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i will never understand the stupidity of some thai drivers, and neither will i get used to it, it just doesnt make any sense whatsoever.

yesterday some of you may have been caught up in the traffic jam at mae rim, due i understand to some royalty visiting the university, turning off the road to head toward maejo, you eventually come to a set of traffic lights, so not only had these idiots come down on the inside lane, one actually having an accident with an ambulance, they started coming down the outside lane on the other side of the road, so in essence 4 lanes of traffic.

anyone coming from phrao, wanting to take a right turn to mae rim found that the road was actually blocked by 10 or more cars trying to jockey for pole position at the lights.

what makes these people think, or the lack, of it is a complete mystery to me.[ no explanations req. thanks]

i think my 10yrs in thailand is sadly coming to a close.

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The Thais have never had to abide by any driving/road discipline and they have the skills of a frog.

So they please themselves in their big trucks.

When did you ever see the police doing a policing job with drivers- they just want do write tickets for helmet fines.

Its a good job us lot have instilled discipline and road sense and are able to try and anticipate these adhoc manouevres.

sadly it is something we have to live with- just look after number 1


its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.


its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

I feel your pain. For a society that is mainly Buddhist, and practice mediation, you would think that they would have some patience and kindness when behind the wheel. You would think....

they become very different people whilst driving, and i don't understand, not sure anyone does.


The Thais have never had to abide by any driving/road discipline and they have the skills of a frog.

So they please themselves in their big trucks.

When did you ever see the police doing a policing job with drivers- they just want do write tickets for helmet fines.

Its a good job us lot have instilled discipline and road sense and are able to try and anticipate these adhoc manouevres.

sadly it is something we have to live with- just look after number 1

Unfortunately the police are as bad as the rest of them

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its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

I feel your pain. For a society that is mainly Buddhist, and practice mediation, you would think that they would have some patience and kindness when behind the wheel. You would think....

they become very different people whilst driving, and i don't understand, not sure anyone does.

Agreed. I had a very hostile confrontation by a motorist the other day; the first for me. I've had plenty of close calls, rude and arrogant drivers, plenty cut me off, cut in front of me, etc. but what happened the other day was an extreme.

As for the royalty at Mae Rim, it happened again today at about 12:30ish... Traffic closed on the road to Phrao, this time in the opposite direction. I could not get out of a parking lot for close to 35 minutes. Traffic backed up as far as the eye could see.


its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

Wherever you decide to live in this paradise world of ours, you are still going to be greatly disappointed with the behaviours of the natives. People are selfish, self-indulgent and complete pigs the world over, that’s how things have progress in these modern times.

No matter where you go it`s going to be virtually the same.

This is the reality and I’m afraid we are all stuck with it. But as a matter of fact I have found that Thai people compared to many natives of other countries are at most times the most polite and courteous, even if it`s only superficial.

There is no such Kingdom as Utopia and just have to make the most of it.

Make no mistake, I feel the same way as you do, but for me Thailand is the best of the worst and unless you are lucky enough to inherit or win a fortune on the lottery and able to buy a desert island somewhere, than you’re have to suffer in the same environments as all the rest of us peasants.

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The convoys are planned at very inconvenient times though. A little extra planning would ensure those convoys don't choke the whole town exactly during the afternoon rush hour. Or use a helicopter. That's what helicopters are for.


i get more pissed off about the way they walk. Two miles an hour, going in random directions, always standing in the worst place. When you try to pass them their slow ass slowly moves in front of you, then when you try and go to the other side they fade off that way as well.

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its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

Wherever you decide to live in this paradise world of ours, you are still going to be greatly disappointed with the behaviours of the natives. People are selfish, self-indulgent and complete pigs the world over, that’s how things have progress in these modern times.

No matter where you go it`s going to be virtually the same.

This is the reality and I’m afraid we are all stuck with it. But as a matter of fact I have found that Thai people compared to many natives of other countries are at most times the most polite and courteous, even if it`s only superficial.

There is no such Kingdom as Utopia and just have to make the most of it.

Make no mistake, I feel the same way as you do, but for me Thailand is the best of the worst and unless you are lucky enough to inherit or win a fortune on the lottery and able to buy a desert island somewhere, than you’re have to suffer in the same environments as all the rest of us peasants.

Yes true they are very polite and courteous but that is not what is being discussed. It is the driving habits.


its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

Wherever you decide to live in this paradise world of ours, you are still going to be greatly disappointed with the behaviours of the natives. People are selfish, self-indulgent and complete pigs the world over, that’s how things have progress in these modern times.

No matter where you go it`s going to be virtually the same.

This is the reality and I’m afraid we are all stuck with it. But as a matter of fact I have found that Thai people compared to many natives of other countries are at most times the most polite and courteous, even if it`s only superficial.

There is no such Kingdom as Utopia and just have to make the most of it.

Make no mistake, I feel the same way as you do, but for me Thailand is the best of the worst and unless you are lucky enough to inherit or win a fortune on the lottery and able to buy a desert island somewhere, than you’re have to suffer in the same environments as all the rest of us peasants.

not sure your right about 'its the same wherever' whilst back in the uk last july it was refreshing to drive the roads without having to anticipate a moment of sheer stupidity.

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its the one major problem i have with thailand, their disregard for care when driving will force me to leave.

Wherever you decide to live in this paradise world of ours, you are still going to be greatly disappointed with the behaviours of the natives. People are selfish, self-indulgent and complete pigs the world over, that’s how things have progress in these modern times.

No matter where you go it`s going to be virtually the same.

This is the reality and I’m afraid we are all stuck with it. But as a matter of fact I have found that Thai people compared to many natives of other countries are at most times the most polite and courteous, even if it`s only superficial.

There is no such Kingdom as Utopia and just have to make the most of it.

Make no mistake, I feel the same way as you do, but for me Thailand is the best of the worst and unless you are lucky enough to inherit or win a fortune on the lottery and able to buy a desert island somewhere, than you’re have to suffer in the same environments as all the rest of us peasants.

Yes true they are very polite and courteous but that is not what is being discussed. It is the driving habits.

Sorry, I`ll try paying more attention next time.


25 years driving here,Sad to say the drivers have not improved,plus

lots more cars on the roads,

I now know what the other drivers are going to do before they do,you

just have to think like them .

My main concerns are lack of signals when turning,cutting in front,

driving slow in right hand lane ,ect ect, the list goes on

I have had many confrontations when its their fault,they can go crazy

had them coming at me with baseball bats,bottles ,and tyre wrench

now I try not to bother if anyone nearly hits me, just keep cool dont

give any finger signs or sound the horn,too many seem to have guns

and will use them,at the slightness thing.

I wonder if there a forum where Thai drivers complain about Farangs,

Regards Worgeordie keep on trucking


I'm beginning to get the point!

With just 16% of the world’s cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles, Asia accounts for more than half of the roughly 1.2 million traffic fatalities that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates occur globally every year. More than 600,000 Asians are killed and another 9.4 million are severely injured in traffic accidents annually.

Those statistics make Asia’s highways the meanest streets in the world. In Thailand, for example, road accidents are now the third leading cause of death after aids and heart attacks, according to the country’s Ministry of Public Health

It comes out of Australia where the “Asians are bad drivers” stereotype is just as prevalent as it is in the U.S.

i get more pissed off about the way they walk. Two miles an hour, going in random directions, always standing in the worst place. When you try to pass them their slow ass slowly moves in front of you, then when you try and go to the other side they fade off that way as well.

Just transfer their walking skills onto their driving.


25 years driving here,Sad to say the drivers have not improved,plus

lots more cars on the roads,

I now know what the other drivers are going to do before they do,you

just have to think like them .

My main concerns are lack of signals when turning,cutting in front,

driving slow in right hand lane ,ect ect, the list goes on

I have had many confrontations when its their fault,they can go crazy

had them coming at me with baseball bats,bottles ,and tyre wrench

now I try not to bother if anyone nearly hits me, just keep cool dont

give any finger signs or sound the horn,too many seem to have guns

and will use them,at the slightness thing.

I wonder if there a forum where Thai drivers complain about Farangs,

Regards Worgeordie keep on trucking

From my experience I would say that the driving standards in Thailand have much improved during the last 25 years, but that`s just my opinion.

But some excellent points that you do make is: just keep cool, dont give any finger signs or sound the horn, too many seem to have guns and will use them,at the slightness thing.

That is good common sense advice and everyone should heed what you say. Better to bite the bottom lip and let it go rather than bite the bullet.


it was CMU graduation day and HM son was presiding so road chaos is to be expected - as for Thai driving traits it would take me hours to list their selfishness and utter disrespect for other road users be they Thai or from Mars


The convoys are planned at very inconvenient times though. A little extra planning would ensure those convoys don't choke the whole town exactly during the afternoon rush hour. Or use a helicopter. That's what helicopters are for.

It was the Crown Prince going to the CMRU convention centre to hand out graduation certificates


i get more pissed off about the way they walk. Two miles an hour, going in random directions, always standing in the worst place. When you try to pass them their slow ass slowly moves in front of you, then when you try and go to the other side they fade off that way as well.

you're just describing every woman on a shopping trip here ......and the sentiment of every man who happens be "in tow" or otherwise.

as with incompetent drivers- women shopping is another one of lifes pre requisites (I love you all ladies-really!)


i get more pissed off about the way they walk. Two miles an hour, going in random directions, always standing in the worst place. When you try to pass them their slow ass slowly moves in front of you, then when you try and go to the other side they fade off that way as well.

I have to agree with your observation, It is not reserved for Thai people only however - China, Malaysia & Brunei are all at it - I think it is a conspiricy biggrin.png they don't seemt to have a great awareness of what is going on around them. Still beats Scotland however !


It seems to me that there are two notions here:

One is that police planned visits of high officials are not sophisticated or that they don't involve successful communications somewhere. Who among us is shocked?

The other is that the Thai people don't drive to Western standards. (I argue that they do employ many unusual, but predictable as we see them repeated, maneuvers that we can learn. Sort of fun, aside from being life-saving.)

I ask myself, what can I do but carefully cope? Of course, I have the luxury of retirement, but I'm trying (and I can claim a little bit of success) to learn and live. To relax. Ever notice Thais all rushing up or down an escalator?

I'd rather feel a smiley in my heart (Thinking, "Isn't that unusual? - interesting in fact!") than go around being miffed and self-righteous (a tiring business) all the time, simply because I am in a foreign nation that does not yet do things my way.

(Nope, I'm not 'on' anything; just searching for a saner pace.)

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The boldness that the anonymity of being concealed (partially) within a vehicle imparts to a Thai is only comparable to that which a Farang feels empowered with when esconced behind an internet forum moniker.

I grant validity to every complaint listed so far. Will say it has been refreshing to see absolutely idiotic, mindless, and rude driving while visiting the States this time around. Have even seen certain maneuvers I could have sworn was only a type of Thai idiocy. Now must give credit to my own native people too. Clearly, no one culture has the lock on it.

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All true about their selfishness and utter disrespect for other road users, but my three most recent near-death experiences

have all been caused by falangs speeding on scooters. And I've seen much more falang insanity from a safer distance.

I just hope they are tourists.

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Here we go again, moving to the other side of the globe and questioning why are not everything as in the UK! In UK we are so polite and nice to each other, here they are morons and idiots that not behave like we do!

Try for one times sake to open your mind a little bit and understand that they have another perspective here and do not act as upraised in the UK.

And they are certainly not idiots, that comment hits back to the one giving it for not understanding.

you may not be so forgiving if god forbid that you or any of your loved ones are seriously injured or even killed due to driving negligence, i'm pretty sure you wont be so'understnding'.

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