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The Ideal Thai Habitat


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This poll is a spin off of the "Retiring In The "Correct" Location" thread. I just had to see where some TV members are from and find out why they like where they're at (if their choice truly is a matter of choice).

Everybody's different, so there's the beach crowd, the mountain crowd, the flat landers, and the hermits :o to name a few. For myself, I live in Krueng Thep and I do so happily. It's not necessarily out of preferential choice but I do love the vitality of Bangkok, regardless of all the negatives (which I can easily ignore). Where else can you take a trip to say Sukhumvit, for instance, and blend in with all the tourists feeling like you're on holiday? Bangkok offers just about everything one could want from a big city.

Ideally, I would like to settle in Lom Sak, just north of Petchabun (I prefer mountains to the beach, as does my wife, due to her dislike for darker skin tones). This is one of the most charming and quaintest villages I've ever had the chance to visit, with no less than seven major national forests in close proximity. It has an excellent market, too, I may add. Nightlife . . . not sure. Mai pen rai, if not available I can create my own! Come on over and I'll supply the Leo, Chang, or whatever else you're drinking. :D

So, what's your choice and why?

I just voted, so Petchabun is the current front runner! :D

Edited by Tippaporn
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At first, I wasn't going to vote, because I've only visited six of those many places. Then I realized that I'd already voted with my feet, by moving from CMai to HHin. If the forum had permitted it, you could have named 100 places on there that might be suitable.

So many beaches, so little time.....

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After 2 years in Bangkok, I decided that I had had enough. Nothing wrong with it, just wanted somewhere a little less frantic.

I had travelled about a bit in a quest for another place to "Park My Bike" north and south, though I knew that I did not want to live in the back of beyond.

When I arrived in CM, as soon as I got off the train I knew it was right.

The more I got to see of it the more "Right" I knew it was.

I have been very happily living here for 18 months now. I regularly go back to the Big Mango to see my Son and freinds, but I always like to return to CM.

It's not everybody's cup of tea, the younger you are -the worse it is. If you want to party, its all wrong, but if you want a reasonably relaxed lifestyle but with all the amenities, and prices that are generally a lot cheaper than BK then CM is it.

It works for me :o (and at the time of writing it's in the lead!!)

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Hua Hin was always my favourite when I worked in Bangkok 20 years ago.

A bit more difficult to get to, but the sleepy nature of the place made it more

appealling than Pattaya.

Not sure as a place to live permanently.

Still a bit lacking in creature comforts I gather from reading the local forum there.

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At first, I wasn't going to vote, because I've only visited six of those many places.  Then I realized that I'd already voted with my feet, by moving from CMai to HHin.  If the forum had permitted it, you could have named 100 places on there that might be suitable.

So many beaches, so little time.....

Very true, I could easily have listed many more but 20 listings was the max. allowable. Maybe I should have been a little more specific in my post but the poll header mentions "vicinity' so people could vote for the listing that comes nearest.

I voted for Petchabun myself because Lom Sak is closest to it. Hope I didn't screw up my first poll. :o

Glad you pointed that out, PeaceBlondie.

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When I arrived in CM, as soon as I got off the train I knew it was right.


It works for me :D  (and at the time of writing it's in the lead!!)

It'll be interesting to see what location takes the trophy of "Most Popular in Thailand." I voted first to give Petchabun a one time lead that surely it would never regain. :D

And again, nice to see where some TV members hang their hat! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a little disappointed to see such a low response for this poll as I thought that most TV members would have some enthuasistic comment to make about where they live or would like to. And, I thought it would be interesting to find out where some members hail from.

I'll resurrect the poll once more, attributing the low response to the holiday season. :o

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