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You Have Half-Breed


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So son went to get his vaccines.

Doctor told us the happy news. Having just turned 6 this week, he is the size of an 8 year old Thai child. We smiled with pride, wife and I.

Then,doctor says in English "your son big because he be half-breed".

Wife saw my face turn red. But I politely told her, he is leuk krung, or interracial. Half breed is normally said about animals like dogs, etc etc.

So, is your child half breed or interracial? Let the pc and non pc crowd give answers!

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Wow. I can just imagine that. I'm sure he didn't mean it in the wrong way but I can understand hearing something like that and it would t sit well with me either.

Just recently had a baby as well. The hospital staff was trying to force us into doing a c-section although we wanted to give a natural birth. The rate of c-section births is pretty high at this particular hospital and I'm sure it's on purpose. So anyways, they kept trying to scare my wife saying its not safe for the baby to go past 40 weeks. Kay blah blah. The. The doctor comes and says "Up to you of you want to wait. But baby can die. Umbilical cord go around neck and choke baby. Baby dead. No good".

the whole time when he was saying this to me he was motioning with his arms as if he was wrapping a rope around his own neck and choking himself with it. He was even rolling his eyes back and dropping his tongue out his mouth to accentuate the "suffocation".

Didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I kept thinking if a doctor in the US did that how well would it fly over with the Mom and Dad to be.

"Thailand only"

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i'm sure more horror stories of unprofessional language and behaviour circulate as far as Farangs are concerned. anybody requiring a medic fluent in his native tongue should look for one in his home country.

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I call my kids to dinner "hey you mutts geddinhere". Hybrids, mixed-breed, cross-breed, mutt, mongrel, whatever, don't sweat it. Best to get them used to the worst names they're inevitably going to run across out there in the cold cruel world, as long as it's loving and light-hearted. Teach them about racist attitudes, and that the people that hold them are the lower-order creatures on the true scale of worth.

That way when the time comes they don't get hit with mysterious emotion-loaded words they don't understand, they know what's behind them and can react at the time with courage and self-confidence.

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