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Growth Cycle Of Pla Nin

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No problems Ray,Nile Tilapia are classed as an omnivore which means they also eat grass and other plants as well as commercial feed,plankton etc.

Dont know about protein content (cows do ok on it ) but imagine it would contain beneficial minerals etc.

Like an old hippy mate used to say "nothing wrong with a bit of grass"biggrin.png

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New addition to the pond this pond is always muddy, we had a filter system left over from a water fall at hous we rented years ago, See the watter runnubg ovew the edges and not much water returning to the pond That is because the filters are glogged up in one afternoon.


Till we get the water cleared up a bit this may need to be done twice a day


Everything cleaned up and much better flow back into the pond


A submerable pump suspended under a motorcyle tube to keep it out the mud. We use this as a oxygen supply in the day time. At night we turn on the oxygen pump. This pump does 28,000 liters an hour so we can use it to transfer water as well. Lot easier the 6.5 horse power pump and the 4 inch hoses you have to drag around with it. The big onw will still be the best for empting the pond


This is what the pond looked like two weeks ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it's looking like we are about three months before we start selling We are using the 16.5% protien feed. Would it be worth the extra expense at this juncture to go higher qaulity feed?

I have about a six week supply right now, I could make the switch after that.

Still using Dom's green method and it's working fine. we feed about four kilos a day.

Someone had posted that Lom actually was 16.5% protein, lot cheaper the fish pellets. So what is the difference in the pellets and Lom?

Edited by ray23
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  • 3 weeks later...

Started an experiment. I have small pond and I will be feeding 25% protien to those fish.

In the big pond will feed the 16.5% and see if it really makes a difference in growth. I.E. is it worth the extra money.

Should know in a few months, this is the pond we will use as a grow out pond for fish sales.

Edited by ray23
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Well it's looking like we are about three months before we start selling We are using the 16.5% protien feed. Would it be worth the extra expense at this juncture to go higher qaulity feed?

I have about a six week supply right now, I could make the switch after that.

Still using Dom's green method and it's working fine. we feed about four kilos a day.

Someone had posted that Lom actually was 16.5% protein, lot cheaper the fish pellets. So what is the difference in the pellets and Lom?

Ram (lum) is only about 10% protein Ray.

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I have a 1 rai pond, approx 4 metres deep.

My question is I see a lot of the smaller nin, constantly mouthing water at the surface, is this a normal trait of the nin, are they feeding or mouthing oxygen?.

I don't see it with the larger nin.

My pond is really for recreation, as I think 4 metres is way to deep to make any money from it, although idea's would be welcome.

I do have a further 2 ponds about half a rai each and depth of a about 2 metres, I should add that non of the ponds ever dry up.

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Dom it's 15.5% protien I assume that is low protien. Runs about 300 baht for a big bag. I estimate we will use three bags a month at current feeding levels overall cost about 27K if we hit the nine month level.

We are using low voltage air pumps we have domestic water site a well. With all the pumps running cost run roughly 300 baht a month.

We had great luck with the throw nets. For the bigger pond I need to make some sort of raft, so yuo can use the net from there.

I hope to find out where we can buy the shrimp traps that seems like a very good idea. A little night fishingbiggrin.png

We simply have to mnay fish for the ponds we have so I will have to thin them out, even if I have to sale them as dried fish. We used the supplier you normally use in Nong Khai, but I think the fry actually came from Bangkok, so no idea if the were sexed or not.

Oh well someday hope to have a house out there and have a hobby that actually brings in a few baht

Why not make your own shrimp traps, it's dead easy. Get some 1.25 litre coke or fanta bottles. Cut the bottle at the top so it looks like a funnel. Reverse the top piece and tie it so it is inside the body of the bottle. drop in some fish food pellets and throw it into the pond over night -- not forgetting to tie a length of string to it first. Next morning, you'll have shrimps. My wife does this all the time so I know it works.

Some Marmite spred into the bottle cap and then placed into the trap is excellent bait smile.png

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Thanks Dom.

My understanding is Pla Nin occupy the top meter of the pond. If yuo don't over stock I see little need for oxygen if they are earthen ponds. What was that 4 meters deep. you will eventually be faced with the same problem I have. How to get the buggers out assuming you want to sale a few. The normal way of pumping out a pond would be very expensive.

If the other ponds are not as deep, Maybe stocking those would be good, you can add some pond Lillies, I believe they are called and they will help with the 0-2 level. Personally I have no experience at that. Some of the other guys do I believe.

Our fish had gotten lazy about eating 16.5% man you toss in some 25% and they get busy. Most be a different smell or something, they know the difference.

Having the mushroom farm as well, they love the trimmings from them. Toss them in and the fight is on to who can get the most. I have no idea what advantage there would be in that. Other then the fact it is free for me and they enjoy them.

So if I end up pole fishing for them and I might depending on how sales go I may just do that. Mushrooms will make great bait.

Dom how is the experiment with the shrimp going?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ray ,sorry to be tardy in my reply re the shrimp,I bought a little shrimp trap (65 baht) from the market and got around to setting it last night,result was about 100 shrimp about 1 1/2 " inches long.

They were the size of less than a pinhead when we introduced them so they have survived to date and are growing so I might start feeding them now in anticipation of shrimp on the barby come New Year.

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Ray ,sorry to be tardy in my reply re the shrimp,I bought a little shrimp trap (65 baht) from the market and got around to setting it last night,result was about 100 shrimp about 1 1/2 " inches long.

They were the size of less than a pinhead when we introduced them so they have survived to date and are growing so I might start feeding them now in anticipation of shrimp on the barby come New Year.

Sounds encouraging, what do you plan to feed them?

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  • 1 month later...

Well, Dom things are moving along nicely now. I'm thanking about building an above ground cement tank. To hold a small number of fish to have on han for daily orders. Found one Talat that I can sale nine Kilos a day.

As you said it will probably be like the Mushroom word of mouth will take care of sales.

Anyway this is waht I had in mind. Cement block tank one metter high adn one metre wide two meters long. With a covering on it so the water doesn't heat up to much, A low volatge air system and fliteration system.

I'm a bit conserned about the effects on the fish from the cement.

Any ideas?

P.S. we are starting early and selling med ium size fish for 60 baht a kilo right now. Still ahve 1900 fish, so I need to reduce the population, a muchas I can by selling a bit early.

We had a bit of Fun Sunday caught five on bamboo poles and had a BBQ. Kids doing some fishing as well. Fed seven people.

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hi monkey,

ive sent you a pm, but i was thinking you could allways grow some out in that blue netting, held a float by some plastic containers, something like 2x3 mets by 1.5 deap, somethinglike that,

im sure ozzydom will be able to tell us if that would work in your pond, well in the deap on anyway, you could allways grow them to the size for putting into your other ponds in them first,

just a thought, after all we are all her to try and help each other,,


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Well, Dom things are moving along nicely now. I'm thanking about building an above ground cement tank. To hold a small number of fish to have on han for daily orders. Found one Talat that I can sale nine Kilos a day.

As you said it will probably be like the Mushroom word of mouth will take care of sales.

Anyway this is waht I had in mind. Cement block tank one metter high adn one metre wide two meters long. With a covering on it so the water doesn't heat up to much, A low volatge air system and fliteration system.

I'm a bit conserned about the effects on the fish from the cement.

Any ideas?

P.S. we are starting early and selling med ium size fish for 60 baht a kilo right now. Still ahve 1900 fish, so I need to reduce the population, a muchas I can by selling a bit early.

We had a bit of Fun Sunday caught five on bamboo poles and had a BBQ. Kids doing some fishing as well. Fed seven people.

Sorry to be awol mate ,have been laid low with dengue.

Why not use 1 metre concrete rings, would be cheaper and less fuss.any new concrete product needs to be "aged" a bit for fish, just fill and flush regularly for a week or two usually does the trick.

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ozzy, can i ask you a question, were do you buy the small prawns from, i wouldnt mind putting some into our pond to see how they go, not for me im alergic, but my inlaws would like them,

any info jake

Prawns can be ordered from the local fisheries dept, they are not available at all times so its a matter of waiting.

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hi monkey,

ive sent you a pm, but i was thinking you could allways grow some out in that blue netting, held a float by some plastic containers, something like 2x3 mets by 1.5 deap, somethinglike that,

im sure ozzydom will be able to tell us if that would work in your pond, well in the deap on anyway, you could allways grow them to the size for putting into your other ponds in them first,

just a thought, after all we are all her to try and help each other,,


Jake, grow on nets are ok but need to be a larger mesh size in still water to allow water transfer,the nets and frames can be expensive, I would guess from monkeys posts that his fish are mixed sex so breeding and consequent overstocking is a real problem. Addition of a heap of predators would help , Barramundi are the go when available.

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Yes a few years ago I tried the blue nylon meshing, and it clogs up real quick, but I haven;t managed to find an inbetween size to hold small fish.

As regards predators I think we have too many, plenty of chon/sawaii and pla duk in there, big uns too, I fish the chon out using frog.

I stocked the pond a couple of years ago with 7000, fingerling nin, but about 70 PERCENT never made it to maturity.

I didnt use any nets for the fingerlings,

I have about 1000 small 5/6 inch sawaii in there at the minute so will fish them out around songkran time and sell them and restock with plenty of nin, it isn't really a moneymaker because of the 4 metre depth and is impossible to drain completey, tried it with the kubota diesel engines 4 of em.

The water just comes trickling in, I think it is an underground stream,never gets lower than 3 metres deep in the dry season.

So it's a fishin pond really, which we sell the fish when i catch them, quite happy with that setup, just need to restock carefully, after I have taken out more predators.


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  • 4 months later...

You will always have a small quantity of fish where the testosterone treatment has been unsuccessful and one way to offset this is to introduce Barramundi fry at the rate of 1-20 ,these will keep baby Pla Nin in check . The last time we used them I kept transferring them from pond to pond and had 5kg Barra,s in 3 years.(great sport ,great eating).

I am reliably informed that Barra in a lake/pond with mixed sex Pla Nin can attain 15Kg in 5 years.

Have you experienced barra predating koong that my be in the pond too?

And would two month old pha nin be okay with barra that are under 5kg?

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