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Single Entry/multiple Entry Visa

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Thanks alot to everyone on this board who has supplied invaluable information.

I applied for and received my retirement visa in the USA. For those interested I was referred to a guy named Bob in the Thai Embassy ,Washington D.C. and had no problem securing my retirement visa prior to my move to Thailand. I made a mistake unknowingly by applying for a single entry visa. I will return to the the US for a short holiday and am not sure what to do as I have used my 1 entry into Thailand. I am concerned how I will get back into Thailand after my trip to the US without risking the loss of my visa and having to start the process over. I guess my question is ,can I apply somewhere for another single entry to Thailand and how long is the wait to get it as I will try and plan ahead.

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You can apply for a re-entry permit at any immigration office.

30 mins should see it done.

Cost 1000 baht for single entry

You will need 2 color photos, passport, copy of passport (main page and recent entry stamp) and completed application form.

Edited by Thetyim
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If ive read you right youve got a single entry Non Immigrant O visa not an O-A is that correct?...........(in other words you got a 90 day stamp in your passport when you landed not a years stamp).

If thats the case and you have not extended the initial 90 day stay while in Thailand then you may as well apply for either another single entry Non Imm O while in the US if you intend to apply for a 1 year extension of stay based upon retirement when you return to Thailand or a Multiple entry Non Imm O if you simply want to border run every 90 days and defer any application for extension of stay for the time being.

Thetyim maybe ive read it wrong but a re-entry permit may not be worth his while if he is well into his 90 day stay already................if he did obtain a re-entry permit that would only allow him to stay up to the date of his present 90 day stay stamp then he would have to nip down to Penang for another visa.

If however he has extended and has a 1 yr stay stamp in his passport then yes the re-entry permit is the way to go.

OP you can apply to the same Thai Consulate in the US for another visa no problems.

Really just depends if he has a 90 day stamp and how far into it he is.

Edited by thaiflyer1
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Key word here is RETIREMENT.

If you have a full 1 year entry stamp in your passport, go and get a re-entry permit. That will protect your permission to stay and get you back into Thailand.

If you have only got a 90 day entry stamp, go to immigration within 30 days before the expiry date and get the ball rolling on a 1 year retirement extension, then protect that extension with a re-entry permit.

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Just read some of the OP's previous posts it sounds like he was heading out here in Nov on a 90 day stamp and hasnt extended yet.

If the above is the case i/m still of the opinion that it would be easier to get a new single or multi Non Imm O while back home and either extend or border run when he comes back.

Guess it just depends when he got here in Nov...............when he's going home and for how long and if he wanted to extend now, if he has funds in place to do so.

Personally i/d forget the re-entry permit and obtain a new visa............but thats just my opinion.

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Just  read  some  of  the  OP's  previous  posts  it  sounds  like  he  was  heading  out  here  in  Nov  on  a  90  day  stamp  and  hasnt  extended  yet.

If  the  above  is  the  case  i/m  still  of  the  opinion  that  it  would  be  easier  to  get  a  new  single  or  multi  Non  Imm  O  while  back  home  and  either  extend  or  border  run  when  he  comes  back.

Guess it  just  depends  when  he  got  here in  Nov...............when  he's  going  home  and  for  how  long  and  if  he  wanted  to  extend  now,  if  he  has  funds  in  place  to  do  so.

Personally  i/d  forget  the  re-entry  permit  and  obtain  a  new  visa............but  thats  just    my  opinion.

Thanks for the info.What I have to clarify things is a non-immigrant O-A Visa. It was stamped at the BKK airport 1 November 2006. I paid 50 dollars US for the single entry. I believe I have a 1 yr. retirement visa and I have to report my address to immigration every 90 days and don't have to do visa runs. I was planning on going back to the USA for a 3 week holiday sometime in july, so i guess buying a single entry at the immigration office here in jomtien will work. Please correct me if I am wrong.


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You are right. A single re entry permit (TM.8) is what you will need at a cost of 1,000 baht and a couple of photos/passport copies. When you return from your trip you will put the information from that re-entry permit in the visa area of the arrival card. You should than receive a new permitted to stay stamp with the same 1 November 2006 time.

And yes, you will have to do your 90 day reports until you leave and start again 90 days after you return.

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If there's any chance you'll be doing multiple departures from Thailand this year, I'd spend an additional 2800 baht and get the multiple reentry stamp. Plus, you never know when you'll get that emergency "come home" call -- but when you do, it will be on a long weekend when Immigration is closed.

Oh, re your OA from Thai Embassy. Did they require notarization of the medical and police records? If so, how do they define "notarization?"

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