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What's The Best Way To Deal With Pissheads?


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"I'd never been shouted at by any stranger like that before in my life.."

This makes the OP sound like a defenseless little girl

"waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before..."

This is GBH and makes OP sound like a hooligan

I am confused, would you care to enlighten us ?

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Bloody cheek anyway! Calling my wife beautiful. :D


I'm very much with Prof Fart on this one, but not before a little bit of a diplomatic exercise.

Complaining to the manager/staff? Furgettit! As good as the service staff may be in many restaurants around Thailand, when it comes to a confrontational situation, they'd rather run a clear mile before dealing with it.

With a bit of eye contact and a clear voice, explain that you're trying to enjoy your meal and would rather be left in peace. No need to lash out on drinks when the bugger obviously doesn't deserve it. If this doesn't produce the desired outcome, it's either deal with it in stronger terms, or leave.

Generally just a case of standing your ground, not showing fear and expressing your dissatisfaction without lowering yourself to their level.

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If you are in a company and appear to be the senior than you should deal with the problem like a man. Like it or not. What's this "I'll buy him another beer" nonsense? Tell the guy to leave you and your friends alone, if you think that manhandling him is the only option inform the management first so that they back you up.

If you are a woman (as OP appears to be) - complain to the management and/or leave. If any of the guys in your company look the other way, leave immediately. What is the world coming to?

If you are being harassed by a Thai drunk it's a whole different matter altogether.

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""waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before..."

This is GBH and makes OP sound like a hooligan

I am confused, would you care to enlighten us ?

I tend to agree with you there. All sympathy for this lass has disappeared right out of the window. In fact in light of what she says, she sounds like a good talking too wouldn't go amiss. What a thing to say. So by abuse him, presumably this girl took a knife to his private parts. Sounds to me like she needs a good thumping. :o

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Oi, Kayo, no need. I'm a good un....!

Just put your arm round his shoulder and take control of the situation. Make him laugh, act like your best mates, then make a quiet retreat to your table.

Always be in control.


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I agree with the professor, it's no use pussyfooting around these louts. The moment a drunk person so much as looks in your direction you should launch a pre-emptive attack, a firm elbow flush in the face followed by a swift kick to the throat.

It's the only way to deal with these hooligans.

Easy to kill someone like that(crushed esophagus). Don't do it with any witnesses around!

Spotting these problem drunks is key. They are usually simple and easy to avoid. Unless you enjoy spending time in jails or hospitals I'd avoid any physical contact with a braindead dipshite like that.

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Notherners wanna start a fight at the drop of a hat it seems.

er, that's too much of a generalization. i live in the south and it's the northerners who are peaceful and diplomatic. the southern guys will turn sour at the drop of a hat. i am sure it depends on the person.

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""waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before..."

This is GBH and makes OP sound like a hooligan

I am confused, would you care to enlighten us ?

I tend to agree with you there. All sympathy for this lass has disappeared right out of the window. In fact in light of what she says, she sounds like a good talking too wouldn't go amiss. What a thing to say. So by abuse him, presumably this girl took a knife to his private parts. Sounds to me like she needs a good thumping. :o

Glad you agree Lampy, but nowhere has the OP admitted to being female.

I would like to know why, in the OP opinion, shouting is not acceptable but GBH is acceptable.

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Notherners wanna start a fight at the drop of a hat it seems.

er, that's too much of a generalization. i live in the south and it's the northerners who are peaceful and diplomatic. the southern guys will turn sour at the drop of a hat. i am sure it depends on the person.

I think the post was referring to English northerners girlx :o

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At my lunch with my friend in a restaurant, the sun was out.

everyone was enjoying their meals, chatting and so were we...

We really loved that quiet meal and the sunny day until...

these 2 blokes walked in and sat next to our table...

We noticed that they were pissed off their faces and

we didnt want anything to do with them... not at all...

One of them started looking at me n then started saying

"heyup mush, u alright?"...

at the first place, I didnt hear him clearly

so I went "Pardon?"

and he went "I said how are you..." angrily...

but still I replied, "I'm good, thank you... You alright?" politely...

A few seconds after that, he turned to me and said the same thing again...

I wasnt sure about what he said since he just asked me that question

plus Im not a native speaker and his accent was quite hard to understand...(guessed he was from northern england)...

(welll no offense but i find their accents are quite hard to catch n

they speak too fast...)

So I went "Pardon..."

and he snapped "I asked you how you are, bitch...

I dont wanna talk to you if you dont wanna talk to me so ###### u!!!"

OMG... I'd never been shouted at by any stranger like that before in my life...

His friend could just sign that he had too much to drink...

At that time, I thought I just had to ignore this sort of w---ka...

:D  But I never want to be shouted at by any pisshead again...

What could be the best way to get them back if Im too unlucky

to meet thie kind of w---ka again...

Ladies and gentlemen... any good suggestion...???


I love the idea of y'all together... Offer him a drink, n bet he cant do "low cow" or dog pee a litre... I'll give it a go...

I've actually dealt with a pisshead at home by ignoring him n waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before...

unfortunately, i cant do that to any stranger, not in any restaurant...

so i guess yours are the best suggestion then...


The OP is either a troll, a slag with a bad mouth and attitude or... a billyboy? :D:o

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"I'd never been shouted at by any stranger like that before in my life.."

This makes the OP sound like a defenseless little girl

"waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before..."

This is GBH and makes OP sound like a hooligan

I am confused, would you care to enlighten us ?

Im a defenseless big girl with strangers but not with my bf... heehee...

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Been in that same position myself once, this huge russian guy started trowing food and plates around in the resturant. He diddn't do me nothing so i diddn't bother, but i feel sorry for the waitresses who had to put up with and clean up after him. Makes you wish you'd gone to the gym-studio a bit more.

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""waited til he slept then started to abuse him then pretended to know nothing when he woke up in the morning asking how he bled the night before..."

This is GBH and makes OP sound like a hooligan

I am confused, would you care to enlighten us ?

I tend to agree with you there. All sympathy for this lass has disappeared right out of the window. In fact in light of what she says, she sounds like a good talking too wouldn't go amiss. What a thing to say. So by abuse him, presumably this girl took a knife to his private parts. Sounds to me like she needs a good thumping. :o

I mentioned about a man at home, in a line before that, which is my bf... and I could only do that to him... dont dare to do or even think of doing it to anyone else...

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ok..sound like a joke but im serious

there are some tricks that i can deal with pisshead (base on true story)..yes i did it

1 i make funny face as monkey while i talk with him

2 i try to speak like...(how to say in eng) o o oo ..h ha hai ..ma ma my name is bam bam bambi ...(always annoy guys)

3 i talk with him really sweet afther that i ask him"can i go to the loo?" the i start to walk as i have a prob with my legs

4 when i talk with pisshead guy .. my lips are un-bilateral ...speak never clear

all i did ..freak guys out ..if u dare , not embarrassed ..worth to try ..funny and work indeed :o

Edited by BambinA
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In my experienced opinion the only 2 ways to deal with drunkards is to

1) Leave the place immediately ( if you are vastly outnumbered , or a female/weakling )

2) Confront the idiot and get the first dig in.

No amount of smart talk will work with these inconsiderate idiots , it will only lead to a drawn out situation with the same end result = your night/day ruined.


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ok..sound like a  joke  but im serious

there are some  tricks that i can deal with pisshead (base on true story)..yes i did it

1 i make  funny face as  monkey while  i talk with him

2 i try to speak like...(how to say in eng) o o oo ..h ha hai ..ma ma my name is bam bam  bambi ...(always annoy guys)

3 i  talk with him  really sweet afther that i ask him"can i go to the loo?"  the  i start to walk as i have a  prob with my legs

4 when i talk with pisshead guy .. my lips are un-bilateral ...speak never  clear

all i did ..freak guys out ..if  u  dare ,  not embarrassed ..worth to try ..funny and  work indeed :o

Actually, I think all of those can be excellent strategies, if you can keep yourself from looking nervous, laughing or showing aggression/fear.

Derren Brown, the minor celebrity who makes a living off mind tricks and cold reading, says the best way to deal with somebody who is confrontational is to reply to a totally different question (but you must be able to keep a straight face) - he describes an incident like this:

"Most people can be wrongfooted if you behave in a way that's unexpected. Once I was walking along a street when a man said threateningly: 'What are you looking at?' I answered a completely different question, saying: 'The wall outside my house is not 4ft high.' He looked dumbfounded and repeated his question. I again gave a completely irrelevant answer, saying: 'I used to live in Spain.' He was so perplexed by my failure to respond in the way he'd anticipated that he gave up and ran off."


Bambina's tactics are somewhat similar - you behave in a totally unexpected way which will offset the balance and thwart the intentions of the drunk - and make the other party choose to ignore you.

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