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Doing A Midnight Runner On The Wife


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I was going to reply to one of the recent posts, and I realised how true it was that unpleasant behaviour begets unpleasant behaviour.

Out of interest, Chops, has your wife managed to rid herself of you yet?


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I am sure you don't mean bad or anything,and without your help these women would probably had not had any education at all.

But don't you think that you are taking advantage of the situation ?

Also, having to resort to these types of deal to have a relationship, does not it make the all thing moot or taste stale ?

Don't you ever want to be with someone who likes you for who you are ?

Thank you for expressing greater open-mindedness than you had before, and for your concern for my spiritual/emotional well-being.

Not sure of the meaning you're going for here with "moot", I realize you're not a NES, but for me personally there is nothing stale about my relationships at all.

I spend many hours each day teaching, reading and talking to, playing with etc my two young children, who of course are perfect angels. If I didn't have them yes I most likely would seek more "deep and meaningful" relationships with my sex partners.

What you probably don't understand is that I do in fact have quite strong relationships at an emotional/spiritual level with most of them - however I make sure to hold that part back, because I'm currently unable promise a girl I'll be able to provide for a reasonable level of financial security for a reasonable length of time. Therefore it is unfair for me to hold her back from the goals she, her family and her culture have defined as providing for her happiness. When the time comes that I'm ready to commit in that way, I know there will be several wonderful girls in the pipeline I'll be able to work on persuading that I'm worthy of a commitment from them.

Usually the hard part is getting them to go away, as Charlie Sheen pointed out (not a role model I assure you 8-). Abject poverty is actually a wonderful help in that regard. Of course even when I'm relatively wealthy, the fact that I'm unable to promise monogamy and will need to get them to accept an open marriage arrangement, and won't be having any more children, will make things more difficult.

Regarding taking advantage, definitely not. What I am giving them is of far greater value than anything I'm getting from them, and without my help I am very sure their lives would be much worse, most would have just ended up heading for Pattaya - or worse - a few months later.

This is actually not my business, so no need to answer of course, unless you feel like sharing. But what you wrote has me wondering if these girls actually know the score with you..? In the sense that, when you approach them etc, is it in a normal fashion? Ie: you "woo" them and they enter into your life as a normal girlfriend, but your real agenda from the outset is really to have a relationship for "x" amount of time, even if they have no idea. A slightly disconnected comfort on your part?

I could have read into your post all wrong of course. But as it stands It comes over as a tad narcissistic to be honest.

That is a polite way of putting it.

The misogyny and BS in this thread is breath-taking. There is the Wilt Chamberlain character citing 100+ conquests. There is the pimp posing as the paternal proprietor of a charm school. Good grief.

if anyone thinks 100+ is a lot they are probably typing from a arm chair in norway and havent been to thailand yet .........

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I know you people are all serious and well intentioned. But this is Thailand not Farang land. In Farang land the losers live alone and the winners are married with family.

In Thailand like so many other things it is the reverse.

The means justify an untrue relationship or how do you mean?

Maybe he means:

In Thailand people are neither serious nor well-intentioned.


In Farang land I always felt a bit sorry for guys living by themselves with no wife and family. They looked sad to me. I wondered what kind of freak they were not able to get a wife. Maybe not a raving beauty with a PHD like me but they couldn't get anyone.

When I got to Thailand I felt the same way for a couple of weeks. Then I noticed all the single guys seemed much happier and well adjusted than the married guys (Thai and Farang). As I got to know them I became even more convinced. Success in Thailand is not having a wife or live in GF. Success, happiness is living alone in Thailand.

That's why there are so many single guys here. And those guys seem to have a smile permanently glued on their faces.

I hope that explains it. If not feel free to ask.

Who was that guy who won all the, "Favorite Poster Awards", Ian something or other. Was he married? I have never met a happier guy.

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I am sure you don't mean bad or anything,and without your help these women would probably had not had any education at all.

But don't you think that you are taking advantage of the situation ?

Also, having to resort to these types of deal to have a relationship, does not it make the all thing moot or taste stale ?

Don't you ever want to be with someone who likes you for who you are ?

Thank you for expressing greater open-mindedness than you had before, and for your concern for my spiritual/emotional well-being.

Not sure of the meaning you're going for here with "moot", I realize you're not a NES, but for me personally there is nothing stale about my relationships at all.

I spend many hours each day teaching, reading and talking to, playing with etc my two young children, who of course are perfect angels. If I didn't have them yes I most likely would seek more "deep and meaningful" relationships with my sex partners.

What you probably don't understand is that I do in fact have quite strong relationships at an emotional/spiritual level with most of them - however I make sure to hold that part back, because I'm currently unable promise a girl I'll be able to provide for a reasonable level of financial security for a reasonable length of time. Therefore it is unfair for me to hold her back from the goals she, her family and her culture have defined as providing for her happiness. When the time comes that I'm ready to commit in that way, I know there will be several wonderful girls in the pipeline I'll be able to work on persuading that I'm worthy of a commitment from them.

Usually the hard part is getting them to go away, as Charlie Sheen pointed out (not a role model I assure you 8-). Abject poverty is actually a wonderful help in that regard. Of course even when I'm relatively wealthy, the fact that I'm unable to promise monogamy and will need to get them to accept an open marriage arrangement, and won't be having any more children, will make things more difficult.

Regarding taking advantage, definitely not. What I am giving them is of far greater value than anything I'm getting from them, and without my help I am very sure their lives would be much worse, most would have just ended up heading for Pattaya - or worse - a few months later.

This is actually not my business, so no need to answer of course, unless you feel like sharing. But what you wrote has me wondering if these girls actually know the score with you..? In the sense that, when you approach them etc, is it in a normal fashion? Ie: you "woo" them and they enter into your life as a normal girlfriend, but your real agenda from the outset is really to have a relationship for "x" amount of time, even if they have no idea. A slightly disconnected comfort on your part?

I could have read into your post all wrong of course. But as it stands It comes over as a tad narcissistic to be honest.

That is a polite way of putting it.

The misogyny and BS in this thread is breath-taking. There is the Wilt Chamberlain character citing 100+ conquests. There is the pimp posing as the paternal proprietor of a charm school. Good grief.

What decade were you born in Sir? Do you seriously believe dating 100 women in 10 years in this day and age is unusual? Nay, impossible?

The internet has opened a whole new world Sir, to date over 100 women in 10 years is now....easy. In fact it's doable in one year.

Conquest? Where did I say I slept with them all? I can guarantee you I didn't.

You've made a fool out of yourself by your Victorian assumption. Quite simply you don't know what you are talking about, there are plenty on this site that know your post is laughable.

So go grab your dog eared copy of Lady Chatterleys Lover and have a titter below the duvet. That's as up to date with modern dating as you are with your pathetic post.

You really have no idea. No idea at all.

ps, rare sight, theblether playing the man and not the topic :-)

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I just find the whole thing incredibly sad.

1 Sad that poverty means young girls having to have relationships with older men to get some type of help/education

2 Sad that you won't allow yourself to fall in love because of money

3 Sad that you think that you have to resort to these schemes to get close to women

(numbered and tweaked for grammar)

1. They don't have to, but it's a valid choice. Most people in the world live in conditions that you (and I) find very sad. When someone's willing and able to improve their lives, and can do it without harming others then I hope that makes you as happy as it does me. What wealth there is in the world doesn't seem to be going toward free handouts anytime soon, certainly not in the US and getting to be less so even in Europe and Oz/NZ. Poverty is relative to desires anyway - lots of "very poor" people in those places and the same choices made - in those places too.

2 & 3 I'm currently happy, and soon enough will be rich enough to indulge myself in many of my favorite things, and believe me a long-term relationship will be high on the list, ideally a new step-mom to enable me get the kids stateside. Maybe look for a teacher in Burma. . .

I believe/hope I won't ever need to return to the explicit p4p scene, appearing dirt poor looks like a good way to weed out most of the scammers so I think I'll (I hope I'll be able to) keep most of the outward lifestyle the same even when I am much more secure, during the seeking/courting stage.

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I know you people are all serious and well intentioned. But this is Thailand not Farang land. In Farang land the losers live alone and the winners are married with family.

In Thailand like so many other things it is the reverse.

The means justify an untrue relationship or how do you mean?

Maybe he means:

In Thailand people are neither serious nor well-intentioned.


In Farang land I always felt a bit sorry for guys living by themselves with no wife and family. They looked sad to me. I wondered what kind of freak they were not able to get a wife. Maybe not a raving beauty with a PHD like me but they couldn't get anyone.

When I got to Thailand I felt the same way for a couple of weeks. Then I noticed all the single guys seemed much happier and well adjusted than the married guys (Thai and Farang). As I got to know them I became even more convinced. Success in Thailand is not having a wife or live in GF. Success, happiness is living alone in Thailand.

That's why there are so many single guys here. And those guys seem to have a smile permanently glued on their faces.

I hope that explains it. If not feel free to ask.

Who was that guy who won all the, "Favorite Poster Awards", Ian something or other. Was he married? I have never met a happier guy.

You're wrong re farang land KerryK, POF is your friend, among hundreds of others. There has never been a better time to be a single guy in the West. Never.

On top of that many Western ladies have no compunction or shame about walking into a bar and lifting a guy for a one night stand, it's the 21st century, not the 18th century.

The only difference between Thailand and the West is the age group that will consider dating you, in the West up to 10 years younger than the man is no problem, 10-15 years possible, 15-20 years possible to unlikely, over 20 years unlikely but not impossible.

Conversely women in the West don't like dating younger guys as a rule of thumb. Cougars exist but they are rare.

I stopped internet dating because the debauchery was beyone belief, people I know were getting drawn in deeper and deeper to all types of activities. In some cases clouds of powder flying everywhere and anything goes.

That's not my game, yes I went on the ran dan after my marriage broke up but eventually I got a grip on myself. I detest powder, I detest sleaze, you can shower all you like but you can't wash away sleaze.

That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

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That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

But not if you are 50+, according to your post.

I haven't seen any white woman within 20 years of my age that I would consider sleeping with.

To tell the truth, I would prefer to do it on my own, maybe with some Internet porn.

And to be fair this is not a misogynist post,

As I doubt many fit slim white 30- year old women would be prepared to bed a fat, balding 50+ year old man.

Just because I am old and fat, doesn't mean I fancy old fat women.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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You're wrong re farang land KerryK, POF is your friend, among hundreds of others. There has never been a better time to be a single guy in the West. Never.

On top of that many Western ladies have no compunction or shame about walking into a bar and lifting a guy for a one night stand, it's the 21st century, not the 18th century.

The only difference between Thailand and the West is the age group that will consider dating you, in the West up to 10 years younger than the man is no problem, 10-15 years possible, 15-20 years possible to unlikely, over 20 years unlikely but not impossible.

Conversely women in the West don't like dating younger guys as a rule of thumb. Cougars exist but they are rare.

I stopped internet dating because the debauchery was beyone belief, people I know were getting drawn in deeper and deeper to all types of activities. In some cases clouds of powder flying everywhere and anything goes.

That's not my game, yes I went on the ran dan after my marriage broke up but eventually I got a grip on myself. I detest powder, I detest sleaze, you can shower all you like but you can't wash away sleaze.

That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

Not to disagree with you. But there is a reason that so many men don't date between their vacations to Thailand.

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That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

But not if you are 50+, according to your post.

I haven't seen any white woman within 20 years of my age that I would consider sleeping with.

To tell the truth, I would prefer to do it on my own, maybe with some Internet porn.

And to be fair this is not a misogynist post,

As I doubt many fit slim white 30- year old women would be prepared to bed a fat, balding 50+ year old man.

Just because I am old and fat, doesn't mean I fancy old fat women.

I agree Tommo, that's why I put the age categorization in. I'm 46, my median age for dating in the UK is 37, it's uncanny the amount of 37 year old I date here. There are still plenty of very fit ladies in their 40's and a good amount of beautiful ladies in their 50's.

So I'm still at an age where I can date women who seriously ring my bell. I don't even bother trying to date ladies below 35 as it's well nigh a lost cause / too much effort. I'm also a wee bit reluctant to get involved in that age group for various reasons. A high percentage are from the E generation, how they look at life and other things such as E and Coke is the polar opposite of me. If I was going to take up into another LTR is the UK it would be with a lady within ten years of me. I reckon a lot of the younger generation would be brain damage.

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Oh Blether, age wise id be in your ideal bracket.

But alas, even though we hail from the same neck of the woods, fate has not crossed our paths.

Hmm but not sure i could realistically deal with a 46 year old fed up scottish baby, and seeing as im a miserable pussy, lets just call it quits before fate even gets a whiff of that one.

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That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

But not if you are 50+, according to your post.

I haven't seen any white woman within 20 years of my age that I would consider sleeping with.

To tell the truth, I would prefer to do it on my own, maybe with some Internet porn.

And to be fair this is not a misogynist post,

As I doubt many fit slim white 30- year old women would be prepared to bed a fat, balding 50+ year old man.

Just because I am old and fat, doesn't mean I fancy old fat women.

There are plenty of white MILFs in Bangkok (and there were loads in London); maybe you are just overly fussy

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There are loads of western males and females who are older but still look great. But, most want like for like. The truth of the matter is here most guys can get an attractive woman without having to make any particular effort themselves. Not stating positives or negatives regarding that, just saying thats how it is.

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There are plenty of white MILFs in Bangkok (and there were loads in London); maybe you are just overly fussy

Did you see any blind ones?


I posted my comment before i read yours. It was in response to what was written, but not specifically meant to be directed at you.

Cmon Tommo..you know, you could always improve yourself (no idea what shape you are in or how you look in general, but you did say fat). Losing weight would be good for your health anyway. Sometimes it takes a challenge to improve ourselves. Not that im saying you SHOULD go for a western woman or an older woman for that matter..go for what you want. Just that if you WERE looking, upping your game can actually be good for you.

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When reading this thread I can't help but thinking of this old song from Nancy Sinatra

He didn't even say goodbye

He didn't take the time to lie.

Bang bang, he shot me down

Edited by JurgenG
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There are plenty of white MILFs in Bangkok (and there were loads in London); maybe you are just overly fussy

Did you see any blind ones?


I posted my comment before i read yours. It was in response to what was written, but not specifically meant to be directed at you.

Cmon Tommo..you know, you could always improve yourself (no idea what shape you are in or how you look in general, but you did say fat). Losing weight would be good for your health anyway. Sometimes it takes a challenge to improve ourselves. Not that im saying you SHOULD go for a western woman or an older woman for that matter..go for what you want. Just that if you WERE looking, upping your game can actually be good for you.

...or take advantage of your existing attributes... re-train as a sumo and seek fame and fortune in Japan

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Oh Blether, age wise id be in your ideal bracket.

But alas, even though we hail from the same neck of the woods, fate has not crossed our paths.

Hmm but not sure i could realistically deal with a 46 year old fed up scottish baby, and seeing as im a miserable pussy, lets just call it quits before fate even gets a whiff of that one.

On a note of self preservation.............your boyfriend would batter me so I'll pass on that little whimsy biggrin.png

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Oh Blether, age wise id be in your ideal bracket.

But alas, even though we hail from the same neck of the woods, fate has not crossed our paths.

Hmm but not sure i could realistically deal with a 46 year old fed up scottish baby, and seeing as im a miserable pussy, lets just call it quits before fate even gets a whiff of that one.

On a note of self preservation.............your boyfriend would batter me so I'll pass on that little whimsy biggrin.png

Are you sure you don't want a go at making Eeks pussy a bit happier?

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Nice story, blether, but allow me some correction:

I asked her to take a day off to go sightseeing with me, we had a great day, and I tried to give her some money to compensate her loss of earnings. She went bananas, she said " I am not bad girl, Buddha is watching me, you not give me money!!! ".

Back-pedalling rapidly, highly apologetic, I calmed the situation down.

My answer would have been: "Sure darling, you are not a bad girl, but stay with me a few more days and I promise you, you will be one.

Much better than being apologetic.

Roll on......I came back from that holiday and went on a date with a Military Policewoman. Nightmare, all I will say is this......she told me she had ordered butterfly steak when we were in the restaurant, I didn't know that you could get butterflies big enough to get a steak out of them.........I was oblivious. Then she told me she ordered it to see my reaction as it was the most expensive item on the menu, so I said to myself, "you've got no class sweetheart, no class. I know a lady that works for 400 baht a day and she has more class than you could ever dream of".

This answer was perfect. Nothing to add!

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Roll on......I came back from that holiday and went on a date with a Military Policewoman. Nightmare, all I will say is this......she told me she had ordered butterfly steak when we were in the restaurant, I didn't know that you could get butterflies big enough to get a steak out of them.........I was oblivious. Then she told me she ordered it to see my reaction as it was the most expensive item on the menu, so I said to myself, "you've got no class sweetheart, no class. I know a lady that works for 400 baht a day and she has more class than you could ever dream of".

You were obviously pretending to be someone you weren't. She called your bluff.

Now you're back with the girl that fits you better.

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Oh Blether, age wise id be in your ideal bracket.

But alas, even though we hail from the same neck of the woods, fate has not crossed our paths.

Hmm but not sure i could realistically deal with a 46 year old fed up scottish baby, and seeing as im a miserable pussy, lets just call it quits before fate even gets a whiff of that one.

On a note of self preservation.............your boyfriend would batter me so I'll pass on that little whimsy biggrin.png

Are you sure you don't want a go at making Eeks pussy a bit happier?

Ahem, ahem, ahem......Where angels dare to tread Tommo, where angels dare to tread ermm.gifbiggrin.png

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Roll on......I came back from that holiday and went on a date with a Military Policewoman. Nightmare, all I will say is this......she told me she had ordered butterfly steak when we were in the restaurant, I didn't know that you could get butterflies big enough to get a steak out of them.........I was oblivious. Then she told me she ordered it to see my reaction as it was the most expensive item on the menu, so I said to myself, "you've got no class sweetheart, no class. I know a lady that works for 400 baht a day and she has more class than you could ever dream of".

You were obviously pretending to be someone you weren't. She called your bluff.

Now you're back with the girl that fits you better.

My God, you're a clairvoyant coffee1.gif

can you give me the result of the 2.15 at Kempton today please??

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Man up, talk to her and then leave her if you must but at least have the decency to face what you're about to do rather than leaving her in the dark.

Whether she is a bitch or not, women deserve to be told where they stand.

Sadly ,some Thai women i've met don't deserve a dam_n thing after witnessing what they are capable of.

They would be prepared to do a thousand times more dastardly things to you and not even consider for a second if they were doing any wrong, or indeed show any sign of a conscience.

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....I just find the all thing incredibly sad.

Sad that poverty means young girls having to have relationships with older men to get some type of help/education....

mmm, interesting, IMO this shows a particular cultural insensitivity. I asked my wife who is about 20 years younger than me and she rattled off at least 3 good reasons why she prefers older men. Its not about poverty, more about seeking a husband that provides what you truly want in life.

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....I just find the all thing incredibly sad.

Sad that poverty means young girls having to have relationships with older men to get some type of help/education....

mmm, interesting, IMO this shows a particular cultural insensitivity. I asked my wife who is about 20 years younger than me and she rattled off at least 3 good reasons why she prefers older men. Its not about poverty, more about seeking a husband that provides what you truly want in life.

Setting aside the younger / older marriage / relationship issue for a minute, if you ask a lot of younger ladies they are demented at the antics of guys their own age. In many cases they are left holding the baby while the father is out competing with Soi Dogs for the Immoral Father of the Year contest.

I read somewhere that about 60% of Thai women are single parents???? How could it be a shock to anyone that some ladies ( many ladies ) would look to the stability of an older man????

The reason why it is so controversial is that it drives ladies bananas when the decent guys of their age are snapped up by younger models. They hate it, detest it, cannot stand it, it drives them crazy, it's so not fair!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.gifangry.pngbah.gif

But I'm a guy so I'm quite relaxed about it. coffee1.gif

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I stopped internet dating because the debauchery was beyone belief, people I know were getting drawn in deeper and deeper to all types of activities. In some cases clouds of powder flying everywhere and anything goes.

That's not my game, yes I went on the ran dan after my marriage broke up but eventually I got a grip on myself. I detest powder, I detest sleaze, you can shower all you like but you can't wash away sleaze.

That being said, this is the best of times to be single in the West.

Sorry I don't get the "powder" references - please explain, like I'm five years old.

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

You've got that right. I did a bit of research on spontaneous combustion, and it is not something to take lightly. I was a bit sceptical, and the web site I was browsing also mentioned "spontaneous involuntary invisibility". "What a load of cobbl... just a minute - how often have I walked into a bar and spontaneously gone involuntarily invisible?"

"over here mate! In the thirsty corner. Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps please..."

Anyway, in the 18th century, a French court cleared a man of murder on the grounds that his wife had spontaneously combusted, so that might be a helpful suggestion for Chops...


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^ too much nocturnal (or daytime, or anytime for that matter) activities can sometimes result in spontaneous combustion, except in this case, rather than the body going on fire, it just sort of heats up to such a degree it goes *poof* in an explosion of powdery ash.

..actually, you arent the only one who was pondering the powder reference. I sort of concluded it might be cocaine. Then again, maybe its some underground code name for something else and im glad to be naive enough not to know. (ive already been corrupted as it is by thaivisa members just by googling Rebecca Loos and finding out what the animal reference was).

I had the same thought.. but..our friend theblether is excused if he doesn't want to say more whistling.gif

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