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I haven't been to see a dentist for 8 years, because of my fear of pain and also because my economy hasn't allowed it!

I thought there were nicer things to do with my hard spent money! rolleyes.gif

Anyway, over the years my tooth fillings have fallen out and tooth are breaking off, to the extent that I can't any longer postpone a visit to the dentist!

I pass by the German Dental Clinic, Thappraya Rd.(Silvermetallic front building) on bathbus going to Chomthien many times a week and I have also read only positive comments about his place, so I finally decided to give it a try today.

Stepped in and the cute receptionist took my name.

Was then lead up the stairs and entered the office of the German owner Mr. Michael Schlatter that welcomed me and wondered what I needed.

I told him I hadn't been to the dentist for many years and wanted a check up and price evaluation,

then a girl took me to the X-Ray room where they made a scan of my teeth, took just 2 minutes.

Then I was asked to go back to the office again, and Mr. Schlatter looked at my X-ray and did sound somewhat shocked of what he saw, after a couple of minutes he told me I needed 10 caps!!!

I had thought maybe 6 crowns or the worse scenario 8, so I was quite shocked as well!

He then continued to quote different price options, these are the total all inclusive prices:

a, 10 X Ceramic crowns with Nickel Chrom base at 67.000, baht.

b, 10 X Ceramic crowns with 51% Gold Palladium base at 111.000, baht.


c, 10 X Zirconia non metallic crowns at 156.000, baht.

I had counted on a max budget for my dental work at 100.000, baht, so option c, is already out.

Only difference I can see with options a, and b, are the material and the prices.

I'm probably opting for the cheaper alternative (a), as I will save 44000 baht that can be used for much more enjoyable things!

Only hesitation about this is that I have heard that some people develop allergic reactions to Nickel, this makes me a bit worried!?

I have one gold crown already that haven't been giving me any problems.

Good thing with this Clinic is that they have their own Lab for making crowns, so the whole procedure shouldn't take more than 3 days according to Mr. Schlatter, while it make take weeks in other places.

They also have 5 years guarantee on their work, it's also a wellknown and long established clinic.

What makes me somewhat hesitant and confused is that although the exam was free, I had expected a full inmouth inspection by a dentist and not just a few minutes look at an x-ray plate, to determine the damage!?

What I've heard is that Mr. Schlatter himself is more of a lab technician, and have a stable of Thai female dentists working for him doing the actual job.

I hope if I choose to use them the real dentists will do a proper asessment what is needed to be done and not just follows his recommendations.

I got a feeling that he was just out to sell as many caps as possible!

Hopefully I'm just being paranoid and totally wrong though!unsure.png

I would love to hear what other people, who has used this clinic, has to say and how their experiences has been using them!



Normally a full mouth x-ray the starting point if any damage is found as much more can be seen from that than from visual exam in chair, from my non professional understanding. But spending a few hundred baht for a second opinion at another clinic would not be unreasonable and compare the price and how you feel with them. In my view the prices does not appear excessive. And you might want to ask about the relative advantage of gold (believe they might fit better as soft so may help prevent leakage around the crown better and extend its life?).

I would love to hear what other people, who has used this clinic, has to say and how their experiences has been using them!

my personal view based on experience. the chap has more dental knowledge in his left pinky finger than half a dozen domestic bread-and-butter dentists. it was his diagnosis six years ago, shot from the hip and based on an x-ray, that i needed as soon as possible a complicated quadruple jawbone/gum surgery or else! for a week he tried to find a surgeon in Thailand and a bunch of my friends did the same in my home country Germany. no Thai surgeon was willing to carry out the surgery and in Germany there were two who demanded that i sign (i now exaggerate a bit) a dozen letters of indemnity should something go wrong such as permanent paralysis of face muscles because some major nerves could be damaged during the procedure.

with the help of my bankers i got admission in a Singapore hospital where the surgery was carried out without complications but with success. interesting to mention is that the surgery lasted one full hour (5½ hours) longer than my open heart surgery two years later.

any more questions?

edited for addendum: six months after the surgery in 2007 a complete remodelling "Rolls/Bentley style" of my "dining room" was carried out in his clinic. i paid the equivalent of 9,000 EURos for a job that would have cost me in Germany approximately 40,000 EURos.


If he is just a lab technician why don't you go to other clinics for second opinions from the real doctor? The technician can estimate how much a crown costs but for sure is not qualified enough to make a diagnosis.


i was going to a dentist on jomtien beachroad

swis dentist a bit before chiapruk road

a bridge 6 tooths ready in 4 days cost 35.000bht


I've been told that the cheap nickel crowns don't fit as tightly as the precious metal crowns and will not last as long; some good dentists in Bangkok will not even offer them for this reason.

As above, before undertaking serious dental work, it's always good to get at least two opinions. Dental Design also has a lab on site and specializes in crowns and such.

Myself, I pay the extra and go for the precious metal crowns.


Haven't gotten any second opinion yet, but have been scouting the Internet for info about dental crowns, pros & cons for different materials and prices at different dental clinics in Pattaya.

I have come to think more and more about to use the top material for dental crowns at the moment being Zirconia, that is said to contain no metals and to be impossible to break, only drawback is the price!

Seems to me that the standard price at most clinics is 13000 baht a crown for Zirconia, whilst German Dental Clinic wants 15600 baht (after discount),this means I'll save 26000 baht for 10 caps!

I'm also thinking why make all at the same time, I could do the most urgent half now and rest when I come back to Pattaya in January next year, then it wouldn't hurt so much financially.

Problem is only to find another reliable and trusted dentist, preferably on South Pattaya Rd since that would be most conveinient within walking distance from my hotel.

Any suggestions?

How about this place?

Anyone been?

Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic




If he is just a lab technician why don't you go to other clinics for second opinions from the real doctor? The technician can estimate how much a crown costs but for sure is not qualified enough to make a diagnosis.

are you qualified "for sure" to make that judgment? give us a break Dude or entertain us with more shots in your own foot.


If he is just a lab technician why don't you go to other clinics for second opinions from the real doctor? The technician can estimate how much a crown costs but for sure is not qualified enough to make a diagnosis.

are you qualified "for sure" to make that judgment? give us a break Dude or entertain us with more shots in your own foot.

Could you repeat that again in English? And I'm sorry, I didn't know I spoke to an actual doctor... what did you major in... BS? How do you know I'm not qualified or for that matter how do we know you are qualified even to remark on my qualification.


My search for a trustable and cheap dentist continues!

Went to the famous "Dentist@Beach" http://www.dentistbeach.com in Central Festival a couple of days ago for another free examination and consultation, but they just said I had to book the meeting on their website!?

I thought it was just to more or less show up and go in for the exam, didn't see any queues or people waiting as well, just saw a dentist on her way out saying she's off for a lunch.

They seems to be slightly more expensive as well, with Zirconia crown going for 13500 baht.

So, I guess they are off my list for now!

Next one to visit was "Central Pattaya Dental Center" http://www.centralpattayadental.com up on Pattaya Klang Rd just after Soi Bua Khao junction.

They have also received lots of good comments on the Internet, and I believe they belong to the same group as "Dentist@Beach", but have cheaper prices, with Zirconia Crowns at 13000 baht.

Went there today and was lucky only had to wait 10 minutes for the dentist to call me in!

Was shown into a small room with a dentist chair and 3 "dentists" just standing there hiding their faces behind their mouthcovers!

No one said a word, and it felt a little bit awkward, had expected them to greet me and tell their names at least!

After having found a place to put my backpack I sat myself in the chair, and while my feet was going up the ceiling and my head down towards the floor, I started to get a bit worried about the silence, so I kindly asked the chubby little male dentist if he spoke english?

The answer was a nervous "No" !

OK, Strange place I thought!

They advertice for foreign customers in magazines and Internet, but their dentists doesn't even speak english!?

Anyway I tried to explain to the dentist that I hadn't been to the dentist for 8 years and only wanted a free exam and consultation.

One of the other dentists then tried to translate and first then I heard it was a ladyboy!

What happened next was that they covered my face with a red sheet with only a small hole for my mouth, and then the male dentist started to go through my teeth.

He used some instrument to beat on my teeth now and then and asked if it hurt!

Luckily I didn't feel a thing.

Finally he took the sheeth off my face so I could breath, was starting to get low on oxygen under there!

Gave me a handheld mirror and started try to explain tooth by tooth about my problems, and with the help of the ladyboy translating.

The diagnosis was a totally different one from the German's verdict from last week, that told me I needed 10 caps!

This dentist said I only needed 2 crowns and 3 fillings, but that I needed 2 root fillings as well!

It sounded much better and cheaper, but when I asked how long time it would take they stated it would take longer than a month!!!

They must use a specialist for the root fillings and another one for the caps!

So that means I can forget about this option as well!

I had hoped for one week up to two weeks max, to fix my teeth.

They wanted to fix my fillings and do a cleaning immediately, but to their disappointment I told them I wanted to wait I needed to think about it more.

Before I left I asked the dentist for his name he mumbled something like "Mr Ton".

When leaving the place I almost regretted that I didn't let them do my fillings and rinse after all, think it would have cost me 3800 baht or so.

This dentist gave me the impression of being unsecure and nervous, they also didn't X-Ray my teeth, but solely depended on eyesight.

I would have prefered a dentist that used X-ray as well as visual exam, to make a final verdict!

So, my experiences with the Thai Dental care is somewhat confusing now, with two so different results!

Well, tomorrow is a new day!

I have made an appointment with yet another clinic for a free exam and consultation, this time with "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic" http://www.dentalpattayabeach.com situated opposite Kasigorn Bank on South Pattaya Rd., another well acclaimed clinic with good reviews from the Internet Forums!



Today after the morning-rain stopped I walked the short distance from my hotel to "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic" opposite K-Bank on South Pattaya Rd.

I had booked my appointment at 11:30, but was already in the dentists room at 11:20, which was great because I hate waiting-rooms!

Small simple room with dentists chair, and a happy smiling female dentist without a mouthcover on greeting me!

I immediately got some nice vibes from her and this place, she told me her name was Dr Jay.

She spoke perfect english and directly gave me a feeling of confidence, seemed like a fun and joyous person and all my anxiety and nervousness disappeared!

No heavy cloth was put on my face as in the other place, and during the examination she told me very clearly what she saw and showed me in the mirror.

Before she even had diagnosed my problems, I knew this was it, I had found my dentist at last!

I have been checking my own teeth before my trip to try to get a picture of what is wrong and what could be done, I'm ofcourse no dentist, but I was very happy when her diagnosis was identical to my own!

So this is what is going to be done:

I will be having 6 new Zirconia Crowns, one rootfilling and some minor fillings.

Crowns will be done for 13000 baht each all incl.

Rootfilling will be at 6000 baht, but I will not have time to have the crown fitted this trip so

she will do a temporary filling until my next trip next year.

She counted on 2 weeks to have the job done this trip, she doesn't want to do all the crowns in the same day.

She expects the total costs to be around 85000 baht, which is within my limits of max 100000 baht.

I could have opted for the cheaper Nickel-Chrome based crowns at 7000 baht each, but I prefer the best and longest lasting quality Zirconia.

If I was a retired pensionist or older I might have gone for the cheaper standad crowns, but I expect to live at least 20-30 years more! Hopefully!

Only some minor complains about todays visit:

Aircon in the room was freezing cold!

X-ray is obviously not included in the free exam, but that is probably the same for the other cheaper clinics as well.

She didn't mention or notice that I have some minor stains at the back of my lower front-teeth, and

also didn't say anything about my upper front teeth that has chipped edges and also scratched and worn enamel.

She also didn't mention anything about cleaning of toothstone, although I brush and clean my teeth every day there should be something to clean off after not going to the dentist for 8 years!

Maybe she saved it for my first real appointment tomorrow, will also ask her about guarantee.

So tomorrow the "work" starts at 10:30 in the morning, I'm in for X-Ray, Tooth impression and small filling.


PS. I will open up another thread later since it is now not about the "German Dental Clinic" anylonger but about the "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic", and put a link to it from here as well.



Another dark,gloomy and very humid day in Pattaya.

Stayed in last night, hard to sleep and nervous for the coming visit to the dentist today!


It went better than expected!

I was the first patient of the day at 10:30, they are open 10:00-20:00.

Started with the X-Ray, Dr Jay didn't notice anything new on them than she already knew.

Made 2 jaw impressions one upper and one lower in some kind of fastdrying "clay".

Then she drilled and filled a smaller cavity on a premolar in lower jaw, changed the old filling to white composite that looked much better and more natural than the old Amalgam!

She then continued to drill out and clean the tooth that she expected to do a root canal treatment on.

I didn't feel a thing even without anesthetic, and since it looked much better after removing the caries and since I didn't feel any pain, she came to the conclusion the nerve and pulpa was still intact and alive without infection and hence I would probably not need a root filling after all!

She filled the tooth with a temporary filling and said just in case that we should wait about 2 weeks and if I haven't had any pain during that time she would fix the filling permanently and I wouldn't need any rootfilling or even a crown on that tooth after all!

She said that after a root filling the tooth is dead, and might sooner or later get loose and fall out, so better to try and keep it alive as long as possible.

Will also save me 13000 baht + 6000 baht, so I keep my fingers crossed!

I finally asked her about my chipped front teeth, but she didn't think it was too much, and also said a filling wouldn't last long, she simply polished down my teeth a little bit at the chipped edges, and although slightly shorter than before they still look OK and natural!

This visit lasted about an hour and total cost was 2000 baht!

Tomorrow is going to be a hard day though!

The Dentist will do the teeth that needs crowns on one side, 2 downstairs and 2 upstairs!

Drilling and removing of caries, then some rebuilding to support a temporary crown.

She counted on at least 2 hours work.

Then she's off for a few days Holiday, so my next visit will be 5 days later, when she will do the two last teeth for crowns on the other side.

Then maybe wait another week to get the permanent Zirconia crowns fitted.

I forgot to ask about how long I will wear the temporary crowns, will know tomorrow.

I might take a few days "holiday" as well and go to BKK 11-13 of May!

Will see how I feel after the visit tomorrow!


PS can some Mods change the title of this thread to:

"German Dental Clinic to Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic"


If you want to start a new thread you may do so with that name but we can not change the name on a standing thread without logging issues. Just start the new thread and then post here with a link to it (post #1, right click and copy url address) or we can do once you start the new thread.


If you want to start a new thread you may do so with that name but we can not change the name on a standing thread without logging issues. Just start the new thread and then post here with a link to it (post #1, right click and copy url address) or we can do once you start the new thread.

OK I will do that, but will have to repost a couple of my postings as well to keep up with the new subject of "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic"!

You can now follow my story here:



  • 6 years later...
On ‎05‎/‎08‎/‎2012 at 6:43 PM, plahgat said:

Today after the morning-rain stopped I walked the short distance from my hotel to "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic" opposite K-Bank on South Pattaya Rd.

I had booked my appointment at 11:30, but was already in the dentists room at 11:20, which was great because I hate waiting-rooms!

Small simple room with dentists chair, and a happy smiling female dentist without a mouthcover on greeting me!

I immediately got some nice vibes from her and this place, she told me her name was Dr Jay.

She spoke perfect english and directly gave me a feeling of confidence, seemed like a fun and joyous person and all my anxiety and nervousness disappeared!

No heavy cloth was put on my face as in the other place, and during the examination she told me very clearly what she saw and showed me in the mirror.

Before she even had diagnosed my problems, I knew this was it, I had found my dentist at last!

I have been checking my own teeth before my trip to try to get a picture of what is wrong and what could be done, I'm ofcourse no dentist, but I was very happy when her diagnosis was identical to my own!

So this is what is going to be done:

I will be having 6 new Zirconia Crowns, one rootfilling and some minor fillings.

Crowns will be done for 13000 baht each all incl.

Rootfilling will be at 6000 baht, but I will not have time to have the crown fitted this trip so

she will do a temporary filling until my next trip next year.

She counted on 2 weeks to have the job done this trip, she doesn't want to do all the crowns in the same day.

She expects the total costs to be around 85000 baht, which is within my limits of max 100000 baht.

I could have opted for the cheaper Nickel-Chrome based crowns at 7000 baht each, but I prefer the best and longest lasting quality Zirconia.

If I was a retired pensionist or older I might have gone for the cheaper standad crowns, but I expect to live at least 20-30 years more! Hopefully!

Only some minor complains about todays visit:

Aircon in the room was freezing cold!

X-ray is obviously not included in the free exam, but that is probably the same for the other cheaper clinics as well.

She didn't mention or notice that I have some minor stains at the back of my lower front-teeth, and

also didn't say anything about my upper front teeth that has chipped edges and also scratched and worn enamel.

She also didn't mention anything about cleaning of toothstone, although I brush and clean my teeth every day there should be something to clean off after not going to the dentist for 8 years!

Maybe she saved it for my first real appointment tomorrow, will also ask her about guarantee.

So tomorrow the "work" starts at 10:30 in the morning, I'm in for X-Ray, Tooth impression and small filling.


PS. I will open up another thread later since it is now not about the "German Dental Clinic" anylonger but about the "Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic", and put a link to it from here as well.

do you think Pattaya smile dental or German dentist Michael Schlatter does better work and which would give the best price?

Or do you think I should go see another dentist in Pattaya and if so who? thank you

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