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Man Held In Poisoning Deaths Of Four: Thailand


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In reference to reliable UK and USA statistics. But the point is here in many cases murders will not be classified as murders by police especially when it comes to farang deaths (tourism so important here) - they will be murders converted into suicides or unexplained causes with the right palms greased. Was even a farang here who killed his Thai girlfriend and managed to get of scot free - so it works the other way round sometimes also. Those statistics you give us from the USA and UK are reliable. Nothing covered up there. They in the USA and the UK call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. Death by poison will be recorded as death by poisoning - a murder. Here that often will get the unexplained death especially for farang - arguabley the case in Chiang Mai and Phi Phi Island and my near death experience on Koh Pan Gan from I assume a poisoned breakfast. However here is utopia, the land of illusion, of magic smiles, I guess the problems here are exactly the same as everywhere else. It makes me much happier to live in denial so perhaps converting murders into suicides or unexplained deaths leads to a more optimistic and happy existence. It sure beats facing reality like they do in the USA or the UK. Those numbers are horrific. Do you have statistics for Thailand?

Edited by heiwa
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Nirut reportedly confessed to causing the deaths. "But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

WELL after one died shouldn't he have worked out the best option would have been to lower the dosage as most people drink a full cup? These robbers really need to go to school before they start their criminal career! I am quite happy to drink six cups. And I like my coffee very bitter so I would not have thought poison.

I doubt he holds a degree in toxicology.

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Nirut reportedly confessed to causing the deaths. "But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

WELL after one died shouldn't he have worked out the best option would have been to lower the dosage as most people drink a full cup? These robbers really need to go to school before they start their criminal career! I am quite happy to drink six cups. And I like my coffee very bitter so I would not have thought poison.

I doubt he holds a degree in toxicology.

Its time for the government to educate, bar owners and restaurant owners and coffee shops owners the correct dosage to make a customer collapse (giving them enough time to be robbed) but not kill them. This happens quite a bit in bars in Jakarta too so this is not knocking Thailand. Onlooking customers think the farang has had one too many so it is the perfect crime as the thief helps the farang back to his room to relieve him of his wallet. It happens in many countries. From what I gather they usually get this right - i.e. the right dosage so customers are not killed. But sometimes the dosage is too much as in these cases in Hat Yai. I guess we can not honestly expect too much from criminals as to err is human. A public service announcement on TV would do the trick. My friend had his drink spiked in Phuket a few months back - was not enough to kill him. But he was about 70 years of age. Talk about no mercy. Doesn't it say in the lonely planet that tourists are not drugged on buses anymore? Perhaps they should find out where tourists are being drugged or poisoned - is it not the same thing? Edited by heiwa
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Just as an after thought..

Last year a Thai friend was chatting to another vendor at the bang kae market in west bangkok when suddenly a body went flying off the large Thai style apartment building over Petkasem road near Wonder dept store. it was a young farang in his 30's apparently....cops came and took the body away in a pick up vehicle ... case closed. no media report next day i rolled up about 3 hours after the incident when he told me this story.

Farangs have disappeared or died mysteriously in Thonburi over the years...no police, no file ,no case,no media ...nothing. Usually isan wives involved. One still walks around with gold jewelry. Before she used to wash dishes in the gutter outside Tops store. ...not any more..whistling.gif

There are criminals that prey on the vulnerable in developed countries. In USA typically the elderly are targeted as they have life savings to be conned out of. Even the financially sophisticated are scammed; Bernie Madoff !

I will say (Thai people second this) there is cheating and corruption everywhere in society. Scamming including murder among non Thai men and thai wives is not at all surprising. Some see it as an easy way to get money, as simple as that. Too bad there are no valid statistics regarding farang-thai esan couples.

IMO why put oneself "at risk" by entering into a more than casual relationship with a woman at the low end of society?

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Mr. Jamlong, Sornkhamharn, 43 is now dead!! Just been found hanging in his cell according to Thaitv channel 3 news.

Wow, and I was just about to post a "hang 'em high"!

Of course he could just be the patsy, we'll never know.

Sad and scary stuff indeed. . .

Ive lived here since 1999 and have had little in the way of trouble.

The main ways to avoid trouble are

1. be polite even when Thais drive you mad with frustration.

2 dont drink in public expecially beer bars

3 never get involved in land /house purchases anywhere in LOS unless a Thai man that you have trusted for years represents you. Cost you nothing

Most lawyers are useless (according to Thais).

4. understand that Thais are watching you whether you like it or not or are legal or not.

5. exporting product is much easier than importing which is so hopelessly corrupt.

6. avoid marriage to Isan-Thais in the same way you would avoid the bubonic plague. most farangs i know in thailand have gone through disasterous marriages. none were successful. Inside every shadow there is a Thai man (husband or BF).

Generally good advice, but those with local knowledge and experience can attempt some of these in moderation and with caution.

Crimes like those exist in every society , every countries not only in Thailand .... Its ridiculous to pretend there are more crimes than before as it always have been like that ..open those Thai news paper , nothing more or less than any European countries.

Very true. But you know what the expats are like on here - they just love to knock Thailand and Thais at every opportunity they get. I just can't figure out why they don't leave. As for me, no-one has tried to poison me, no-one has followed me and demanded money, no-one has stolen from me, no police have demanded money from me.


Yes of course such incidents are rare and don't target farang specifically, it's the money that creates the target.

As we live here longer we become more aware of the hidden dangers, and to some that feels like the trend is that Thailand is becoming more dangerous.

And that of course may well be true - but compared to back home, I'll take my chances - with appropriate precautions - any day!

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"Sources at the bureau said he attempted to hang himself using an old electric wire but the cable snapped and he fell down, cutting his head.According to the sources, a suspect killed himself in this cell before and many others have attempted to commit suicide there."

In other words, there is a ghost that haunts that cell that actually PREVENTS others from transcending the spiritual world and taking up "his cell"?

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Ive lived here since 1999 and have had little in the way of trouble.

The main ways to avoid trouble are

1. be polite even when Thais drive you mad with frustration.

2 dont drink in public expecially beer bars

3 never get involved in land /house purchases anywhere in LOS unless a Thai man that you have trusted for years represents you. Cost you nothing

Most lawyers are useless (according to Thais).

4. understand that Thais are watching you whether you like it or not or are legal or not.

5. exporting product is much easier than importing which is so hopelessly corrupt.

6. avoid marriage to Isan-Thais in the same way you would avoid the bubonic plague. most farangs i know in thailand have gone through disasterous marriages. none were successful. Inside every shadow there is a Thai man (husband or BF).

7. don't drink coffee offered to you by strangers...........

With all your rules, you must lead an interesting life here in Thailand

There is nothing wrong with Thailand. If you are retarded here you'll be retarded at home. Would you pay a monthly fee to your wives pimp husband back West? Case closed. Apply the same rules that you would apply back home and you will be fine. This has nothing to do with Esan girls. It's all about retarded farang who think esan girls can be purchased like one buys a bufallo. The purchase fee and monthly fees is for the pimp husband. Tell any Esan person you are gay and they will reveal how esan farang marriages work 99.99999999999999% of the time. What I want to know is would a cup of that coffee kill a bufallo? Edited by heiwa
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Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

the chiang mai deaths were because the cleaning ladies were using too much pesticide for killing bed bugs...

So why wasn't the person spraying killed as they never wear masks and would have come in contact with much more of the chemical?

FYI the spray is so common its in most of the fruit in the US.

I believe that was deliberate poisoning as well, perhaps of the drinking water in the rooms.

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Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

the chiang mai deaths were because the cleaning ladies were using too much pesticide for killing bed bugs...

So why wasn't the person spraying killed as they never wear masks and would have come in contact with much more of the chemical?

FYI the spray is so common its in most of the fruit in the US.

I believe that was deliberate poisoning as well, perhaps of the drinking water in the rooms.

Excellent point the cleaners would have been intoxicated by the stuff compared to those sleeping on the beds. They literally would have got 1,000 times the dosage. However killing by poisoning is bound to happen when you get someone who has a grudge against foreigners because of huge wealth gap - jealously and perceived discourtesy. While I do not approve of it we as farang must accept that this huge wealth gap and cultural misunderstanding will be a reason for ourselves being poisoned and killed not only in Thailand but in any poorer country. If you don't like the chance of being poisoned you should eat at Big C or Tesco. You would have to be retarded to eat anywhere else after hearing about Chiang Mai. You really are responsible for your death when you eat at hotel or outdoor restaurants. You must be held responsible for your bad judgement. Time to stop blaming others. Watch a thai muay fighter fighting a farang on TV at your local food court. Look at "some of" the people around sitting at the food court. Edited by heiwa
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If he is so astute at using chemicals, then maybe they can strap him down in the execution chamber and let him administer the lethal injections himself.

Bit late for that....he's dead already !

He is already dead ? Who are you talking about ?

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A Thai friend says crime has gone up since the flood and everyone should be more careful. Does anyone know if the statistics are out on that?

As for me, there does seem to be a bit more desperation than usual. Twice in the last month (in Bangkok) I've had someone follow me and DEMAND money.

Yes, it is true, and because of all the scum lurkung around nowdays, I have armed my GF with pepper spray to keep her somewhat safer.

I will buy her a taser when I can get my hands on one.

By the way, did you give them money or did you walk / run away? You should have bashed their heads in with a bat.

I ducked into a nearby restaurant the first time it happened. He waited outside for a couple minutes. When the owners gave him a nasty look he went on his way. The second time I picked up my pace until I met up with a crowd by the boat pier. Both times were along canal San Saep in the daytime and I had an expensive backpack on.

I still like Thailand and the vast majority of Thais I've met, but have a slightly different "take" on things now because of it. Thailand may be the LOS but it's not Disney World. Good luck to you and your GF.

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My breakfast was poisoned on Koh Pan Gan Island the morning the "hosts" knew I was leaving. They were enraged that I had reported that my belongings had been stolen from my bungalow to the police because they said they would have to pay the police a fee. They told me that someone would have to die for my goods being stolen - I thought they were talking about the thief. Poisoning is widely under-reported. Would not be good for tourism. Did they ever find out the cause of the 5 or 6 "mysterious" farang deaths in the same hotel in Chiang Mai? To avoid being poisoned it is always a good idea to not eat specially prepared meals or food. Just pick from the trays of communal food or canned drink. Sadly there is not much respect for human life and poisoning is a lot more common than one would imagine. Why, I don't know?

Yes, they did. It was the pesticide they used to "decontaminate" the rooms in Chiang Mai.

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"But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

Are you &lt;deleted&gt; kidding me? Who orders a coffee and then drinks only half of it??? If he didn't want to kill them he would've used a tranquilizer and not some <Snip!> pesticide!!!

Edited by metisdead
Pr.fanity snipped.
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Pity the evil bugger topped himself, now they will never find the missing bodies. But i do find it amazing how he managed to do it, especially having tried before. I wonder who the people were that he sold to in Hat Yai ??

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Crime is not a national issue it is socio-economic issue & theres deprived parts of every nation on Earth where you will get mugged & killed and thrown in the river. There's housing-estates in the UK where even the police don't like to drive through unless they are in convoy of riot-vans. Many places are hostile to outsiders, foreigners, different ethnicities. Thailand is no exception. Foreigners are typically wealthier than the locals in many parts of Thailand and that increases the risk of robbery. But the same is true if a tourist travels to the UK and goes walking through a sink-estate with his briefcase and camera on display, he won't keep those items for very long at all.

I've never been robbed or attacked (or poisoned) in Thailand. but back in the UK I've been burgled 4 times & robbed in the street several times. Living in a working-class Thai neightbourhood in Bangkok, I get Wai & smiles all the time & I don't sense any hostility at all & most people know I'm not rich so they don't try sell me anything either. Mainly people are very busy getting on with their jobs and families.

Edited by Yunla
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"But I didn't intend to kill them. Only those who drank all the coffee in their cups died," he said.

Are you &lt;deleted&gt; kidding me? Who orders a coffee and then drinks only half of it??? If he didn't want to kill them he would've used a tranquilizer and not some <Snip!> pesticide!!!

Well, like it or not mate, it was their own fault for drinking all the coffee..................just ask the cops !

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How did he get fresh cable to successfully complete hanging himself?

I never had any major problems or troubles in my 13 years in Thailand. But most people did. I once successfully went after a police man that took $5000, from an illiterate scared businessman from Nigeria, and the phayathai police denied it was one of their own, so I told them that I would find him and bring him in, the next day the money was returned in thai baht instead of $, shorting about a two hundred.

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I always like the Thai perspective..... My girlfriend was watching this news, thinks for about one second, and says the police killed this guy in his cell so he would not speak about the members of the mafia he was working with.

This story does represent a disturbing trend . In the past here you would receive a drug that knocked you out for a number of hours. Wake up with everything stolen, and then have a great story for your friends back home.

As someone noted, maybe Thailand should have a drugging school, where thieves can learn proper dosages. This would cut down the tourist death rate from poorly administered dosages....... :-) Although this case was clearly a case of Thai on Thai crime ..

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I always like the Thai perspective..... My girlfriend was watching this news, thinks for about one second, and says the police killed this guy in his cell so he would not speak about the members of the mafia he was working with.

Yep, sounds good to me. Edited by heiwa
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I have been here for 12 years Off & On and have the same Mrs 10 years and never had any problems being mugged or robbed or harassed poisoned and I go out most nights to eat and drinking but in my recollection crime is a lot higher now in Thailand or the reporting of the crimes is better-quality, when we are back in my village in UK my wife can’t get used to leaving our house door open in the summer.

When in Thailand I have always been cautious with strangers Thai & Farang and my surrounding’s its just a case of keeping your wits about you when you are out in the streets of BKK or Pattaya etc;

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Wow! Now I REALLY regret losing my temper at the baristas in the Central Chidlom Foodloft for not making my coffee promptly. I'm not sure that I ever dare to go back and order food there. Too bad because it's a convenient place to eat sometimes. If I do go back next year I'll be sure to watch carefully when they prepare my food or drink. Talk about being scared into politeness! I now realize how risky rudeness in Thailand can be. I hope that I live to learn my lesson!

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Crimes like those exist in every society , every countries not only in Thailand .... Its ridiculous to pretend there are more crimes than before as it always have been like that ..open those Thai news paper , nothing more or less than any European countries.

It's also ridiculous to always try and pretend that every country is the same. Thailand has more gun homicides than America, and that can be found out through any brief Google check. Remember that in America, guns are legal. Thailand is a dangerous place, especially for Brits, as the UK Embassy noted in recent statement. There are many, many, many more murders in Thailand per capita than your average European country. Your arguments is just wrong. It's cute, because I know we want to quiet all the complainers and nasties who never have anything nice to say, but it doesn't comport with any reality.

The difference between a perception of a safe country and dangerous country is just a poisoned meal away, a gun shot away, a cut throat away, thrown from a high rise tower, put in a noose, strangled. Saying things like - I feel safe in Thailand is nonsense when you base this on the fact that you have not been killed "YET" or if you always travel in twos or groups. Thais have told me hundreds of times - literally - that it is very dangerous to travel alone. They could hardly believe I traveled alone. Only way to measure a safe or dangerous country is on credible statistics with death by poisoned meals = murder etc How many farang have been murdered by poisoned meals or drinks/drugged over the last 20 years. What do the statistics say? My guess is close to zero. I love Thailand all the same. It would be neo-colonialsm to try to change the way the report statistics here. Edited by heiwa
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