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Hire Car/Ute/Pick-Up Travelling Between Cr And Cm

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I need to go to CM with my dog, and I do not think he would enjoy the movies on the Green Bus.

Is there anyone going to CM in the next week who could take me and my dog, please? I am more than happy to pay.


I would hesitate to offer you anything.Remember your post on the 12th April: ' Lady Tourist Seeks Thai Lady With Car For Shopping In Cr.'

you were offered a suitable person and PM'd a reply that you would ' telephone later in the week '

You didn't telephone in the week, neither did you telephone any other week. It would have been good manners to at least let the lady know that you didn't require her sevices after all.


I would like to point out that I do not have a telephone. I do apologise for not getting back to you. I have also been flooded out for the last week. So I do apologise, but things have been somewhat difficult. Thank you.


Right. I've thought about this response from ImageDude.

It might perhaps have been better to PM me, rather than to shame me in public.

I have been somewhat distracted with all my possessions under water in a sea of sewerage and flooding. I am currently living in an hotel.

I do hope one day, Mr Image Dude, that you find yourself old, alone, ill and in a country where you do not speak the language and that you also find yourself at sea, so to speak. I hope you lose everything. I hope that people will then tell you that you are rude for not returning a phone call, when you are doing your level best just to survive.

It might perhaps have been better to PM me and ask me if there was any problem why I had not made the phone call. So MUCH better mannered, surely! Yes, I should have returned your call. I am sorry I did not do so in a timely manner.

Please DO NOT bother to read or respond to any of my posts again.


I suppose there are going to be people who are going to complain about my first light-hearted post about me wanting to take the dog to Chiang Mai. When my place started to flood continuously, I had to make a move. I didn't make a fuss, I didn't carry on, I just tried to get the dog to CM where there are boarding facilities, while I tried to salvage what I could here. So, again, I apologise for being light-hearted in the beginning and not making a big thing of it.


I have no desires to prolong this issue, but in response to your reply, which I might add is excuses rather than reasons:

I would like to point out that I do not have a telephone.

You’re the one that said you would phone.

I do apologise for not getting back to you. I have also been flooded out for the last week.

I am very sorry about your problems. However, during this troubled period (for the last week) you still found time to post a request for a ride to Chiang Mai, which would probably have taken about the same time as a phone call or a PM to me.

So I do apologise, but things have been somewhat difficult. Thank you.

I have already stated that I am sympathetic to your current problems and I accept your apology.

Right. I've thought about this response from ImageDude.

It might perhaps have been better to PM me, rather than to shame me in public.

I have no desires to shame you, I was merely pointing out that you have been remiss.

I have been somewhat distracted with all my possessions under water in a sea of sewerage and flooding. I am currently living in an hotel.

Again I sympathise, but you did have 3 weeks to respond to our offer before this happened.

I do hope one day, Mr Image Dude, that you find yourself old, alone, ill and in a country where you do not speak the language and that you also find yourself at sea, so to speak.

Been there, Done that, Worn the tee-shirt, and those that know me will vouch for that.

I hope you lose everything.

Not very Christian of you.

I hope that people will then tell you that you are rude for not returning a phone call, when you are doing your level best just to survive.

Again you had ample time to respond before you were flooded out.

It might perhaps have been better to PM me and ask me if there was any problem why I had not made the phone call. So MUCH better mannered, surely!

It might have been. But by the same token you could have simply posted a β€˜I’m sorry for being remiss’ message and that would have been acceptable, but you chose to attack me and wish all kinds of damnation upon me.

Yes, I should have returned your call. I am sorry I did not do so in a timely manner.

And I accept your apology.

Please DO NOT bother to read or respond to any of my posts again.

I will respond to and read whatever I want.

As far as I am concerned the matter is now closed.

Mr. ImageDude


Well, I would have taken you and the Dog if I had been going but I wasn't going and I didn't really read anything pressing/urgent in the request.

I'm sure we have suitable Dog kennels here in CR and lots of people who would have been round in a flash to help, ' IF' we had known a little bit more about the situation; I'm sure that would include Imagedude too.

So, next time your up S$%t Creek as some might say, and ' IF' its not self inflicted . PLEASE let us Know smile.png


Well, I would have taken you and the Dog if I had been going but I wasn't going and I didn't really read anything pressing/urgent in the request.

I'm sure we have suitable Dog kennels here in CR and lots of people who would have been round in a flash to help, ' IF' we had known a little bit more about the situation; I'm sure that would include Imagedude too.

So, next time your up S$%t Creek as some might say, and ' IF' its not self inflicted . PLEASE let us Know smile.png

Jubby, please do not further besmirch my already tarnished reputation. tongue.png


A perfect example of why members are reluctant to offer help. ImageDude went out of his way to help and got left waiting on the end of the phone. When he commented on this he got abused. There are thousands of telephones in CR even if you do not have one. There are even a few in boxes you put coins in. Sorry Nonja, although if we knew you were flooded and had problems many members would have helped you in some way. I doubt that many will any more.


I take it all back…our forum, at times, isn’t nearly as boring as I may have insinuated in previous posts.clap2.gif

I'd rather have boringermm.gif

I suppose there are going to be people who are going to complain about my first light-hearted post about me wanting to take the dog to Chiang Mai. When my place started to flood continuously, I had to make a move. I didn't make a fuss, I didn't carry on, I just tried to get the dog to CM where there are boarding facilities, while I tried to salvage what I could here. So, again, I apologise for being light-hearted in the beginning and not making a big thing of it.

Good Luck Sounds like you need a break and a change in luck.

A perfect example of why members are reluctant to offer help. ImageDude went out of his way to help and got left waiting on the end of the phone. When he commented on this he got abused. There are thousands of telephones in CR even if you do not have one. There are even a few in boxes you put coins in. Sorry Nonja, although if we knew you were flooded and had problems many members would have helped you in some way. I doubt that many will any more.

You need to get in touch with your Human side Harry. Assuming you have one, and one shouldn't make assumptions I'm often told


Nonja, it is not my intention to continue this thread further, because I can see it deteriorating into a slanging match which was never intended. I would rather not get involved in an open forum scrap. As far as I am concerned, our little disagreement is over and the matter closed, I would not dream of kicking a man when he was down.

However from your replies so far indicate that, leaving your current problems aside, I am getting vibes that you are lonely. Maybe even depressed (and who wouldn’t be in your situation). There is no need to be. There are several monthly functions going on in Chiang Rai . Pot Luck, the Hash to name just two. Although they don’t suit everybody, you could do no harm by attending something like these. They are always advertised on Thai Visa Forum. I know you would be made more than welcome, and who knows you may even make friends, If transport is a problem, then I’m sure someone would gladly give you a ride.

Good Luck


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