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Abhisit Vows To Back Probe Into 91 Deaths


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To finish for me personally the discussion:

I had patients in my village, poor people.

They were clucked to fight with the reds in Bangkok.

They took part for the fun (500 Baht a day).

When it turned seriously, they wanted to go home.


wait, we are winning, the last fight.

We win, and if you feel weak, we have power for you (yaba)



denied this against my local small not representative comment.

I showed all my footages I collected to two of my ancient students visiting me:

Psychotherapist in a drug and jail clinic.

They confirmed that the acting red shirts were not under alcohol but under yaba.

Mouvements of the body, high speed in mouvement, concentration of a special act to do.

After short excitement, laying down.

We passed hours.

Small part of all.

Now I stop for this topic.

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Abhisit, in his much ballyhooed speech at Centralworld in 2011 immediately before the elected, publicly admitted he signed the order to use deadly force on the street protests. He said he cried. ...

An outright lie.

Even Saksith Saiyasombut in his article at Asian Correspondent.com about the rally on June 23, 2011 does not make that claim. What Aghisit said was:

People are saying I do not show much emotion,” Abhisit said, “but on the night of April 10, I cried!”

There was no "order to use deadly force on the street protests". What there were were rules of engagement that were modified in the face of the increasing violence the Army was facing. These culminated in the ones announced on May 14th that allowed the Army to use live ammunition in 3 circumstances:

  1. as warning shots to deter demonstrators from moving closer
  2. for self-defense
  3. when forces have “a clear visual of terrorists

How well the individual troops on the ground followed those orders should be subject to close investigation. As should who was shooting and lobbing grenades at the Army and who was behind that armed faction of the UDD.

Strongly suggest you read the HRW report Descent into Chaos. You very likely will like parts of it and disagree with others. But at least you will have a factual background.


Abhisit, in his much ballyhooed speech at Centralworld in 2011 immediately before the elected, publicly admitted he signed the order to use deadly force on the street protests. He said he cried. ...

An outright lie.

Even Saksith Saiyasombut in his article at Asian Correspondent.com about the rally on June 23, 2011 does not make that claim. What Aghisit said was:

People are saying I do not show much emotion,” Abhisit said, “but on the night of April 10, I cried!”

There was no "order to use deadly force on the street protests". What there were were rules of engagement that were modified in the face of the increasing violence the Army was facing. These culminated in the ones announced on May 14th that allowed the Army to use live ammunition in 3 circumstances:

  1. as warning shots to deter demonstrators from moving closer
  2. for self-defense
  3. when forces have “a clear visual of terrorists

How well the individual troops on the ground followed those orders should be subject to close investigation. As should who was shooting and lobbing grenades at the Army and who was behind that armed faction of the UDD.

Strongly suggest you read the HRW report Descent into Chaos. You very likely will like parts of it and disagree with others. But at least you will have a factual background.


For a politician to say they cried, is about as disingenuous as an american politician saying they prayed. There are certain acts that are personal, and by discussing them you are either admitting they meant nothing, or you are lying about doing them in the first place. This statement was beyond ignorant. Coming from a bought and paid for whore. He may have been smart, well educated, and well intentioned. But, in the end he was an army whore, in that he did the bidding of the generals, and made sure the richest families in thialand only got richer. He did very, very little to benefit the people of Thailand. Alarmingly little.

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For a politician to say they cried, is about as disingenuous as an american politician saying they prayed. There are certain acts that are personal, and by discussing them you are either admitting they meant nothing, or you are lying about doing them in the first place. This statement was beyond ignorant. Coming from a bought and paid for whore. He may have been smart, well educated, and well intentioned. But, in the end he was an army whore, in that he did the bidding of the generals, and made sure the richest families in thialand only got richer. He did very, very little to benefit the people of Thailand. Alarmingly little.

I agree that if Abhisit did cry, it would probably have been better to keep it to himself. He might regret having said that he did, but perhaps felt pressured into it in the face of all the accusations of being heartless and even blood thirsty... accusations which i don't think anyone, no matter what they think of him, truly believes.

As for him being a bought and paid for whore, well, if that is a somewhat strong and vulgar way of saying that he owed his position not entirely, but in part, to other more powerful people, people whose interests he had to consider when making decisions, then i would agree. I think that position describes a lot of politicians in Thailand though. The current PM is a shining example of it wouldn't you say. Do you also describe her in those vulgar terms?

As for Abhisit doing little to help Thai people, yes, i certainly think he could have done more. Of course it was the strategy of the reds to constantly divert his attention away from doing anything really productive, by creating the mayhem that they did. Last thing they wanted was him to help the poor, as that might damage the misconception that they were the ones with those people's interests at heart.

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For a politician to say they cried, is about as disingenuous as an american politician saying they prayed. There are certain acts that are personal, and by discussing them you are either admitting they meant nothing, or you are lying about doing them in the first place. This statement was beyond ignorant. Coming from a bought and paid for whore. He may have been smart, well educated, and well intentioned. But, in the end he was an army whore, in that he did the bidding of the generals, and made sure the richest families in thialand only got richer. He did very, very little to benefit the people of Thailand. Alarmingly little.

speaking of Army whores...

Pheu Thai deputy spokesperson Sunisa Lertpakawat was a Lieutenant and an anchor for Army-run Channel 5 who jetted off to London to interview ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in June 2007. At that time it was said

"She is now in trouble so deep she can hardly fathom it. The month she spent chasing Mr Thaksin for the interviews could give the army enough grounds to dismiss her for taking leave without informing her superiors.

Government officials in this country are governed by stringent disciplinary regulations which make it mandatory for them to secure permission prior to travelling overseas, even for holidays"

Maybe no defamation suit will be filed

The histrionics of discharged AWOL Army Lieutenant, failed Pheu Thai Party MP candidate, and current Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesman Sunisa Lerpakawat's are unforgettable.


I have no negative image as a politician and I am not corrupt. Luckily, I grew up at a time when people were taught not to be corrupt. I am a member of the young generation who are clean," she said.

Author Of Books On Thaksin To Contest Poll


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The 91 deaths is representative of what goes on every day so why make a big deal of it? It was just a worse than average day but not too far from the average. Call it a spike in gun murders - that's all it was.

Thank you, and truly pathetic.

Whats pathetic about the truth ? 91. The average daily gun homocide rates were 55 per day last year. it is as the guy says, a big, a substantial spike but nothing extra ordinary

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