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Crackdown On People Who Watch Movies Or Use Mobile Phones While Driving: Thailand


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Nothing wrong with a DVD in the car as long as the DRIVER is not using it,

or really does NOT have it in his line of sight, so temptation doesn't occur.

I saw around 10 people using their phones in cars to day with in a 20 km drive.

Powerful effective this campaign.

Another successful zero​ campaign, then?

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I see lots of people watching tv in their cars here. I saw one woman playing some game on her tablet as she very slowly went through traffic. How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

They might start pulling people over for a week or two, and then things will be back to the way they were before.

It is my understanding that DVD players are to be installed in all police stations. BIB will study all the latest releases, and anybody caught watching a DVD in a vehicle will be pulled over, severely chastised and told how the story finishes.


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Pilots have been using reflection display for years. So you can see through as well as the image displayed at the same time.

Why not have a big reflection display, i.e. turn the whole windscreen into a large movie screen. HD ofcause. So you can have the holy wood blockbuster as you drive.

If case you are watch blue film, make sure you brake slowly or someone could bump on your rear (the car).

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Pilots have been using reflection display for years. So you can see through as well as the image displayed at the same time.

Why not have a big reflection display, i.e. turn the whole windscreen into a large movie screen. HD ofcause. So you can have the holy wood blockbuster as you drive.

If case you are watch blue film, make sure you brake slowly or someone could bump on your rear (the car).

That's called a head up display, typically.

Well if the are watching a katoey blue film then likely they are hoping to get bumped there. whistling.gif

Heads down in this case.

Edited by animatic
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GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

I think reading a paper-map wile driving is more dangerous than listen to a GPS.wink.png

Correct. But I was thinking like stopping at a mom&pop style shop with a table outside having a cold one and studying and memorizing the map, then you are good to go. smile.png

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How are they going to have a crackdown? Take more tea money every time someone is caught?

By confiscating the monitor! Should include these ever popular GPS thingies too.

Well, I suppose that the BiB know the difference between a GPS and a DVD monitor. Doubt it!

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As is your attitude about using a phone while driving??

Well first of all phuketjock to make it quite clear I am truly NOT being arrogant at all, as I too very much hate arrogance. All I am doing is trying to be honest and as you saw if you read all my post I admit to being crap at many things as are most people, so I am usually far more modest than arrogant as you would know if you knew me personally. I am not though like some here and very rude to others whose only "crime" is to post what they believe to be, and often is, openly truthful. Also I clearly said that I would not use a phone if it really impaired my driving safety more than any other normal in car activity like changing a radio station for example. Some drivers cannot even change a radio station without driving dangerously and you know this is true as the standard of driving varies tremendously amongst folk, same as my example as standards of building and DIY work. I know many many drivers who can safely use a phone whilst driving and do so intelligently and carefully yes and some are really good sensible Thai drivers too and why should that not be the case.

I have lived here a long time and fully respect the Thai people and try to do a lot to promote road safety and stop the gross stupidity you see on the roads here, 95% of which is apparently by Thais it seems, many of whom also do not even have a driving licence let alone proper training I understand. Sure many bad Falang drivers too but honestly just look around and you can see that they are a tiny proportion compared to untrained, unlicenced local Thai drivers and far more so many terrible motorbike riders.

You should also have noted that the crux of my post was to try to steer the priority towards policing the really dangerous driving antics of which I listed a few and which you see here in Thailand many times every day. I truly want to see much safer driving on the Thai roads and a much needed fall in the accident, injury and death rates of many ordinary decent Thai folk. I love this country where I chose to retire and it truly saddens me immensely to see such a massive and unnecessary road death toll and dreadful life changing injuries, so yes if I have time I will stop and deliberately have a go when I see three on a bike for example and sure make them look what they are i.e. stupid, and lose face which they hate and will hit home to them, hopefully for their own benefit and other road users too. If we all did that when we see such total stupidity, and the police took more positive action too, then soon it would become totally unacceptable socially to have 3 on a bike, no lights, wrong way down roads, jumping red lights etc etc and that WILL be a good thing surely.

If my stating all of that is what you consider arrogance then I will just have to appear arrogant in your eyes, but regretfully I consider that to be your problem not mine. Main thing is we concentrate on stopping the intolerable level of stupidity on our roads here by actually deliberately embarrassing in ublic these crazy stupid drives and mainly motorbike riders. So please calm down phuketjock and be nice hmmm.as I am sure I would find you really are if I knew you better and personally smile.png

I REPEAT that using a mobile phone carefully and sensibly when driving and not in heavy town centre traffic is no worse than changing a radio station. Sure use Blu Tooth type hands free kit which is much better and thoroughly recommended of course but if anyone honestly feels they cannot drive safely even using a hands free then be sensible and do not do so. Some people I know, who are good safe drivers too, admit to not even being able to talk with passengers whilst driving so prefer total quiet, and I respect their honesty and common sense. The point I am making is we are all different with different skills but we DO need to be honest with ourselves and admit what we cannot do well and yes indeed NOT be arrogant or have false modesty either.

Drive carefully and be happy and safe.

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As is your attitude about using a phone while driving??

Well first of all phuketjock to make it quite clear I am truly NOT being arrogant at all, as I too very much hate arrogance. All I am doing is trying to be honest and as you saw if you read all my post I admit to being crap at many things as are most people, so I am usually far more modest than arrogant as you would know if you knew me personally. I am not though like some here and very rude to others whose only "crime" is to post what they believe to be, and often is, openly truthful. Also I clearly said that I would not use a phone if it really impaired my driving safety more than any other normal in car activity like changing a radio station for example. Some drivers cannot even change a radio station without driving dangerously and you know this is true as the standard of driving varies tremendously amongst folk, same as my example as standards of building and DIY work. I know many many drivers who can safely use a phone whilst driving and do so intelligently and carefully yes and some are really good sensible Thai drivers too and why should that not be the case.

I have lived here a long time and fully respect the Thai people and try to do a lot to promote road safety and stop the gross stupidity you see on the roads here, 95% of which is apparently by Thais it seems, many of whom also do not even have a driving licence let alone proper training I understand. Sure many bad Falang drivers too but honestly just look around and you can see that they are a tiny proportion compared to untrained, unlicenced local Thai drivers and far more so many terrible motorbike riders.

You should also have noted that the crux of my post was to try to steer the priority towards policing the really dangerous driving antics of which I listed a few and which you see here in Thailand many times every day. I truly want to see much safer driving on the Thai roads and a much needed fall in the accident, injury and death rates of many ordinary decent Thai folk. I love this country where I chose to retire and it truly saddens me immensely to see such a massive and unnecessary road death toll and dreadful life changing injuries, so yes if I have time I will stop and deliberately have a go when I see three on a bike for example and sure make them look what they are i.e. stupid, and lose face which they hate and will hit home to them, hopefully for their own benefit and other road users too. If we all did that when we see such total stupidity, and the police took more positive action too, then soon it would become totally unacceptable socially to have 3 on a bike, no lights, wrong way down roads, jumping red lights etc etc and that WILL be a good thing surely.

If my stating all of that is what you consider arrogance then I will just have to appear arrogant in your eyes, but regretfully I consider that to be your problem not mine. Main thing is we concentrate on stopping the intolerable level of stupidity on our roads here by actually deliberately embarrassing in ublic these crazy stupid drives and mainly motorbike riders. So please calm down phuketjock and be nice hmmm.as I am sure I would find you really are if I knew you better and personally smile.png

I REPEAT that using a mobile phone carefully and sensibly when driving and not in heavy town centre traffic is no worse than changing a radio station. Sure use Blu Tooth type hands free kit which is much better and thoroughly recommended of course but if anyone honestly feels they cannot drive safely even using a hands free then be sensible and do not do so. Some people I know, who are good safe drivers too, admit to not even being able to talk with passengers whilst driving so prefer total quiet, and I respect their honesty and common sense. The point I am making is we are all different with different skills but we DO need to be honest with ourselves and admit what we cannot do well and yes indeed NOT be arrogant or have false modesty either.

Drive carefully and be happy and safe.

You have convinced me ray you are definitely a much bigger plonker than I first thought you were well done.
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If the police can't even enforce the use of seatbelts or helmets, what luck will they have trying to enforce this? I wish them the best of luck.

Sorta on topic though, I recently purchased a new Chevy Captiva and the factory DVD it comes with plays while in gear. Not sure if this is standard or not but its surprising to say the least.

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Since the darkened windows make it impossible for anyone to see inside most of the cars on the road, how do they plan to enforce this law? They tried before, and failed - for precisely this reason,

I recall there was a crack-down on driving with high heels also. Wonder how that turned out? rolleyes.gif

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Since the darkened windows make it impossible for anyone to see inside most of the cars on the road, how do they plan to enforce this law? They tried before, and failed - for precisely this reason,

I recall there was a crack-down on driving with high heels also. Wonder how that turned out? rolleyes.gif

Thailand : the uncontested worldwide hub of make believe .

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I once had some rather large, chicken-leg (or whole) gobblin' doris nearly rear-end me at the lights because her mouth was so wide open she couldn't operate her eyes at the same time to see that the traffic had come to a halt. Does that qualify as negligent driving?

They should all be publicly shot on the spot. angry.png

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I recall there was a crack-down on driving with high heels also. Wonder how that turned out? rolleyes.gif

I was rear-ended by some bint with heels on in the UK 20-odd years ago... her excuse: 'sorry, my foot slipped off the brake pedal'. blink.png

I think the Saudis have the right idea. whistling.gif

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Lets hope they lead by example. I have lost count of the number of Thai police riding motorbikes with a soft cap on, and using a mobile phone. Hub of crack ups.

Edited by Mosha
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Lets hope they lead by example. I have lost count of the number of Thai police riding motorbikes with a soft cap on, and using a mobile phone. Hub of crack ups.

Ya but they don't have high heels do they?

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Lets hope they lead by example. I have lost count of the number of Thai police riding motorbikes with a soft cap on, and using a mobile phone. Hub of crack ups.

Ya but they don't have high heels do they?

I have a photo on my phone of one of the local senior BiB riding a motorbike out of the police station with no helmet. I was once pulled over for not wearing a seat belt in my pickup, I showed this photo to the policeman who pulled me over and he grinned widely and then let me go without a fine.... you've got to love Thailand! Blackmail & bribery is just part of the currency here!

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I always did think those aftermarket DVD players were madness. I nearly got sideswiped last week overtaking some moron in a pickup who wandered over the white line of a dual carriageway because he was watching the TV. At the risk of being a "Thai knocker" you definitely need both eyes on the road driving in LOS. At least with the factory fitted ones you can't watch them from the front while the vehicle is in gear. As it should be.

I bought a Isuzu Cab 4 with a Kenwood originally installed that not only can I see behind me in reverse but I can watch music videos and DVD's if I choose while I am motoring around. I do not choose.

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I always did think those aftermarket DVD players were madness. I nearly got sideswiped last week overtaking some moron in a pickup who wandered over the white line of a dual carriageway because he was watching the TV. At the risk of being a "Thai knocker" you definitely need both eyes on the road driving in LOS. At least with the factory fitted ones you can't watch them from the front while the vehicle is in gear. As it should be.
Unless you pay to have it modified to be viewed from the front also. My wife insisted we do that in our Wish so she could watch from the front passenger seat. Doesn't bother me though, disciplined enough to keep my eyes on the road. Comes in handy at those 5 minute red lights though. smile.png

In my opinion, only a boring moron needs to have a TV in a car. What in the hell is the world coming to ?

Or phone that does more than call other phones.

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I always did think those aftermarket DVD players were madness. I nearly got sideswiped last week overtaking some moron in a pickup who wandered over the white line of a dual carriageway because he was watching the TV. At the risk of being a "Thai knocker" you definitely need both eyes on the road driving in LOS. At least with the factory fitted ones you can't watch them from the front while the vehicle is in gear. As it should be.

I bought a Isuzu Cab 4 with a Kenwood originally installed that not only can I see behind me in reverse but I can watch music videos and DVD's if I choose while I am motoring around. I do not choose.

My friends MU- 7 with the Kenwood i -genie system will certainly not let the front seat passengers watch anything. As soon as the vehicle is put in gear the front screen goes blank.

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Looks like they have the same problem in USA, where all the drivers are well trained, the roads are well Policed and the drivers are educated and not stupid unlike Thailands drivers. ( According to many Farang on this site)

About 40000 people die in RTA's each year in USA...........is it also down to stupidity, low education, belief in reincarnation, the wearing of Bhudda amulets too ?


Edited by Banzai99
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Looks like they have the same problem in USA, where all the drivers are well trained, the roads are well Policed and the drivers are educated and not stupid unlike Thailands drivers. ( According to many Farang on this site)

About 40000 people die in RTA's each year in USA...........is it also down to stupidity, low education, belief in reincarnation, the wearing of Bhudda amulets too ?


Doesn't the USA have 5 times the population of Thailand, does 40,000 equate to 5 times the deaths in Thailand?

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Since the darkened windows make it impossible for anyone to see inside most of the cars on the road, how do they plan to enforce this law? They tried before, and failed - for precisely this reason,

And if I remember well, the very dark tint was actually made illegal about 10 years ago after casing out and robbing a bank using a car with completely blacked out windows which prevented the security cameras from seeing into the car. It had nothing to do with road safety.

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