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OP...in truth you are both young. At an age where expectations change year on year. Better you have an idea of what your plans are and how you intend to achieve them.

To my mind that is where your main focus should be. Your GF may or may not be around and you need to consider your own future.


Agree to her demands and after a while she may become more realistic. When she really falls deeply in love with you her requirements will diminish. If not then at least you get a couple of years out of it. Be prepared to be hurt and if/when that happens, move on. Best of luck anyway


She said family is very important to her in her culture. She wants to show gratitude to her parents and probably some other relatives for taking good care of her. I guess by building a house for her parents, it's her way of showing gratitude. She would want to let her parents live comfortably since they are aged. I wouldn't fault her for asking me to build a house for her parents. I would do the same thing if I were in her shoe(but of course not fulfilling 4 or 5 items within 2 years).

If I choose to use these 2 years to change her mind, I'm not forcing her to be dishonest. I want her to understand that this is OUR future, not her future only.

It's midnight here, so I will try to come back and reply tomorrow since you guys have been very helpful and have given me a lot of different perspectives on how to look at this situation.

Thank you very much.

You have no future seriously! The writing is on the wall!

The blackmail has commenced early. Next you will be buying your own kids from her!

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You also havent mentioned the sinsod eithergiggle.gif . Your Jewish Princess of Issan has learned wellcheesy.gif

You post has made my morning!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

just about to mention that and you beat me to the punch.....i am sure sinsod will be only a mere million or 2 for the princess.....I reckon OP needs to start getting himself 4 to 5 jobs.....stop posting on TV and get working.....
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<snip> But, if you were to look it in another way, her expectations are very challenging. I'm sure most guys wouldn't back down to this type of challenges, isn't it?

If nothing else, it's an original way of thinking that I've not read here before ...

Out of curiosity, are you a keen fisherman?


It seems like the overall consensus is that her expectations are over the top. I thought I was the only one who think that way. But, if you were to look it in another way, her expectations are very challenging. I'm sure most guys wouldn't back down to this type of challenges, isn't it?

Yes, I agreed that my girlfriend is being honest. Hopefully I can change her mind. I have 2 years to change her mind.

If I choose to break up with her, I am potentially risking losing a very good and rare thai wife.

As I mentioned, I am tired of going in and out of relationship. I'm sure some of you felt the same way as I do.

Don't be an idiot. It's not a challenge; it's an insult.

She would NEVER ask that shit from any Thai man who is or potentially could be in a position to provide what she's asked you for because 1) she'd be terrified of losing him and 2) he'd probably back-hand her. That she's been so brazen and upfront about it shows she has little or no respect for you. Who knows maybe she laid out her terms like that thinking there was no way on this green earth you'd be daft enough to accept.

Do yourself a favour and leave this one for the older, fatter, more desperate guys she's probably got on the backburner.

OP I would take heed of this post big time!

My wife is from Issan, worked all her life, educated herself and has never asked me for one cent. She has cracked up reading your postclap2.gif

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Well mate if you are not a troll then, she sound fantastic……….go for it you are not going to get any better in Thailand, or anywhere……….If you’re dumb enough to ask for advice on this.

Buy yourself a crash helmet; you’re going to need it as the ride will get very fast just before she throws you under the bus.

You say; “I just need more perspectives and more brains is definitely better than 1 brain.” One is fine…………….take responsibility for yourself…. Get a grip, use the one you got.

Why is anyone even dignifying this thread with a response?

Because this happens and happens all too often. If the thread was about alien abduction then I would agree with you.


she seems a reasonable lass, snap her up.

nothing wrong with somebody who has the potential to earn 200,000 thb in the next 2 years demanding 10 million over the same period.

she is truly a rare and wonderful being.

what, pray tell is her 10 year plan? world domination?


Judging by one of our Angel of death’s previous original posts he doesn’t have much luck with women.

This one:


There can only be one explanation for this girl’s attitude towards you. The girl for whatever reasons doesn’t consider you as her type of guy, and the message she is giving is that if you want her to be an item, than you’ll have to give her the world to make this relationship tolerable for her, plus the fact that this has to be permanent, or else once the gravy boat has run dry than you’re history, or in other words she does not warrent you with any respect, so she has nothing to lose by either placing impossible demands on you, which may mean you’re shy away or she gains an incredible amount of assets and cash at your expense and she’ll probably still dump you anyway.

You should have taken this as the hint that she does not consider you as her future intended.

I would just call it a day and say; next. Who knows? They say third time lucky.

Back when I was nee igh ta grasshopper, I had the unfortunate experiences of meeting lots of girls like her, too many in fact. When I was 18 years old I fell in love with a girl who I believed was sincere and genuine. I even bought her, her first car, money that I borrowed from my uncle. I eventually discovered that she was seeing some other guy and both of them were playing games with me. It was an humiliating experience. (No crying guys, please). But I was a much better person afterwards, I learned well and the boy became a Maaannnn.

Sadly there are many of these nasty women about who have all the moral compasses of a laughing hyena.

If what you say is genuine and not a load of BS, than keep your money and run, otherwise what you do next has to be at your own discretion and risk.

Trust me, I`m a doctor. Actually I`m not really a doctor, but trust me anyway.


She said family is very important to her in her culture. She wants to show gratitude to her parents and probably some other relatives for taking good care of her. I guess by building a house for her parents, it's her way of showing gratitude. She would want to let her parents live comfortably since they are aged. I wouldn't fault her for asking me to build a house for her parents. I would do the same thing if I were in her shoe(but of course not fulfilling 4 or 5 items within 2 years).

If I choose to use these 2 years to change her mind, I'm not forcing her to be dishonest. I want her to understand that this is OUR future, not her future only.

It's midnight here, so I will try to come back and reply tomorrow since you guys have been very helpful and have given me a lot of different perspectives on how to look at this situation.

Thank you very much.


You are bloody stupid. Sorry for being so harsh but you are.

If she had been raised so good, why is she poor? If she's hardworking and believing in paying back her family. Why isnt SHE building her own business and building the house herself? A lot of women do that. My massage lady has her own shop and built her mom a house. My gf helped (see: did it all) build a business for her mom out of her own money.

She can always wait 10 years and if she has been raised right, she will have moved up to 30k @ month and she will be able to afford all of this. Starting your own shop or stall costs basically nothing. Thais do not want anything that looks nice. Most shops are disgusting and the nice ones still cost nothing to furnish.

The thai women who want their thai husbands to do/pay everything are mothers with no nanny or the whores who work at coyote bars and find sugardaddy thai men. Not good hardworking girls.

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have you considered that if you buy the house as a foreigner it will be signed on your girlfriend, so the house number two, then the condo, well that can be yours, so the car, but maybe in case she wants to live in Issan then her family use it too, maybe it will be signed on her or some of her family member.

Fine. Imagine years go by and you two are not happy anymore, cultural difference, family demands etc, you break up and guess what?

Everything that you have provided so far doesn't belong to you. You leave with nothing.

And you will start the same circle again just with another gold digger. Think it over.

(Besides no Thai guy would take such a behavior, that's for sure)


This girl does not like you but wants to get everything she can out of you.

Call it a day now and walk away. Or alternatively pretend you've ran out of cash and see what happens. I think it will be enlightening for you!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com


It seems like the overall consensus is that her expectations are over the top. I thought I was the only one who think that way. But, if you were to look it in another way, her expectations are very challenging. I'm sure most guys wouldn't back down to this type of challenges, isn't it?

Could I do it tomorrow? Yes. Would I ever do it? No

Yes, I agreed that my girlfriend is being honest. Hopefully I can change her mind.

So that she becomes dishonest?

agreed that ain't love fella that's just sheer greed she wants the whole cake and then some!!! If youve been around the block in Thailand surely you would know she's taking you for a fool, I don't think I've heard many bar girls ask for that much that quick!!! Tell her get on her Honda wave and hop it because there is plenty of decent hard working Thai women out there who don't just view you as a piggy bank, but I don't know if the guys on here agree but issan women are more materialistic in "big house" "big Thai gold" etc etc, but yeh send her packing or face a life of giving her whatever she wants

Any chance that it is a negotiation and that two houses, a condo and a car is simply her "opening position"?

Perhaps she would settle for a small house and a scooter or inexpensive car upcountry. If so, that doesn't seem to me to be terribly demanding though I would certainly not keep a girl who give me an ultimatum with a timetable if she persisted with it for any length of time.

If she did persist with it I would not clearly communicate my refusal but would instead just split. Don't expect rational behavior if you refuse to comply. There has been exceptions to that where a few have behaved calmly and rationally and we have amicably parted ways but most of the time it was confrontational and even a little dangerous.

All of my thai girlfriend relationships have been in the US so I cannot honestly assert that I know how they react in their home country but I suspect that it may be no different than here. My apologies if it is inappropriate to comment from outside of Thailand.

** More information about her is that she's from Issan, she's not a bargirl and she holds a normal decent job(10k baht/month).

Her expectations:

  • I have to build 2 houses in her province, one for her parents and another for ourself. (I looked around in the Issan forum and I figured that it would cost around 3-4 million bahts for 2 houses,)
  • A decent car to travel (600K baht?)
  • Buy a condominium in Bangkok (1-2million baht)
  • She wants to own a shop selling stuff. (I don't know what kind of stuff yet, and I don't know how much it will cost, probably 5 million baht?)

Her expectation is that she wants to live a life way way above her income - and to do that she needs someone else's money - You are wrong to think shed needs your money - She needs anyone else's money to meet her dream.

When, after two years you've spent all your money but have only met part of her dream she'll ditch you for some other guy to finance the rest - and of course the shopping list will have grown by then.

Do as others have advised 'Ditch her' and GO LIVE YOUR DREAM - and when you go looking for another woman look for one who wants to share life's adventure with you - not someone who sees you as a walking wallet.

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It seems like the overall consensus is that her expectations are over the top. I thought I was the only one who think that way. But, if you were to look it in another way, her expectations are very challenging. I'm sure most guys wouldn't back down to this type of challenges, isn't it?

Yes, I agreed that my girlfriend is being honest. Hopefully I can change her mind. I have 2 years to change her mind.

If I choose to break up with her, I am potentially risking losing a very good and rare thai wife.

As I mentioned, I am tired of going in and out of relationship. I'm sure some of you felt the same way as I do.

she is testing you ...my advice...tell her its over and you will instantly get a 50% discount on what she is asking .... the houses ok over a period of time you could commit to two and yes you need a car ...as for the condo and shop pfffftttttt she is taking the piss imo....


Oh. My. GAWWD.

Get on a motorsai taxi. Tell him to drive anywhere.

no, I mean, GET out of ISSAAN. now.

oh. my. GAAWD.

YES......straight at least till you are in Nakhon Si Thammerat.....There look out for a rubber girl.....black but has money already

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