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Bkk Immigration Lines Vastly Improved?


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I know a lot of folks like to complain about the airport (and everything else) but has anybody been through the immigration lines lately?

I left a couple weeks ago and made it through security and passport control in less than 10 Minutes. This was an early morning flight (6:00 AM-ish) but that is always the time I leave when heading to the US. I've never encountered the problems I see people claim but it wasn't just that they moved fast but it appears their fastness dramatically reduced the number of people in line making it look like hardly anybody was heading out.

Then I just got back in last night on a flight that got in at about 10:40 (I usually get in an hour later but think this may simply be because of day light savings time change in the US now) and the lines to get in were only 1 to 4 people deep at each station and they appeared to have all the stations manned (front and back) so that what every line was really half that since there were two check points for each line. I even stopped to have a smoke before going through immigration and was at the taxi stand within 10 to 15 minutes (top) even though I had to collect my bags and as always saw a steady line of passengers passing the smoking room. Bottom line is couldn't have taken the immigration cop more than 20 to 30-seconds to examine and stamp my passport to get in.

Anyway, just wondering if this is typical of what is happening now since I read a month or so ago about them making changes. Just blew me away, I've never got in and out of a major airport so quickly regardless if domestic or international flight. Not sure if I just got lucky or things have dramatically improved or a bit of both.

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hey mate, i arrived start of last month and only just left a few days ago, i arrived around midday and left about the same and it was pretty much as you said,, coming in there was only 3 to 4 folk and all desks were manned so was through and out waiting for my bag within 10mins, on the way out the line was quite long so i thought i was in for a wait but all the desk were manned and i was through immigration and security and sitting having a feed within 20mins tops,, as you said this is definately the quickest i've gotten in or out and i hope it stays this way..

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I arrived last Friday 9pm and flew out Sunday 4pm and it was very quick. The single line with staff directing people to each desk really seemed to work. On the way out I was waved through to the Thai only desk - first time that has every happened. wai.gif

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I arrived last Friday 9pm and flew out Sunday 4pm and it was very quick. The single line with staff directing people to each desk really seemed to work. On the way out I was waved through to the Thai only desk - first time that has every happened. wai.gif

Oh yea, I forgot that part .., the single line upon entering. I saw very short lines when I walked up to passport control and started heading over there then noticed they were Thai only lines as well as the single line to the left but was shocked when I got into the line and it so fluid that it never was at a standstill. I was directed in and got behind 2 people only to have an officer waive me over to his line that was empty.

I've also never experienced rude passport officers there but these folks seemed like they all just got back from holiday too. Maybe their great moods is a combination of having to do less idiotic stamping & writing and not having to deal with folks after waiting in a long a@@ line after already having sat on a long a@@ international flight.

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Last three trips (all in April) were quick on both inbound and outbound... though I have read mixed reviews on other forums as of late, some with good experiences and a few bad (though far fewer bad than a few months back when it was constantly terrible)

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It's low season now.

All the problems reported previously were during high season the last 2 years.

Let's see what happens next high season.

Might have a point if the airport wasn't seeing record numbers of visitors already this year ... 4th busiest in the world for most passengers so far this year. Not to mention that High Season ends mid April.

Edited by Nisa
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