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Dog Eaters


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Me and my Thai girlfriend lived in a relatively quiet area (as far as quiet goes in Phuket). Directly behind our house there was another house being built by a gang er I mean a crew of construction workers. Over about 5 months we endured their catcalls at my girlfriend, many druken nights with yelling fighting etc. Early morning (6am) singing yelling, banging. We also endured (often times by biting my lip) these twits beating a mamma dog and her 3 young pups. One morning when these pups got a little older and bigger we heard 2 of these disgusting pigs talking and then a smacking noise and a dog crying in terrified desperation. Upon looking out the window we observed one man holding the dog down while the other drilled it over the head with a long stick several times until it was dead. They then stuffed it in a plastic bag and one of them took a long knife and took it to the outhouse of course to skin. At this point I had lost it and was heading for the door to confront these pricks but my much more sensible better half stopped me before I got out the door, and made me realize I would probably be next if I headed out there. We moved out that same day and I dropped a notice off to all the houses in my neighborhood to keep a close eye on their dogs.

I was pretty much told by my Thai friends that the police couldnt care less. I'm just wondering if anyone else had an experience like this and if you did anything about it, or what if anything could be done about. I am sure there is different levels of tolerence for this depending what area you live in Thailand. But a "World Class" (not) tourist area like Phuket. Are there even any laws for abusing and killing dogs, cats.


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Me and my Thai girlfriend lived in a relatively quiet area (as far as quiet goes in Phuket). Directly behind our house there was another house being built by a gang er I mean a crew of construction workers. Over about 5 months we endured their catcalls at my girlfriend, many druken nights with yelling fighting etc. Early morning (6am) singing yelling, banging. We also endured (often times by biting my lip) these twits beating a mamma dog and her 3 young pups. One morning when these pups got a little older and bigger we heard 2 of these disgusting pigs talking and then a smacking noise and a dog crying in terrified desperation. Upon looking out the window we observed one man holding the dog down while the other drilled it over the head with a long stick several times until it was dead. They then stuffed it in a plastic bag and one of them took a long knife and took it to the outhouse of course to skin. At this point I had lost it and was heading for the door to confront these pricks but my much more sensible better half stopped me before I got out the door, and made me realize I would probably be next if I headed out there. We moved out that same day and I dropped a notice off to all the houses in my neighborhood to keep a close eye on their dogs.

I was pretty much told by my Thai friends that the police couldnt care less. I'm just wondering if anyone else had an experience like this and if you did anything about it, or what if anything could be done about. I am sure there is different levels of tolerence for this depending what area you live in Thailand. But a "World Class" (not) tourist area like Phuket. Are there even any laws for abusing and killing dogs, cats.


I had a similar problem in Khon kean as there was a vacant block of land next door to where we lived. Gangs of young thais used it to have piss ups and BBQ. It got real bad just before we left where I could not even sit out the front yard and have a beer at night all motorcycles were locked in the house by sun set and always being woken at night from breaking glass and fighting.

I was glad to move away

I would not get involved with dispute where it involved young Thai lads and drinking as they are totally brain dead when they drink lao cow

Even out in the village where I live they hit each other over the head with bottles and one kid 14 yo near lost his eye when his drunken mate hit him in the face with a machete because he wouldn’t shut up.

Think what they would do to someone they don’t know

As for the dog .Hit things over the head is the normal way to kill something in Thailand cattle ,sledge hammer, pigs the back of a ho

I guess that to them it was just like us killing a rabbit when we where kid not that I would want to see a dog bash to death as I love dogs

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Me and my Thai girlfriend lived in a relatively quiet area (as far as quiet goes in Phuket). Directly behind our house there was another house being built by a gang er I mean a crew of construction workers. Over about 5 months we endured their catcalls at my girlfriend, many druken nights with yelling fighting etc. Early morning (6am) singing yelling, banging. We also endured (often times by biting my lip) these twits beating a mamma dog and her 3 young pups. One morning when these pups got a little older and bigger we heard 2 of these disgusting pigs talking and then a smacking noise and a dog crying in terrified desperation. Upon looking out the window we observed one man holding the dog down while the other drilled it over the head with a long stick several times until it was dead. They then stuffed it in a plastic bag and one of them took a long knife and took it to the outhouse of course to skin. At this point I had lost it and was heading for the door to confront these pricks but my much more sensible better half stopped me before I got out the door, and made me realize I would probably be next if I headed out there. We moved out that same day and I dropped a notice off to all the houses in my neighborhood to keep a close eye on their dogs.

I was pretty much told by my Thai friends that the police couldnt care less. I'm just wondering if anyone else had an experience like this and if you did anything about it, or what if anything could be done about. I am sure there is different levels of tolerence for this depending what area you live in Thailand. But a "World Class" (not) tourist area like Phuket. Are there even any laws for abusing and killing dogs, cats.


I was up in Burriram at a friends place and we had arrived at the same time as the rest of his siblings......There was to be a party and a big feast with lao cao, sang Som etc. it was to be a grand event somewhat like a family reunion! So we start drinking and cooking, we had brought all kinds of big city food, crab, prawns fish and they were to suplly the country items. They supplied 3 chckens which were tasty, 1 big snake caught the day before kind of rubbery and the family mutt that was delicious. i was told that they raise the dog lovingly then whack it over the head and eat that sucker up, this is the norm and completely legal.

Now over in Vietnasm what they do is starve the dog for about a week then give it all the rice it can eat and promptly kill it.....Then they butcher it up and BBQ the mutt and boil the stomach with the rice in it. I never tried any as I like seafood better but my friends loved it!!!

P.S. The black dogs are the most popular! :o

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Camster dont get involved, this is how the missing/murdered farangs threads originate.

And some other stories as well.

At least according to the somtam lady a certain well known dog belonging to let's say an influential figure became the victim of a revenge killing because a certain influential son was denied certain perks by his influential daddy so sonny boy took revenge by killing his father's favorite dog.

She didn't know if they ate the dog though :o

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does dog taste good?

:D Oh yes dog is very tasty and eaten everywhere around the world...You can BBQ them on a spit which from what I've seen is the most popular! Once again try to get a black one, medium size and about 2 years old......

Now cat on the other hand you have to be very carefull with as they rarely ever are raised and caught on the streets....Once I was in the Dominican Republic with some friends from Colombia and we were drinking on the beach, the next table over there were 4 very wealthy mainland Chinese. At the beach cafe they had no cat on the menu so the Chinese got the waiter to get some kids to bag some local cats on the street. Then the cafe girl konked them over the head and skinned them (all the while being supervised by the Chinese) and BBQ'd them up. They offered us some and I had a small hunk but it was not tasty like dog and very salty (beach in area) If you're going to dine on pets stick to Rover. :o

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

Happy Xmas to all Dogs and Cats. May they live long enough to enjoy the scaps from todays Lunch


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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

What's the difference between a cat, a dog, a cow or a sheep?

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

Happy Xmas to all Dogs and Cats. May they live long enough to enjoy the scaps from todays Lunch


Nothing wrong with a bit of rabbit

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

What's the difference between a cat, a dog, a cow or a sheep?

Would you watch Telly with a sheep on your lap?

Err Maybee you should not answer that :D

Happy Chithmath

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

What's the difference between a cat, a dog, a cow or a sheep?

Why not eat dead people? (car crash victims and the like)

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People who exist on low incomes or no incomes will eat what is necessary to survive whether it is dog, cat, pig or fowl. I have eaten rat, frog and a type of possum while in Buriram and other places as well as other little delicacies. There is little difference between eating a dog or a sheep except the difference in our own heads, meat is meat. We place a sentimental value on animals we regard as pets.

In a lot of asian countries if the animal provides no working value then it is fair game. Some dogs are safe because they are used as guard dogs to protect the other stock and the houses from theft etc.... cats are kept to eat mice which may otherwise get into the rice supplies.

I was in a city eating house in Saigon once and a guy came in with a sack of obviously live animals, some discussion took place and the scales were brought out, when the sack was placed on the scales a series of meows came from the sack....funny but cat wasnt on the menu as far as I could see... :o

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I was in a small moo-baan when I saw two young thais guys in their twenties on a motorbike going about 25km/hr and dragging a dog on a leash. It was a medium size dog with a leather collar to which the leash was attached. The dog was yelping like a broken record as he was bouncing on his side the whole way on the asphalt. At first I didn't know what was making that awful noise although I saw the thais guys on the bike from 50m away. When I saw it was a dog, I was so shocked I couldn't do anything. By the time I ran out to the road, they were far off and still dragging the poor dog. There was a trail of blood and fur. Over two dozen Thais saw this but no one even blinked. When I asked why, they said maybe the dog offended the boys. And no one cared.

Sometimes I see Thai treating each other very callously as well. And I wondered if I were ever down on my luck or if I ever pissed one of them off, what would happen to me.

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I was in a small moo-baan when I saw two young thais guys in their twenties on a motorbike going about 25km/hr and dragging a dog on a leash. It was a medium size dog with a leather collar to which the leash was attached. The dog was yelping like a broken record as he was bouncing on his side the whole way on the asphalt. At first I didn't know what was making that awful noise although I saw the thais guys on the bike from 50m away. When I saw it was a dog, I was so shocked I couldn't do anything. By the time I ran out to the road, they were far off and still dragging the poor dog. There was a trail of blood and fur. Over two dozen Thais saw this but no one even blinked. When I asked why, they said maybe the dog offended the boys. And no one cared.

Sometimes I see Thai treating each other very callously as well. And I wondered if I were ever down on my luck or if I ever pissed one of them off, what would happen to me.

I read about eating dogs with horror as I am an owner of 4 but I can understand why people will do it, but this is beyond belief! I could never stand by and let something like this happen, there must be a time to intervene and this was it.

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

What's the difference between a cat, a dog, a cow or a sheep?

Would you watch Telly with a sheep on your lap?

Err Maybee you should not answer that :D

Happy Chithmath

They do in Wales, boyo. :D

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Is this why all you guys have golden retrievers? Not as tasty?  (just kidding)

An hour into Xmas and Santa isn't here yet..

Mine was sitting next to me while was reading this thread. Once you mentioned GR's she has legged it into the front room to hide.

personally I cannot understand why anyone would want to eat a cat or a dog (even a rabbit for that matter)

Its just not right IMO :o

What's the difference between a cat, a dog, a cow or a sheep?

Would you watch Telly with a sheep on your lap?

Err Maybee you should not answer that :D

Happy Chithmath

They do in Wales, boyo. :D

I would'nt know about that, I do know that they call a sheep tied to a lampost a "Leisure Centre" there though :D

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Me and my Thai girlfriend lived in a relatively quiet area (as far as quiet goes in Phuket). Directly behind our house there was another house being built by a gang er I mean a crew of construction workers. Over about 5 months we endured their catcalls at my girlfriend, many druken nights with yelling fighting etc. Early morning (6am) singing yelling, banging. We also endured (often times by biting my lip) these twits beating a mamma dog and her 3 young pups. One morning when these pups got a little older and bigger we heard 2 of these disgusting pigs talking and then a smacking noise and a dog crying in terrified desperation. Upon looking out the window we observed one man holding the dog down while the other drilled it over the head with a long stick several times until it was dead. They then stuffed it in a plastic bag and one of them took a long knife and took it to the outhouse of course to skin. At this point I had lost it and was heading for the door to confront these pricks but my much more sensible better half stopped me before I got out the door, and made me realize I would probably be next if I headed out there. We moved out that same day and I dropped a notice off to all the houses in my neighborhood to keep a close eye on their dogs.

I was pretty much told by my Thai friends that the police couldnt care less. I'm just wondering if anyone else had an experience like this and if you did anything about it, or what if anything could be done about. I am sure there is different levels of tolerence for this depending what area you live in Thailand. But a "World Class" (not) tourist area like Phuket. Are there even any laws for abusing and killing dogs, cats.


I too came across this experience several times but not in Thailand.

Once was with my ex-father in law. He tied a noose round a dog that he had, hang the dog, while I had to bash the dog skull with a stick to kill it instantly.

After than we skinned the dog, chop it up and made into herbal soup. Really delicious.

Another time was in Brunei. A Fellow friend have some dogs but couldn't kill it because there's just too much meat for him alone. Lucky we came by. Using the same method as my father-in-law did, we killed it and B-B-Q it, Delicious.

Personally I prefer the taste when B-B-Q but of course with herbal soup, there's more nourishment.

What I can't understand is how the french can like to eat snails? Or when I was in Australia, I saw a lot of skinned rabbits/hares in the market!!!

Really disgusting, isn't it?

Edited by thaivisitor
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I am an animal lover.  You can eat any animal you like, you can try human as well, I really wouldn't mind.  But please kill them in a split second and don't let them know.  Don't let them feel pain and fear.

The very reason why they hit the skulls.

In fact, in the abattoir, they normally "electrocute" the pigs, sheep and cattles at the forehead for instant death (can't say so for human on death row).

I'm not sure about Chicken, but many a times I've seen them slaughtered chickens in the market.What they do is to hold the chicken and slit the throat, draining some blood away, and then put the chicken in a bin closing the top. You could actually hear the chicken jumping and hitting against the bin, until it finally died.

I'm not sure about how they slaughter rabbits.

So although it may sound "cruel" killing a dog by hitting on its head, the instant death is by far less cruel than slaughtering chickens at least.

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I am an animal lover.  You can eat any animal you like, you can try human as well, I really wouldn't mind.  But please kill them in a split second and don't let them know.  Don't let them feel pain and fear.

The very reason why they hit the skulls.

In fact, in the abattoir, they normally "electrocute" the pigs, sheep and cattles at the forehead for instant death (can't say so for human on death row).

I'm not sure about Chicken, but many a times I've seen them slaughtered chickens in the market.What they do is to hold the chicken and slit the throat, draining some blood away, and then put the chicken in a bin closing the top. You could actually hear the chicken jumping and hitting against the bin, until it finally died.

I'm not sure about how they slaughter rabbits.

So although it may sound "cruel" killing a dog by hitting on its head, the instant death is by far less cruel than slaughtering chickens at least.

:o You want to see the chickens when they're not in the bucket!!! I was in canada on this farm where my friends were growing wheat and crap like that, anyway my buddy says to me lets eat some chicken. The next thing I know were in this broken down barn grabbing 2 chickens, then we go over to this wood block and grab an axe (sitting right there) and hack their little heads off!!! the first one put on a much better show running around with no head and blood squirting out, second one just did a couple of spins and dropped dead. So if it's dinner and a show you want this is the way to go....No bucket :D

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For the people who enjoyed this type of disgusting behavior, you are absolutely sick.

Becareful someday as you are not expecting, the way you treat these animals with such cruelty will surely comes back to haunt you. At which tiime, I will feel no pain nor sympathy for those people who act with such malicious intent to these animals.

Treat others (human or animals) as you would want to be treated.

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Normally I don´t dislike people...eventhough when I completely disagree with their opinion or behaviour...

But in cases like this...when people is so cruel against animals...I wish the worst for them..

I feel disgust...and surely IMO they are spare in this world...this world don´t need people like that....

I know this a strong thing to say and some people will completely dissagree...but I will not change my mind because is not something rational...

An animal won´t do something so terrible as to inflict suffering for the sake of it...

Any time I look into the eyes of any animal I have never seen any maliciousness... (however you can see that in some people eyes) that´s tell lots about them...

The best friend I ever had it was my dog Nanook...He would have done anything for me without questioning...

he LOVE me...because he love me, full stop. ...because he loved me unconditionally...no resenment, no angriness...he just gave his friendship without expecting anything in return ....

I don´t think many people do that...

Edited by Glauka
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I was in a small moo-baan when I saw two young thais guys in their twenties on a motorbike going about 25km/hr and dragging a dog on a leash. It was a medium size dog with a leather collar to which the leash was attached. The dog was yelping like a broken record as he was bouncing on his side the whole way on the asphalt. At first I didn't know what was making that awful noise although I saw the thais guys on the bike from 50m away. When I saw it was a dog, I was so shocked I couldn't do anything. By the time I ran out to the road, they were far off and still dragging the poor dog. There was a trail of blood and fur. Over two dozen Thais saw this but no one even blinked. When I asked why, they said maybe the dog offended the boys. And no one cared.

Sometimes I see Thai treating each other very callously as well. And I wondered if I were ever down on my luck or if I ever pissed one of them off, what would happen to me.

Well, in the bad ol' USA, people do the same thing to random black men:


I'd say doing it to a dog is a bit more civilized -- that much for something like this not happening in the west.

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