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Steve, do you have any concerns about the smoke in CM?

hi mate

i have been informed that its only 6-8 weeks of the year ,which happen to coinside with public school holidays

i havent seen this smoke so im not sure

i do know that the climate suits me a lot and the need for 15 aircons on at once wont be an issue as it now is .

the one thing that i marked as a con was the quality of the hospital service ,looks rather 2nd rate and your a 8 hour drive or a 1.1 hr flight

from a serious hospital

does it outwiegh the pros mabye so ,but i have a 5 month daughter so i really need to research this a bit more

mabye some member on here might be able to add a voice to that ?

if you are planning a trip up thier this year ,i can let you know about what i looked at ,why ,and what my opinions of the sites where

\just pm me

right now its nine o clock ,im planning on smashing a bottle of the black stuff with some buddys

you too have a great night

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my God ,i have money in the bank ,who doesnt buy a house with out help from a bank

many thais buy without borrowing from a bank as do i imagine, the vast majority of farang. which is why i have asked if you talked with a bank. financing is usually given for new prokects more easily than 2nd hand homes. i have heard farang have a hard time borrowing here.


my God ,i have money in the bank ,who doesnt buy a house with out help from a bank

many thais buy without borrowing from a bank as do i imagine, the vast majority of farang. which is why i have asked if you talked with a bank. financing is usually given for new prokects more easily than 2nd hand homes. i have heard farang have a hard time borrowing here.

thats a terrible assumpition

how many of your friends have 7 million baht to spank on a place

screw that how many of your friends have 1 miillion bajt to spank on a room \

very few id imagine

your theory of thai buying houses with out finance is based on what ?

if you have enough cash and frequent transacoitions and a solid account ie what goes in and comes out every month ia approx your living expence any bank in the world will afford you credit.............thats how banks make money

well done on your well tought out reply


To anyone that can afford to buy a house for 7 million in cash on here.

Fancy lending me a couple of million?


This guy is deluded.........

The answer to your question about how many people have 1 million baht to splash out on your new space is best answered this way...........as a middle aged guy, with a family and looking for a new home, why don't you have at least that available? You would be amazed at the amount of members here that could pay that 7 million off in cash at your age too. Maybe you should up your game.

My reading of it is that you are kidding yourself on, it takes a special kind of self delusion to take on a property that you cannot own, and a commitment to repay it over 40 years. Your nonsense about not losing a bean is exactly that, you are risking the primary asset of your life, your home. You are risking every penny of your deposit, every penny of home improvement, every penny of the mortgage payments, you are risking everything on an asset you cannot own.

Go have a look in the mirror and repeat all that to yourself, if it doesn't sink in then you are beyond help.

I'd like to see the look on your face when your approaching 60 and the lady kicks you out on your ear. Naturally you will be that bumptious that you will be thinking it will never happen to you.

Maybe in years to come you will look back at this thread and blush at the drivel you have posted here.

Ok buddy thanks for that

Please inform me where I said I didn't have money

It was a retort to once more a poor comment about people purchasing homes in Thailand ,Thais

and reference to his friends not my self

I don't think calling me deluded is cool tough ,buying a house or condo as many members could do with their own cash that might be

Thanks for your comments All the same


Most of the banks here ask for a 50% deposit when a foreigner is involved.

Good to hear you aren't worried by a loss of 3.5M.

But if you really are earning the sort of money you claim in Thailand, why not apply for citizenship and buy in your own name.

For people earning 120k a month and over, it's not hard.


Hi there,

We settled on the outskirts of Bangkok. Plenty good schools around here.

We chose subdevision type, because of all the aminities with it, public park, security etc.

No problem with water....

Retrospectivly, next home will be self built, as we discovered too many building faults in our 10.000.000 baht Sansiri home.

My advise is check really careful for all details if you end up buying a ready built house.

PS we do have plenty animals; Dogs,Fish,Birds.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


+1 on everything TommoPhysicist wrote.

You are making blanket statements based on your perceptions and experiences from home, without taking into account things work very differently in Thailand. Feel free to ignore advice from experienced people here, but know we haven't got any reason to try to crush your dreams other than helping others avoid our past mistakes. The level of arrogance and confidence you're expressing shows you to be an ideal target for the usual crash and burn we've seen hundreds of times with few exceptions. Yes there are exceptions to everything, but the stereotypes are very much based on reality.

Banks are *much* more stringent lending to farang compared to Thais, they don't do such long terms and they know the actual resale value will be a tiny fraction of your purchase price and your ex-wife may impulsively kick you out before having a new sponsor in place. Many many Thais pay for homes and cars etc with cash.

You can *rent* a *very* nice place for well under 20K per month, especially in CM. Generally the ratio between rent values and purchasing dictates what makes financial sense, and that's without factoring in the risks involved. You shouldn't buy until you've lived in Thailand for several years and are sure you're happy with the location and the lifestyle here.

Don't worry so much about house security, just make sure you always have people living there, even if only your maid and gardener, who of course you have to trust. The worry is just burglary, just don't keep major treasure there, computer/TV etc NBD.

Health care is fine and very affordable, just get "disaster" health insurance - very high maximum, high deductible to make it affordable - that includes evacuation costs for anything major to Bangkok or even home.

Only a dozen (some would say half that) of the true "international schools" have a truly good standard of education, and they cost the world. If that's important to you locate near the school you choose, I don't know if any of the boarding schools are good or not.

Finally, and I know this is the hardest to accept - don't consider her your "family" until you've had kids together and/or she's proven to be trustworthy - actually considers you her "family" - for several years. And even then don't leave yourself open to too much damage, sometimes they don't reveal their true colors for a long long time, or even if they started out OK things change over time. Be safe.

Thanks johnney

A well written response

I take advice very well from people who can see both sides of a coin

I first came to Thailand In 1997 staying months at a time ,after that I decided I wanted to live her

I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

We have had failed business here too ,and we as a couple have been stung many times by both Thais and westerners

I may not know as much about Thailand as some members ,but I didn't wake up on khoasan road today

I never tought a bank would lend a foreigner money they will lend my gf it tough ,I could buy a house outright ,it would drain my savings and not allow me the luxury of the life That I enjoy

Not everybody on this forum is in the same boat ,some are trolls some are liars ,some are even obsessed with their post count on here ,a lot live a Walter Mitty style ,I do none of the above ,neither do I sponsor my gf or ever have

My real name is as I post here and that's my photo too ,


I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

So why aren't you a Thai citizen yet?

And in a position to buy your own home?


I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

So why aren't you a Thai citizen yet?

And in a position to buy your own home?

Are you a Thai citizen ,?

I wasn't aware I could be ,that's why I use this site find stuff like this out


Steve, chiangmai is great if you aren't tied to BKK for work. Just a few random points in no particular order:

* we are not in a moobaan but have not been robbed. I think being known in the local community (in a positive light) is important in that regard ... neighbours watching out for us when we are away, etc. Maybe dressing like a derro and driving an old car helps too thumbsup.gif

* being in a moobaan does not make you immune from burglary, even a new one

* even in a moobaan the guards are not forever, and may fade away or disappear after a few years

* someone said that you might be charged by police if you beat up or offed a burglar on your property ... unlikely I would say. The attitude here seems to be your place is your place and you can defend yourself in it pretty much as you see fit. There is also a widespread belief (reality?) that many burglars are affected by drugs and, if cannot be avoided, then otherwise unreasonable force becomes reasonable

* the issue with guns is they need to be readily accessible to be of any use ... readily accessible in a house with kids = unacceptable danger ... better to go with a suitable piece of crafted timber

  • Like 1

I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

So why aren't you a Thai citizen yet?

And in a position to buy your own home?

Are you a Thai citizen ,?

I wasn't aware I could be ,that's why I use this site find stuff like this out

If you have 120k a month in taxable Thai income and a Thai wife or Thai children you can apply immediately using the 'human rights' path.


I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

So why aren't you a Thai citizen yet?

And in a position to buy your own home?

Ok thanks I'll do some research in to this


Are you a Thai citizen ,?

I wasn't aware I could be ,that's why I use this site find stuff like this out

If you have 120k a month in taxable Thai income and a Thai wife or Thai children you can apply immediately using the 'human rights' path.


Hi there,

We settled on the outskirts of Bangkok. Plenty good schools around here.

We chose subdevision type, because of all the aminities with it, public park, security etc.

No problem with water....

Retrospectivly, next home will be self built, as we discovered too many building faults in our 10.000.000 baht Sansiri home.

My advise is check really careful for all details if you end up buying a ready built house.

PS we do have plenty animals; Dogs,Fish,Birds.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Thanks Stefan

That's a shame to hear I looked at some sansiri places and to my eye the quality was better than some of the other places ,that to my mind why their prices are a bit higher

I have been going into some older places looking at how the front of the houses hold up over the years ,sad to see on some properties paint peeling ,gates hanging off and the like

But also some that look like they were built yesterday

I notice in the place I rent right now ,the quality of the pool and park have gone down ,the security has recently changed ,used to be a glorious welcome with the clicking of heels ,to now a grunt from a guy who shouldn't be guarding anything

Best of luck in your next home


I have a income from a Thai business ,which as a company we pay tax on ,my gf draws a taxable salary from that ,but my salery comes from over seas

So it might not be a option for me either


Please don't read my observations as negative but I would say you were an offshore manual laborer who is engaged in a dangerous occupation and spends about 90 days a year in Thailand. I don't think you read, write, speak or eat Thai.

Living in a place only 90 days out of 365 it is difficult to get an impression of the country or the people in the country, let alone the people you live with but as this is your reality you accept it as normal.

If it was me? I would not worry about buying a house I would worry about my future in a place I hardly understand and concentrate on building up my business so I could stay in Thailand full time.

Speaking Thai would also be a priority in my life as one is really hopelessly lost trying to understand Thailand or Thai people or a Thai wife and not being able to communicate in Thai.

I see you having a Thai family for 8 years and spending most nights offshore in a bar drinking with mates instead of trying to learn the language. Or maybe not drinking, maybe just playing games because drinking is prohibited in some off shore jobs. How many nights a year are you alone? 200? Why don't you speak Thai? Don't give me the language problem thing. Anyone can learn to read and write. Especially if you are making the big bucks you seem to be making.

I know you didn't ask for the information but take a look in the mirror. You have a Thai wife and children and don't even know how to talk to them! Throw some cold water on your head and get your priorities in order.



Correct on most things

But I spend 179 days a year here so exactly half a year

I do speak some Thai but not a lot reading I can't and why eating would be important I have no idea

Yes your correct been able to speak it would be better for most things ,but maybe I'm lucky and my gf English is perfect

True I could have spent the last 8 years mastering a language ,but I didn't I spent it doing other thing that now have me in a position

Butthankyou for assuming I cant communicate with my family

The rest of your post is very valid



Thanks johnney

A well written response

I take advice very well from people who can see both sides of a coin

I first came to Thailand In 1997 staying months at a time ,after that I decided I wanted to live her

I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

We have had failed business here too ,and we as a couple have been stung many times by both Thais and westerners

I may not know as much about Thailand as some members ,but I didn't wake up on khoasan road today

I never tought a bank would lend a foreigner money they will lend my gf it tough ,I could buy a house outright ,it would drain my savings and not allow me the luxury of the life That I enjoy

Not everybody on this forum is in the same boat ,some are trolls some are liars ,some are even obsessed with their post count on here ,a lot live a Walter Mitty style ,I do none of the above ,neither do I sponsor my gf or ever have

My real name is as I post here and that's my photo too ,

OK as the picture becomes clearer we may be able to be more specific.

If you are as young and earn as much per month as it seems, then my perception is that you're not being as smart about your financial future as you could/should be. I bet you live for today, work hard, party hard and don't actually have that much in the bank. Maybe your GF really loves you, but you won't really know unless you test her. Did you tell her your income?

Tell her you've lost your job and you have to look for another one. Come back and let her know you found one, but had to take a severe pay cut, and can only afford to live on say THB 25,000 a month for now, of which you can only give her B3K per week when you're out of town. If you also take the opportunity to stop drinking that will help convince her a dramatic change is in the air.

Assuming she's young and attractive, if she sticks around for six months of that kind of "abuse" then she's a keeper, either due to genuinely loving your and seeing you as true family unit, or because she's smart and has faith in you, both good reasons.

Take the opportunity to start banking far more of your income into savings than you have been. Work with a professional financial planner that works for you at an hourly rate and doesn't take any commissions from selling any "investment products". Set a plan for yourself with a relatively early retirement date, say twenty years from now, and assume you'll live to a hundred with a need for above-average medical expenses over the last twenty.

If you're able to save even more than the above requires, then put that toward a house in Thailand, and don't count that in "assets" but pure expense, along with other property that depreciates but doesn't generate income.

I still recommend renting over purchasing myself, but if you're following the above at least you're being relatively sensible about it financially.


To anyone that can afford to buy a house for 7 million in cash on here.

Fancy lending me a couple of million?

the land for my house which i bought in 2005 paying cash was 8.7 million Baht. the house which i paid for in cash was a multiple of the land price. that's why i don't qualify lending you a couple of millions.

profoundly sorry! sad.png


Thanks johnney

A well written response

I take advice very well from people who can see both sides of a coin

I first came to Thailand In 1997 staying months at a time ,after that I decided I wanted to live her

I have been living here about 8 years now ,I have 2 buisness here and am about to venture into a third

Been with my girl a long time ,we have children ,we own cars outright ,I have property in Australia ,

We have had failed business here too ,and we as a couple have been stung many times by both Thais and westerners

I may not know as much about Thailand as some members ,but I didn't wake up on khoasan road today

I never tought a bank would lend a foreigner money they will lend my gf it tough ,I could buy a house outright ,it would drain my savings and not allow me the luxury of the life That I enjoy

Not everybody on this forum is in the same boat ,some are trolls some are liars ,some are even obsessed with their post count on here ,a lot live a Walter Mitty style ,I do none of the above ,neither do I sponsor my gf or ever have

My real name is as I post here and that's my photo too ,

OK as the picture becomes clearer we may be able to be more specific.

If you are as young and earn as much per month as it seems, then my perception is that you're not being as smart about your financial future as you could/should be. I bet you live for today, work hard, party hard and don't actually have that much in the bank. Maybe your GF really loves you, but you won't really know unless you test her. Did you tell her your income?

Tell her you've lost your job and you have to look for another one. Come back and let her know you found one, but had to take a severe pay cut, and can only afford to live on say THB 25,000 a month for now, of which you can only give her B3K per week when you're out of town. If you also take the opportunity to stop drinking that will help convince her a dramatic change is in the air.

Assuming she's young and attractive, if she sticks around for six months of that kind of "abuse" then she's a keeper, either due to genuinely loving your and seeing you as true family unit, or because she's smart and has faith in you, both good reasons.

Take the opportunity to start banking far more of your income into savings than you have been. Work with a professional financial planner that works for you at an hourly rate and doesn't take any commissions from selling any "investment products". Set a plan for yourself with a relatively early retirement date, say twenty years from now, and assume you'll live to a hundred with a need for above-average medical expenses over the last twenty.

If you're able to save even more than the above requires, then put that toward a house in Thailand, and don't count that in "assets" but pure expense, along with other property that depreciates but doesn't generate income.

I still recommend renting over purchasing myself, but if you're following the above at least you're being relatively sensible about it financially.

most women would run if you told them theyre going to living on 3000 thb per month for the unforseeable future (esp a young hot one !)

what are her friends and family going to say when she tels them that ?(YOU CAN DO BETTER GIRL <DUMP HIM AND FIND ANOTHER )

i think its a bad move ,3000 is nothing thesedays ,esp as they are living in bkk

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