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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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Regardless of the origins or meaning of the swastika, they certainly played no part in the women's murderer. IF (a big if) this guy was a Nazi then he was because he has issues, the same issues that made him a murder. He didn't murder because he was a Nazi nor does this murder have anything what-so-ever to do with Nazism or swastika.

But i guess going down this discussion as has been done MANY times before on this forume (beatdeadhorse.gif ) seems to be the preferred way for some to simply avoid accepting this guys views towards controlling women are no so different than their own.

Edited by Nisa
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An eye for an eye. He took the life of an innocent young woman so deserves to die with a lethal injection.

I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

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An eye for an eye. He took the life of an innocent young woman so deserves to die with a lethal injection.

I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

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An eye for an eye. He took the life of an innocent young woman so deserves to die with a lethal injection.

I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

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Innocent until proven guilty.

Let's hope none of the victim's family can pay the judge to find a farang scapegoat guilty.

He Confessed !!

To the Isaan police, wow, what a surprise. rolleyes.gif

I suggest you read up on that (alleged rolleyes.gif ) torturous and murderous gang.

You probably haven't been here long though, so wouldn't understand.

btw, confessions do not mean guilt in most countries. Even ones that the police don't use torture in.

Let's hope the family don't have the money that ends up in a innocent person being found guilty of a crime.

Edited by strollling
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An eye for an eye. He took the life of an innocent young woman so deserves to die with a lethal injection.

I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

You appear to have serious issues that you are assuming others hold the same distinction you do when it comes to seeing others as fellow humans only if they are a certain nationality or gender.


Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

Edited by Nisa
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I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

You appear to have serious issues that you are assuming others hold the same distinction you do when it comes to seeing others as fellow humans only if they are a certain nationality or gender.


Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

Not me, maybe you? I like everybody to be equal. Even the farangs. Don't you? Would you not call for justice in the death of a farang as well?

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One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

You appear to have serious issues that you are assuming others hold the same distinction you do when it comes to seeing others as fellow humans only if they are a certain nationality or gender.


Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

Not me, maybe you? I like everybody to be equal. Even the farangs. Don't you? Would you not call for justice in the death of a farang as well?

Reread the definition of projection. Then reread the post where you bring up the ridiculous notion that somebody would feel differently based on if this violently murdered victim was a different nationality or gender ... you are the one who brought this up after somebody simply made a comment that this person deserves to die for taking the life of another.

And your question even in this most recent post goes on to project as the question has absolutely no basis given any comment I have made in this thread. It is you once again trying to suggest that farangs are the real victims by suggesting they wouldn't get or some here would not want justice when it fact based on your post and many others here it would appear the exact opposite is true.

Edited by Nisa
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One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

You appear to have serious issues that you are assuming others hold the same distinction you do when it comes to seeing others as fellow humans only if they are a certain nationality or gender.


Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety.

Not me, maybe you? I like everybody to be equal. Even the farangs. Don't you? Would you not call for justice in the death of a farang as well?

Reread the definition of projection. Then reread the post where you bring up the ridiculous notion that somebody would feel differently based on if this violently murdered victim was a different nationality or gender ... you are the one who brought this up after somebody simply made a comment that this person deserves to die for taking the life of another.

And your question even in this most recent post goes on to project as the question has absolutely no basis given any comment I have made in this thread. It is you once again trying to suggest that farangs are the real victims by suggesting they wouldn't get or some here would not want justice when it fact based on your post and many others here it would appear the exact opposite is true.

Including those that take the lives of farangs, correct?

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I would hope you feel the same for the many farang men that have lost their lives at the hands of their significant other here in LOS as well, but sadly that is not thecase. In a world of over 7 billion humans, maybe more of that should happen. There are plenty that deserve it but do not get it. Even here in Thailand. Lots of evil in this world goes unpunished at all, especially from the ones that can use the 'do you know who I am defense'.

This is about a young women being brutally murdered ... What the heck are you going on about?

One would hope you would both be just as outraged over other murders as well, including the ones committed on farangs. I will look forward to posts of outrage from both of you on those thaivisa articles as well.

I'm not sure what your angle is but personally I find male on female violence completely unacceptable. The point being that males of our species are generally considerably larger, stronger and the testosterone running through our bodies makes us naturally more aggressive.

Obviously murder of any kind is deplorable, but I can't help but have more sympathy when the victim is female... I guess that's got a lot to do with the way I was brought up. Where I'm from raising your hand to a woman is a complete taboo, but knocking lumps out of other males is perfectly acceptable! The point being that clearly one sex is naturally better disposed to defending itself than the other.

Usually I would say that race/ nationality have no bearing but in the case of a western male and Thai female, clearly the size/ strength disparity is even more of an issue; with Thai women commonly weighing 40-50 kilos while western men average nearer the 80-100 kilo bracket. There's a reason you have weight classes in boxing...

Had this guy had any common decency he could have gone looking for the Frenchman rather than take his anger out on a women half his size... the fact he also used a weapon means the poor girl had no hope of defending herself from the assault and makes it all the more horrifying to me.

History has shown "Women are not always the 'gentler sex'" but regardless, they deserve the same punishment as men for the same crime, equality.

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Maybe these few lines from Hitler's "Political Testament" (courtesy wikipedia) will clarify the issue. He specifically mentions China and Japan, but you surely could include Siam (Thailand).

There is no evidence that this guy was an outspoken "skinhead" or nazi. He shaved his head only after the murder in an attempt to change his appearance. In german expat forums he is described as a nice guy (with a past? career in the red light business) however with a short fuze.

1. No actually you can not include Siam, Hitler did not.

2. So he has to be outspoken to be a neo-nazi skinhead? Although I admit I do not know if he was a neo-nazi. I made a judgment from the swastika earring. I do not believe Germans would wear that symbol as a mere fashion statement.

Re. 1. He probably would, if Thailand had contributed to the war effort. But the warped mind of a lunatic...

Re. 2. I checked in the german expat forums. Those who knew him mention nothing of a neo-nazi attitude. Shaving your hair off to avoid being recognized by the police doesn't make you a skinhead. And wearing a swastika earring (probably bought here in thailand) is first a display of bad taste, then it is showing the finger at the authorities back in Germany and only then a visual signal of a right wing political attitude.

We should wait for solid evidence before attaching the nazi label to this guy.

Are you for real?!?!? Anybody who walks around wearing any kind of swastika is making a clear statement - except maybe the Thai youth who don't have the foggiest idea who, where or what that is all about (the original Indian meaning aside). It's not a display of taste but of ideology.

You just see the earring - I read the statements of the people who knew him personally.

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He's somewhat of a confused Nazi to have an Asian girlfriend. He must have been off the day they did "white supremacy" at school.

Nazis screwed around with and raped lots of Jews and other non-Aryans in WWII, I don't think their theories taught to avoid them, just to treat them badly. So in this case completely consistent. . .

People confess so easy in Thailand...guess it's a case of knowing a confession usually gets you half the jail sentence (or a death sentence converted to a long jail sentence) combined with fearing they have no change of beating the rap in court.

I understand that there aren't many restrictions on police interrogation techniques here either.

If I gave a Thai woman 100K and she was wanting more and more money that would piss me off. I would send her walking before I spent all that money. Stabbing is another matter. Nothing is worth the consequences of killing someone.

Shouldn't that be "Nothing is worth killing someone"?

is your mother still alive or are you married, do you have a sister? walk in on some one raping any of those and tell me "Nothing is worth killing someone"

do you have children.

I have either made my point or I never will.


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is your mother still alive or are you married, do you have a sister? walk in on some one raping any of those and tell me "Nothing is worth killing someone"

do you have children.

I have either made my point or I never will.


<deleted> are you going on about ??

The reason this thread is going on so long is because some sicko's here are actually trying to justify this murder.

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Innocent until proven guilty.

Let's hope none of the victim's family can pay the judge to find a farang scapegoat guilty.

He Confessed !!

To the Isaan police, wow, what a surprise. rolleyes.gif

I suggest you read up on that (alleged rolleyes.gif ) torturous and murderous gang.

You probably haven't been here long though, so wouldn't understand.

btw, confessions do not mean guilt in most countries. Even ones that the police don't use torture in.

Let's hope the family don't have the money that ends up in a innocent person being found guilty of a crime.

Another post of pure speculation, this time against the police and supporting this self confessed murderer.

The police cant win their damned if they do their job and damned if they dont !

Suggest you read the threads!! I assume you are not in Udon.

Confession as well as forensic evidence (blood/car etc) & witnesses

Been here long enough, but not fallen foul of the law...maybe you have and thats why you are so biased.

btw if you are not guilty why confess?

Mods - How much longer do we need to tolerate supporters of this murderer and those attempting the justification of this girls death on this post?????????

Edited by Tafia
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is your mother still alive or are you married, do you have a sister? walk in on some one raping any of those and tell me "Nothing is worth killing someone"

do you have children.

I have either made my point or I never will.


I vote for the latter.

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Mods - How much longer do we need to tolerate supporters of this murderer and those attempting the justification of this girls death on this post?????????

We've actually suspended and banned many, including long time members for suggesting that the girl asked for it, or that maybe she will set an example to deter others. I don't understand myself why they keep saying these things but be assured their numbers are dropping.

The attitude toward women displayed here sometimes is appauling, and we have had enough.

well said and glad you guys are being active in sanatising TV of these very troubled individuals, I find it quite shocking

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OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

For those of you who do not understand why you see so many swastikas in Thailand or why anyone, even a German, may wear a swastika should be enlightened--your ignorance does you little credit. The swastika is an ancient symbol used all over the world, but especially by Buddhists and Hindus.

The word 'swastika' comes from sanskrit and means good fortune or well-being. Counter-clockwise versions (left facing) of the swastika are most common in Buddhism and represent good fortune--which is why you see it all over Thailand. However, both clockwise (right facing) and counter-clockwise versions of the four right-angle-armed cross are used by Hindus--counter-clockwise and it represents Vishnu, a major Hindu god and the preserver of the universe; while clockwise (the Nazi way) it represents the duality of Kali, the HIndu goddess of motherly love and warrior fierceness. You will see even more swastikas in India.

Consequently, anyone wearing a swastika, even a German, may be celebrating Hinduism, Buddhism, National Socialism, or something else. It appears National Socialism was at the root of your statements. Although widely unpopular, National Socialism still has its followers--national pride and racial purity are still strong social bonds. Many Motorcycle Clubs have adopted the swastika, as has the neo-Nazi skinhead movement. So, take your pick as to why anyone might wear a swastika.

Edited by smotherb
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OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

For those of you who do not understand why you see so many swastikas in Thailand or why anyone, even a German, may wear a swastika should be enlightened--your ignorance does you little credit. The swastika is an ancient symbol used all over the world, but especially by Buddhists and Hindus.

The word 'swastika' comes from sanskrit and means good fortune or well-being. Counter-clockwise versions (left facing) of the swastika are most common in Buddhism and represent good fortune--which is why you see it all over Thailand. However, both clockwise (right facing) and counter-clockwise versions of the four right-angle-armed cross are used by Hindus--counter-clockwise and it represents Vishnu, a major Hindu god and the preserver of the universe; while clockwise (the Nazi way) it represents the duality of Kali, the HIndu goddess of motherly love and warrior fierceness. You will see even more swastikas in India.

Consequently, anyone wearing a swastika, even a German, may be celebrating Hinduism, Buddhism, National Socialism, or something else. It appears National Socialism was at the root of your statements. Although widely unpopular, National Socialism still has its followers--national pride and racial purity are still strong social bonds. Many Motorcycle Clubs have adopted the swastika, as has the neo-Nazi skinhead movement. So, take your pick as to why anyone might wear a swastika.

Thanks for the lesson. Most readers already know this of course but do you seriously think a German wearing a swastika earring is not a Nazi?

I hope the victims family find some peace.

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The thread is a shining example of prejudices. All Thai women are boold sucking leaches, all Germans are homicidal Nazis and everyone who dares to comment otherwise is one of "THEM".

Get a grip, it's the classic tale of a Isaan bargirl playing her cards and one of the customers flipping. Had it happened it Pattaya, it would've been a small sidenote. The fact that it happened at the origin of the service providers of the night and a German happening to have a fashion quirk with swastikas is seemingly getting peoples diapers wet. Can't draw any other conclusion than this being some sort of desire by some group to form a "warning example".

You really should watch the reality crime show on Channel 7, this is day to day standard stuff in Thailand.

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