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Short Changed Again...


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I'm sure collectively we could all write a thick book on all the little scams that take place here.

Interesting that so much can be said about some poor people scamming for a few hundred baht.

While the big scams by the rich back home continue to rip us off even when we are not there.

Come on ‘Dante99’ don’t lose the plot mate the topic is; ‘Short Changed Again’ You are right about there being bigger fish….So to speak, (UK Gov. for one) but that is not what the topic’s about.

Anyway as for some of these poor people you’re standing up for…………They wouldn’t be so poor if they had their way………You would be.

Not a chance. I like some others learned long ago to check the bill and count the change on the spot so it is never an issue for me.

What this topic is really about is people who have difficulty with simple transactions and whine.

Ok, your comment about having learned to count your change! What has that to do with being short changed?

I was also taught a long time ago too count my change……But it’s never stopped some trying to short change me. What checking my change has done has stopped me being ripped off…..Not being short changed.

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I got long changed the other night at the Doo-Dee bar here in Chiang mai they gave me 20baht more than they should have. I counted it up and called her back hers your tip you over charge me. But these are friends of mine and I have been short changed here as well just a mistake as the over change was.

I girl back in the states did try to short me 10 dollars, I gave here a 20 and she gives me change for a 10. I says I gave you a 20 she says no a 10 I says impossible as I only had a 20 and anyway honey I come in here everyday for ice tea why should I want to rip off people I know. She gave me the 10 I left and a few days later she was gone, I guess she tried it on someone who reported here.

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Another one is in places like 7-11 they will overcharge you then after you leave, do a return and fix the price, pocking the extra change.

What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

I have read all the comments and they all focus on the potential for fraud by the human at the register - does anyone whatch the price that is scanded versus the the price on the self??

Tesco are doing this at the moment.

Some Alpen bar 5 packs are priced at 89bht, some 99bht, the rest at 125bht .... they often all scan through the till at 125bht, if you don't keep a close watch.

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