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Fearsome Snake In The Garden

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There I was, clearing-out some old flowerpots when I saw this fearsome beast crawling through the soil. It was obviously not a worm so I gently caught it and took a few photos. Being a lifelong fan of snakes, I knew at first glance what it was but had never seen one before so this was clearly my lucky day!! My wife insisted it was a ไส้เดือน - sai deuuan, an earthworm - but I got a magnifying glass and showed her it wasn't because we could see scales and a tiny eye. She was fascinated!!

For those who don't know, it's a Blind Snake although I can't say for sure which species. This one is pretty-much full grown. They feed on ants among other things.

Please be aware of them when repotting plants. Apparently they're not unusual in flowerpots but are easily overlooked.


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more than likely the Common Blind or Flowerpot Snake (Ramphotyphlops braminus)

a fascinating creature, it's one of a very few species that is Parthenogenic - can reproduce non sexually without fertilization. All offspring are female and genetically identical (clones), males are unknown in this species.

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more than likely the Common Blind or Flowerpot Snake (Ramphotyphlops braminus)

a fascinating creature, it's one of a very few species that is Parthenogenic - can reproduce non sexually without fertilization. All offspring are female and genetically identical (clones), males are unknown in this species.

Be buggered, really?? Must be Thai......(sorry, the devil made me do it!)giggle.gif

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