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Extended Stay Options

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I know that with an entry stamp to the Kingdom, one has thirty days to stay. I want to stay beyond thirty days, but do not have much time available due to work. If I only want to stay maybe a week longer than the thirty days permitted, I know that I can get a tourist visa or get an extension from immigration for seven days.

THAT SAID: What is the likelihood of the immigration authorities denying a seven day extension? What are the reasons they may deny someone this extension? Has anyone on this forum ever been denied this extension? If so, why were you denied? If not, please share your experience.

I'm looking forward to well-informed input on this subject.

Thanks for your time.

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You get a "Visa exemption" for 30 days arriving by Air, 15 days by land. You can get a 7 day extension to this but a ticket out is usually required and I have never seen any reports of anyone being denied that extension when they have the ticket out.

If you wanted to stay say up to 6 weeks as an example you could get the 30 day on arrival and do one border run.

The main problem you may have is that the Airline can refuse to board you if you do not have a ticket for onward travel within 30 days and dont have a valid visa. (for International travel,not usual within the region)

Edited by CharlieH
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I should have mentioned in my previous post that I have a border run as an option, too, as I am aware of the possibility of spending more time in LOS by visiting a neighboring country.

Any other members have information related to the seven day extension and the 30 day visa exemption?

Thanks for the quick replies, gents.

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Actually there is no 7 day extension of stay. If you apply and it is accepted for processing, it is rejected and you are allowed seven days to exit the country so your passport will show you were rejected for extension of stay. Current policy appears to be to allow this in most cases but some proof of exit may be requested before application is even accepted.

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