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Hello all. I’m having a heck of a time working this all out. Please help.

What I want to do is file for an I-130 in Bangkok. From what I understand I need to do this at the Bangkok USCIS Office. Do I need to make an appointment or just show up?

My wife and I were married about 2 weeks ago. She has changed her name to mine and got new ID with my last name. She has applied for her first passport with my last name and we are waiting for it to arrive. We went to her home town and got copies of her birth certificate. She changed her name in the blue house book to my last name. We also have copies of the marriage documents (only in Thai). I think we have everything done for her that we need to do but did I forget anything?

I have been living in Thailand for the last 8 years. My visa and work permit will expire on April 30th so I need to file by then. However I am having a hard time trying to figure out exactly what I need to give the USCIS. This is a list of the stuff I think I have to give them.


U.S. Bank statement with over $17,000. (or over $21,000 because I have a child?)

A letter from where I will work in the USA once I arrive explaining that I will have a job and I will be paid at whatever rate.

My work permit in Thailand showing I have been here for over 6 months.

Would this be helpful, a letter from my parents saying my wife and I will be able to live in their home once we arrive in the USA as this is our plan?

I do not have any recent W-2’s or anything as I have lived in Thailand for 8 years. What other documents do I need to give them?

Once I file it will be okay that my work permit will expire? Can I file before the passport of my wife arrives?

I know I will need to have these documents translated to English.

After I file for the I-130 what do I do?

Anyway what else am I forgetting? I am really stressing about all of this because I only have about a week to file.

Thank you for your help.


Not sure if I totally understand this and I am not a pessimist but I think you better plan on coming back to get your wife, I don't think anything works that fast here in Thailand but would love to hear I was wrong and you succeeded on time.


I'm not going anywhere. Once my visa is up I will get on a differnt type of visa. One that I will not be able to use to file a i-130 in bkk so I have to file soon. Right? I'm staying in Thailand until this is done.


When we were applying for a fiance visa for my then fiance, and was having a small problem after her interview, I simply went to the American embassy in BKK, with out an appointment, went inside as it is my right as an American citizen,if I remember correctly, it has being a few years now,, my fiance had to wait outside,

went inside, talked to an official, who explained to me what the problem was and how to resolve it.

If you are in BKK I suggest you do the same, I found them to be very helpful.


I'm 6 hours away but I am very tempted to show up Tuesday morning to get this all figured out to be honest. If I can't get a good understanding of it by then that is what I will do.



Am I over thinking this, Do I need to even have all of these documents ready when I go for the I-130?

There is never a problem of having too much paper when dealing with the USCIS

I'm not going anywhere. Once my visa is up I will get on a differnt type of visa. One that I will not be able to use to file a i-130 in bkk so I have to file soon. Right? I'm staying in Thailand until this is done.

I do not believe your type of visa will have any bearing on the case.

You may want to check out visajourney.com K3 section

Good Luck


for some reason the lawyer translated the wife's house papers, birth cert, I'd card and marriage cert. been multiple times they were helpful and very easy to get in Thailand. can't recall for certainty we needed them for visa or not.

good luck


I guess the best question is for me right now, what documents do I need to file a I-130? Just my passort and workpermit? Or do I need the whole bag, like bank statements and what not?

Also how soon do they aprive the I-130? Then how long until I need to give the other documents? Sorry freaking out cuz have 1 week left on my visa to prove thai residence.



  • About to drive 6 hours to bkk to ask what documents I need for the I-130. Anyone happen to know?

Visa journey has a very good checklist. Google "form i 130 documents required". You also need your passport and work permit to show that you have lived in Thailand for at least year in order to file the documents at the Bangkok UCIS office.


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to show that you have lived in Thailand for at least year in order to file the documents at the Bangkok UCIS office.


I forgot about that when applying from that side.

Good catch


Okay, I can get all these documents. I assume I can just take it to BKK and hand it to them? I do not mail it anywhere? I can pay in Thai Baht?

This is the check list I found, seems to be very clear and helpful.



Also, since this is a new legal relationship, it will be very hard to prove there is a union. I can however show photos of us together. Will that work? it is the best I can do


Seems to me I suggested this on the other thread you had, that you call or email the CIS office in Bangkok and ask them a Q or two.



U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Address: Sindhorn Building

Tower 2, 15th Floor

130-132 Wireless Road

Bangkok 10330, THAILAND

Tel.: 02-205-5352/5382 (within Thailand)

Tel.: 011-662-205-5352 (from the United States)


[email protected]

The Bangkok Office is located next door to the U.S. Embassy, Tower 2, 15th Floor, Sindhorn Tower Building. Pay parking and access for individuals with special needs is available.

The office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 noon. We are closed on Thai and American holidays.


I called and e-mailed. They did not answer my calls and the email told me to check their website for information.

At this point I assume that I can just go there with my documents and forms and just give it to them. If I do something wrong I will have a few days to fix whatever they need.

If anyone else has anymore info it would be helpful.

Thank you all for your support so far.


To get the form all you have to show up. They will tell you what to do. If you have the money, an agent is way easier. Count on it taking near a year to complete.


No need to prove a union. The marriage certificate is all you need. Your wife will be interviewed just prior to visa issue. At that time she will be asked questions to if answered properly will prove the union.



Do you know this as fact, I had read in many, many places that the time was six months on a non TR.

TyGrr - I had read that if you do not have years into your relationship, you should stay here in Thailand for two before you file. This will also give you addl benefits if/when the visa is granted to your wife.

My personal belief is that if you met her online and esp in a bar and you have less than 18 months and especially if you (both) lived at any time in Pattaya and especially if your wife does not have what looks like a solid job and perhaps advanced education - I'd give it time.


To get the form all you have to show up. They will tell you what to do. If you have the money, an agent is way easier. Count on it taking near a year to complete.

I have personal knowledge of people within the past 2 years doing this in 3-6 months. It mainly depends on how well you can fill out the paperwork and how long you have to wait for the interview at the Consulate.

The UCIS office will approve the I-130 and send to the Consulate very likely within a month. In one couple's case it was 10 days. it took them a month to get the packet 3 forms and documents ready, submitted to Consulate and then waited 6 weeks for interview appointment.

They were married less than a month wihen they applied.

The visa also inlcuded the wife's 4 year old daughter from a previous marriage.



To get the form all you have to show up. They will tell you what to do. If you have the money, an agent is way easier. Count on it taking near a year to complete.

I have personal knowledge of people within the past 2 years doing this in 3-6 months. It mainly depends on how well you can fill out the paperwork and how long you have to wait for the interview at the Consulate.

The UCIS office will approve the I-130 and send to the Consulate very likely within a month. In one couple's case it was 10 days. it took them a month to get the packet 3 forms and documents ready, submitted to Consulate and then waited 6 weeks for interview appointment.

They were married less than a month wihen they applied.

The visa also inlcuded the wife's 4 year old daughter from a previous marriage.


I do recall that the agent used the wrong address to the UCIS and it took me while to figure this out and find it.When it was finally delivered it still took several months before she was given an interview. Once the interview is complete and all is on the up and up, a visa is issued in a few days.

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