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Thailand Elite Members....

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Good morning,

I've searched the forums and news outlets regarding the fate of the Thailand Elite program. My question is, do you think the program will either be:

a. Cancelled

b. Restructured

Either way, I'm sure a lot of the benefits will be cancelled no matter which way it goes.

I ask because I am considering a gamble as it seems they are still allowing membership. I am interested in the visa benefits of the program and, if I were to purchase a membership or purchase a transfer of membership, am hoping that in the case of cancellation or restructuring I would at least maintain this benefit.

Ideally I would receive a TPC and my spouse/baby would just apply for multiple entry visa as dependents. (But worse case she could apply for an education visa.)

Do you think this would be too big of a gamble based on information you are currently receiving from the TEP?

I appreciate any input, however, would ask that comments such as "Why would you want to be elite" or "Thailand Elite is stupid" be kept to yourself. I understand there are other ways to get visas but I really do not want to do border runs, go to school, work in Thailand and am already married.

Thanks again.

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I'd sure not bet on the "Elite" program, just too many Big Shots with their fingers in the pie and would reckon their motivation for continuing the program is to make more big bahts out of it.

There were a couple articles in the local press recently about this, see below.



Tourism Authority against Canceling Thailand Elite Card

UPDATE : 26 April 2012


The Tourism Authority of Thailand plans to oppose the Tourism and Sports Ministry's decision to cancel the Thailand Elite Card program.

Tourism Authority of Thailand, or TAT, Governor Surapol Swetsrani said the TAT board is opposed to Deputy Prime Minister and Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa's decision to shut down the Thailand Privilege Card Company, which manages the Thailand Elite Card.

The TAT reasoned that foreign investors from Australia and Indonesia, who are card members, have invested over 20 billion baht in mega business projects in Thailand such as five star hotels, furniture, and machinery so continuing the card would facilitate their stay in the Kingdom.

The governor voiced concern that if the minister cancels the card, the TAT will need to compensate over 2.4 billion baht to card members. Furthermore, card members may file lawsuits against state agencies, while investors will lose their confidence to invest in Thailand.


And one in "that other" newspaper

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Thanks Mac.

I read that article as well and it seems they are opposed to canceling TE. Which is why I'm wondering if I should jump on it now since they seem to have been canceling TE since around 2009(?).

My thinking is that even if they do cancel it they may:

a. Provide some reimbursement (HIGHLY doubting this, but maybe)

b. Provide former members with a long term visa (30/20/10/5yr?)

c. Keep going but drop most of the benefits except long term visas

d. Screw members even harder than they're letting on and just cancel the entire thing with nothing promised in the future

Notice I used a lot of "may"'s in there. I know this would be a gamble but just weighing my options.

Appreciate the feedback.


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I believe that it will be restructured. Specifically, current members will keep their benefits, and no new memberships will be sold. On the other hand, the vast majority of the unanticipated costs were due to golfing and, perhaps, Thai Elite will eliminate that benefit.

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Thanks Mac.

I read that article as well and it seems they are opposed to canceling TE. Which is why I'm wondering if I should jump on it now since they seem to have been canceling TE since around 2009(?).

My thinking is that even if they do cancel it they may:

a. Provide some reimbursement (HIGHLY doubting this, but maybe)

b. Provide former members with a long term visa (30/20/10/5yr?)

c. Keep going but drop most of the benefits except long term visas

d. Screw members even harder than they're letting on and just cancel the entire thing with nothing promised in the future

Notice I used a lot of "may"'s in there. I know this would be a gamble but just weighing my options.

Appreciate the feedback.


Personally I think:

(a) dont hold your breath

(B) dont hold your breath

( c) dont hold your breath

(d) is the most plausible....thanks very much for your money and have a nice life

Edited by Soutpeel
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Do your maths. To keep the card alive costs about 9M/month (down from 20M). That's 108M/year, compared to a oneoff payment of 2,4 Bn. Add inflation to that and the fact the some of the members will die over the next 20-25 years, so no doubt the government will profit from keeping the card alive. To the OP if your spouse is your wife (legally married) she will qualify for your priviliges. That was at least the case, last time I checked. I am a cardholder and since day one, I have heard tales about the TPC shutting down, going on the 9th year now. I suggest you give TPC a call and then make up your mind!

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a. Cancelled?

b. Restructured?

Or neither,most probably dead and buried,without the the Funeral.Don't expect much of a payout at the will reading,if anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well for those a little squeemish, you know the ones always negative against anything the elite card well did anyone read the article yesterday in the business section of the bangkok post?

makes for very interesting reading for the future of the elite card

now i undertsand that bangkok post articles cannot be posted so i wont post it, but i think people should start to understand that it could be the start of a new dawn for visas for foreigners as lets just say, having a visa because someone is 50 years or over in my eyes is a little twisted when people from all ages groups can offer just as much to a country

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TPC looks to spur Elite Card signups

Thailand Privilege Card Co (TPC), operator of the Thailand Elite Card, is upbeat about the prospect of attracting 4,000 new members under a four-year plan to generate 3.5 billion baht.

The target is based on acquiring 1,000 members a year from 2013-16.

Reaching the goal would make TPC self-contained and clear its accumulated loss of 1.27 billion baht since inception, said Suraphon Svetasreni, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) and TPC's board chairman.

TPC is working on a business restructuring to be proposed to Tourism and Sports Minister Chumpol Silpa-archa for approval. The company plans to ask for 80 million baht from the ministry to fund operations this year.

Continued: http://www.bangkokpo...te-card-signups

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Quite some time ago I contacted the Elite card office and asked exactly what type of visa they offered, and whether it permitted business/investment activities, or simply tourist activities. The advice I received then was as follows:

With the special visa, the member has the right to stay in Thailand without the usual need to leave the country. The visa is multiple entries and valid for 5 years. After 5 years, the visa can be renewed upon request. But every 90 days, the member needs to extend the stay at immigration office (THB 1,900 charged by immigration). This type of visa does not support any type of business or investment activities. But it does not prohibit such activities.

Have any actual members been given a statement as to what their rights/obligations currently are under the special visa, and would they mind posting it online (or sending it to me via PM if they are shy). Thanks

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the article is about new members pseudo , maybe they didnt print in the article that the loons at the non-demo party stopped any new members for a few years so this is just an idea proposed to the minister, i dont see any conspiracy thoeries in this article

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Ok, since my last post I have made contact with Thailand Elite. I asked them:

"On this page http://www.thailandelite.com/support.php you provide some information about the five year visa that is provided to cardholders. It also later mentions members receiving help to "enhancebusiness opportunity and investment privileges". I would like to get further more detailed information about both of these two matters if possible.

1. You mention the payment of 1,900 baht for the visa - I assume this is just once every five years (?)

2. Is it necessary to still obtain re-entry permits? what other rights or obligations to members with this visa have?

3. What activities are allowed or disallowed for people holder this visa? for example does it permit business or investment activities?

4. Can members apply for a work permit if they hold this visa?

Finally, there has been much in the newspapers about the possible termination of the card program OR or the future form it might take. Can you please advise me ofthe current most likely scenario - and in particular how this might affect the two issues I mentioned above (i.e. 5 year visa and help with investment/business)"

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And I was subsequently advised:

"Thank you very much to you for your kind interest and patronage in our program. Unfortunately, our sales activities including new member recruitment are put on hold ... please kindly allow us to give you more clarification about your questions as below;

  • Thailand Elite member can stay in Thailand for 5 years without leaving country. However, they have to extend their visa in every 90 days and pay 1,900 baht for visa extension fee at the Immigration Bureau.
  • You don’t have to obtain re-entry permit. Therefore. If you have Thailand Elite Visa, you can stay in Thailand as long as you need and the re-entry permit is not necessary.
  • There is no prohibition for Thailand Elite member. So, if you are Thailand Elite member, you can make a business and investment in Thailand.
  • Thailand Elite member can apply for a work permit.

For our company’s situation, we are waiting for the final decision by Cabinet. Under the circumstance, we for the time being keep you on file. As soon as sale activities including member acquisition resume, we’ll be in touch with you subsequently. "

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II do find tthe antepaenultimate question and its answer kind of misleading: the visa DOES NOT PERMIT the member do do business. It is just not conflicting with holding this visa and conducting business

Regarding the question number 4: a member is allowed to apply for any kind of visa. This will not lead to the termination of their membership. The difference is that the member will enter on the visa applied, therefore abide by the laws linked to it, and not on the elite visa although privileges will be maintained. Kind of a tricky situation maybe...

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<snip> Kind of a tricky situation maybe...

Kind of a tricky situation definitely. I'm (sort of) amazed that with a program running this long, that someone in the Thailand Elite organisation has not sat down with someone from the Immigration Bureau and written out a very clear statement about what exactly this "special visa" is (or isn't) and how it relates to the framework of regulations that exist around it.

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Anyone have a guestimate as to how long this will take. Article I found says May 29th, the TPC will present details for the Ministry. Any guesses on how long to make a decision, and if approved, how much longer until the program is accepting memberships again? 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years?

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