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Not Being Email Notified


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The email notification feature has been working fine since I joined but a week or so it just quit. I checked my controls and have them all checked for subscribed posts and personal messages. I just got a pers msg and nada in my email...

Whats up?

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I have just tested to registered a new account, and it works fine. Mails are going out and new members can be registered without problems whatsoever.

Looking into the topic notification issue now. Are you guys still not getting them?

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Absolutely nothing has been changed on my two systems (office and home) and have not received any topic subscriptions for many days now. The only thing I have gotten in these many days are a couple of news clipping but nothing else. Was going to comment in the original forum topic about this but figured it had been seen and no point in pushing it, but I really would like to see it back again.

If not a server problem then need to see if the TV server is not blacklisted somewhere. But it is not a client problem.

Edited by tywais
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Absolutely nothing has been changed on my two systems (office and home) and have not received any topic subscriptions for many days now. The only thing I have gotten in these many days are a couple of news clipping but nothing else.  Was going to comment in the original forum topic about this but figured it had been seen and no point in pushing it, but I really would like to see it back again.

If not a server problem then need to see if the TV server is not blacklisted somewhere.  But it is not a client problem.

exact same scenario for me

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Just saw your test post on here but nothing shows up in my e-mail box. Is there a chance the old subscribers e-mail address have been lost or damaged from the databases. This would explain why new subscribers would work but not us oldies.

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Could you please check the settings "Send me any updates sent by the board administrator" found in 'My Controls' under 'Email Settings'.

I am really trying to find out what's wrong, and I appreciate as many clues as I can get.


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Just saw your test post on here but nothing shows up in my e-mail box. Is there a chance the old subscribers e-mail address have been lost or damaged from the databases. This would explain why new subscribers would work but not us oldies.

I haven't received any notifications or news clippings since Tuesday

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Is there a chance the old subscribers e-mail address have been lost or damaged from the databases. This would explain why new subscribers would work but not us oldies.

No, the forum database is verified correct. I am investigating further.

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Is there a chance the old subscribers e-mail address have been lost or damaged from the databases. This would explain why new subscribers would work but not us oldies.

No, the forum database is verified correct. I am investigating further.

The "Send me any update send by the board adminstrator" is checked. I have one Forum subscription - Internet, Computers..., and a couple of dozen topic subscriptions of which several responses and visits by me have been made (resetting one e-mail per visit counter) and still not any e-mails from any of them.

Possibly the counters are messed up (system keeps track of how many time you visit a subscribed topic to prevent e-mailing every reply to the topic). Date and time? etc...

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Our hostmaster have checked up the issue, but still this is a mystery:

Hi George,

In order to test out things, we created a test user. The mail notification upon registering was sent to our email address successfully. After getting registered, we further tested out email notifications and personal messages, by sending them to the user. Both the email notification, as well as the personal message were received successfully.

I will investigate further, and let you know asap.

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I changed my e-mail address to a gmail address. After the change I got an e-mail telling me to revalidate my account. When I tried to revalidate my account I got this message:

Sorry, that member does not have to validate their account. Please double check the data you entered. If this validation isn't recent, it's possible your old account has been removed

After that I could no longer post in any forum nor could I send any PM's.

I finally got to a page telling me to revalidate again. I did it again and it worked this time.

I can now post in forums and I am getting e-mail topic notifications again.

So, the problem lies with certain e-mail addresses. Perhaps Thai Visa is on somebody's SPAM list?

The e-mail account that stopped working was a Dot Mac ([email protected]) address. The one that is working is gmail ([email protected]) address.

Perhaps others who stopped receiving e-mail notifications could post their e-mail domain here so that the admins can track down why certain servers seem to be blocking TV mail?

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So, the problem lies with certain e-mail addresses. Perhaps Thai Visa is on somebody's SPAM list?

I just ran both my IP and Thaivisa IP address through rbls.org blacklist checker and both domains show no blacklisting of either domain. Of course rbls.org doesn't check every blacklist there are but it does check the primary ones (about 51 of them).

I just set all my subscriptions from delayed to immediate delivery to see if that makes a difference.

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Absolutely nothing has been changed on my two systems (office and home) and have not received any topic subscriptions for many days now. The only thing I have gotten in these many days are a couple of news clipping but nothing else.  Was going to comment in the original forum topic about this but figured it had been seen and no point in pushing it, but I really would like to see it back again.

If not a server problem then need to see if the TV server is not blacklisted somewhere.  But it is not a client problem.

I have not had a topic reply for about a week now can any on help, thanks nignoy
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Looks like I started something here.

I am still getting no notifications at all, either on subscribed threads or personal msgs.

My email is inet.co.th and I have no spam filters in operation.

I do have another email addy in the States and will try changing to that then perhaps back again if that works...

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Looks like I started something here.

I am still getting no notifications at all, either on subscribed threads or personal msgs.

My email is inet.co.th and I have no spam filters in operation.

I do have another email addy in the States and will try changing to that then perhaps back again if that works...

Still not getting any topic notifications , need any carrier pidgeons :o nignoy
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I know I am breaking forum rules by creating a 2nd identity but my main one (tywais) is now broken and cannot post, e-mail or PM anyone.

I have discovered why some people are no longer receiving topic subscriptions. After trying to change my e-mail address I never received a validation e-mail and as such my account was never able to be reactivated, thus the desperate move of creating a 2nd account.

I started looking through our server logs and found this:

"Domain of sender address [email protected] does not exist"

This means the hosting site has not registered that domain. Many e-mail servers, including mine, will reject e-mail if the domain can not be resolved (spam protection feature). I reconfigured my e-mail server to allow all domains and finally my validation for this account was successfull.

Problem is I changed my tywais e-mail account to my commercial account in the US and it is blocking unresolved domain names also, as such can not validate my tywais account.

So, need someone to notify the hosting admins about the domain name problem and someone please reset my e-mail address back to it's original so I can become 'legal' again.

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We are working on the issue, will be solved asap. Please be patient.

Thank you for getting me back up and running George and I apologize for my impatience, just a frustrating couple of days trying to pin the problem down. After changing my e-mail server to except unresolved domains I am now already receiving subscription e-mails and PM notification. FANTASTIC!!!

Edited by tywais
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This issue is now resolved by our hosting provider. Please confirm that you get notfications now. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!



Well, I have received notification for this thread nothing else yet but hopefully everything is back to normal.

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I have just tested to registered a new account, and it works fine. Mails are going out and new members can be registered without problems whatsoever.

Looking into the topic notification issue now. Are you guys still not getting them?

Thanks very much for your efforts nearly crapped myself over 30 topic notifications in my inbox this morning :o once again ta very muchly,nignoy
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