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Thai Land Transport Dept To Crack Down Taxis Without Driving License By May 1


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Taxi drivers found without a valid driving license will face dispensary action.

Forced medication ?? Sounds a bit brutal.

Passengers can recheck if a taxi driver has a license by observing their identification card and observe whether their photo matches the driver.

Sounds par for the course - grade one will have tablets forced upon them the year apparently:)

100 baht fixed the problem with the copper for no licence. The great thing about Thai corruption is that its not too expensive. They are very reasonable in their pricing structure of bribes at least to their own. This has to be commended in the fight against inflation. The real legally prescribed fee would have been much higher with a terrible effect on inflation. There's always a positive if one has an open mind. Edited by heiwa
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Well the Thai driving test is a joke, so the licence is pretty worthless too. So why does it matter if

they have have a licence to drive or not?

Well that' an easy one - the licence is so easy to get as long as you are not a convicted violent criminal or murderer.
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I think taxi's in Bangkok have improved drastically in last 5 years. Also taxi drivers are far superior to what they were 5 years ago. I travel in taxis 5 to 10 times a day when in Thailand so maybe 400 taxis a year. Maybe 5% are now really bad. Before maybe 95% bad.

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Well the Thai driving test is a joke, so the license is pretty worthless too. So why does it matter if

they have have a license to drive or not?

Must agree, it means absolutely nothing. The thing that matters is, is there insurance for the passenger if the driver has no license. Don't think so. ermm.gif LOS is a joke, nothing works, nobody who is paid to do a job works, nobody cares. coffee1.gif

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Well the Thai driving test is a joke, so the license is pretty worthless too. So why does it matter if

they have have a license to drive or not?

Must agree, it means absolutely nothing. The thing that matters is, is there insurance for the passenger if the driver has no license. Don't think so. ermm.gif LOS is a joke, nothing works, nobody who is paid to do a job works, nobody cares. coffee1.gif

It´s the Thai "mai pen rai" attitude.

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Hope they get the guy who, just last week, kicked me out of his taxi when I politely asked him to turn off his TV that he was watching whilst driving.

The look on his face suggested I was being totally unreasonable, and to that braindead dipsht I guess I was...

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A taxi driver hit the car of my friend a few years ago and when the police showed up they told my friend that the taxi driver doesn't have a license nor an insurance and that my friend will have to pay for the damage to his car himself!!!

This is why its a good idea to have first class car insurance. Call them, a guy comes along, the police are scared because the insurance guys actually know the laws of the road, the insurance guy makes dam_n sure the taxi driver pays up, otherwise he's out of a bonus as the insurance company has got to pay. I never usually recommend insurance, but first class in this country is a worthwhile investment.

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Hope they get the guy who, just last week, kicked me out of his taxi when I politely asked him to turn off his TV that he was watching whilst driving.

The look on his face suggested I was being totally unreasonable, and to that braindead dipsht I guess I was...

Well done that man, you. clap2.gif

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Hope they get the guy who, just last week, kicked me out of his taxi when I politely asked him to turn off his TV that he was watching whilst driving.

The look on his face suggested I was being totally unreasonable, and to that braindead dipsht I guess I was...

Well done that man, you. clap2.gif

The guy working in the Aussie embassy was not so lucky - had his face slashed with a knife by the taxi driver requiring 200 stitches. For all newbies to Thailand - all taxi drivers carry weapons - my colleague who was a loud mouth lost his four front teeth. If you want get by in Thailand tip the taxi driver 10 to 15 baht and don't open your mouth. Please be polite as I am sick of reading stories like this on the news. I can assure you the hospital fee will be far in excess of the over-charge that doesn't occur too much unless you get a taxi outside MBK. Edited by heiwa
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A taxi driver hit the car of my friend a few years ago and when the police showed up they told my friend that the taxi driver doesn't have a license nor an insurance and that my friend will have to pay for the damage to his car himself!!!

This is why its a good idea to have first class car insurance. Call them, a guy comes along, the police are scared because the insurance guys actually know the laws of the road, the insurance guy makes dam_n sure the taxi driver pays up, otherwise he's out of a bonus as the insurance company has got to pay. I never usually recommend insurance, but first class in this country is a worthwhile investment.

We have it, worth every baht.

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Come on guys, when on holiday in Thailand you get to meet some real characters especially driving taxis and the way some decorate their cabs as shrines to Elivis or Hello Kitty or Frank Sinartra. Heres a video of one of these characters captured on camera. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=18&ved=0CEsQtwIwBzgK&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dn6PoiJ-944w&ei=cmGVT_bsDozJrAfRpcHuBA&usg=AFQjCNFvUrnbQ-mA3ojByn5oHfoYPADvIw

Miracle Thailand, don't you just love it!

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Having ground my axe about taxis above, it has to be said that fares which have not been adjusted for over 10 years are far too low (presumably they were too high at the time they were last adjusted LOL) and cab drivers have a rotten life spending their days and nights in Bangkok traffic in shitty, unroadworthy vehicles with crap aircon that doesn't filter out the fumes properly.

If they are pleasant, drive carefully, don't whinge, don't have a cab with an unpleasant plasticky stench or stink themselves, don't try to lecture me with red shirt bullsh*t, don't play mor lam music or red shirt propaganda loudly on the radio , don't try to speak pijjin English with me in response to my Thai, don't watch TV or videos while driving, don't have an argument with a girlfriend on a hand held phone while driving, I always give them a reasonable tip, eg B30 on a B70 fare. This must be quite uncommon in Bangkok, as some cabbies are visibly shocked.

I have the exact same policy on tipping cabbies. Last time I tipped was ..... erm...... can't remember.....

When given the choice, I try to flag down a cab that looks relatively new and smart - rather than a 10yr old+ one with a wing on the boot and "sporty" wheels. They tend to meet half of the dozen or so criteria you've listed.

"rather than a 10yr old+ one with a wing on the boot and "sporty" wheels."

You forgot the genuine wood-rim steering wheel and the 4" diameter exhaust pipe.

These are all very important details enabling the driver to assume a Vettel-like character,enabling him to negotiate traffic at high speed. Apparently KERS is a future option.

The rear wing aka "spoiler" helps keep the rear end down with better road contact on fast corners.

The large exhaust adds a note of authority letting other drivers know he is in command and coming through.It also lets you know you are moving.

The wood rim wheel is a mere piece of interior decoration, but you would do well to tell him you think it is suay. All for a very reasonable price.biggrin.png

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They'll be about as successful at this crackdown as issuing ipads to Grade 1 and 15K baht to graduate degree holders and, to add to that, success at keeping drugs away from MPs whilst they sleep and watch porn or get mobile updates from drug dealers within their vicinity whilst in-House.

It all adds up to a total success equalling the Number of road deaths being a positive count for the Songkran period.

Job well done, lads in PrakT Party. You exemplify Thai culture in politics at its best ever yet. Total non-delivery of anything promised. Thaksin out-witted everybody, didn't she/he? :D


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They'll be about as successful at this crackdown as issuing ipads to Grade 1 and 15K baht to graduate degree holders and, to add to that, success at keeping drugs away from MPs whilst they sleep and watch porn or get mobile updates from drug dealers within their vicinity whilst in-House.

It all adds up to a total success equalling the Number of road deaths being a positive count for the Songkran period.

Job well done, lads in PrakT Party. You exemplify Thai culture in politics at its best ever yet. Total non-delivery of anything promised. Thaksin out-witted everybody, didn't she/he? biggrin.png


Alltogether it´s counts up to ZERO.

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Taxi drivers found without a valid driving license will face dispensary action.

Forced medication ?? Sounds a bit brutal.

Passengers can recheck if a taxi driver has a license by observing their identification card and observe whether their photo matches the driver.

I don't think I've ever taken a taxi in which the driver looked even remotely like the photo on display.

i agree come to think of it not the past 10 years ever since i started visiting thailand frequently
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I wonder what would happen on getting into a taxi if i asked to see his driving licence?

They will tell you that Wat Poh is closed today, but they can bring you around for shopping.

Because that is the only thing they can speak in English.....

you miss something.....they will bring you around to see " shows" ,ping pong. by the way i just learnt of what ping pong stands for yesterday
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This morning taking a taxi going from RamaIV to RamaIII my driver was really annoyed to see a bunch of police stopping motorcycles and pickups. He was getting a bit emotional about those 'thiefs in uniform'

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Considering the volume and the economic range of taxi customers here, it would be nice to see them offer a premium taxi service as seen in Korea. Average taxis there are ok but the premium taxis offer a better ride(car is higher end), drivers drive better and they provide you with a receipt printed out by a machine when the journey is completed. No disrespect to the current lot of drivers and vehicles but I prefer to not have to listen to politics/country music/religious chanting on the radio while going from A to B, not to mention the 'scents' of Thai taxis, let alone the condition of the cars. I say raise the prices and the standards/professionalism too.

PC, you are 100% spot on. premium silver taxi service would have a great market in Thailand... get big hotels to use them for clients, have call centre so that they can pick you up at Condo.

Personally when needed Id happily pay 20-50% premium on normal run of the mill shitty taxi

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Considering the volume and the economic range of taxi customers here, it would be nice to see them offer a premium taxi service as seen in Korea. Average taxis there are ok but the premium taxis offer a better ride(car is higher end), drivers drive better and they provide you with a receipt printed out by a machine when the journey is completed. No disrespect to the current lot of drivers and vehicles but I prefer to not have to listen to politics/country music/religious chanting on the radio while going from A to B, not to mention the 'scents' of Thai taxis, let alone the condition of the cars. I say raise the prices and the standards/professionalism too.

You my friend are living in a fantasy world here in Thaland. There is no way they can do that. The average person could not pay the price. The economy is a lot different here then in Korea.

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Anything done to improve the quality of taxis in Thailand is fine with me!

Yes, I agree, prices are low and have been forever as far as I can tell. A relatively big increase to minimum fare up to Bt.50 is supposedly happening this year. If they don't make enough money, they will avoid all the expenses they can. This doesn't mean they will pay them even when they make enough (TiT), but at lest it gives the relatively honest guy a chance.

What annoys me most about Bangkok taxis is:-

1) TAILGATING - They sit 2 metres behind the card in front at 100kph while you sit in the back with no seat belt even there! If you are lucky its under the seat, but in that case, when going on long journeys its easier toi sit in the front (bad luck for any other passengers!

2) OLD TAXIS - There are many taxis rattling around Bangkok that seem to be held together with masking tape, aircon not working, and stink of "yah dom" or worse. Surely there must be some minimu requirements for hygience and mechanical road worthiness (hopefully more stringent than the local MOT TEST!).

3) NEW YEARS EVE FESTIVITIES - This year EVERY taxi refused to turn their meters on, and it seemed to be a well organized effort to defraud the tax department and make customers angry! I didin't search the press for discussion on the issue at the time, and just assumed the police and government did absolutely nothing, and that it will be happening on more public holidays, and become an annual occurrence?

I personally, on being refused to turn on the meter, opened both passenger side doors, and left the taxi like that in the street. This usually caused the drive to have to get out of the cab and close them himself, and in one instance a type iron came out. I offered him to take a swing, but he declined and got back in his cab.

I saw another angry foreigner spitting on every taxi that refused to use the meter.

I went to the Asoke crossroads Police booth, but nobody there. Typical!

Did anyone see anything formal on this problem? I'd hate to see it get worse!

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Considering the volume and the economic range of taxi customers here, it would be nice to see them offer a premium taxi service as seen in Korea. Average taxis there are ok but the premium taxis offer a better ride(car is higher end), drivers drive better and they provide you with a receipt printed out by a machine when the journey is completed. No disrespect to the current lot of drivers and vehicles but I prefer to not have to listen to politics/country music/religious chanting on the radio while going from A to B, not to mention the 'scents' of Thai taxis, let alone the condition of the cars. I say raise the prices and the standards/professionalism too.

Raise the price! What a great idea then taxi's will be completely out of the price range of the average Thai person. Why don't you just go and buy a car and let those with less money travel by taxi?

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I've taken taxis on many an occasion in LOS over the years and usually their driving is of an acceptable standard. Now if the Transport Ministry really wanted to make someone's day they'd be rounding up those intercity tailgating Toyota Commuter and bus drivers, taking them into a field and shooting the bastards.

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Having ground my axe about taxis above, it has to be said that fares which have not been adjusted for over 10 years are far too low (presumably they were too high at the time they were last adjusted LOL) and cab drivers have a rotten life spending their days and nights in Bangkok traffic in shitty, unroadworthy vehicles with crap aircon that doesn't filter out the fumes properly.

If they are pleasant, drive carefully, don't whinge, don't have a cab with an unpleasant plasticky stench or stink themselves, don't try to lecture me with red shirt bullsh*t, don't play mor lam music or red shirt propaganda loudly on the radio , don't try to speak pijjin English with me in response to my Thai, don't watch TV or videos while driving, don't have an argument with a girlfriend on a hand held phone while driving, I always give them a reasonable tip, eg B30 on a B70 fare. This must be quite uncommon in Bangkok, as some cabbies are visibly shocked.

I recall, not long time ago there was an increase of fares. I remember the troubles adjusting the meters.....

An active Taxi Driver can make a lot money in a short time. Sure 2000 Baht per day shouldn't be a problem.

2000 baht per day seems rather high. How many hours working are you thinking? Any breaks for food, comfort stops, fill ups?

With 2 MAJOR rush hours in a day, I think even a GROSS of Bt.2000 is quite high, without perhaps 12-16 hour shifts.

have you deducted fuel costs?

have you deducted to capital cost of car or rental charge?

There is SERIOUS wear and tear on a taxi cab, have you deducted for that?

Deductions for other costs such as licences, permits?

Fines/Police payments?

Realistic figures from some Thai members with family friends on the job here would be interesting to see.

Edited by cyborgx
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I've taken taxis on many an occasion in LOS over the years and usually their driving is of an acceptable standard. Now if the Transport Ministry really wanted to make someone's day they'd be rounding up those intercity tailgating Toyota Commuter and bus drivers, taking them into a field and shooting the bastards.


But actually, joking aside, it's a real and serious problem. Flicking the brakes or the lights switch (in daytime) educates some, but the majority are still too ignorant and uneducated to understand what a "stopping distance" means (until they've gone past it, and the splatter of their miniscule brains has accelerated past the stopped car in front!

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Considering the volume and the economic range of taxi customers here, it would be nice to see them offer a premium taxi service as seen in Korea. Average taxis there are ok but the premium taxis offer a better ride(car is higher end), drivers drive better and they provide you with a receipt printed out by a machine when the journey is completed. No disrespect to the current lot of drivers and vehicles but I prefer to not have to listen to politics/country music/religious chanting on the radio while going from A to B, not to mention the 'scents' of Thai taxis, let alone the condition of the cars. I say raise the prices and the standards/professionalism too.

PC, you are 100% spot on. premium silver taxi service would have a great market in Thailand... get big hotels to use them for clients, have call centre so that they can pick you up at Condo.

Personally when needed Id happily pay 20-50% premium on normal run of the mill shitty taxi

Agreed. Perhaps there's actually even a Private business opportunity here. Probably be a nightmare to setup, but what about a UK Black or even a NT Yellow Cab company with :-

well trained drivers

well publicized rules of operation (e.g. if and when they are allowed to refuse a fare)

clear metering and pricing

Transparent complaints system

A small investment in a few cars and staff could blossom into a massive company very quickly if the comments on here, and the classic snobbery of middle class Thais get right behind it....

Main problems I think might be local taxicab mafia/gangs (although it might create it's own class of consumers that currently prefer to drive themselves or avoid taxis whenever possible).

Edited by cyborgx
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