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PLease Help.....

Hi I have been round and around the forums ,looking for help , read some realy good posts with loads of excelent advise tips etc ..

But I am getting more confused not less.........

I have just read somewhere , application must be online ?

I thought it would be quite simple to get a tourist visa for my gf !

I had filled in most of the VAF1A form while i was with her I just spent the last 4 months in Thailand with her and met her 15 months ago ,also visited her for 6 weeks inbetween .

I just had a few questions to ask about some of the details in the VAF1a .

But now i have seen this about online application .

Is the VAF1A the current form or should i be doing something online ??


Thanks Beano,!!

can I do this for her ?? as her English reading is virtualy non existant , she speaks prety well though.

what is your honest opinion on using an agent or doing it myself , from looking at the paper form i didnt realy see any hitches , but i am new to it ...


remember the reason for returning to Thailand is going to be the biggest problem area, if you have that covered then should be easy enough.


you can do the online application if you have all the details, just finish it print it and give her a copy, remember to make an online appointment for her to give it in at VFS office and also to have biometrics done.

I have done all the applications for my wife and MIL by myself and been accepted, some people are not so lucky

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Its straight forward enough and can be done yourself, take your time, go through it slowly, you can go back to it at anytime and resume if you need.

As Beano rightly says the main area is the reason to return to Thailand, that could be a job, a child, own property,etc.

Make sure you add a covering letter from you supporting her application and give proof of where you live etc. and finances.


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Thanks guys thats realy nice to here ,its not "too hard" thats what lots of my girlfriends friends keep saying .LOL...

if i could pick your brains on a couple of things that i gues will be similar to the paper version ,, I not looked at the onlie version yet . will do it tonight when i have more facts infront of me ...

1 other names ..... is that her thai name her nick name or neither !!!

2 name of daughter and dob ,,, again will Thai name do , she not traveling with my girlriend on this visit , but maybe in future ,, but she says she dont know what to put for her name on the form .. ????

3 name of company she works for , she is self employed (rubber farmer )owns her own plot the property been in her name for about 12 months , but unfortunatly it is in her married name ,but she has been divorced for 2 or 3 years (slight confusion there just realised myself , why ?? I guess she only got around to changing her name back after the paperwork for the farm ownership was complete (it was given by her father). for company she works for guess she puts self employed and her own address???

4 the paper version asked if she used an agent or reprasentative , and what language they used ... I would have put representative (ie ME) ,,,and put english for language

I am a bit nervous thinking if i put something wrong ,if screw it up and it will maybe prevent her from ever coming over here to the uk ....

but at the end of the day she only wants to come for a long holliday ,3 months and we can see if it realy is going to work out for us both , She has her own farm (not massive but its enough to keep her and her daughter quite easily even with the rubbish rubber prices at the moment .

I am self employed in the uk and have been running the same company for over 20 years Again not massive but it has paid for my house and another small flat i rent out ,again all paid for and got no debts at all ... I have money in the bank again not loads , but more than enough to cover her trip , she also has some savings of her own ...

Its not a wirlwind romance and she realy doesn't want to stayin the uk (neither do i , LOL I have been home 3 days and am wondering what on earth i am doing here !!) the uk is not the big atraction for foreigners it once was !!.

those 4 points are the only niggles i have at the moment until i try the online thing when i get home this evening.. cheers in advance !!



1. Other names are middle names same as you or me.

2. I cannot remember seeing the bit about daughter and dob, if she is not travelling then do not mention her, but maybe use the daughter as an excuse to return to Thailand.

3. If self employed she needs the documentation concerning ownership of the rubber farm, if in her previous married name then proof that she is the same person as on the deeds.This also helps as a reason to return to Thailand.

4. You are not an agent or representative no need for anything there.

Just go through it slowly and fill in all you can. Make sure she has all the documentation, also a letter from you inviting her, proof of accommodation for her whilst there, a copy of the photo page of your passport if you sponsor her, proof you have sufficient funds in you are contributing in any way, an itinerary is a good idea, I also enclose a breakdown of costs for the trip to prove that there is sufficient funds available to her (not your money but hers), I use an average rate of 12GBP per day, maybe a little low, so maybe 20GBP per day is a good starting point for food, and maybe a little bit of shopping. Then make sure the amount stated is a lot less than what she has available in her bank account.

Good luck

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also suggest you keep this topic going if you have questions and having problems with the forms, easier than opening another one up and having to repeat things from this post.

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but at the end of the day she only wants to come for a long holliday ,3 months and we can see if it realy is going to work out for us both , She has her own farm (not massive but its enough to keep her and her daughter quite easily even with the rubbish rubber prices at the moment .

Bear in mind the duration of the visit and how the ECO will look at it.....if her business supports her and her daughter and she is using this as her "reason to return", could the ECO realistically expect her to take a 3 month break from her business? Just back everything up with evidence to cover yourselves. If the daughter is not travelling who will look after her whilst your gf is in the UK? These may be things the ECO will be thinking so try to think of the application from their point of view rather than as her bf.

If the trip is to see how things are going to work out with you too then make it clear you don't want to jeopardise any future visas by overstaying or breaching the rules.

the uk is not the big atraction for foreigners it once was !!

May seem like that to us but unfortunately its not true. Plenty of foreigners still think the UK is their goldmine, hence the immigration issues and difficulty in getting visit visas these days

Good luck

  • Like 1

Once again thanks for all the great advice , I have been preparing my sponcer letter all night , Its a real mine field , just when i think i am saying something that will help my application , you look at it another way and it seems it could jeapordise it , either now or in the future , I was going to mention that her daughter has been ill and it maybe that she may have to cut her trip short to go back to her as already happened this last trip of mine over there . but then i think about the future and maybe they will take a dim view of a daughter with health isues that may drain resources from the national health thats way down the line if at all , got no plans to settle over here but i am ot sure ?? ...I know i am probably been a little over cautious . but still , its a real worie (been on it too long now cant even spell woorie wory woory woorie ) no just cant get it .....

would it help to mention she has her own car ??...

the only reason i can say she will return is the truth ,as all my story is !!!!

She loves her daughter and my GF is a major part of the family (who isn't ???), she has her farm and family to get back to , her sister is expecting and she will be expected to help out .with the new arrival . what else can i say ??


Mate ... maybe try a different tact.

Instead of asking about how to write a support letter here, why not read back through the the previous posts and find a few that are close to your story and contact them directly (PM them) and ask them about their support letter?

Once you have it completed, come back and let us know what and how you did it and we will all be the wiser.



1. Other names are middle names same as you or me.

2. I cannot remember seeing the bit about daughter and dob, if she is not travelling then do not mention her, but maybe use the daughter as an excuse to return to Thailand.

3. If self employed she needs the documentation concerning ownership of the rubber farm, if in her previous married name then proof that she is the same person as on the deeds.This also helps as a reason to return to Thailand.

4. You are not an agent or representative no need for anything there.

Just go through it slowly and fill in all you can. Make sure she has all the documentation, also a letter from you inviting her, proof of accommodation for her whilst there, a copy of the photo page of your passport if you sponsor her, proof you have sufficient funds in you are contributing in any way, an itinerary is a good idea, I also enclose a breakdown of costs for the trip to prove that there is sufficient funds available to her (not your money but hers), I use an average rate of 12GBP per day, maybe a little low, so maybe 20GBP per day is a good starting point for food, and maybe a little bit of shopping. Then make sure the amount stated is a lot less than what she has available in her bank account.

Good luck

Some clarification as to my interpretation of these points.

1. Part 1.3 "Other names (inc. any names you are known by and/or any other names that you have been known by"...; previous married name would be an example.It clears up any documents in previous names for example.

2. Part 4.45 "Do you have any dependant children"...if she has dependant children say yes, then give names and DoB. If no children travelling with her you can say no to the "Will any children be travelling with you" question. Withholding names of children could cause difficulties in the future if you wish them to migrate with you.

3. Part 5.47 "What are your current personal circumstances"...self-employed; then provide details

4. Part 8.112 "Have you used an agent or representative to complete this application"...unless she completes the form herself, the answer is yes: you can then give your address and contact details in Part 8.114

I have a previous post where I gave a list of points required in a supporting letter you might find useful.

If you don't find it you can PM me and I'll send you a copy.

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Thanks guys , been looking at lots of other posts including lots of great advice from you guys .

I have lots more questins popping up though, from other posts that sometimes contradict other ones . maybe you can put me streight.

1 Can i apply online as i am in UK now , print it out and post it to her to sign. with all of my supporting evidence .

2 details of relationship , do i need to put where we met (I mean we met in a bar ,and i worry about how that looks !).

3 I have coppies of 3 flight online booking receipts we made together flight bookings dating back more than 12 months with both our names on . I have photos of us together about 30 of them . upto now .(I have more but think thats probably enough)??

4 I have ordered an itemised phone bill for the the first and last quarter of last year should have calls to an access number for cheap thai numbers for most days usualy about 30 mins to an hour each day .

and a couple of printed e mails from various dates going back 15 months ish.

5 will be putting 6 months of original business bank staements , that have my company name and my name on . with a ballance of 4 thousand uk in .

6 I hope to put some printouts of my online personel account in (dont have original copies its a paperless acount (could order some paper versions if i had to but will have to pay for them??

7 also a printout from an online isa savings account ,

8 I am self employed How do i prove i have an income I was going to put a copy of a tennancy agreement for a property i let out and the title deeds of that property proving its mine (am I going over the top , as I already showing lots of cash bank savings etc). would i need to put some proof of company and if so what ?? My company is not vat registered at the moment but got old registration records or tax bills or something like that dating back years and years if nescecery.

I think I have enough of the first 2 points i need to cover for them ....Evidence of relationship and how her trip will be funded .

but the third point HER REASON TO RETURN .

9 I can only come up with her property details ,she is geting them translated by a friend who has done it before he says !.

and also the fact she has a daughter , and as one poster advised , that her family are also dependant on the income from her farm . But they will be running the farm in her 3 month absence . would a letter from her mother saying she is happy to be looking after her farm and daughter while she is away help ??. Also that we are seriouse about our future and dont want to jeapordise any future visas....

PS forgott to mention about the where will she be stopping Queerie , I own my house its a 2 bedroom property with one used as an office and one as a bedroom , Do i realy need to post photos of that , and how about prooving its mine would old utility bills be enough or do i need to order land registry documents?? again more to pay out and waiting for docs to arrive ??.

I know this is asking alot of you guys and i understand if the answer i get is , SEE a VISA AGENCY You TIGHT SOD!!

thats what my girl wants me to do , Again I am not that bothered about paying for it ,its just i feel I have the same chance as doing it myself , but maybe i am wrong (and I am tight !!

Yours hopefully !!)


Thanks guys , been looking at lots of other posts including lots of great advice from you guys .

I have lots more questins popping up though, from other posts that sometimes contradict other ones . maybe you can put me streight.

1 Can i apply online as i am in UK now , print it out and post it to her to sign. with all of my supporting evidence .

2 details of relationship , do i need to put where we met (I mean we met in a bar ,and i worry about how that looks !).

3 I have coppies of 3 flight online booking receipts we made together flight bookings dating back more than 12 months with both our names on . I have photos of us together about 30 of them . upto now .(I have more but think thats probably enough)??

4 I have ordered an itemised phone bill for the the first and last quarter of last year should have calls to an access number for cheap thai numbers for most days usualy about 30 mins to an hour each day .

and a couple of printed e mails from various dates going back 15 months ish.

5 will be putting 6 months of original business bank staements , that have my company name and my name on . with a ballance of 4 thousand uk in .

6 I hope to put some printouts of my online personel account in (dont have original copies its a paperless acount (could order some paper versions if i had to but will have to pay for them??

7 also a printout from an online isa savings account ,

8 I am self employed How do i prove i have an income I was going to put a copy of a tennancy agreement for a property i let out and the title deeds of that property proving its mine (am I going over the top , as I already showing lots of cash bank savings etc). would i need to put some proof of company and if so what ?? My company is not vat registered at the moment but got old registration records or tax bills or something like that dating back years and years if nescecery.

I think I have enough of the first 2 points i need to cover for them ....Evidence of relationship and how her trip will be funded .

but the third point HER REASON TO RETURN .

9 I can only come up with her property details ,she is geting them translated by a friend who has done it before he says !.

and also the fact she has a daughter , and as one poster advised , that her family are also dependant on the income from her farm . But they will be running the farm in her 3 month absence . would a letter from her mother saying she is happy to be looking after her farm and daughter while she is away help ??. Also that we are seriouse about our future and dont want to jeapordise any future visas....

PS forgott to mention about the where will she be stopping Queerie , I own my house its a 2 bedroom property with one used as an office and one as a bedroom , Do i realy need to post photos of that , and how about prooving its mine would old utility bills be enough or do i need to order land registry documents?? again more to pay out and waiting for docs to arrive ??.

I know this is asking alot of you guys and i understand if the answer i get is , SEE a VISA AGENCY You TIGHT SOD!!

thats what my girl wants me to do , Again I am not that bothered about paying for it ,its just i feel I have the same chance as doing it myself , but maybe i am wrong (and I am tight !!

Yours hopefully !!)

From our experience of one failed and two successful applications:-

Q1. Yes

Q2. You could just put Date, Town and Country

Q3. Those are ideal..I also include boarding cards. 30 photo's OK

Q4. I also included copies of the cheap call web page showing the access numbers. I highlighted each relevant number on the call list. Previously I submitted copies of all E-mails, this last time I submitted only copies of the headers.

Q5. 6 months OK

Q6. On-line statements are OK

Q7. OK, I did the same

Q8. The first time we applied I was self-employed (as well as in receipt of a pension) I included HMRC documents for the previous 3 years. You need to show where your income is derived from.

Q9. This depends on her specific personal situation. We included house and land documents, and bank books. Submit originals and copies of each, they will check them on submission at VFS and return the originals there and then. No need to get anything translated from Thai into English. Include anything else you think will be useful. Future plans very useful.

No need to use an agency. You know your situation better than anyone, they would have to ascertain your situation.

From our experience, assume that the ECO has no powers of logical deduction. eg. my then girlfriend, now wife, does not read or write English, the ECO criticised our emails as being "brief and formulaic". I had not pointed out that she used a paid intermediary to read and write the emails.

My camera at the time did not print dates on the photos. I wrote details on the back, the ECO didn't look because I didn't point it out.

Do include photo's of the accommodation you are using in the UK together with utility bills.

I include a list of documents submitted by the applicant and a list of documents submitted by the sponsor.

Use the additional information section of the application form to expand "the applicants" situation. There is limited space so we include an "additional information" letter.

But...remember this is for "applicant" information, not "sponsor". (when you are completing the form it is easy to forget it is your Thai gf's application, not yours)


Rawhod Thanks o much for all your help , You give me the confidence I was lacking, i know I have asked alot , but I am eternaly grateful to you and all the other guys that have replyd ,big thanks also to Tom who PM'd me .

  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys ,I would Just like to thank everyone for all the great advice , My lovely lady has just received a 6 month tourist visa for the UK ,, woop woop ....A verry big thank you to Beano ,Rowhod , and Tom . and All the rest of you , Thai Visa is an excellent source of on the whole great Advice ..

Now I have to way up the pros and cons of trying to get a visa to take her to meet my folks who dont live in the UK , They are in Europe .I never told the UK border agency this was a possebilety .do any of you guys have experience of this ???? ..she travels in 2 weeks would i have time to get the visa , Will I be breaking the rules of UK Visa ??


Assuming your girlfriend has the normal multi entry visa, she should not encounter a problem with the UKBA.

I assume your parents live in the Schengen Area, is that correct? in which case she should apply at the Consulate for the country where your parents live, or indeed even if your parents are not in a Schengen country.

As she has a UK visa it should be relatively straightforward, though she will have to provide proof of affordability again as well proof of travel arrangements, accommodation and insurance.

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Well done "matsky13"...

It just shows that with a lot of effort and some sound advice it is possible to get the visa.


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