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Man Held In Poisoning Deaths Of Four: Thailand


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Well the guy has committed suicide, well done the BiB. Sadly that means that the families of two guys who are still missing will never get to know where the bodies of their loved ones have been dumped.

Things work a little bit differently around here - if you get my drift. Enough said.
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Accused serial poisoner hangs himself

Wimon Thapkong,

Apichart Hongsakul

The Nation


PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN: -- A man accused of fatally poisoning four people committed suicide at a police station in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Muang district yesterday morning.

Nirut "Jamlong" Sornkhamharn, 43, hanged himself in a bathroom at dawn. A policeman rushed to prevent him but was too late.

The suspect was arrested on Monday. Police say he had confessed to hiring the transportation services of pickup owners and then offering pesticidemixed drinks to his victims during the trips.

Of his nine victims, four died and two remain unaccounted for. Three others have survived.

Nirut told police he stole his victims' belongings and vehicles. The pickups had been sold to a man known as Pairat in Songkhla's Hat Yai district for Bt50,000 each.

Following his arrest, Nirut attempted to hang himself at the Crime Suppression Bureau, but the old electric wire he used snapped and he survived.

On Tuesday, he was transferred to the Khlong Wan Police Station where local investigators wanted to interrogate him over the death of one of his victims that happened in the station's jurisdiction.

Police said the questioning at the station lasted for about two hours during which Nirut showed signs of stress. He was held in solitary detention due to his serious offences.

A junior policeman was assigned to keep watch on him. However, Nirut went into the bathroom, locked the door and hanged himself with his Tshirt. The policeman could not stop him in time because of the locked door.

"He used a key to get inside - but [by then] it was too late," the station's superintendent, LtColonel Noppadon Thuwangkhawat, said.

In a related development, police in Songkhla arrested Pairat Chawaha, 48. A pickup belonging to one of Nirut's dead victims was found in his possession.

Pairat denied any wrongdoing. He claimed he had bought the vehicles from Nirut because he thought they belonged to Nirut's relatives.

Provincial Police Region 9 deputy commissioner MajGeneral Prasert Jansawang said Pairat had been charged with possessing stolen vehicles.

"An investigation is ongoing to nail down his accomplices. We believe he did not do all this alone," Prasert said.


-- The Nation 2012-04-19

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Crimes like those exist in every society , every countries not only in Thailand .... Its ridiculous to pretend there are more crimes than before as it always have been like that ..open those Thai news paper , nothing more or less than any European countries.

Very true. But you know what the expats are like on here - they just love to knock Thailand and Thais at every opportunity they get. I just can't figure out why they don't leave. As for me, no-one has tried to poison me, no-one has followed me and demanded money, no-one has stolen from me, no police have demanded money from me. Sounds like you lot live in a different country to me. I have found Thai people to be very friendly and very helpful. I even gave a taxi driver 500 baht instead of 100 baht by mistake the other day. He called me back and told me I'd given too much. That's my general experience here. I know bad things happen, but they happen in UK and USA as well. Not sure what type of people you lot hang around with, but time to change your friends or change yourselves. If you go around slagging off Thailand and Thais I'm not surprised that some of them may want to steal from you and poison you. Try treating people with more respect and maybe you'll get it in return. What you give you you get in return. So take a close look at yourselves.

Yes, I feel the same way about people who slag off America; it makes me want to steal from them and poison them.

According to you I am justified right? I should also tell people who have misfortunes in my country that it is probably who they hang out with or where they go; they should change their friends or treat us americans with more respect cause if they get robbed or poisoned then it is their fault.

Right ??

I wish I had said that. This is one of several post on this topic that should be pinned for future reading.

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Just as an after thought..

Last year a Thai friend was chatting to another vendor at the bang kae market in west bangkok when suddenly a body went flying off the large Thai style apartment building over Petkasem road near Wonder dept store. it was a young farang in his 30's apparently....cops came and took the body away in a pick up vehicle ... case closed. no media report next day i rolled up about 3 hours after the incident when he told me this story.

Farangs have disappeared or died mysteriously in Thonburi over the years...no police, no file ,no case,no media ...nothing. Usually isan wives involved. One still walks around with gold jewelry. Before she used to wash dishes in the gutter outside Tops store. ...not any more..whistling.gif

Here's another post that should be pinned for future reference.

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A Thai friend says crime has gone up since the flood and everyone should be more careful. Does anyone know if the statistics are out on that?

As for me, there does seem to be a bit more desperation than usual. Twice in the last month (in Bangkok) I've had someone follow me and DEMAND money.

Yes, it is true, and because of all the scum lurkung around nowdays, I have armed my GF with pepper spray to keep her somewhat safer.

I will buy her a taser when I can get my hands on one.

By the way, did you give them money or did you walk / run away? You should have bashed their heads in with a bat.

I have done the same thing with the pepper spray and the girlfriend. The pepper spray is the highly concentrated type. I bought a good taser in Pattaya last year at a pretty good price. Made in China. You can find tasers in Bangkok from street vendors between soi 21 and 7.

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Recipe for disaster,

Mix desperate uneducated drug users, add criminal overlords, stir with corrupt police service, and let simmer for a while. Add perception of wealthy farang, preferably drunken and/or alone and serve in body bag.

Looks like a stupid recipe but we know it works.

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Accused serial poisoner hangs himself

Shouldn't he have been on suicide watch seeing that he tried to hang himself a couple of days earlier. Great police work BiB. bah.gif

I guess if I was a buddhist I would place my bets on re-birth than a Thai jail for the rest of my life 555 Edited by heiwa
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Crimes like those exist in every society , every countries not only in Thailand .... Its ridiculous to pretend there are more crimes than before as it always have been like that ..open those Thai news paper , nothing more or less than any European countries.

I used to think like you until a few recent incidents have bit me on the arse. What you don't understand is that murders either are not investigated or they become suicides or death of unknown causes. The right amount of tea money can cause critical files to disappear... So this all means statistics mean nothing. Look at police being paid bonuses for zero road deaths. How do you think this modifies the behaviour of police? Also murder here is often done in a way that its difficult to prove (poisoning) or catch the perpetrator. And also no-one will step in and help you if you are being killed from what I have come to know. You take care. Keep your guard up and don't look at everything with rose coloured glasses. I am always polite and respectful of Thai people - so much so that Thai people say that I am Thai. I can read, write and speak Thai. I agree with last post. The overwhelming majority of Thai people are very kind yet there is an evil mafia (the Thais call them the untouchables) element to this society that the Thai people have gone to great pains to warn and explain to me about as they know the things that can happen and don't want them to happen to me. I refused to believe them until a few recent incidents. I thought they were over-exaggerating. Quite right there is crime everywhere. But crime statistics here are dubious - that is a fact.

U R quite right,Crime has at least doubled up country since we had the 30,000 released from prison & the flooding.This statement was made to my father in law,the village leader by local Police Superintendent or a large city & told to me by my wife,police are saying to watch out for strangers & anyone being where they shouldn't.They told my father in law to watch our house,as being a farang house it is high on the list for thieves,but we do have security bars & dogs,that are only fed by me,father in law or my son & a high fence.Dogs have been trained & will not eat anything other that food from us.I prepared for something like this several yrs ago,was told it was not needed but now Father in law has also installed security bars.

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Just as an after thought..

Last year a Thai friend was chatting to another vendor at the bang kae market in west bangkok when suddenly a body went flying off the large Thai style apartment building over Petkasem road near Wonder dept store. it was a young farang in his 30's apparently....cops came and took the body away in a pick up vehicle ... case closed. no media report next day i rolled up about 3 hours after the incident when he told me this story.

Farangs have disappeared or died mysteriously in Thonburi over the years...no police, no file ,no case,no media ...nothing. Usually isan wives involved. One still walks around with gold jewelry. Before she used to wash dishes in the gutter outside Tops store. ...not any more..whistling.gif

an unexplained farang death - a cash windfall for many a esan lady and her brother = husband. In Esan culture you have die friends and play friends. Die friends are the people who you grow up with and who you never forget through thick and thin. Play friends are for financial gain. Guess what kind of friend the farang is who marries the esan lady who already has a thai husband? Is there any farang not paying for it, i.e. paying the pimp esan husband? This division between die friend and play friend is a terrible formula to kill easily like in the case of this esan man (Nakhon Panom) killing these play friends.

Heiwa -Your anti-Esaan rant is misdirected here as this man is NOT Esaan. He is from Nakhon Pathom NOT Nakhon Phanom. To restore the balance Nakhon Phanom is a very pleasant Esaan town on the Mekong where I have spent very pleasant Winters with the Thai and Expat community there for the last 6 years. There is, of course, the recurrent but not that frequent 'horror' story of gullible Farangs being fleeced thru their Thai relationship, and the odd Thai on Thai murder. But I can honestly say I have heard nothing remotely near as horrific as this story, or ever detected or been warned of any criminal threat or threat of poisoning as I go out and about the town and environs on my (preferred) bicycle, and motorbike. The locals are either friendly or indifferent. I do, however, the longer I spend in Thailand, get depressed as I become more aware of the seemingly inherently selfish and thoughtless nature of Thai or possibly just Esaan, culture, and the little love I perceive seems to be instinctive, e.g., sexual or maternal/paternal or familial. I am also very concerned at where Thai society is heading, and feel very sorry for the relatively simple and consumer unstreetwise Thai/Esaan people when being bombarded by very advanced and sophisticated Western marketing and advertising techniques to get them to borrow to buy all that we can buy in the wealthy West, when most of them haven't the slightest chance of paying for it! The LOS seems to be heading for a society of jealosy, discontent, and hopeless debt.

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Just as an after thought..

Last year a Thai friend was chatting to another vendor at the bang kae market in west bangkok when suddenly a body went flying off the large Thai style apartment building over Petkasem road near Wonder dept store. it was a young farang in his 30's apparently....cops came and took the body away in a pick up vehicle ... case closed. no media report next day i rolled up about 3 hours after the incident when he told me this story.

Farangs have disappeared or died mysteriously in Thonburi over the years...no police, no file ,no case,no media ...nothing. Usually isan wives involved. One still walks around with gold jewelry. Before she used to wash dishes in the gutter outside Tops store. ...not any more..whistling.gif

And you believe in father xmas.
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Exactly. Hang around long enough and you "may will" become a target. I filed a police report yesterday. tailgated for 15km, bike on bike, every move I made the rider behind mirrored it following 5cm to 10cm. no reason for road rage as wide open road and never cut him off. guess he had been watching my regular movements. thais tell me this road is awash with robbers and drug addicts. thais have warned me not to use this road - but thought i would be ok at 1pm in the afternoon. Forced me to ride very dangerously of speeds up to 140km/hr. Warning farang brothers - do not ride your bike on deserted roads. Crime is on the upswing - talk to any Thai. Its because the drugs are on a big big big upswing. This has nothing to do with Thai culture or Thai people being bad. Its all to do with drugs and mobs and untouchables on the payroll. Drug war? Ring a bell. Farang we are being targeted by drug gang members today. Take care. Poisoning and death of innocent people in this case. May they rest in peace. All to do with mobs and drugs and greed and evil. 50,000 baht for a life. Where is God? where is mercy? You won't find mercy or God with drugs and mobs. It is a problem in many countries now. This rampant murder of people linked to drugs.

Give it a rest will ya,your like a broken record.
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Accused serial poisoner hangs himself

Wimon Thapkong,

Apichart Hongsakul

The Nation


PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN: -- A man accused of fatally poisoning four people committed suicide at a police station in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Muang district yesterday morning.

Nirut "Jamlong" Sornkhamharn, 43, hanged himself in a bathroom at dawn. A policeman rushed to prevent him but was too late.

The suspect was arrested on Monday. Police say he had confessed to hiring the transportation services of pickup owners and then offering pesticidemixed drinks to his victims during the trips.

Of his nine victims, four died and two remain unaccounted for. Three others have survived.

Nirut told police he stole his victims' belongings and vehicles. The pickups had been sold to a man known as Pairat in Songkhla's Hat Yai district for Bt50,000 each.

Following his arrest, Nirut attempted to hang himself at the Crime Suppression Bureau, but the old electric wire he used snapped and he survived.

On Tuesday, he was transferred to the Khlong Wan Police Station where local investigators wanted to interrogate him over the death of one of his victims that happened in the station's jurisdiction.

Police said the questioning at the station lasted for about two hours during which Nirut showed signs of stress. He was held in solitary detention due to his serious offences.

A junior policeman was assigned to keep watch on him. However, Nirut went into the bathroom, locked the door and hanged himself with his Tshirt. The policeman could not stop him in time because of the locked door.

"He used a key to get inside - but [by then] it was too late," the station's superintendent, LtColonel Noppadon Thuwangkhawat, said.

In a related development, police in Songkhla arrested Pairat Chawaha, 48. A pickup belonging to one of Nirut's dead victims was found in his possession.

Pairat denied any wrongdoing. He claimed he had bought the vehicles from Nirut because he thought they belonged to Nirut's relatives.

Provincial Police Region 9 deputy commissioner MajGeneral Prasert Jansawang said Pairat had been charged with possessing stolen vehicles.

"An investigation is ongoing to nail down his accomplices. We believe he did not do all this alone," Prasert said.


-- The Nation 2012-04-19

They both know what's gunna happen next.
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The difference between a perception of a safe country and dangerous country is just a poisoned meal away, a gun shot away, a cut throat away, thrown from a high rise tower, put in a noose, strangled.


You won't find mercy or God with drugs and mobs. It is a problem in many countries now. This rampant murder of people linked to drugs.

Some friendly advice:

If you are really experiencing this in Thailand, I'd advise the following moving to a completely different location, far from any concentrated criminal activities (tourist areas, Bangkok), making sure to cut off all contact with any of your previous "friends", and from now live keeping a low profile, keep your head down and your nose clean.

You are most likely attracting such unusual evil stuff to you with your own activities and expectations.

Otherwise - take your meds.

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Accused serial poisoner hangs himself

Wimon Thapkong,

Apichart Hongsakul

The Nation


PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN: -- A man accused of fatally poisoning four people committed suicide at a police station in Prachuap Khiri Khan's Muang district yesterday morning.

Nirut "Jamlong" Sornkhamharn, 43, hanged himself in a bathroom at dawn. A policeman rushed to prevent him but was too late.

The suspect was arrested on Monday. Police say he had confessed to hiring the transportation services of pickup owners and then offering pesticidemixed drinks to his victims during the trips.

Of his nine victims, four died and two remain unaccounted for. Three others have survived.

Nirut told police he stole his victims' belongings and vehicles. The pickups had been sold to a man known as Pairat in Songkhla's Hat Yai district for Bt50,000 each.

Following his arrest, Nirut attempted to hang himself at the Crime Suppression Bureau, but the old electric wire he used snapped and he survived.

On Tuesday, he was transferred to the Khlong Wan Police Station where local investigators wanted to interrogate him over the death of one of his victims that happened in the station's jurisdiction.

Police said the questioning at the station lasted for about two hours during which Nirut showed signs of stress. He was held in solitary detention due to his serious offences.

A junior policeman was assigned to keep watch on him. However, Nirut went into the bathroom, locked the door and hanged himself with his Tshirt. The policeman could not stop him in time because of the locked door.

"He used a key to get inside - but [by then] it was too late," the station's superintendent, LtColonel Noppadon Thuwangkhawat, said.

In a related development, police in Songkhla arrested Pairat Chawaha, 48. A pickup belonging to one of Nirut's dead victims was found in his possession.

Pairat denied any wrongdoing. He claimed he had bought the vehicles from Nirut because he thought they belonged to Nirut's relatives.

Provincial Police Region 9 deputy commissioner MajGeneral Prasert Jansawang said Pairat had been charged with possessing stolen vehicles.

"An investigation is ongoing to nail down his accomplices. We believe he did not do all this alone," Prasert said.


-- The Nation 2012-04-19

They both know what's gunna happen next.

Yep. My exact thoughts too!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Over 20,000 gun murders in the recent year. How many poison murders? Anyone got the numbers? What's the gun murders and poison murders for Malaysia where you need a gun licence and those without a gun licence can get the death penalty. Would be interesting a comparison of Thailand's neighbour.

Edited by heiwa
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What is it with the BiB showing the label of the actual pesticide used? It's only making it easier for copycat criminals. sad.png

However if you see this in the kitchen you know to only drink half the cup or say take away. Be interesting to know how many grams to kill someone. Perhaps they should be telling people this so as not to put too much in if they just want time to get cash out your wallet while you doze off. It must be a rather smooth poison bit like a creamer for it to still be edible and coffee tasty for just one cup to kill you.
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Are you feeling well? I would sincerely recommend that any farang married to a Thai lady or Thai man should have their blood checked to ascertain whether they are being slowly poisoned to death. It happens in every country of course. Some countries more than others. Prevention is better than the cure.

Edited by heiwa
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My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

How do you know it was poisoned.. not questioning if it was or not rather what led you to believe it was.. taste ?

I can not be absolutely sure that I was poisoned - but immediately after eating the meal I felt like I was on deaths door. I thought I was going to die but luckily I managed to recuperate. I guess they did not put enough poison in the meal to kill me if my assumption is correct that they poisoned it. Certainly was enough to nearly kill me. They told me that the owners ex-husband was mafia and could have people killed. They were really pissed off about me reporting the theft to the police. Best not to piss people of here unless you want to end up in a liner.

So why not go to hospital....obtain toxicology reports......report this "crime"

I was taken ill in CM earlier this year, stomach cramps, elevated heart rate, high temperature, shortness of breath....had I been poisoned ? I dont know but I do know I got to hospital where the relevant test were carried out. Turned out I was suffering from the Noro Virus. Probably brought over by me anyway as I had it in England at Christmas.

OMB, I found a staple in my tom yam the other night and complained, I had best lock my doors and employ a security guard because the owner of the restaurant might want to kill me for complaining.....

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My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

How do you know it was poisoned.. not questioning if it was or not rather what led you to believe it was.. taste ?

I can not be absolutely sure that I was poisoned - but immediately after eating the meal I felt like I was on deaths door. I thought I was going to die but luckily I managed to recuperate. I guess they did not put enough poison in the meal to kill me if my assumption is correct that they poisoned it. Certainly was enough to nearly kill me. They told me that the owners ex-husband was mafia and could have people killed. They were really pissed off about me reporting the theft to the police. Best not to piss people of here unless you want to end up in a liner.

So why not go to hospital....obtain toxicology reports......report this "crime"

I was taken ill in CM earlier this year, stomach cramps, elevated heart rate, high temperature, shortness of breath....had I been poisoned ? I dont know but I do know I got to hospital where the relevant test were carried out. Turned out I was suffering from the Noro Virus. Probably brought over by me anyway as I had it in England at Christmas.

OMB, I found a staple in my tom yam the other night and complained, I had best lock my doors and employ a security guard because the owner of the restaurant might want to kill me for complaining.....

Witnesses do not last very long in Thailand - just make sure you never report an attempted murder. Leave the country immediately. The staple was put there on purpose. This is a symbol to show that they don't want you to come back. It means you are unwelcome. Everything happens for a reason in Thailand. It's very subtle and farang don't pick up on it. Go back again and their is a good chance you will be poisoned and it would be your fault in a way as they have made it clear that you are unwelcome in the restaurant. BTW some restaurants prefer not to have farang customers and this is the only reason they poison farang - so you won't come back. They don't intend to kill you. They are just trying to say - you are not welcome. Thais will pick up on the hint very quickly. We as farang need to be told things point blank. Edited by heiwa
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Just as an after thought..

Last year a Thai friend was chatting to another vendor at the bang kae market in west bangkok when suddenly a body went flying off the large Thai style apartment building over Petkasem road near Wonder dept store. it was a young farang in his 30's apparently....cops came and took the body away in a pick up vehicle ... case closed. no media report next day i rolled up about 3 hours after the incident when he told me this story.

Farangs have disappeared or died mysteriously in Thonburi over the years...no police, no file ,no case,no media ...nothing. Usually isan wives involved. One still walks around with gold jewelry. Before she used to wash dishes in the gutter outside Tops store. ...not any more..whistling.gif

Here's another post that should be pinned for future reference.

Point is that farang find this so incredulous that they only wake up just before they die that the poster was not a crazy ranting farang. This is another trick. They drug you and remove your gold chain and put you in your car. They then say you left the home and someone must have stolen your gold chain while you were sleeping in your car. Happened to a Thai friend of mine who was engaged to an upcountry girl. The crazy thing is that "this friend" in leaving all my things with him in trust on my return to collect goods he told me he had thrown all my stuff out when he moved house. This guy I had known for 3 years, had bought him meals more than 100 times because he was on such a low salary even though his family was not poor. And no I am not gay. It was worth paying for his meals for him to explain through thousands of hours of how things work in this society. Edited by heiwa
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In response to the post that said I should report being poisoned. A farang reporting a crime in Thailand. Well now that is a rather novel idea 555. Ask any Thai - they will tell you that Police are not interested in farang reporting a crime against their own people. Heard of us and them. Universal justice is farang thing - does not apply to Thailand. You need to stick around for a while longer - just landed I gather. The only time they like to see farang is when they on overstay so they can get 100K baht release fee.

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