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Going To Be In Bangkok On The 30Th For 5 Days..Forecast: Rain Rain Rain


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Also, any suggestions on places to drink/shop in Bangkok?

Going with a buddy, and our GF's. So not looking to whore. Although our GF's would like to see some 'special' bars, just to see what its like. As well as some 'special' shows that Thailand has to offer.

Also looking to buy some nice fake clothes. Would MBK be the best bet?

Be careful when buying fake clothes.

a) They can be of dubious quality...

cool.png Depending on what country you are flying back to, potentially illegal.

Dont bother with the fake Rolex watches and if gf wants designer handbags, Louis Vitton, Chanel etc.... again be very careful when taking them back home.

If you want to take in some special shows, head to Sukhumvit and mingle with the regulars there, they will point you in the right direction.

Good recommendations on taking fake stuff home. Though if you have just a few pieces you should be fine. My brother's fake Rolex lasted 2 days, my neighbors is still running great after 10 years. Ya just never know.

As far as clothes, there are SOOOOOO many places to shop in Bangkok. If you have limited time, head to MBK and the stalls in the back on the 3, 4th or 5th floor? I can't remember which one. But all the way in the back. Also, lots of touristy trinket stuff at fair prices. Wifey's Diesel jeans are doing great after 5-7 years. Same with my knockoff Polo shirts. Not as good as the real stuff, but not too bad. I still wear one I got back in 2002...though it is developing a small hole now....

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Awesome, great suggestions. I normally live in China, so I dont think they will care to much about fakes as they've got tons.

Yea, I've got experience on the watches...Bought a fake one in China, and was broken the next day :P

MBK sounds good. Aircon is a plus!

Thanks again everyone!

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What could I expect to pay to take a taxi to Ban Phe? Mr .T shuttle service was quoting bht, but that seems to be a bit pricey

You'll have a hard time beating his price. If you negotiate very hard, maybe. If not, you'll probably pay more. He tends to be 100-200B more than a regular taxi, but all tolls are included and he has somebody standing there waiting for you. No need to wait in the taxi queue.

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Mr T is very reliable and I have always found his prices competitive and his transport is always comfortable. Can say MBK for shopping also, but Pratunam and the surrounding area are also good, but right now bloody hot.

What beach you headed for on Koh Samed ?

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Staying at SamedVilla's. Will wander around the island to find something nice.


Hows the bus system in Thailand? If we were to bus to Ban Phe, how long of a wait is it normally? Buses normally full?

Buses run everywhere. They are extremely convenient. If you are in Bangkok, head to Ekamai bus station and just catch the bus to Ban Phe. They speak English, so easy to find. Once there, across the road is the ferry! It's pretty much a non stop run...easy peasey!

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