary, I think you might be justified to say this megalanomaniac holds the country at ransom and as hostage.

As Frenchman this should remind you of Empereur Napoleon escaping from Elba on the 26th of February 1815 and being welcomed on French soil with "Vive L'Empereur!". Lasted only 100 days if I remember correctly. Less than 1000 killed and wounded for every single day, but then as G'kid said 'you can't make on omelet without cracking a few eggs' bah.gif

oh, so I see.

The current gov't is elected, and so from the viewpoint of Abhisit, that is holding Thailand hostage...

I match your bah.gif and raise you a bah.gifbah.gifwhistling.gifcoffee1.gifwai.gif

You lost me, dear chap. You put some words together to form a sentence, but it neither reflects what k. Abhisit, nor what I said.

The current government is reasonably legitimate with some doubt in how far a criminal on the run can be allowed to control what that government does. K. Abhist said k. Thaksin is holding the country hostage, seems a reasonable description.

Edited by rubl
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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

Let's see the two of them give up their amnesty after they have been investigated, tried and found guilty.

How likely is that?

As we know all too well aportioning blame in Thailand runs into the problem of loss of face.

How does a feudal society deal with its elite miscreants?

We've seen no evidence of any change lately.

Change WILL come once Thailand starts losing out to its neighbours and doesn't modernise.

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And about time Abhisit spoke out,he's been allowing Thaksin and his Mob,too much rope,but this time Abhisit has summed up the problem spot on.


To paraphrase Marx: 'I'd horsewhip Thaksin - if I had a horse.'

Edited by GazR
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Then, this man dares to talk about white-washing when he and Suthep have dodged all responsibility for 2009/2010.

This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

Let's see the two of them give up their amnesty after they have been investigated, tried and found guilty.

The terms of the Amnesty agreement,suggested by Abhisit also applied to Thaksin as well,but not even you would expect Thaksin to agree to a gentlemans arrangment, as you have already changed the rules by omitting Thaksin.

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This week mister Abhisit proposed himself and Suthep together with Thaksin to be abstained from any amnesty law , or reconciliation law as you wish. Maybe you missed it?

Let's see the two of them give up their amnesty after they have been investigated, tried and found guilty.

How likely is that?

As we know all too well aportioning blame in Thailand runs into the problem of loss of face.

How does a feudal society deal with its elite miscreants?

We've seen no evidence of any change lately.

Change WILL come once Thailand starts losing out to its neighbours and doesn't modernise.

Q: "How does a feudal society deal with its elite miscreants?"

A-sub1: re-elect them

A-sub2: grant amnesty

A-sub3: prosecute the others

"We've seen no evidence of any change lately." Personally I'd say things have really been going downhill again lately.

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The problem comes when eventually the Democrat supporters finally work out that their politicians aren't working on their behalf either. The entire system in Thailand is beholden to various business factions. We can all argue that that is the way in the rest of the world also, but what happens if enough people finally work out that the foreigner isn't the bogeyman, but those within their midst?

I would dearly love anyone to find one MP from either side who does not have a conflict of interest. This is essentially why Thaksin has been able to commandeer such a popular following, because at least while he was basically enriching himself he promised to let the lowest echelons to get a bit more too. That is a hell of a lot more than the Dems have ever promised anyone, and it is their stunning failure after many decades of existence to realise that they have neglected the vast majority of the population with their polices, that they are basically unelectable in a majority.

I don't blame anyone at all for voting for someone who is promising to deliver me an extra 2 USD a day in pay, if I only get 7 at the beginning.

The entire system is so bust today, the judges, committees and groups swing this way and that, to a point, that a decent percentage of people will still say that they would support a military government. Thailand's democracy, legal system and society needs some serious rejigging to get anywhere near representing and taking care of the needs of its people. A majority of whom live in the COUNTRYSIDE let us not forget.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Thaksin is holding Thailand hostage ?

yeah, right... First of all, how is Thailand being held hostage? A ludicrous statement itself.

... rest removed

When a criminal on the run still dictates what his clone sister's government and his "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" party need to do, with govenment and cabinet members trying to push through reconciliation 'our way', dialogue is no longer necessary, I think you might be justified to say this megalanomaniac holds the country at ransom and as hostage.

As Frenchman this should remind you of Empereur Napoleon escaping from Elba on the 26th of February 1815 and being welcomed on French soil with "Vive L'Empereur!". Lasted only 100 days if I remember correctly. Less than 1000 killed and wounded for every single day, but then as G'kid said 'you can't make on omelet without cracking a few eggs' bah.gif

oh, so I see.

The current gov't is elected, and so from the viewpoint of Abhisit, that is holding Thailand hostage...

I match your bah.gif and raise you a bah.gifbah.gifwhistling.gifcoffee1.gifwai.gif

You lost me, dear chap. You put some words together to form a sentence, but it neither reflects what k. Abhisit, nor what I said.

The current government is reasonably legitimate with some doubt in how far a criminal on the run can be allowed to control what that government does. K. Abhist said k. Thaksin is holding the country hostage, seems a reasonable description.

I see let's get this right:

This criminal is holding the country to ransom because......

His crime was:

oh yes his wife bought some land at auction. Nothing wrong with that except that her husband was the prime minister.


being married to his wife.

being the prime minister.

Further he sold his company and as a consequence of running a successful financial regime he was able to :

sell his shareholding (aquired before he became prime minister since he started said company)

at a profit of 117%.

(Although the Thai SET had risen by 133% in the same period he was condemned and had 1 billion dollars deducted from his frozen accounts).

Part and parcel of this fine was the fact that when prime minister he had reduced the duty payable to CAT and TOT(the National carriers)

set at 25% for mobile phone bills paid monthly in arrears to 20% for the new Pay as you go rates that enabled the poor to own phones.

Increased revenues followed substantially and additionally his government demanded that the fees were paid diredtly to government as excise duty and the part privatised TOT and CAT received in return due owed to them from the government as there was a problem with leakage of funds owed to government.

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