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History...or Something Like It!


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Is that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not, up to you - but I certainly couldn't be with anyone who lives like that.

why not? :o

so if I understood your post...you know everything...EVERYTHING!!!!! or better still you are interested about everything!!!!


Edited by Glauka
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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Considering the second world war ended in 1945 and didn't involve Thailand,

Oh boy...check your history again there bud... :o

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Thaksin is not perfect, but he is far from stupid, has accomplished an lot in his lifetime, has made Thailand better than when he took office,  and is a better Prime Minister than 99% of his predecessors.

The US is not perfect, but it has many, many good points, as well as being the greatest power of the century and far superior to any of its detractors.

Successful people and successful countries have always had to put up with whinging and back-biting from lesser beings; It comes with the job. Let's just not forget that underneath all their B.S., convoluted lies and twisted logic, the moaners are green with envy!

Happy New Year to all from Prime Minister Thaksin, President George W. Bush and myself!  :D

You see I am not against americans I am against to your cheap arguments.... :o

Edited by Glauka
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People can go to the   World Best University and learn nothing from it. It do not depend on the university only but also on the student.

From your arrogant post I can see that this is your case.

I am sorry to be rude but it gets on my nerves when people assume to be better educated from statistics that can be modified depending on the data.

why is so important to be educated in one of the top 20 universities...it implies that you are a better person? NO I don´t think so, it only implies that you have study there.

BTW English is not my first language so I will have many grammatical and spelling  errors...

Even if English is not your first language, you could still go back and actually read the thread that you feel compelled to comment on. :D

I never said that Americans are superior to anyone else. I said that they were not stupid. I used the example of top universities in the U.S. to point out that Americans are at least as well educated as anyone casting stones here.

I also ridiculed some illiterate posts to point out that the posters bashing Americans here really have no room to talk about ignorance before getting a decent education themselves - or at least finishing high school. :o

TO QUOTE: "I also ridiculed some illiterate posts......really have no room to talk about ignorance before getting a decent education themselves - or at least finishing high school.

Excuse me, but do you know me?

Excuse me, but do you know me?

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The US is not perfect, but it has many, many good points, as well as being the greatest power of the century and far superior to any of its detractors.

Therein lies the problem , how can we take you seriously when you spout this diatribe without even a hint of irony?


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The US is not perfect, but it has many, many good points, as well as being the greatest power of the century and far superior to any of its detractors.

Therein lies the problem , how can we take you seriously when you spout this diatribe without even a hint of irony?


Ulysses G. lives in thailand, so we all know where his loyalties lie! :o

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C'mon people - how can you live in an age with discovery / history channel, internet, movies, magazines and general info flooding around the world and NEVER even hear of WWII - or Adolf Hitler??? That's insane. That's not a lesson or two missed at school THAT'S LIVING IN A COCOON. That's having no interest in anything going on outside your own little world.

Is that a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not, up to you - but I certainly couldn't be with anyone who lives like that.

I can live in an age with discovery / history channel, internet, movies, magazines and general info flooding around the world and NEVER even hear of WWII - or Adolf Hitler??? That's insane. That's not a lesson or two missed at school THAT'S LIVING IN A COCOON. That's having no interest in anything going on outside your own little world.

The main reason is I am 61 years old and I have seen and hard a lot of things in my life. When for example did the internet really start and Discovery / History channel appear? Are they free to air and in a language that the Thai population can understand?

The majority of Thai people DO NOT live in the big cities with access to UBC as the subscription would probably take half of their income leaving them without minor things in life such as food.

My wife has never heard of Adolf Hitler, Churchill. Stalin etc.

She was born in 1965, 20 years after the European and Pacific war finished and was 10 when the war in Vietnam finished.

What do you know of Thai history? When was the last government overthrown by the people? How many dictatorships has Thailand had in the last 30 years.

I have no idea at all because I never studied Thai or Asian history but I will bet my wife does.

Just because you see something on TV does not make it real, only physically being in a place at the right time can give you more accurate information.

Also remember that history is always written by the winning side.

For general information the film "Bridge on the River Kwai" was actually filmed in Sri Lanka and the bridge was actually destroyed by the American air force and not as the film shows it.

Does that make her or me the clever one in the family

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After watching 'saving private ryan' with my girlfriend we were talking about history and it turns out she has never heard of the second world war, Adolf Hitler or the Vietnam war, and was astonished when I told her the Vietnamese won. Is this normal or have I found the most uneducated girl in thailand??

Me and the wife stayed in and watched 'Shaving Ryans Privates' last night.

Found out that she knows more about biology than I do!

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I don't buy the argument that WWII is not relevant to Thailand - it's just another demonstration of ignorance.

Why Americans got so insensed over the matter escapes me. No need to overreact when you hear the word "stupid" - it does not always refer to you.


Perhaps calling poor farmers "dumb" because they have never heard of Elvis or because they have never been taught about world history is politcally incorrect but what else are they if not "great unwashed"? No education, no interests outside of eating, sleeping, drinking, gambling, and mating - you wouldn't call them enlightened either.

They do their own very useful jobs and we wouldn't survive without them but, com'n, don't give them credit in areas outside of their expertise. You can stretch "affirmative action" only so far.

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Sad that this thread has gotten so terribly off topic.

George W. is not the brightest bulb and certainly not the most eloquent.

American's generally know their history reasonably well--it's their geography that really sucks. (Reasonably meaning about as well as other developed nations).

Now, for the question of Thais, history and Thai education. I have had the priviledge of teaching both Thai history (In English) and general history here. With regard to both subjects, they are poorly taught and the level of interest/knowledge is extremely low.

I had trouble teaching Thai history because to be honest I had to call it a mythology class. It is not a history of Thailand it is a history of Kings of Thailand and since you can't say anything bad about any of them, it's a little hard to "discuss" things.

World History is generally not put in any context that students can understand. It helps to let them know who was King when certain events like WWI & II happened. Even then it's difficult to pique their interest.

To make history interesting you have to be analytical and critical and look at things from different perspectives. Thai history doesn't allow for this and thus they tend to be very weak.

Also, a lot of schools do not teach anything about important world events. Only the impact of it on Thailand--provided it's not controversial.

To give you an example of the level of interest, one of the questions on an exam was "What was the holocaust?" One student wrote: "It's a TV show on UBC."

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Perhaps calling poor farmers "dumb" because they have never heard of Elvis or because they have never been taught about world history is politcally incorrect but what else are they if not "great unwashed"? No education, no interests outside of eating, sleeping, drinking, gambling, and mating - you wouldn't call them enlightened either.

That's a bit of a circular argument isn't it? Calling someone 'dumb' because they aren't interested in something that they don't know exists?


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I'm not calling them dumb per se - it's too constaining for someone without any interest in life outside their own sphere. It's just not the word to describe the condition.

Without some sort of initial interest you will never learn anything new. I had no idea of what the "muggles" were until I read Harry Potter books. They dont' interest me much now anyway, but do you see the point?

There are all sorts of wonderful things out there you don't know anything about but if you are curious enough the whole world is there for you to discover. And it's not about the cost of UBC or school curriculum - where there is the will there is the way.

It can even be argued that the curriculum is so "dumb" because people don't need/want any better anyway.

It's just that hunger for knowledge isn't exactly the most prominent trait of Thai psyche, PC or not PC.

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I'm not calling them dumb per se - it's too constaining for someone without any interest in life outside their own sphere. It's just not the word to describe the condition.

Without some sort of initial interest you will never learn anything new. I had no idea of what the "muggles" were until I read Harry Potter books. They dont' interest me much now anyway, but do you see the point?

Yes, and I agree with you to an extent but if you're born out in the boonies where the only source of knowledge is to do with your own local area you're on a hiding to nothing. It's a bit of a Catch 22 situation. I suspect there are a lot of 'dumb' young Thais out there who would grab the opportunity not to be dumb with both hands given some consistent encouragement.

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If you believe in karma than you can easily blame the situation on previous lives, but still it brings us to the original problem - if you are not interested in something you won't get a chance to learn about it. Not now, not in million lives.

Also I wouldn't paint the picture in good-bad colors. Let's say if my bed is empty tonight then I'm not looking for an inquisitive mind to fill it in. It's a primitive example but there's a lot more to life than mind bending exercises. I think I, and many others, aren't here in Thailand for intellectually stimulating life experience. People, generally, are looking for something they lack in their lives - be it warmth, care, smiles, easy-going life, love, sex, drugs, ... err... whatever.

Coming to this part of Asia in pursuit of inttellectual challenges outside of Buddhism is somewhat absurd.

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Without some sort of initial interest you will never learn anything new. I had no idea of what the "muggles" were until I read Harry Potter books. They dont' interest me much now anyway, but do you see the point?

Who's Harry Potter :o

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What should I reply? "Never mind, just get on with your life." Or "I'll give you a nice book - it's really interesting"?

All too often:

- A book?!? I don't read books.

- Never mind, just get on with your sugar and chillies. Don't put too much...

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Plus said...

Coming to this part of Asia in pursuit of inttellectual challenges outside of Buddhism is somewhat absurd.

So ....... what topics do you talk about to your TGF or wife? :D

My beautiful (26) ex couldn't get her head out of picture books (love comics) :o

(the one who'd never heard of The Beatles) :D

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We talk about things we have in common, and if the fate of Saruman is not in our common sphere than I don't insist on discussing it.

In good old days men didn't have to share whatever they talked about themselves with their wives. That was before feminisation when women demanded a part of everything.

Thai women still leave me enough space to be comfortable.

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If you believe in karma than you can easily blame the situation on previous lives, but still it brings us to the original problem - if you are not interested in something you won't get a chance to learn about it. Not now, not in million lives.

Also I wouldn't paint the picture in good-bad colors. Let's say if my bed is empty tonight then I'm not looking for an inquisitive mind to fill it in. It's a primitive example but there's a lot more to life than mind bending exercises. I think I, and many others, aren't here in Thailand for intellectually stimulating life experience. People, generally, are looking for something they lack in their lives - be it warmth, care, smiles, easy-going life, love, sex, drugs, ... err... whatever.

Coming to this part of Asia in pursuit of inttellectual challenges outside of Buddhism  is somewhat absurd.

My wife was very naïve when I met her to anything out side of Thailand and would see a program on television about other countries and ask me if it was true what she was seeing.

I played on it for a while and would tell her all sorts of incredible lies about Australian animals (Drop bears) and she would believe anything I told her but not any more thanks to UBC.

I think my wife is very intelligent ( as she chose me :o ) as there has been many changes since we met She is a wife/mother and a secretary in one with every thing planed and organize paid and filed and at the age of 22 she understands more and handles her self more maturely than her older aunties. And I think with a real education she could have done well. I think the next Thai generation will be a lot more aware of things from around the globe with UBC and internet and better schooling

Thais dumb most defiantly not but many are naïve but a lot still have a thirst for learning even out in the sticks where I live if you can show them something new most are eager to listen and learn and vice versa

Edited by Rigger
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Reminds me of Dr. Thaksin and his American-obtained PhD.... a fine example for all when considering the worthiness of an American education...


My Thai is better than his English and I didn't attend a Thai university to obtain a PhD with Thai as the language of instruction...

As he's shameless about being proven wrong or being shown to the world to possess below average ability, except when it comes to talking in circles, much of the same characteristics as you...

most likely he isn't...

but that's ok...

Happy New Year to you both... :D

Happy New Year to all from Prime Minister Thaksin, President George W. Bush and myself! :D

you forgot to include Boon Mee in your list....


happy new year to the whole lot of you...

may 2006 be your year of redemption

to make up for 2005... :D

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If you believe in karma than you can easily blame the situation on previous lives, but still it brings us to the original problem - if you are not interested in something you won't get a chance to learn about it. Not now, not in million lives.

Also I wouldn't paint the picture in good-bad colors. Let's say if my bed is empty tonight then I'm not looking for an inquisitive mind to fill it in. It's a primitive example but there's a lot more to life than mind bending exercises. I think I, and many others, aren't here in Thailand for intellectually stimulating life experience. People, generally, are looking for something they lack in their lives - be it warmth, care, smiles, easy-going life, love, sex, drugs, ... err... whatever.

Coming to this part of Asia in pursuit of inttellectual challenges outside of Buddhism  is somewhat absurd.

You have never tried to learn Thai history have you? And what pray tell, were the "intellectual challenges" you engaged in back in the west? :o

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Hey I'm going to stand up for the old country here!!

from the TES:

"Britain was home to 18 of Europe's top 50 universities, and six of the top ten, but not a single institution from Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece made the list. The United States had 62 of the top 200 universities, followed by Britain with 30, Germany 17 and Australia 14."

See that last sentence?

These University rankings were based on such things as reserach papers produced, number of Nobel Prizewinners size of classes. These things are somewhat buyable ( and Harvard has a HUGE trust ) and maybe not great indicators....however it seems to me that size for size and wealth for wealth the US is soundly trounced here by Britain Germany and Australia.

I also have to say that in all the reading of fairly learned stuff I do American stuff has a huge number of examples of lousy English and lousy spelling.

However even England is not perfect....

a senior school class of pupils expected to get A and B grades, ie top notch, was recently gathered and taught and prepared for exams FROM THE 1950s. They did appallingly and had very few passes. A sign of dumbing down or are they learning different stuff. Well this was all pretty basic stuff like French, Physics, whatever so I suspect the former.

I would hate to have gone to Harvard personally...what a load of results driven swats. I didn't go to Cambridge because it would have meant waiting for another year, so I went to Reading. I lived in a beautiful old ivy covered quad. In the main hall where we ate we were looked down upon by past masters. I was welcomed there over sherry by the master of the hall. We were served at table, candelabras on special days, and could order wine up from the cellars and pay at the end of term (an esssential bit of civilization). I very soon got stoned and played bridge most of the time and don't remember much else.


ps: some of my best friends are American and I used to go there a lot. But I have made a decision I think.....I'm never going again......if you get rid of the influence of all these bloody bible bashers maybe things'll change for the better.

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The United States had 62 of the top 200 universities, followed by Britain with 30, Germany 17 and Australia 14."

Thank you for the statistics, but forget all the convoluted opinions.

The US has more than twice as many of the top Universities as England and waaay more than anyone else. Also, 17 out of 20 of the world's top Universities are located in USA. These are facts.

There are clever and stupid people everywhere and, judging from the quality of the posts on this thread, a large number of the stupid ones seem to spend a lot of time on the internet bashing their betters, hoping to feel better about their own educational shortcomings.

The time would be much better spent in a remedial classroom. :o

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