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On Khao San Road Brutality


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Knocking a blokes teeth out for bringing a drink into your bar and gettting a bit lippy is way out of line.

So he had his teeth knocked out now, wow this hate-story keeps on growing eh. rolleyes.gif

I guess the Thais will quite litterally jump on the chance of getting a few digs into a farang these days

What utter, bigoted, racist nonsense.

In a word, bullshite.

Yes, you describe Ruddy's sentence much better than me.

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You've made that retarded " lucky he wasn't in the west eh?" Comment About 3 times now.

With security industry regulations and criminal background checks abundant in most of Europe and America this type of thuggery is seldom seen by security staff anymore, in fact alot of these guys see themselves as ardent professionals and take their jobs seriously. The american doorman won't even lay a hand on you for fear of getting sued. Have you been to a western club in the past 20 years? Stop being such an arse licking apologist and grow a set. Knocking a blokes teeth out for bringing a drink into your bar and gettting a bit lippy is way out of line.

The worst thing the apologists refuse to understand is: The Guy walked away,and was 50 yards down the road, before the cowards attacked him,no justification whatsoever,for this Gang of Thugs Attack./ Pack Animals.

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The Guy walked away,and was 50 yards down the road, before the cowards attacked him,no justification whatsoever,for this Gang of Thugs Attack./ Pack Animals.

Awfull, simply awful... Westernisms coming to Thailand. sad.png

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The Guy walked away,and was 50 yards down the road, before the cowards attacked him,no justification whatsoever,for this Gang of Thugs Attack./ Pack Animals.

Awfull, simply awful... Westernisms coming to Thailand. sad.png

If you wasn't so eager to atagonise, you would have gotten away with it for a few more days.

Window lickers make poor trolls.

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^ Poor cop out. sad.png

Common behaviour in many Western lower-end tourist party areas, go to one of the Spanish islands and do similar, you're gonna cop a lot more than little slap.

Unfortunately such Westernisms are spreading. :(

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The Guy walked away,and was 50 yards down the road, before the cowards attacked him,no justification whatsoever,for this Gang of Thugs Attack./ Pack Animals.

Awfull, simply awful... Westernisms coming to Thailand. sad.png

Thailand has plenty to contribute to the world in the line of brutality. In September 2009, I bring 2 relatives to the LOS and what is the first thing they see on the news: The head of a man found in the Chao Praya River bridge.

A kid driving a late model Porshe (no driver license) cuts in half (literally) a teenage girl crossing the road in the North and nothing happened to him. I can cite records from the time of Suriothai, Pibunsongkram to the present, of butchery among members of the same family, theft, bludgeoning, mayhem and assassination on live TV such as that of Seh Dang. Add to that the nurses and other people inside the wat who were assassinated while in the sanctity of the Wat. Totally inexcusable from any point of view. As you can see, Thailand has plenty of its own brand of unruly, reckless thoughtless behavior to copy any "Westernisms".

You live in a state of denial of the obvious and have a OCD to defend the indefensible.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.


Bouncers giving people a kicking doesn't happen at all in the West eh. rolleyes.gif

Certainly not for taking a beer from another bar into their premises, taking it into their toilet without ordering anything from that premises and then getting lippy with the security. It's simply because the bouncers were Thai because Western bouncers never act as such, eh. thumbsup.gif

Bouncers in the Cross would probably have killled him.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.


Bouncers giving people a kicking doesn't happen at all in the West eh. rolleyes.gif

Certainly not for taking a beer from another bar into their premises, taking it into their toilet without ordering anything from that premises and then getting lippy with the security. It's simply because the bouncers were Thai because Western bouncers never act as such, eh. thumbsup.gif

Were the people who attacked this guy bouncers? I thought they were bar staff.

If a bunch of bar staff attacked me in the 'WEST' I'm pretty sure people around watching might intervene. If not, I could always go to the police and press charges. I could actually hold the bar staff accountable for their actions. They might think twice about beating someone up again whether they're rude or not.

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

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Regular occurance on Khao San Road to be fair so I'm not in the least bit surprised.

In all honesty though... The ratio of retarded drunken farangs on Khao San Road that are kicking off left, right and centre due to, too much intoxication is ALOT higher than the Thai's kicking off with someone.

I'm not implying that this wasn't brutal or necessary however it is very common. Usually when I see fights kicking off in that area I'm actually leaning more towards the Thai's rather than the farangs as it's usually the farangs who are kicking off and being stupid.

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Such an attack on an innocent person by bar personnel is pretty rare here. Are you sure you witnessed the entire event? Did you hear all that was said in its entirety? If so, and I'd believe you if you said you did, then its a disgrace and every one of us should boycott that establishment and spread the word on this because hitting them in the pocket is all they understand. Definitely no justice from the police!

Didn't take until post #3 for the apologists to show up.

I've seen then same thing happen more than once and it has happened to me once also. First instincts is the beat the crap out of them until better judgement prevails as you know 10 others will join the "kick the farang" squad.


Bouncers giving people a kicking doesn't happen at all in the West eh. rolleyes.gif

Certainly not for taking a beer from another bar into their premises, taking it into their toilet without ordering anything from that premises and then getting lippy with the security. It's simply because the bouncers were Thai because Western bouncers never act as such, eh. thumbsup.gif

Bouncers in the Cross would probably have killled him.

Would you expect anything more from a country founded by and populated with convicted criminals and their offspring?

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Regular occurance on Khao San Road to be fair so I'm not in the least bit surprised.

In all honesty though... The ratio of retarded drunken farangs on Khao San Road that are kicking off left, right and centre due to, too much intoxication is ALOT higher than the Thai's kicking off with someone.

I'm not implying that this wasn't brutal or necessary however it is very common. Usually when I see fights kicking off in that area I'm actually leaning more towards the Thai's rather than the farangs as it's usually the farangs who are kicking off and being stupid.

That depends of course on what is happening, in this case (if it was as described) it was totally uncalled for. If some drunk farang is bothering people and starting a fight i have no sympathy for that.

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Regular occurance on Khao San Road to be fair so I'm not in the least bit surprised.

In all honesty though... The ratio of retarded drunken farangs on Khao San Road that are kicking off left, right and centre due to, too much intoxication is ALOT higher than the Thai's kicking off with someone.

I'm not implying that this wasn't brutal or necessary however it is very common. Usually when I see fights kicking off in that area I'm actually leaning more towards the Thai's rather than the farangs as it's usually the farangs who are kicking off and being stupid.

That depends of course on what is happening, in this case (if it was as described) it was totally uncalled for. If some drunk farang is bothering people and starting a fight i have no sympathy for that.

Of course, I completely agree. There are good and bad people on both sides. (Thais and farangs) However it is pretty rare for a Thai person to start on a farang for no reason whatever. Please note, I said rare, not impossible. Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity or maybe there was more to it than what seemed from an outsiders point of view? No one will ever really know to be fair.

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Some of the comments actually seem to be condoning the beating this guy took. There are times when I think some of the posters grew up in a violent environment which basically said if you feel slighted or are in a crummy mood, lay a beating on someone. There are plenty of ghetto areas in The States where you would fit in quite nicely. Lots of fights because someone looked at someone the wrong way or stepped on a shoe, plenty of shootings and people claiming that they did not see anything if and when the police show up.

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This type of thing has been going on for years. Here is a story that was on thaivisa some years ago.

At XXXXXXXXX House - Soi Rambuttri, Kao San Road area

First and foremost, please understand that this was one isolated incident on one of the most amazing trips I've ever been on. Thailand blew away all expectations I had of it and the Thai people, overall, were some of the friendliest people I've met.

Unfortunately, on the night of July 14th, I witnessed one of the worst beatings of a human I have ever seen, all at the hands of the wait and bar staff of the Sawasdee House on Soi Rambuttri in BKK. I was having drinks with a friend that I was traveling with and a few other backpackers that we met in the bar earlier that evening when a small argument started on the other side of the room. The next thing I know, there are 6-8 local bar staff beating up one backpacker while other bar staff were holding his friends away. They took turns beating him with pipes, fists, and feet, even after he had been knocked unconscious and was lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Worst of all, the staff were laughing with each other as, one by one, they took turns kicking him in the face while unprotected on the floor. After about ten minutes of this beating, his friends were allowed to pick him up and take him out of there.

I understand that normal rules don't often apply in foreign countries and that you must always be on high alert for these problems. I assumed that the farang had attempted to steal a bottle/money from the bar or something of that nature for this to occur. However, after the incident I asked my waiter (as he wiped blood from his shirt and shoes) why this incident happened. He stared at me with glaring eyes, said that their was a discrepency in his bill, and the farang didn't believe he should pay the extra part of his bill. He then continued to tell me that if I did not pay my bill right then that the same thing was going to happen to me. Needless to say, I immediately paid my bill and left the restaurant to avoid any further conflict. An incident like this is inexcusable for the circumstances and the threatening manner that was taken after the incident further justifies this posting.

As mentioned above, I know incidents like these are very rare in Thailand. This is even more reason to boycott an establishment like the Sawasdee House because there are so many other hard-working establishments in the area. Please, do not give your money to this establishment. THEY DO NOT DESERVE YOUR MONEY.

I hope that Travelfish and Lonely Planet will take these actions into account and post this for a time to come.

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Some of the replies on here beggar belief.

If the geezer had gone into the bar, <deleted> on the floor, grabbed a waitress' tits, then maybe he'd have warranted a slap.

He didn't.

The attackers are vermin of the lowest order.

As an asides, I can't see why people are equating this with being a KSRd/Tourist area problem.

Near my estate there are several Thai pubs which see similar (if not worse) on an almost nightly basis.

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Khao San lost it's "charm" long time ago. Now it's full of drunk=stupid farangs who think they are "cool" because they wear dirty clothes are obnoxious, nd full of weird/ rich thais who think they own the world, and as thsi is their country they are the lasters. And anybody who have been long enough in thailand knows that Thais are not just smily people. They love to kick farang asses,and they are brutal in every case. Seen Thais jumping on my friends head while was down unconscious.

Ive been in thailand for 16 years, and i dont recall khoasan ever having charm. Soi Ngam Dupli was even worse back then with junkies staggering around and the Malaysia Hotel swim team mincing about.

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Your nickname should be sTROLLing!

I am the first one to be on the Thai side because many times is just the farang being stupid and rude so I feel no sympathy at all. In this case, and for what the OP said, it is quite clear that those Thais were overdoing probably because they felt feed up with stupid westerners, and this is inexcusable. You must always remember where you are and what you can or cannot do, but this doesn't apply here, man. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, so stop trolling around!

Anyway, I don't understand the tourists going to Khaosan. I was there only once some years ago and I didn't like it at all. Maybe I am just weird, I don't like the places with many tourists/westerners, scammers, drunkards, etc I came to Thailand to live amongst Thais and enjoy their culture. This is the same reason why I don't understand all those bars full of expats: I didn't come here to meet other farangs, I leave my country because I didn't like the "western culture" there :-P Sorry for the off-topic

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Your nickname should be sTROLLing!

I am the first one to be on the Thai side because many times is just the farang being stupid and rude so I feel no sympathy at all. In this case, and for what the OP said, it is quite clear that those Thais were overdoing probably because they felt feed up with stupid westerners, and this is inexcusable. You must always remember where you

are and what you can or cannot do, but this doesn't apply here, man. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, so stop trolling around!

Anyway, I don't understand the tourists going to Khaosan. I was there only once some years ago and I didn't like it at all. Maybe I am just weird, I don't like the uplaces with many tourists/westerners, scammers, drunkards, etc I came to Thailand to live amongst Thais and enjoy their culture. This is the same reason why I don't understand all those bars full of expats: I didn't come here to meet other farangs, I leave my country because I didn't like the "western culture" there :-P Sorry for the off-topic

LMAO; maybe you are weird? ... no there is no doubt.

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