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Counterfeit Watches - What'S The Risk?


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I collect watches and have loved some of the fakes I have seen threw out different market places here in Thailand.

I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem going back threw the airport with one watch, but what if I wanted to take back per say, 10-20 watches?

What's the risk?

Is there a risk in mailing them?

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There is a huge risk with trying to get fake watches, clothes, bags, electronics etc. through customes, definitely in all European countries, but assumingly the same in Canada / USA.

It is a copyright infringement and not only the goods will be confiscated and destroyed later, but you as the buyer will be seen as a partner to the crime and will receive a hefty fine.

In Italy - just one example - buying fake sunglasses / bags from street vendors does carry a fine of up to 2'000 Euros for the buyer!

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A risk you may get a slap ! by whoever you sell them too when they turn green/black stop working and have to be thrown away within 6 months or sooner.

Well,my gold rolex bought in KL 3 years ago for 10 GBP is working well

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Discussion of counterfeit watches would fall under the category of illegal activities:

16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand.


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