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Where Do You Compose And Post Your Tv Musings?


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Broadening the scope of this topic, I find it useful to compose my posts on a simple word processor like “TextEdit” on my Mac. I then copy and paste to TV. Not only does it cut down on mistakes but I have a copy if the post doesn’t go through for some reason.thumbsup.gif

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re ... Where do you post from?

usually from here : )

but i often go to food halls in tesco lotus , central airport plaza , kud suan khow ,

big c , pantip plaza and sometimes in a temple or even mc donalds

to edit , crop , re size , name , date my pics and i use fast stone image editing

programe most of the time on my netbook coz its simple to use and does almost all

of what i want but i occasionly use the fill light feature and straighten pic in picassa



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re ... Where do you post from?

usually from here : )

but i often go to food halls in tesco lotus , central airport plaza , kud suan khow ,

big c , pantip plaza and sometimes in a temple or even mc donalds

to edit , crop , re size , name , date my pics and i use fast stone image editing

programe most of the time on my netbook coz its simple to use and does almost all

of what i want but i occasionly use the fill light feature and straighten pic in picassa


After checking out your profile and past posts I see what you mean about posting pictures.wink.png

In my twenties I lived in places not unlike yours but the room always had a balcony. Not that a balcony is all that practical in Bangkok.laugh.png

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  • 1 month later...

I hate chairs, I avoid them whenever I can.

After 13 years of school, too many traumatic family meals, and a few years of corporate office work I only use a chair when I have to, like eating out or other social occasions.

I find sitting in a chair very uncomfortable.

I have done years of online work from home, on laptops, lying down comfortably, which allowed me to work for much longer hours without getting tired. I can type best with my elbows on a matress, upper body supported by pillows, and a table for my laptop that is on the same hight as the mattress or sofa/daybed.

When I am home I always prefer to lai down, even for eating, like the ancient Romans did.


I don't mind getting up if I need to get something, one needs some exercise after all giggle.gif

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