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Doing A Midnight Runner On The Wife


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I think i am old enough to say boom boom and not anything else that will upset anyone or have administrators deleting my post.

AS for the words boom boom if you have ver been in thai bar you would know what it means.

Maybe you live somewhere and just wish you could live in Thai?

Actually i am 57

here is a term that moderation or anyone else would be hard pressed to find offensive -- Sex.

now lets try it in a sentence

My girlfriend and i have sex.

See, its not so bad.

BTW: I have been i a bar I just find it ridiculous when a 57 year old man speaks whore.

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It may shock you to learn that normal everyday Thailand is NOTHING like the bar scene you know. The normal bar scene, is a normal 'pub', where friends go for a drink, listen to some live music and go home. The majority of Thai girls in that environment do not drink alcohol.

Yaaah..I don't think so. Majority?

I know lots of girls who don't drink any alcohol, and many many more that are very sensible about it, but *majority* in a place that serves alcohol sticking to nam som or pepsi?

Naa, I'm not buying it, not what I've seen, and been to lots of places where I'm the only farang around, both BKK and upcountry.

Now when I'm trying to pick up on them, most will take one look at me and decline, maybe that's where you're getting it 8-)

lol u would be surprised how many thai women have never smoked or been to a bar or pub.

Now that I'd agree with, in fact in absolute numbers that group is probably in the majority. Personally I'd never take on a girl who does either.


By the way unlike all of the above, this is relevant to the OP - how to end a relationship like a boss!

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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TV is a funny place;

Everyone can discuss at leisure the means of getting out of a marriage fast solely on the only grounds that the husband has a need to get back "to the bar scene".

Marriage values are down to one single thing : sex, which women are the providers and nothing else if you read Chops.

Everyone is very comfortable with this, as if it was a given fact: Chops is encouraged to trample wedding vows and gets help on how to escape his responsibilities.

Yet, when someone dares to call a spade a spade and openly questions the actual values of Farang-Thai marriages in THL, everyone jumps to their throat and one gets moderated ermm.gif

Go figure ! blink.png

Edited by aneliane
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TV is a funny place;

Everyone can discuss at leisure the means of getting out of a marriage fast solely on the only grounds that the husband has a need to get back "to the bar scene".

Marriage values are down to one single thing : sex, which women are the providers and nothing else if you read Chops.

Everyone is very comfortable with this, as if it was a given fact: Chops is encouraged to trample wedding vows and gets help on how to escape his responsibilities.

Yet, when someone dares to call a spade a spade and openly questions the actual values of Farang-Thai marriages in THL, everyone jumps to their throat and one gets moderated ermm.gif

Go figure ! blink.png

I agree with you... it is awful that some posters think it is ok for the OP to leave his wife because he wants to spend more time prostitutes... I assume (hope) they are just joking

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I will never understand why guys feel the need to get married when they come to Thailand, enjoy the life stay single then no regrets.

I wanted to get my hands on the girls farm, 'Huge tracts of land'

Phwooah. Look at them tracts. Them'll take a lot of ploughing, I'll bet


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Re: bigjohnnybkk

lol. You are right. Most relationationships ARE transactional. Find a woman who genuinely likes sex and I'll send you a million..

Usually it's about houses & such. Or half of the estate. hahah.

My wife wants to be a bargirl. Any takers? She's 25.

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lol. You are right. Most relationationships ARE transactional. Find a woman who genuinely likes sex and I'll send you a million..

Again I disagree, and submit that you're just not doing it right. Many many women absolutely love sex, and certainly every one that I've kept seeing for any length of time does; I wouldn't bother sticking with a girl that wasn't enjoying her at least some of her sessions with me. Even many jaded pros get satisfaction from their work, I'm sure one of the non-financial reasons they stick with it, although of course they'll fake it with most of their customers, and some of them get to hate men so much they go tom in their private life.

In fact in my experience a significant proportion of women physically crave sex, and some become just as addicted to it as we do.

However cultural programming teaches them to hide it, either to comply with traditional/religious definitions of "good girls", or due to the very practical reason that it may reduce their bargaining power in the male/female power games, where they traditionally take on the stance that they're "giving something up" in exchange for whatever they're aiming for. They'd quickly lose their bargaining position if you were aware that they want sex as much as you do.

And if you want to build a successful long-term relationship IMO it is critical that you both work hard to make each other happy in bed. This is particularly true if you expect monogamy from each other, although if she's a hot teenager and you're a the typical fat old balding punter like me that's being a bit unrealistic IMO.

Edited by BigJohnnyBKK
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There is a difference between a real man and a runner. Nobody forced you to marry her, i am sure of that. If the man is resourceful enough the man makes a plan. Instead of simply going out for some smokes or bringing back a dvd.

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everyman man says there girl has neve been to a bar or club, where the hell did they party with there friend a relatives when they were younger.

The ideal for me is straight off the rice farm, where the only partying is Song Kran and the occasional wedding in the back yard of the shack, never lived away from home.

I'd never take on a girl anymore that has touched alcohol or tobacco, never mind tattoos, piercings, makeup, English etc. Don't care if she's a virgin, but certainly no more babies either.

If a girls' been sneaking off to the provincial disco since she was 14, already showing bad habits, not a good sign for a future wife.

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But in some cases running from your wife is totally legit ....... especially when she is in hot pursuit, machete in hand.

Had one chase me a few blocks with a pair of shearing snips, does that count?

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why are women always angry?

They also, in general (not just Thais), do opportunism, ungratefulness and unfaithfulness pretty good too.

I'd bring up the subject of divorce (only 175 baht init?) and, if she won't have it and/or she wants paying off big and/or you don't have lots of assets with her... then walk. thumbsup.gif

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lol. You are right. Most relationationships ARE transactional. Find a woman who genuinely likes sex and I'll send you a million..

Again I disagree, and submit that you're just not doing it right. Many many women absolutely love sex, and certainly every one that I've kept seeing for any length of time does; I wouldn't bother sticking with a girl that wasn't enjoying her at least some of her sessions with me. Even many jaded pros get satisfaction from their work, I'm sure one of the non-financial reasons they stick with it, although of course they'll fake it with most of their customers, and some of them get to hate men so much they go tom in their private life.

In fact in my experience a significant proportion of women physically crave sex, and some become just as addicted to it as we do.

However cultural programming teaches them to hide it, either to comply with traditional/religious definitions of "good girls", or due to the very practical reason that it may reduce their bargaining power in the male/female power games, where they traditionally take on the stance that they're "giving something up" in exchange for whatever they're aiming for. They'd quickly lose their bargaining position if you were aware that they want sex as much as you do.

And if you want to build a successful long-term relationship IMO it is critical that you both work hard to make each other happy in bed. This is particularly true if you expect monogamy from each other, although if she's a hot teenager and you're a the typical fat old balding punter like me that's being a bit unrealistic IMO.

According to a recent survey in Europe 95% of women confess hoping that it is going to be short when giving oral sex to a man.

We just don't like it, why don't we say so is the real question ...

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According to a recent survey in Europe 95% of women confess hoping that it is going to be short when giving oral sex to a man.

We just don't like it, why don't we say so is the real question ...

I think you'll find interest or concern in what European women say is pretty low on TV's agenda. It's one of the reasons TV exists.

I wonder what a similar survey of men on the same subject would reveal?

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lol. You are right. Most relationationships ARE transactional. Find a woman who genuinely likes sex and I'll send you a million..

Again I disagree, and submit that you're just not doing it right. Many many women absolutely love sex, and certainly every one that I've kept seeing for any length of time does; I wouldn't bother sticking with a girl that wasn't enjoying her at least some of her sessions with me. Even many jaded pros get satisfaction from their work, I'm sure one of the non-financial reasons they stick with it, although of course they'll fake it with most of their customers, and some of them get to hate men so much they go tom in their private life.

In fact in my experience a significant proportion of women physically crave sex, and some become just as addicted to it as we do.

However cultural programming teaches them to hide it, either to comply with traditional/religious definitions of "good girls", or due to the very practical reason that it may reduce their bargaining power in the male/female power games, where they traditionally take on the stance that they're "giving something up" in exchange for whatever they're aiming for. They'd quickly lose their bargaining position if you were aware that they want sex as much as you do.

And if you want to build a successful long-term relationship IMO it is critical that you both work hard to make each other happy in bed. This is particularly true if you expect monogamy from each other, although if she's a hot teenager and you're a the typical fat old balding punter like me that's being a bit unrealistic IMO.

According to a recent survey in Europe 95% of women confess hoping that it is going to be short when giving oral sex to a man.

We just don't like it, why don't we say so is the real question ...

Be honest, did you like blue cheese the first time you tried it?

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