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Top Singer Songwriter At Bear Bar Tonight


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David Lamotte, a singer-songwriter and astonishing guitarist who has released nine or ten albums, is playing at Bear Bar tonight. Anyone who enjoys top acoustic guitar work (both instrumental and accompanying a great voice) should make the effort to get down there. It's not often anyone of this calibre is in town!

I can't get the embedded URL link to work, but here is a clip of him on YouTube. There are many more if you search for him.

In case anyone is wondering, I have ZERO financial interest in Bear Bar or in tonight's event.

Bear Bar is in the premises that used to be Guitar Man, at the river end of Loi Kroh Rd. I think he is on at about 9 pm.


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He is a performer of international repute on a tour of Thailand, not some overstayer farang working for beer money.

No need to get ancy blink.png

There have been many musicians arrested and thrown in jail and they were not some overstayer farang working for beer money (as you refer) many were of International repute (as you say LOL) but were still thrown into jail as they did not have a work permit to sing in public so I was just giving you a heads up, since not so long ago they were rounding up musicians on a regular basis ESPECIALLY AT THE OLD GUITAR MAN.

As far as I am concerned I have never heard of him and checked his youtube video and was not impressed so will give it a miss but good luck with your night and if the cops do come be sure to tell them he is of International repute, I am sure that will help biggrin.png


Edited by DiamondKing
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Two posts, nothing of value added. Thanks for the kind efforts, DK

Well it would of been value had you read it as it was intended which was to ensure he has the proper visa or permit to perform in public since if he does not then he is breaking the law as a work permit or special permission is required, and many before him have found themselves in a thai jail not only the pros but some who were just having a jam session.


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Started to watch the utube...thought "Oh! another universal soldier player"

But it was a hasty judjement.

Diefinately warmed to him as the vid progressed.

Wish I was back in Chiang Mai and not working away, I would like to see the performance.

His Wikpedia profile is also very interesting.

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The crowd was small but very appreciative of a wonderful musician at the top of his game. Watch out for his name - I understand there is a chance he might be back in Thailand before long, and if he is, Bear Bar will do its best to get him back. I look forward to it.

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